2021-04-28 16:02:37 -04:00

45 lines
3.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>Running Boinc? Get some Gridcoins from your Boinc work!&#13;
This docker contains Gridcoin Wallet with GUI running on Ubuntu. You can access the wallet via VNC and NoVNC.&#13;
Remember to backup your wallet.dat and gridcoinresearch.conf regularly to a safe place.&#13;
Check the project page for more info about Gridcoin and how to setup crunching.&#13;
You can install separate BOINC container to use with this.&#13;
Specify BOINC DATA DIR if you are going to solo crunch, with pool crunching it is not needed.&#13;
Keep in mind that solo crunching needs upfront investment as a chunk of Gridcoins needs to be owned in order to stake. &#13;
Pool crunching doesn't need any upfront investment, hence go with the pool if you don't want to buy any Gridcoins.&#13;
Switching between solo and pool is possible if you ever want to change.</Overview>
<Config Name="AppData Config Path" Target="/headless/.GridcoinResearch/" Default="" Mode="rw,slave" Description="/mnt/user/appdata/gridcoinresearch/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/gridcoinresearch/</Config>
<Config Name="NOVNC PORT" Target="6901" Default="" Mode="tcp" Description="default: 6901" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">6901</Config>
<Config Name="VNC PASSWORD" Target="VNC_PW" Default="" Mode="" Description="default: vncpassword" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">vncpassword</Config>
<Config Name="VNC RESOLUTION" Target="VNC_RESOLUTION" Default="1920x1080" Mode="" Description="default: 1920x1080" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">1920x1080</Config>
<Config Name="VNC PORT" Target="5901" Default="" Mode="tcp" Description="default: 5901" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">5901</Config>
<Config Name="BOINC DATA DIR" Target="/var/lib/boinc-client/" Default="" Mode="rw,slave" Description="BOINC data location if solo crunching (not needed if pool crunching): /mnt/user/appdata/boinc/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Description>Running Boinc? Get some Gridcoins from your Boinc work!&#13;
This docker contains Gridcoin Wallet with GUI running on Ubuntu. You can access the wallet via VNC and NoVNC.&#13;
Remember to backup your wallet.dat and gridcoinresearch.conf regularly to a safe place.&#13;
Check the project page for more info about Gridcoin and how to setup crunching.&#13;
You can install separate BOINC container to use with this.&#13;
Specify BOINC DATA DIR if you are going to solo crunch, with pool crunching it is not needed.&#13;
Keep in mind that solo crunching needs upfront investment as a chunk of Gridcoins needs to be owned in order to stake. &#13;
Pool crunching doesn't need any upfront investment, hence go with the pool if you don't want to buy any Gridcoins.&#13;
Switching between solo and pool is possible if you ever want to change.</Description>