# Lando ZSH (lando-zsh) This plugin adds aliases for using various languages and frameworks with [Lando](https://docs.lando.dev/basics/) for Docker. It will only run within lando-driven project directories. To use it, add `lando` to the plugins array in your zshrc file: ```zsh plugins=(... lando) ``` ## ALIASES: | Alias | Description | |:----------:|:----------------:| | `artisan` | `lando artisan` | | `composer` | `lando composer` | | `drush` | `lando drush` | | `gulp` | `lando gulp` | | `npm` | `lando npm` | | `php` | `lando php` | | `wp` | `lando wp` | | `yarn` | `lando yarn` | ## How It Works: This plugin removes the requirement to type `lando` before a command. It utilizes the lando version of supported commands run within directories with the following criteria: - The `.lando.yml` file is found in the current directory or any parent directory within `$LANDO_ZSH_SITES_DIRECTORY`. - The current directory is within `$LANDO_ZSH_SITES_DIRECTORY` but is not `$LANDO_ZSH_SITES_DIRECTORY` itself. ## Settings: - `LANDO_ZSH_SITES_DIRECTORY`: The plugin will stop searching through parents for `CONFIG_FILE` once it hits this directory. - `LANDO_ZSH_CONFIG_FILE`: The plugin will check to see if this provided file exists to check for presence of Lando. ## Author: - Author: Joshua Bedford - URL: [https://github.com/joshuabedford/lando-zsh](https://github.com/joshuabedford/lando-zsh)