linters-settings: gofmt: # Simplify code: gofmt with `-s` option. # Default: true simplify: false misspell: locale: US,UK goimports: local-prefixes: stylecheck: checks: [ "ST1019", # Importing the same package multiple times. ] goheader: template-path: copyright.tmpl linters: disable-all: true enable: - gofmt - goheader - misspell - typecheck # - dogsled # - dupl # - depguard # - funlen # - goconst # - gocritic # - gocyclo # - goimports # - goprintffuncname - ineffassign # - nakedret # - nolintlint - revive - whitespace - bodyclose - errcheck # - gosec - gosimple - goimports - govet # - noctx # - rowserrcheck - staticcheck - stylecheck # - unconvert # - unparam # - unused // disabled due to too many false positive check and limited support golang 1.19 run: skip-files: - ".*_test.go" - ".*test.go" skip-dirs: - "testing" timeout: 20m issue: max-same-issues: 0 max-per-linter: 0 issues: # Excluding configuration per-path, per-linter, per-text and per-source exclude-rules: # Exclude some linters from running on tests files. - path: _test\.go linters: - goimports - path: src/testing/*.go linters: - goimports - path: src/jobservice/mgt/mock_manager.go linters: - goimports