Yang Jiao f58dc2dbec
Add GC accessory UI test case (#19470)
Fix #19274

Signed-off-by: Yang Jiao <jiaoya@vmware.com>
2023-10-23 07:46:00 +00:00

705 lines
41 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource wrap test case body
Library ../apitests/python/testutils.py
Library ../apitests/python/library/repository.py
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Body Of Manage project publicity
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user007 Test1@34
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} public=true
Push image ${ip} user007 Test1@34 project${d} hello-world:latest
Pull image ${ip} user008 Test1@34 project${d} hello-world:latest
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user008 Test1@34
Project Should Display project${d}
Search Private Projects
Project Should Not Display project${d}
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user007 Test1@34
Make Project Private project${d}
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user008 Test1@34
Project Should Not Display project${d}
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} user008 Test1@34 project${d} hello-world:latest err_msg=unauthorized to access repository
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user007 Test1@34
Make Project Public project${d}
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user008 Test1@34
Project Should Display project${d}
Close Browser
Body Of Scan A Tag In The Repo
[Arguments] ${image_argument} ${tag_argument} ${is_no_vulerabilty}=${false}
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= get current date result_format=%m%s
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user023 Test1@34
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} user023 Test1@34 project${d} ${image_argument}:${tag_argument}
Go Into Repo project${d} ${image_argument}
Scan Repo ${tag_argument} Succeed
Scan Result Should Display In List Row ${tag_argument} is_no_vulerabilty=${is_no_vulerabilty}
Pull Image ${ip} user023 Test1@34 project${d} ${image_argument} ${tag_argument}
# Edit Repo Info
Close Browser
Body Of Scan Image With Empty Vul
[Arguments] ${image_argument} ${tag_argument}
Init Chrome Driver
${tag}= Set Variable ${tag_argument}
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library ${image_argument}:${tag_argument}
Go Into Repo library ${image_argument}
Scan Repo ${tag} Succeed
Scan Result Should Display In List Row ${tag} is_no_vulerabilty=${true}
Close Browser
Body Of Manual Scan All
[Arguments] @{vulnerability_levels}
Init Chrome Driver
${sha256}= Set Variable e4b315ad03a1d1d9ff0c111e648a1a91066c09ead8352d3d6a48fa971a82922c
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} library redis sha256=${sha256}
Switch To Vulnerability Page
Trigger Scan Now And Wait Until The Result Appears
Go Into Repo library redis
Scan Result Should Display In List Row ${sha256}
View Repo Scan Details @{vulnerability_levels}
Close Browser
Body Of View Scan Results
[Arguments] @{vulnerability_levels}
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= get current date result_format=%m%s
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} user025 Test1@34
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} user025 Test1@34 project${d} tomcat
Go Into Repo project${d} tomcat
Scan Repo latest Succeed
Scan Result Should Display In List Row latest
View Repo Scan Details @{vulnerability_levels}
Close Browser
Body Of Scan Image On Push
[Arguments] @{vulnerability_levels}
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= get current date result_format=%m%s
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Goto Project Config
Enable Scan On Push
Push Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} memcached
Go Into Repo project${d} memcached
Scan Result Should Display In List Row latest
View Repo Scan Details @{vulnerability_levels}
Close Browser
Delete A Project Without Sign In Harbor
[Arguments] ${harbor_ip}=${ip} ${username}=${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${password}=${HARBOR_PASSWORD}
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${project_name}= Set Variable 000${d}
${image}= Set Variable hello-world
Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${project_name}
Push Image ${harbor_ip} ${username} ${password} ${project_name} ${image}
Project Should Not Be Deleted ${project_name}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Delete Repo ${project_name} ${image}
Navigate To Projects
Project Should Be Deleted ${project_name}
Manage Project Member Without Sign In Harbor
[Arguments] ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd} ${test_user1}=user005 ${test_user2}=user006 ${is_oidc_mode}=${false}
${d}= Get current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable hello-world
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Push image ${ip} ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} ${image}
Logout Harbor
User Should Not Be A Member Of Project ${test_user1} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
Manage Project Member ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} ${test_user1} Add is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
