# Easily jump around the file system by manually adding marks # marks are stored as symbolic links in the directory $MARKPATH (default $HOME/.marks) # # jump FOO: jump to a mark named FOO # mark FOO: create a mark named FOO # unmark FOO: delete a mark # marks: lists all marks # export MARKPATH=$HOME/.marks jump() { builtin cd -P "$MARKPATH/$1" 2>/dev/null || {echo "No such mark: $1"; return 1} } mark() { if [[ $# -eq 0 || "$1" = "." ]]; then MARK=${PWD:t} else MARK="$1" fi if read -q "?Mark $PWD as ${MARK}? (y/n) "; then command mkdir -p "$MARKPATH" command ln -sfn "$PWD" "$MARKPATH/$MARK" fi } unmark() { LANG= command rm -i "$MARKPATH/$1" } marks() { local link max=0 for link in $MARKPATH/{,.}*(@N); do if [[ ${#link:t} -gt $max ]]; then max=${#link:t} fi done local printf_markname_template="$(printf -- "%%%us" "$max")" for link in $MARKPATH/{,.}*(@N); do local markname="$fg[cyan]$(printf -- "$printf_markname_template" "${link:t}")$reset_color" local markpath="$fg[blue]$(readlink $link)$reset_color" printf -- "%s -> %s\n" "$markname" "$markpath" done } _completemarks() { reply=("${MARKPATH}"/{,.}*(@N:t)) } compctl -K _completemarks jump compctl -K _completemarks unmark _mark_expansion() { setopt localoptions extendedglob autoload -U modify-current-argument modify-current-argument '$(readlink "$MARKPATH/$ARG" || echo "$ARG")' } zle -N _mark_expansion bindkey "^g" _mark_expansion