
227 lines
9.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Harbor BATs
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
Default Tags Nightly
*** Variables ***
${HARBOR_URL} https://${ip}
${SSH_USER} root
*** Test Cases ***
Test Case - Clair Is Default Scanner And It Is Immutable
Init Chrome Driver
Switch To Scanners Page
Should Display The Default Clair Scanner
Clair Is Immutable Scanner
Test Case - Disable Scan Schedule
Init Chrome Driver
Switch To Vulnerability Page
Disable Scan Schedule
Logout Harbor
Switch To Vulnerability Page
Retry Wait Until Page Contains None
Close Browser
Test Case - Scan A Tag In The Repo
Body Of Scan A Tag In The Repo
Test Case - Scan As An Unprivileged User
Init Chrome Driver
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library hello-world
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user024 Test1@34
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo hello-world
Select Object latest
Scan Is Disabled
Close Browser
Test Case - Scan Image With Empty Vul
Init Chrome Driver
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library busybox
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo busybox
Scan Repo latest Succeed
Move To Summary Chart
Wait Until Page Contains No vulnerability
Close Browser
Test Case - Manual Scan All
Init Chrome Driver
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library redis
Switch To Vulnerability Page
Trigger Scan Now And Wait Until The Result Appears
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo redis
Summary Chart Should Display latest
Close Browser
Test Case - View Scan Error
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= get current date result_format=%m%s
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user026 Test1@34
Create An New Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} user026 Test1@34 project${d} vmware/photon:1.0
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo project${d}/vmware/photon
Scan Repo 1.0 Fail
View Scan Error Log
Close Browser
Test Case - Scan Image On Push
[Tags] run-once
Init Chrome Driver
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library hello-world
Go Into Project library
Goto Project Config
Enable Scan On Push
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library memcached
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project library
Go Into Repo memcached
Summary Chart Should Display latest
Close Browser
Test Case - View Scan Results
[Tags] run-once
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= get current date result_format=%m%s
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user025 Test1@34
Create An New Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} user025 Test1@34 project${d} tomcat
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo project${d}/tomcat
Scan Repo latest Succeed
Summary Chart Should Display latest
View Repo Scan Details
Close Browser
Test Case - Project Level Image Serverity Policy
[Tags] run-once
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= get current date result_format=%m%s
${sha256}= Set Variable 9755880356c4ced4ff7745bafe620f0b63dd17747caedba72504ef7bac882089
${image}= Set Variable redis
Create An New Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo ${image}
Scan Repo ${sha256} Succeed
Navigate To Projects
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 3
Cannot pull image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Close Browser
#Important Note: All CVE IDs in CVE Whitelist cases must unique!
Test Case - Verfiy System Level CVE Whitelist
[Tags] run-once
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable redis
${sha256}= Set Variable 9755880356c4ced4ff7745bafe620f0b63dd17747caedba72504ef7bac882089
${signin_user}= Set Variable user025
${signin_pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd}
Create An New Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 2
Cannot Pull image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo project${d}/${image}
Scan Repo ${sha256} Succeed
Logout Harbor
Switch To Configure
Switch To Configuration System Setting
Add Items To System CVE Whitelist CVE-2019-18224\nCVE-2018-12886\nCVE-2019-12290\nCVE-2019-5094\nCVE-2019-13627
Cannot Pull image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Add Items To System CVE Whitelist CVE-2019-17543
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Delete Top Item In System CVE Whitelist count=6
Cannot Pull image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Close Browser
Test Case - Verfiy Project Level CVE Whitelist
[Tags] run-once
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable redis
${sha256}= Set Variable 9755880356c4ced4ff7745bafe620f0b63dd17747caedba72504ef7bac882089
${signin_user}= Set Variable user025
${signin_pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd}
Create An New Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 2
Cannot Pull image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo project${d}/${image}
Scan Repo ${sha256} Succeed
Go Into Project project${d}
Add Items to Project CVE Whitelist CVE-2019-18224\nCVE-2018-12886\nCVE-2019-12290\nCVE-2019-5094\nCVE-2019-13627
Cannot Pull image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Add Items to Project CVE Whitelist CVE-2019-17543
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Delete Top Item In Project CVE Whitelist
Cannot Pull image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Close Browser
Test Case - Verfiy Project Level CVE Whitelist By Quick Way of Add System
[Tags] run-once
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable redis
${sha256}= Set Variable 9755880356c4ced4ff7745bafe620f0b63dd17747caedba72504ef7bac882089
${signin_user}= Set Variable user025
${signin_pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34
Switch To Configure
Switch To Configuration System Setting
Add Items To System CVE Whitelist CVE-2019-18224\nCVE-2018-12886\nCVE-2019-12290\nCVE-2019-5094\nCVE-2019-13627\nCVE-2019-17543
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd}
Create An New Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 2
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo project${d}/${image}
Scan Repo ${sha256} Succeed
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Project To Project Level CVE Whitelist
Cannot Pull image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Add System CVE Whitelist to Project CVE Whitelist By Add System Button Click
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Close Browser