User Should Be Guest ${test_user1} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
Change User Role In Project ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} ${test_user1} Developer is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
User Should Be Developer ${test_user1} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
Change User Role In Project ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} ${test_user1} Admin is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
User Should Be Admin ${test_user1} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} ${test_user2} is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
Change User Role In Project ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} ${test_user1} Maintainer is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
User Should Be Maintainer ${test_user1} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} ${image} is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
Manage Project Member ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} ${test_user1} Remove is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
User Should Not Be A Member Of Project ${test_user1} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
Push image ${ip} ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} hello-world
User Should Be Guest ${test_user2} ${sign_in_pwd} project${d} is_oidc_mode=${is_oidc_mode}
Helm CLI Work Flow
[Arguments] ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd}
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Run rm -rf ./${harbor_helm_name}
Wait Unitl Command Success tar zxf ${files_directory}/${harbor_helm_filename}
Helm Registry Login ${ip} ${sign_in_user} ${sign_in_pwd}
Helm Package ./${harbor_helm_name}
Helm Push ${harbor_helm_package} ${ip} project${d}
Run rm -rf ./${harbor_helm_package}
Retry File Should Not Exist ./${harbor_helm_package}
Helm Pull ${ip} project${d} ${harbor_helm_version}
Retry File Should Exist ./${harbor_helm_package}
Helm Registry Logout ${ip}
Body Of Verfiy System Level CVE Allowlist
[Arguments] ${image_argument} ${sha256_argument} ${most_cve_list} ${single_cve}
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable ${image_argument}
${sha256}= Set Variable ${sha256_argument}
${signin_user}= Set Variable user025
${signin_pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd}
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 2
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256} err_msg=cannot be pulled due to configured policy
Go Into Repo project${d} ${image}
Scan Repo ${sha256} Succeed
Logout Harbor
Check Listed In CVE Allowlist project${d} ${image} ${sha256} ${single_cve} is_in=No
Switch To Configuration Security
Retry Wait Element Visible //li[text()=' None ']
# Add Items To System CVE Allowlist CVE-2021-36222\nCVE-2021-43527 \nCVE-2021-4044 \nCVE-2021-36084 \nCVE-2021-36085 \nCVE-2021-36086 \nCVE-2021-37750 \nCVE-2021-40528
Add Items To System CVE Allowlist ${most_cve_list}
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256} err_msg=cannot be pulled due to configured policy
# Add Items To System CVE Allowlist CVE-2021-43519
Add Items To System CVE Allowlist ${single_cve}
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
# Set System CVE Allowlist expires to expired
Set CVE Allowlist Expires ${True}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains The system CVE allowlist has expired. You can enable the allowlist by extending the expiration date.
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256} err_msg=cannot be pulled due to configured policy
# Set System CVE Allowlist expires to not expired
Set CVE Allowlist Expires ${False}
Retry Wait Until Page Does Not Contains The system CVE allowlist has expired. You can enable the allowlist by extending the expiration date.
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Delete Top Item In System CVE Allowlist count=9
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256} err_msg=cannot be pulled due to configured policy
Check Listed In CVE Allowlist project${d} ${image} ${sha256} ${single_cve}
Close Browser
Body Of Verfiy Project Level CVE Allowlist
[Arguments] ${image_argument} ${sha256_argument} ${most_cve_list} ${single_cve}
[Tags] run-once
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable ${image_argument}
${sha256}= Set Variable ${sha256_argument}
${signin_user}= Set Variable user025
${signin_pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd}
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 2
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Go Into Repo project${d} ${image}
Scan Repo ${sha256} Succeed
Go Into Project project${d}
Add Items to Project CVE Allowlist ${most_cve_list}
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Add Items to Project CVE Allowlist ${single_cve}
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
# Set System CVE Allowlist expires to expired
Set CVE Allowlist Expires ${True}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains The project CVE allowlist has expired. You can enable the allowlist by extending the expiration date.
