diff --git a/api/v2.0/legacy_swagger.yaml b/api/v2.0/legacy_swagger.yaml index 30eae3cb5..753953f3f 100644 --- a/api/v2.0/legacy_swagger.yaml +++ b/api/v2.0/legacy_swagger.yaml @@ -193,91 +193,6 @@ responses: InternalServerError: description: 'Internal Server Error' definitions: - Role: - type: object - properties: - role_id: - type: integer - format: int32 - description: ID in table. - role_code: - type: string - description: Description of permissions for the role. - role_name: - type: string - description: Name the the role. - role_mask: - type: string - RoleParam: - type: object - properties: - roles: - type: array - items: - type: integer - format: int32 - description: Role ID for updating project role member. - username: - type: string - description: Username relevant to a project role member. - LdapConf: - type: object - properties: - ldap_url: - type: string - description: The url of ldap service. - ldap_search_dn: - type: string - description: The search dn of ldap service. - ldap_search_password: - type: string - description: The search password of ldap service. - ldap_base_dn: - type: string - description: The base dn of ldap service. - ldap_filter: - type: string - description: The serach filter of ldap service. - ldap_uid: - type: string - description: The serach uid from ldap service attributes. - ldap_scope: - type: integer - format: int64 - description: The serach scope of ldap service. - ldap_connection_timeout: - type: integer - format: int64 - description: The connect timeout of ldap service(second). - LdapUsers: - type: object - properties: - ldap_username: - type: string - description: search ldap user name based on ldapconf. - ldap_realname: - type: string - description: system will try to guess the user realname form "uid" or "cn" attribute. - ldap_email: - type: string - description: system will try to guess the user email address form "mail" or "email" attribute. - LdapImportUsers: - type: object - properties: - ldap_uid_list: - type: array - description: selected uid list - items: - type: string - LdapFailedImportUsers: - type: object - properties: - ldap_uid: - type: string - description: the uid can't add to system. - error: - type: string - description: fail reason. EmailServerSetting: type: object properties: @@ -308,239 +223,6 @@ definitions: count: type: integer description: number of the components with certain severity. - Configurations: - type: object - properties: - auth_mode: - type: string - description: 'The auth mode of current system, such as "db_auth", "ldap_auth"' - count_per_project: - type: string - description: The default count quota for the new created projects. - email_from: - type: string - description: The sender name for Email notification. - email_host: - type: string - description: The hostname of SMTP server that sends Email notification. - email_port: - type: integer - description: The port of SMTP server. - email_identity: - type: string - description: By default it's empty so the email_username is picked. - email_username: - type: string - description: The username for authenticate against SMTP server. - email_ssl: - type: boolean - description: 'When it''s set to true the system will access Email server via TLS by default. If it''s set to false, it still will handle "STARTTLS" from server side.' - email_insecure: - type: boolean - description: Whether or not the certificate will be verified when Harbor tries to access the email server. - ldap_url: - type: string - description: The URL of LDAP server. - ldap_base_dn: - type: string - description: The Base DN for LDAP binding. - ldap_filter: - type: string - description: The filter for LDAP binding. - ldap_scope: - type: integer - description: '0-LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, 1-LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, 2-LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE' - ldap_uid: - type: string - description: 'The attribute which is used as identity for the LDAP binding, such as "CN" or "SAMAccountname"' - ldap_search_dn: - type: string - description: The DN of the user to do the search. - ldap_timeout: - type: integer - description: timeout in seconds for connection to LDAP server. - ldap_group_attribute_name: - type: string - description: 'The attribute which is used as identity of the LDAP group, default is cn.' - ldap_group_base_dn: - type: string - description: The base DN to search LDAP group. - ldap_group_search_filter: - type: string - description: The filter to search the ldap group. - ldap_group_search_scope: - type: integer - description: 'The scope to search ldap. ''0-LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, 1-LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, 2-LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE''' - ldap_group_admin_dn: - type: string - description: Specify the ldap group which have the same privilege with Harbor admin. - oidc_client_id: - type: string - description: The client id of the OIDC. - oidc_client_secret: - type: string - description: The client secret of the OIDC. - oidc_endpoint: - type: string - description: The URL of an OIDC-complaint server, must start with 'https://'. - oidc_name: - type: string - description: The name of the OIDC provider. - oidc_scope: - type: string - description: The scope sent to OIDC server during authentication, should be separated by comma. It has to contain “openid”, and “offline_access”. If you are using google, please remove “offline_access” from this field. - oidc_verify_cert: - type: boolean - description: Whether verify your OIDC server certificate, disable it if your OIDC server is hosted via self-hosted certificate. - project_creation_restriction: - type: string - description: