Yang Jiao 1207982925 Add test case for Enable Deployment Security Policy replication
Add test cases for these three different scenarios to ensure that Replication functions correctly after Deployment Security Policy is enabled

Signed-off-by: Yang Jiao <jiaoya@vmware.com>
2022-04-25 02:59:20 +00:00

296 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Filter Replication Rule
[Arguments] ${ruleName} ${exist}=${true}
${rule_name_element}= Set Variable xpath=//clr-dg-cell[contains(.,'${ruleName}')]
Retry Element Click ${filter_rules_btn}
Retry Clear Element Text ${filter_rules_input}
Retry Text Input ${filter_rules_input} ${ruleName}
Run Keyword If ${exist}==${true} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${rule_name_element}
... ELSE Retry Wait Element xpath=//clr-dg-placeholder[contains(.,\"We couldn\'t find any replication rules!\")]
Filter Registry
[Arguments] ${registry_name}
${registry_name_element}= Set Variable xpath=//clr-dg-cell[contains(.,'${registry_name}')]
Switch To Replication Manage
Switch To Registries
Retry Element Click ${filter_registry_btn}
Retry Text Input ${filter_registry_input} ${registry_name}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${registry_name_element}
Select Dest Registry
[Arguments] ${endpoint}
Retry Element Click ${dest_registry_dropdown_list}
Retry Element Click ${dest_registry_dropdown_list}//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')]
Select Source Registry
[Arguments] ${endpoint}
Retry Element Click ${src_registry_dropdown_list}
Retry Element Click ${src_registry_dropdown_list}//option[contains(.,'${endpoint}')]
Select Filter Tag Model
[Arguments] ${type}
Retry Element Click ${filter_tag_model_select}
Retry Element Click ${filter_tag_model_select}//option[contains(.,'${type}')]
Select Filter Label Model
[Arguments] ${type}
Retry Element Click ${filter_label_model_select}
Retry Element Click ${filter_label_model_select}//option[contains(.,'${type}')]
Select Filter Label
[Arguments] ${label}
Retry Element Click ${filter_label_button}
Retry Element Click //div[@class='filterSelect ng-star-inserted'][3]//label[contains(text(), '${label}')]
Retry Element Click ${filter_label_button}
Select Bandwidth Unit
[Arguments] ${unit}
Retry Element Click ${bandwidth_unit_select}
Retry Element Click ${bandwidth_unit_select}//option[contains(.,'${unit}')]
Select flattening
[Arguments] ${type}
Retry Element Click ${flattening_select}
Retry Element Click ${flattening_select}//option[contains(.,'${type}')]
Select Trigger
[Arguments] ${mode}
Retry Element Click ${rule_trigger_select}
Retry Element Click ${rule_trigger_select}//option[contains(.,'${mode}')]
Select Destination URL
[Arguments] ${type}
Retry Element Click ${destination_url_xpath}
Retry Element Click //div[contains(@class, 'selectBox')]//li[contains(.,'${type}')]
Check New Rule UI Without Endpoint
Retry Element Click ${new_replication-rule_button}
Page Should Contain Please add an endpoint first
Retry Element Click ${link_to_registries}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Endpoint URL
Retry Wait Element ${new_endpoint_button}
Create A New Endpoint
[Arguments] ${provider} ${name} ${url} ${username} ${pwd} ${save}=Y
#click new button
Retry Element Click xpath=${new_endpoint_button}
#input necessary info
Select From List By Value ${provider_selector} ${provider}
Retry Text Input xpath=${destination_name_xpath} ${name}
Run Keyword If '${provider}' == 'harbor' or '${provider}' == 'gitlab' Run keyword Retry Text Input xpath=${destination_url_xpath} ${url}
Run Keyword If '${provider}' == 'aws-ecr' or '${provider}' == 'google-gcr' Run keyword Select Destination URL ${url}
Run Keyword If '${provider}' != 'google-gcr' and '${username}' != '${null}' Retry Text Input xpath=${destination_username_xpath} ${username}
Run Keyword If '${pwd}' != '${null}' Retry Text Input xpath=${destination_password_xpath} ${pwd}
#cancel verify cert since we use a selfsigned cert
Retry Element Click ${destination_insecure_xpath}