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256} err_msg=cannot be pulled due to configured policy
# Set System CVE Allowlist expires to not expired
Set CVE Allowlist Expires ${False}
Retry Wait Until Page Does Not Contains The project CVE allowlist has expired. You can enable the allowlist by extending the expiration date.
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Delete Top Item In Project CVE Allowlist
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Close Browser
Body Of Verfiy Project Level CVE Allowlist By Quick Way of Add System
[Arguments] ${image_argument} ${sha256_argument} ${cve_list}
[Tags] run-once
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable ${image_argument}
${sha256}= Set Variable ${sha256_argument}
${signin_user}= Set Variable user025
${signin_pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34
Switch To Configuration Security
Add Items To System CVE Allowlist ${cve_list}
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd}
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Push Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Vulnerabilty Serverity 2
Go Into Repo project${d} ${image}
Scan Repo ${sha256} Succeed
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Go Into Project project${d}
Set Project To Project Level CVE Allowlist
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
Add System CVE Allowlist to Project CVE Allowlist By Add System Button Click
Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256}
# Set System CVE Allowlist expires to expired
Set CVE Allowlist Expires ${True}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains The project CVE allowlist has expired. You can enable the allowlist by extending the expiration date.
Cannot Pull Image ${ip} ${signin_user} ${signin_pwd} project${d} ${image} tag=${sha256} err_msg=cannot be pulled due to configured policy
# Set System CVE Allowlist expires to not expired
Set CVE Allowlist Expires ${False}
Retry Wait Until Page Does Not Contains The project CVE allowlist has expired. You can enable the allowlist by extending the expiration date.
Close Browser
Body Of Replication Of Push Images to Registry Triggered By Event
[Arguments] ${provider} ${endpoint} ${username} ${pwd} ${dest_namespace} ${image_size}=12
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${sha256}= Set Variable 0e67625224c1da47cb3270e7a861a83e332f708d3d89dde0cbed432c94824d9a
${image}= Set Variable test_push_repli
${tag1}= Set Variable v1.1.0
@{tags} Create List ${tag1}
#login source
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Switch To Registries
Create A New Endpoint ${provider} e${d} ${endpoint} ${username} ${pwd} Y
Switch To Replication Manage
Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint rule${d} push project${d}/* image e${d} ${dest_namespace} mode=Event Based del_remote=${true}
Push Special Image To Project project${d} ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${image} tags=@{tags} size=${image_size}
Filter Replication Rule rule${d}
Select Rule rule${d}
${endpoint_body}= Fetch From Right ${endpoint} //
${dest_namespace}= Set Variable If '${provider}'=='gitlab' ${endpoint_body}/${dest_namespace} ${dest_namespace}
Run Keyword If '${provider}'=='docker-hub' or '${provider}'=='gitlab' Docker Image Can Be Pulled ${dest_namespace}/${image}:${tag1} times=3
Executions Result Count Should Be Succeeded event_based 1
Go Into Project project${d}
Delete Repo project${d} ${image}
Run Keyword If '${provider}'=='docker-hub' or '${provider}'=='gitlab' Docker Image Can Not Be Pulled ${dest_namespace}/${image}:${tag1}
Switch To Replication Manage
Filter Replication Rule rule${d}
Select Rule rule${d}
Executions Result Count Should Be Succeeded event_based 2
Body Of Replication Of Pull Images from Registry To Self
[Arguments] ${provider} ${endpoint} ${username} ${pwd} ${src_project_name} ${des_project_name} ${verify_verbose} ${flattening} @{target_images}
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${_des_pro_name}= Set Variable If '${des_project_name}'=='${null}' project${d} ${des_project_name}
#login source
Run Keyword If '${des_project_name}'=='${null}' Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${_des_pro_name}
Switch To Registries
Create A New Endpoint ${provider} e${d} ${endpoint} ${username} ${pwd} Y
Switch To Replication Manage
Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint rule${d} pull ${src_project_name} all e${d} ${_des_pro_name} flattening=${flattening}
Select Rule And Replicate rule${d}
Check Latest Replication Job Status Succeeded
Run Keyword If '${verify_verbose}'=='Y' Verify Artifact Display Verbose ${_des_pro_name} @{target_images}
... ELSE Verify Artifact Display ${_des_pro_name} @{target_images}
Close Browser
Verify Artifact Display Verbose
[Arguments] ${pro_name} @{target_images}
${count}= Get length ${target_images}
Should Be True ${count} > 0