This attribute restricts what users have the permission to create project. It can be "everyone" or "adminonly". - quota_per_project_enable: - type: boolean - description: This attribute indicates whether quota per project enabled in harbor - read_only: - type: boolean - description: '''docker push'' is prohibited by Harbor if you set it to true. ' - self_registration: - type: boolean - description: 'Whether the Harbor instance supports self-registration. If it''s set to false, admin need to add user to the instance.' - storage_per_project: - type: string - description: The default storage quota for the new created projects. - token_expiration: - type: integer - description: 'The expiration time of the token for internal Registry, in minutes.' - verify_remote_cert: - type: boolean - description: Whether or not the certificate will be verified when Harbor tries to access a remote Harbor instance for replication. - scan_all_policy: - type: object - properties: - type: - type: string - description: 'The type of scan all policy, currently the valid values are "none" and "daily"' - parameter: - type: object - properties: - daily_time: - type: integer - description: 'The offset in seconds of UTC 0 o''clock, only valid when the policy type is "daily"' - description: 'The parameters of the policy, the values are dependant on the type of the policy.' - ConfigurationsResponse: - type: object - properties: - auth_mode: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: 'The auth mode of current system, such as "db_auth", "ldap_auth"' - count_per_project: - $ref: '#/definitions/IntegerConfigItem' - description: The default count quota for the new created projects. - email_from: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The sender name for Email notification. - email_host: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The hostname of SMTP server that sends Email notification. - email_port: - $ref: '#/definitions/IntegerConfigItem' - description: The port of SMTP server. - email_identity: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: By default it's empty so the email_username is picked. - email_username: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The username for authenticate against SMTP server. - email_ssl: - $ref: '#/definitions/BoolConfigItem' - description: 'When it''s set to true the system will access Email server via TLS by default. If it''s set to false, it still will handle "STARTTLS" from server side.' - email_insecure: - $ref: '#/definitions/BoolConfigItem' - description: Whether or not the certificate will be verified when Harbor tries to access the email server. - ldap_url: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The URL of LDAP server. - ldap_base_dn: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The Base DN for LDAP binding. - ldap_filter: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The filter for LDAP binding. - ldap_scope: - type: integer - description: '0-LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, 1-LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, 2-LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE' - ldap_uid: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: 'The attribute which is used as identity for the LDAP binding, such as "CN" or "SAMAccountname"' - ldap_search_dn: - type: string - description: The DN of the user to do the search. - ldap_timeout: - $ref: '#/definitions/IntegerConfigItem' - description: timeout in seconds for connection to LDAP server. - ldap_group_attribute_name: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: 'The attribute which is used as identity of the LDAP group, default is cn.' - ldap_group_base_dn: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The base DN to search LDAP group. - ldap_group_search_filter: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The filter to search the ldap group. - ldap_group_search_scope: - $ref: '#/definitions/IntegerConfigItem' - description: 'The scope to search ldap. ''0-LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, 1-LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, 2-LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE''' - ldap_group_admin_dn: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: Specify the ldap group which have the same privilege with Harbor admin. - oidc_client_id: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The client id of the OIDC. - oidc_endpoint: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The URL of an OIDC-complaint server, must start with 'https://'. - oidc_name: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The name of the OIDC provider. - oidc_scope: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: The scope sent to OIDC server during authentication, should be separated by comma. It has to contain “openid”, and “offline_access”. If you are using google, please remove “offline_access” from this field. - oidc_verify_cert: - $ref: '#/definitions/BoolConfigItem' - description: Whether verify your OIDC server certificate, disable it if your OIDC server is hosted via self-hosted certificate. - project_creation_restriction: - $ref: '#/definitions/StringConfigItem' - description: This attribute restricts what users have the permission to create project. It can be "everyone" or "adminonly". - quota_per_project_enable: - $ref: '#/definitions/BoolConfigItem' - description: This attribute indicates whether quota per project enabled in harbor - read_only: - $ref: '#/definitions/BoolConfigItem' - description: '''docker push'' is prohibited by Harbor if you set it to true. ' - self_registration: - $ref: '#/definitions/BoolConfigItem' - description: 'Whether the Harbor instance supports