Run Keyword If '${save}' == 'Y' Run keyword Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${replication_save_xpath} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${replication_save_xpath}
Run Keyword If '${save}' == 'Y' Run keyword Filter Registry ${name}
Run Keyword If '${save}' == 'N' No Operation
Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint
[Arguments] ${name} ${replication_mode} ${filter_project_name} ${resource_type} ${endpoint} ${dest_namespace}
... ${mode}=Manual ${cron}="* */59 * * * *" ${del_remote}=${false} ${filter_tag}=${false} ${filter_tag_model}=matching ${filter_label}=${false} ${filter_label_model}=matching
... ${flattening}=Flatten 1 Level ${bandwidth}=-1 ${bandwidth_unit}=Kbps
#click new
Retry Element Click ${new_name_xpath}
#input name
Retry Text Input ${rule_name} ${name}
Run Keyword If '${replication_mode}' == 'push' Run Keywords Retry Element Click ${replication_mode_radio_push} AND Select Dest Registry ${endpoint}
... ELSE Run Keywords Retry Element Click ${replication_mode_radio_pull} AND Select Source Registry ${endpoint}
#set filter
Retry Text Input ${filter_name_id} ${filter_project_name}
Run Keyword If '${filter_tag_model}' != 'matching' Select Filter Tag Model ${filter_tag_model}
Run Keyword If '${filter_tag}' != '${false}' Retry Text Input ${filter_tag_id} ${filter_tag}
Run Keyword If '${filter_label_model}' != 'matching' Select Filter Label Model ${filter_label_model}
Run Keyword If '${filter_label}' != '${false}' Select Filter Label ${filter_label}
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Select From List By Value ${rule_resource_selector} ${resource_type}
Retry Text Input ${dest_namespace_xpath} ${dest_namespace}
Select flattening ${flattening}
#set trigger
Select Trigger ${mode}
Run Keyword If '${mode}' == 'Scheduled' Retry Text Input ${targetCron_id} ${cron}
Run Keyword If '${mode}' == 'Event Based' and '${del_remote}' == '${true}' Retry Element Click ${del_remote_checkbox}
#set bandwidth
Run Keyword If '${bandwidth}' != '-1' Retry Text Input ${bandwidth_input} ${bandwidth}
Run Keyword If '${bandwidth_unit}' != 'Kbps' Select Bandwidth Unit ${bandwidth_unit}
#click save
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${rule_save_button} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${rule_save_button}
Sleep 2
Endpoint Is Unpingable
Retry Element Click ${ping_test_button}
Wait Until Page Contains Failed
Endpoint Is Pingable
Retry Element Click ${ping_test_button}
Wait Until Page Contains successfully
Disable Certificate Verification
Checkbox Should Be Selected ${destination_insecure_checkbox}
Retry Element Click ${destination_insecure_xpath}
Sleep 1
Enable Certificate Verification
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${destination_insecure_checkbox}
Retry Element Click ${destination_insecure_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To Registries
Retry Element Click ${nav_to_registries}
Sleep 1
Switch To Replication Manage
Retry Element Click ${nav_to_replications}
Sleep 1
Trigger Replication Manual
[Arguments] ${rule}
Retry Element Click ${rule_filter_search}
Retry Text Input ${rule_filter_input} ${rule}
Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label
Retry Element Click ${action_bar_replicate}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_replicate}
#change from click to mouse down and up
Mouse Down ${dialog_replicate}
Mouse Up ${dialog_replicate}
Sleep 2
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[@id='contentAll']//div[contains(.,'${rule}')]/../div/clr-icon[@shape='success-standard']
Sleep 1
Rename Rule
[Arguments] ${rule} ${newname}
Retry Element Click ${rule_filter_search}
Retry Text Input ${rule_filter_input} ${rule}
Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]//label
Retry Element Click ${replication_rule_action}
Retry Element Click ${replication_rule_action_bar_edit}
Retry Text Input ${rule_name} ${newname}
Retry Element Click ${rule_save_button}
Select Rule
[Arguments] ${rule}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${rule}')]/div/div[1]/div Retry Wait Element ${replication_rule_exec_id}
Stop Jobs
Retry Element Click ${stop_jobs_button}