FOR ${item} IN @{target_images}
${item}= Get Substring ${item} 1 -1
${item}= Evaluate ${item}
${image}= Get From Dictionary ${item} image
${tag}= Get From Dictionary ${item} tag
${total_artifact_count}= Get From Dictionary ${item} total_artifact_count
${archive_count}= Get From Dictionary ${item} archive_count
Log To Console Check image ${image}:${tag} replication to Project ${pro_name}
Image Should Be Replicated To Project ${pro_name} ${image} tag=${tag} total_artifact_count=${total_artifact_count} archive_count=${archive_count}
Verify Artifact Display
[Arguments] ${pro_name} @{target_images}
${count}= Get length ${target_images}
Should Be True ${count} > 0
FOR ${item} IN @{target_images}
${item}= Get Substring ${item} 1 -1
${item}= Evaluate ${item}
${image}= Get From Dictionary ${item} image
Image Should Be Replicated To Project ${pro_name} ${image}
Replication With Flattening
[Arguments] ${src_endpoint} ${image_size} ${flattening_type} ${trimmed_namespace} @{src_images}
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${src_project}= Set Variable project${d}
Sign In Harbor https://${src_endpoint} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD}
Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${src_project}
Close Browser
FOR ${item} IN @{src_images}
${item}= Get Substring ${item} 1 -1
${item}= Evaluate ${item}
${image}= Get From Dictionary ${item} image
${tag}= Get From Dictionary ${item} tag
@{tags} Create List ${tag}
Push Special Image To Project ${src_project} ${src_endpoint} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${image} tags=@{tags} size=${image_size}
@{target_images}= Create List
FOR ${item} IN @{src_images}
${item}= Get Substring ${item} 1 -1
${item}= Evaluate ${item}
${image}= Get From Dictionary ${item} image
${tag}= Get From Dictionary ${item} tag
${image}= Fetch From Right ${image} ${trimmed_namespace}
Log All ${image}
&{image_with_tag}= Create Dictionary image=${image} tag=${tag}
Append To List ${target_images} '&{image_with_tag}'
Log All ${target_images}
Body Of Replication Of Pull Images from Registry To Self harbor https://${src_endpoint} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${src_project}/** ${null} N ${flattening_type} @{target_images}
Check Harbor Api Page
Retry Link Click //a[contains(.,'Harbor API V2.0')]
Switch Window locator=NEW
Title Should Be Harbor Swagger
Retry Wait Element xpath=//h2[contains(.,"Harbor API")]
Body Of Stop Scan And Stop Scan All
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= get current date result_format=%m%s
${repo}= Set Variable goharbor/harbor-e2e-engine
${tag}= Set Variable test-ui
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${repo} ${tag} ${tag}
# stop scan
Retry Action Keyword Stop Scan project${d} ${repo}
# stop scan all
Retry Action Keyword Stop Scan All
Close Browser
Stop Scan
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${repo}
Scan Artifact ${project_name} ${repo}
Stop Scan Artifact
Retry Action Keyword Check Scan Artifact Job Status Is Stopped
Stop Scan All
Scan All Artifact
Stop Scan All Artifact
Retry Action Keyword Check Scan All Artifact Job Status Is Stopped
Prepare Image Package Test Files
[Arguments] ${files_path}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bash tests/robot-cases/Group0-Util/prepare_imgpkg_test_files.sh ${files_path}
Verify Webhook By Artifact Pushed Event
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${webhook_name} ${image} ${tag} ${user} ${pwd} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
&{artifact_pushed_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${artifact_pushed_property} type=PUSH_ARTIFACT operator=${user} namespace=${project_name} name=${image} tag=${tag}
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${artifact_pushed_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.artifact.pushed datacontenttype=application/json namespace=${project_name} name=${image} repo_full_name=${project_name}/${image} tag=${tag} operator=${user}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} ${project_name} ${image} ${tag}
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${webhook_name}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Artifact pushed ${artifact_pushed_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{artifact_pushed_property}
Clean All Local Images
Verify Webhook By Artifact Pulled Event
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${webhook_name} ${image} ${tag} ${user} ${pwd} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
&{artifact_pulled_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${artifact_pulled_property} type=PULL_ARTIFACT operator=${user} namespace=${project_name} name=${image}
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${artifact_pulled_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.artifact.pulled datacontenttype=application/json namespace=${project_name} name=${image} repo_full_name=${project_name}/${image} operator=${user}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