self-registration. If it''s set to false, admin need to add user to the instance.' - storage_per_project: - $ref: '#/definitions/IntegerConfigItem' - description: The default storage quota for the new created projects. - token_expiration: - $ref: '#/definitions/IntegerConfigItem' - description: 'The expiration time of the token for internal Registry, in minutes.' - verify_remote_cert: - $ref: '#/definitions/BoolConfigItem' - description: Whether or not the certificate will be verified when Harbor tries to access a remote Harbor instance for replication. - scan_all_policy: - type: object - properties: - type: - type: string - description: 'The type of scan all policy, currently the valid values are "none" and "daily"' - parameter: - type: object - properties: - daily_time: - type: integer - description: 'The offset in seconds of UTC 0 o''clock, only valid when the policy type is "daily"' - description: 'The parameters of the policy, the values are dependant on the type of the policy.' Label: type: object properties: @@ -571,97 +253,6 @@ definitions: deleted: type: boolean description: The label is deleted or not. - ProjectMemberEntity: - type: object - properties: - id: - type: integer - description: the project member id - project_id: - type: integer - description: the project id - entity_name: - type: string - description: the name of the group member. - role_name: - type: string - description: the name of the role - role_id: - type: integer - description: the role id - entity_id: - type: integer - description: 'the id of entity, if the member is a user, it is user_id in user table. if the member is a user group, it is the user group''s ID in user_group table.' - entity_type: - type: string - description: 'the entity''s type, u for user entity, g for group entity.' - ProjectMember: - type: object - properties: - role_id: - type: integer - description: 'The role id 1 for projectAdmin, 2 for developer, 3 for guest, 4 for maintainer' - member_user: - $ref: '#/definitions/UserEntity' - member_group: - $ref: '#/definitions/UserGroup' - RoleRequest: - type: object - properties: - role_id: - type: integer - description: 'The role id 1 for projectAdmin, 2 for developer, 3 for guest, 4 for maintainer' - UserEntity: - type: object - properties: - user_id: - type: integer - description: The ID of the user. - username: - type: string - description: The name of the user. - UserGroup: - type: object - properties: - id: - type: integer - description: The ID of the user group - group_name: - type: string - description: The name of the user group - group_type: - type: integer - description: 'The group type, 1 for LDAP group, 2 for HTTP group.' - ldap_group_dn: - type: string - description: The DN of the LDAP group if group type is 1 (LDAP group). - StringConfigItem: - type: object - properties: - value: - type: string - description: The string value of current config item - editable: - type: boolean - description: The configure item can be updated or not - BoolConfigItem: - type: object - properties: - value: - type: boolean - description: The boolean value of current config item - editable: - type: boolean - description: The configure item can be updated or not - IntegerConfigItem: - type: object - properties: - value: - type: integer - description: The integer value of current config item - editable: - type: boolean - description: The configure item can be updated or not ChartAPIError: description: The error object returned by chart repository API type: object @@ -803,11 +394,3 @@ definitions: metadata: type: object description: The metadata of namespace - -parameters: - query: - name: q - description: Query string to query resources. Supported query patterns are "exact match(k=v)", "fuzzy match(k=~v)", "range(k=[min~max])", "list with union releationship(k={v1 v2 v3})" and "list with intersetion relationship(k=(v1 v2 v3))". The value of range and list can be string(enclosed by " or '), integer or time(in format "2020-04-09 02:36:00"). All of these query patterns should be put in the query string "q=xxx" and splitted by ",". e.g. q=k1=v1,k2=~v2,k3=[min~max] - in: query - type: string - required: false diff --git a/tests/apitests/python/library/project.py b/tests/apitests/python/library/project.py index 79d968d6e..3921eeb7d 100644 --- a/tests/apitests/python/library/project.py +++ b/tests/apitests/python/library/project.py @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -import swagger_client import v2_swagger_client from library.base import _assert_status_code +from v2_swagger_client.models.role_request import RoleRequest from v2_swagger_client.rest import ApiException import base @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class Project(base.Base): def update_project_member_role(self, project_id, member_id, member_role_id, expect_status_code = 200, **kwargs): kwargs['api_type'] = 'member' - role = swagger_client.Role(role_id = member_role_id) + role = RoleRequest(role_id = member_role_id) data, status_code, _ = self._get_client(**kwargs).update_project_member_with_http_info(project_id, member_id, role = role) base._assert_status_code(expect_status_code, status_code) base._assert_status_code(200, status_code) diff --git a/tests/apitests/python/test_user_group.py b/tests/apitests/python/test_user_group.py index 42d3943d7..4e451ab33 100644 --- a/tests/apitests/python/test_user_group.py +++ b/tests/apitests/python/test_user_group.py @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import unittest import testutils from testutils import ADMIN_CLIENT -from swagger_client.models.user_group import UserGroup +from v2_swagger_client.models.user_group import UserGroup from library.configurations import Configurations from pprint import pprint