View Job Log
[arguments] ${job}
Retry Element Click ${job_filter_search}
Retry Text Input ${job_filter_input} ${job}
Retry Link Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${job}')]//a
Find Registry And Click Edit Button
[Arguments] ${name}
Filter Object ${name}
Retry Select Object ${name}
Retry Element Click ${registry_edit_btn}
Switch To Replication Manage Page
Switch To Registries
Switch To Replication Manage
Click Edit Button
Retry Element Click ${replication_rule_action}
Retry Element Click ${replication_rule_action_bar_edit}
Click Delete Button
Retry Element Click ${replication_rule_action}
Retry Element Click ${replication_rule_action_bar_delete}
Edit Replication Rule
[Arguments] ${name}
Switch To Replication Manage Page
Filter Replication Rule ${name}
Select Rule ${name}
Click Edit Button
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Edit Replication Rule
Delete Replication Rule
[Arguments] ${name}
Switch To Replication Manage Page
Filter Replication Rule ${name}
Select Rule ${name}
Click Delete Button
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_delete}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${dialog_delete} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${dialog_delete}
Filter Replication Rule ${name} exist=${false}
Rename Endpoint
[arguments] ${name} ${newname}
Find Registry And Click Edit Button ${name}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${destination_name_xpath}
Retry Text Input ${destination_name_xpath} ${newname}
Retry Element Click ${replication_save_xpath}
Delete Endpoint
[Arguments] ${name}
Retry Element Click ${endpoint_filter_search}
Retry Text Input ${endpoint_filter_input} ${name}
#click checkbox before target endpoint
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${name}')]//div[contains(@class,'clr-checkbox-wrapper')] Retry Wait Element ${registry_del_btn}
Retry Element Click ${registry_del_btn}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${dialog_delete}
Retry Element Click ${dialog_delete}
Select Rule And Replicate
[Arguments] ${rule_name}
Select Rule ${rule_name}
Retry Element Click ${replication_rule_exec_id}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click xpath=${dialog_replicate} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=${dialog_replicate}
Image Should Be Replicated To Project
[Arguments] ${project} ${image} ${period}=60 ${times}=20 ${tag}=${EMPTY} ${expected_image_size_in_regexp}=${null} ${total_artifact_count}=${null} ${archive_count}=${null}
FOR ${n} IN RANGE 0 ${times}
Sleep ${period}
Go Into Project ${project}
Switch To Project Repo
${out} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Retry Wait Until Page Contains ${project}/${image}
Log To Console Return value is ${out[0]}
Continue For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='FAIL'
Go Into Repo ${project}/${image}
${size}= Run Keyword If '${tag}'!='${EMPTY}' and '${expected_image_size_in_regexp}'!='${null}' Get Text //clr-dg-row[contains(., '${tag}')]//clr-dg-cell[5]/div
Run Keyword If '${tag}'!='${EMPTY}' and '${expected_image_size_in_regexp}'!='${null}' Should Match Regexp '${size}' '${expected_image_size_in_regexp}'
${index_out} Go Into Index And Contain Artifacts ${tag} total_artifact_count=${total_artifact_count} archive_count=${archive_count} return_immediately=${true}
Log All index_out: ${index_out}
Run Keyword If '${index_out}'=='PASS' Exit For Loop
Sleep 30
Verify Artifacts Counts In Archive
[Arguments] ${total_artifact_count} ${tag} ${total_artifact_count} ${archive_count}
Executions Result Count Should Be
[Arguments] ${expected_status} ${expected_trigger_type} ${expected_result_count}
Sleep 10
${count}= Get Element Count xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${expected_status}') and contains(.,'${expected_trigger_type}')]
Should Be Equal As Integers ${count} ${expected_result_count}
Check Latest Replication Job Status
[Arguments] ${expected_status}
Retry Wait Element //hbr-replication//div[contains(@class,'datagrid')]//clr-dg-row[1][contains(.,'${expected_status}')]