Clean All Local Images
Docker Login ${ip} ${user} ${pwd}
Docker Pull ${ip}/${project_name}/${image}:${tag}
Docker Logout ${ip}
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Project Webhooks
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${webhook_name}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Artifact pulled ${artifact_pulled_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{artifact_pulled_property}
Verify Webhook By Artifact Deleted Event
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${webhook_name} ${image} ${tag} ${user} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
&{artifact_deleted_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${artifact_deleted_property} type=DELETE_ARTIFACT operator=${user} namespace=${project_name} name=${image} tag=${tag}
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${artifact_deleted_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.artifact.deleted datacontenttype=application/json namespace=${project_name} name=${image} repo_full_name=${project_name}/${image} tag=${tag} operator=${user}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Go Into Repo ${project_name} ${image}
@{tag_list} Create List ${tag}
Multi-delete Artifact @{tag_list}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Project Webhooks
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${webhook_name}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Artifact deleted ${artifact_deleted_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{artifact_deleted_property}
Verify Webhook By Scanning Finished Event
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${webhook_name} ${image} ${tag} ${user} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
&{scanning_finished_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${scanning_finished_property} type=SCANNING_COMPLETED operator=${user} scan_status=Success namespace=${project_name} tag=${tag} name=${image}
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${scanning_finished_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.scan.completed datacontenttype=application/json operator=${user} namespace=${project_name} name=${image} repo_full_name=${project_name}/${image} tag=${tag} scan_status=Success
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Go Into Repo ${project_name} ${image}
Scan Repo ${tag} Succeed
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Project Webhooks
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${webhook_name}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Scanning finished ${scanning_finished_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{scanning_finished_property}
Verify Webhook By Scanning Stopped Event
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${webhook_name} ${image} ${tag} ${user} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
&{scanning_stopped_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${scanning_stopped_property} type=SCANNING_STOPPED operator=${user} scan_status=Stopped namespace=${project_name} tag=${tag} name=${image}
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${scanning_stopped_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.scan.stopped datacontenttype=application/json operator=${user} namespace=${project_name} name=${image} repo_full_name=${project_name}/${image} tag=${tag} scan_status=Stopped
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Scan Artifact ${project_name} ${image}
Stop Scan Artifact
Check Scan Artifact Job Status Is Stopped
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Project Webhooks
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${webhook_name}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Scanning stopped ${scanning_stopped_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{scanning_stopped_property}
Verify Webhook By Tag Retention Finished Event
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${webhook_name} ${image} ${tag1} ${tag2} ${user} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
&{tag_retention_finished_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${tag_retention_finished_property} type=TAG_RETENTION operator=${user} project_name=${project_name} name_tag=${image}:${tag2} status=SUCCESS
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${tag_retention_finished_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.tag_retention.finished datacontenttype=application/json operator=${user} project_name=${project_name} name_tag=${image}:${tag2} status=SUCCESS
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${project_name} ${image} ${tag1} ${tag1}
Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${project_name} ${image} ${tag2} ${tag2}
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Tag Retention
Execute Run ${image}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Project Webhooks
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${webhook_name}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Tag retention finished ${tag_retention_finished_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{tag_retention_finished_property}
Wait Until Page Contains "total":2
Wait Until Page Contains "retained":1
Verify Webhook By Replication Status Changed Event
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${webhook_name} ${project_dest_name} ${replication_rule_name} ${user} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
&{replication_finished_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${replication_finished_property} type=REPLICATION operator=${user} registry_type=harbor harbor_hostname=${ip}
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${replication_finished_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.replication.status.changed datacontenttype=application/json operator=${user} trigger_type=MANUAL namespace=${project_name}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Switch To Replication Manage
Select Rule And Replicate ${replication_rule_name}
Check Latest Replication Job Status Succeeded
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Project Webhooks
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${webhook_name}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Replication status changed ${replication_finished_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{replication_finished_property}
Verify Webhook By Quota Near Threshold Event And Quota Exceed Event
[Arguments] ${webhook_endpoint_url} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable nginx
${tag1}= Set Variable 1.17.6
${tag2}= Set Variable 1.14.0
${storage_quota}= Set Variable 50
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} storage_quota=${storage_quota} storage_quota_unit=MiB
Switch To Project Webhooks
${event_type} Create List Quota near threshold
Create A New Webhook webhook${d} ${webhook_endpoint_url} ${payload_format} ${event_type}
&{quota_near_threshold_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${quota_near_threshold_property} type=QUOTA_WARNING operator=${HARBOR_ADMIN} name=nginx namespace=project${d}
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${quota_near_threshold_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.quota.warned datacontenttype=application/json operator=${HARBOR_ADMIN} name=${image} repo_full_name=project${d}/${image} namespace=project${d}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
# Quota near threshold
Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${image} ${tag1} ${tag1}
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'webhook${d}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Quota near threshold ${quota_near_threshold_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{quota_near_threshold_property}
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook By Quota Exceed Event project${d} webhook${d} ${image} ${tag2} ${webhook_endpoint_url} ${storage_quota} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}
Verify Webhook By Quota Exceed Event
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${webhook_name} ${image} ${tag} ${webhook_endpoint_url} ${storage_quota} ${harbor_handle} ${webhook_handle} ${payload_format}=Default
&{quota_exceed_property}= Create Dictionary
Run Keyword If '${payload_format}' == 'Default' Set To Dictionary ${quota_exceed_property} type=QUOTA_EXCEED operator=${HARBOR_ADMIN} name=${image} namespace=${project_name}
... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${quota_exceed_property} specversion=1.0 type=harbor.quota.exceeded datacontenttype=application/json operator=${HARBOR_ADMIN} name=${image} repo_full_name=${project_name}/${image} namespace=${project_name}
# Quota exceed
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Project Webhooks
Delete A Webhook ${webhook_name}
${event_type} Create List Quota exceed
Create A New Webhook ${webhook_name} ${webhook_endpoint_url} ${payload_format} ${event_type}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Delete All Requests
Cannot Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${project_name} ${image}:${tag}
Switch Window ${harbor_handle}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Project Webhooks
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${webhook_name}')]//div[contains(@class,'datagrid-select')]
${webhook_execution_id}= Get Latest Webhook Execution ID
Retry Action Keyword Verify Webhook Execution ${webhook_execution_id} WEBHOOK Success Quota exceed ${quota_exceed_property}
Verify Webhook Execution Log ${webhook_execution_id}
Switch Window ${webhook_handle}
Verify Request &{quota_exceed_property}
Create Schedules For Job Service Dashboard Schedules
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${schedule_type} ${schedule_cron} ${distribution_endpoint}=${null}
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${distribution_name}= Set Variable distribution${d}
${distribution_endpoint}= Set Variable If "${distribution_endpoint}" == "${null}" https://${d} ${distribution_endpoint}
${p2p_policy_name}= Set Variable policy${d}
${replication_policy_name}= Set Variable rule${d}
# Create a retention policy triggered by schedule
Switch To Tag Retention
Add A Tag Retention Rule
Set Tag Retention Policy Schedule ${schedule_type} ${schedule_cron}
# Create a preheat policy triggered by schedule
Create An New Distribution Dragonfly ${distribution_name} ${distribution_endpoint}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Create An New P2P Preheat Policy ${p2p_policy_name} ${distribution_name} ** ** Scheduled ${schedule_type} ${schedule_cron}
# Create a replication policy triggered by schedule
Switch to Registries
Create A New Endpoint docker-hub docker-hub${d} ${null} ${null} ${null} Y
Switch To Replication Manage
Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint ${replication_policy_name} pull goharbor/harbor-core image docker-hub${d} ${project_name} filter_tag=dev mode=Scheduled cron=${schedule_cron}
# Set up a schedule to scan all
Switch To Vulnerability Page
Set Scan Schedule Custom value=${schedule_cron}
# Set up a schedule to GC
Switch To Garbage Collection
Set GC Schedule custom value=${schedule_cron}
# Set up a schedule to log rotation
Switch To Log Rotation
${exclude_operations} Create List Pull
Set Log Rotation Schedule 1 Days ${schedule_type} ${schedule_cron} ${exclude_operations}
[Return] ${replication_policy_name} ${p2p_policy_name} ${distribution_name}
Reset Schedules For Job Service Dashboard Schedules
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${replication_policy_name} ${p2p_policy_name}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
# Reset the schedule of retention policy
Switch To Tag Retention
Set Tag Retention Policy Schedule None
# Reset the schedule of preheat policy
Switch To P2P Preheat
Delete A P2P Preheat Policy ${p2p_policy_name}
# Reset the schedule of replication policy
Switch To Replication Manage
Delete Replication Rule ${replication_policy_name}
# Reset the schedule of scan all
Switch To Vulnerability Page
Set Scan Schedule None
# Reset the schedule of GC
Switch To Garbage Collection
Set GC Schedule None
# Reset the schedule of log rotation
Switch To Log Rotation
Set Log Rotation Schedule 2 Days None
Prepare Accessory
[Arguments] ${project_name} ${image} ${tag} ${user} ${pwd}
Docker Login ${ip} ${user} ${pwd}
Cosign Generate Key Pair
Cosign Sign ${ip}/${project_name}/${image}:${tag}
Cosign Push Sbom ${ip}/${project_name}/${image}:${tag}
Go Into Repo ${project_name} ${image}
Retry Button Click ${artifact_list_accessory_btn}
# Get SBOM digest
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${artifact_sbom_accessory_action_btn} Retry Button Click ${copy_digest_btn}
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${artifact_digest}
${sbom_digest}= Get Text ${artifact_digest}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${copy_btn} Retry Wait Element Not Visible ${copy_btn}
# Get Signature digest
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${artifact_cosign_accessory_action_btn} Retry Button Click ${copy_digest_btn}
Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${artifact_digest}
${signature_digest}= Get Text ${artifact_digest}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${copy_btn} Retry Wait Element Not Visible ${copy_btn}
Cosign Sign ${ip}/${project_name}/${image}@${sbom_digest}
Cosign Sign ${ip}/${project_name}/${image}@${signature_digest}
Refresh Artifacts
Retry Button Click ${artifact_list_accessory_btn}
# Get Signature of SBOM digest
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${artifact_list_sbom_accessory_btn} Retry Button Click ${artifact_sbom_cosign_accessory_action_btn}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${copy_digest_btn} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${artifact_digest}
${signature_of_sbom_digest}= Get Text ${artifact_digest}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${copy_btn} Retry Wait Element Not Visible ${copy_btn}
# Get Signature of Signature digest
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${artifact_list_cosign_accessory_btn} Retry Button Click ${artifact_cosign_cosign_accessory_action_btn}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${copy_digest_btn} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${artifact_digest}
${signature_of_signature_digest}= Get Text ${artifact_digest}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${copy_btn} Retry Wait Element Not Visible ${copy_btn}
Docker Logout ${ip}
[Return] ${sbom_digest} ${signature_digest} ${signature_of_sbom_digest} ${signature_of_signature_digest}