#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 # known issues: # xcode - if a file already exists in 'wesnoth' target, then it incorrectly thinks it also exists in the 'tests' target even though the tests build will fail """ Add files to the specified build targets, supporting CMake, SCons, Xcode and the Code::Blocks projects. Valid build targets are: * "wesnoth" - the main game (default if no target is specified) * "wesnothd" - the wesnoth server * "campaignd" * "lua" * "tests" - boost unit tests The files will be added to: * the lists used by CMake and SCons in "source_lists" * the Xcode project * The Code::Blocks project This only supports files inside the "src" directory. """ import argparse import sys import inspect import pathlib try: import pbxproj except: print('\n'.join(( 'This script requires the "pbxproj" module.', 'Install it using "pip install pbxproj"', 'optionally setting up a python3-venv first.', ))) exit(1) #=========# # Globals # #=========# # Either the executable directory or the current working directory # should be the wesnoth root directory rootdir = pathlib.Path(inspect.getsourcefile(lambda:0)) if not rootdir.joinpath("projectfiles").exists(): rootdir = pathlib.Path() if not rootdir.joinpath("projectfiles").exists(): raise Exception("Could not find project file directory") # the names of the targets in the Xcode project xcode_target_translations = { "wesnoth": ["The Battle for Wesnoth", "unit_tests"], "wesnothd": ["wesnothd"], "campaignd": ["campaignd"], "lua": ["liblua"], "tests": ["unit_tests"], } # the names of the targets in source_lists source_list_target_translations = { "wesnoth": "wesnoth", "wesnothd": "wesnothd", "campaignd": "campaignd", "lua": "lua", "tests": "boost_unit_tests", } # the names of the targets in Code::Blocks code_blocks_target_translations = { "wesnoth": "wesnoth", "wesnothd": "wesnothd", "campaignd": "campaignd", "lua": "liblua", "tests": "tests", } #=======# # XCode # #=======# def add_to_xcode(filename, targets): """Add the given file to the specified targets. """ projectfile = rootdir.joinpath( "projectfiles", "Xcode", "The Battle for Wesnoth.xcodeproj", "project.pbxproj", ) project = pbxproj.XcodeProject.load(projectfile) translated_targets = [item for t in targets for item in xcode_target_translations[t]] translated_targets = list(set(translated_targets)) print(" xcode targets:", translated_targets) for tname in translated_targets: if not project.get_target_by_name(tname): raise Exception( f"Could not find target '{tname}' in Xcode project file") # groups are organized by directory structure under "src" # except for tests, which have a separate root, "tests" if pathlib.Path("tests") in filename.parents: src_groups = project.get_groups_by_name("tests") else: src_groups = project.get_groups_by_name("src") if len(src_groups) != 1: raise Exception("problem finding 'src' group in xcode project") src_group = src_groups[0] parent_group = src_group for d in filename.parts[:-1]: if d == "tests": continue found_groups = project.get_groups_by_name(d, parent=parent_group) if len(found_groups) != 1: groupname = parent_group.get_name() raise Exception(f"problem finding '{d}' group in '{groupname}'") parent_group = found_groups[0] # if the group already has an entry with the same filename, loudly skip. # note: this doesn't allow adding to targets one at a time. # a new file should be added to all targets at once... # or maybe targets could be checked somehow, # or maybe the file could simply be completely removed and readded. if project.get_files_by_name(filename.name, parent=parent_group): print(" '"+filename.name+"' already found in Xcode project '"+",".join(translated_targets)+"', skipping") return # force is True here because otherwise a duplicate filename in # a different place will block addition of the new file. # the rest is just to match existing project file structure. project.add_file(filename.name, force=True, tree="", parent=parent_group, target_name=translated_targets, ) # that's done, save the file project.save() return #==============# # source_lists # #==============# def add_to_source_list(filename, source_list): source_list_file = rootdir.joinpath("source_lists", source_list) sl_lines = open(source_list_file).readlines() file_line = filename.as_posix() + '\n' # we only need source files in the source_lists, not header files if filename.suffix != ".cpp": return # if the target already has an entry with the same filename, loudly skip if file_line in sl_lines: print(f" '{filename}' already found in '{source_list}', skipping") return sl_lines.append(file_line) sl_lines.sort() open(source_list_file, 'w').writelines(sl_lines) def add_to_source_lists(filename, targets): translated_targets = [source_list_target_translations[t] for t in targets] print(" source_list targets:", translated_targets) for t in translated_targets: add_to_source_list(filename, t) #==============# # Code::Blocks # #==============# def add_to_code_blocks_target(filename, target): cbp_file = rootdir.joinpath( "projectfiles", "CodeBlocks", f"{target}.cbp", ) cbp_lines = open(cbp_file).readlines() filename_for_cbp = pathlib.PurePath( "..", "..", "src", filename ).as_posix() elem = f"\t\t\n" # if the target already has an entry with the same filename, loudly skip if elem in cbp_lines: print(f" '{filename}' already found in '{target}.cbp', skipping") return # find an appropriate line to add before/after index = 0 for line in cbp_lines: if line.startswith("\t\t"): # we must be the last entry, as this comes after the Unit section break index += 1 cbp_lines.insert(index, elem) open(cbp_file, 'w').writelines(cbp_lines) def add_to_code_blocks(filename, targets): translated_targets = [code_blocks_target_translations[t] for t in targets] print(" code::blocks targets:", translated_targets) for t in translated_targets: add_to_code_blocks_target(filename, t) def sanity_check_existing_cpp_hpp(filenames): """ If we're adding a .cpp file, check whether a .hpp should be added too, etc. Only the files named on the command line are added, this exits if the check fails. """ any_check_failed = False for filename in filenames: if filenames.count(filename) > 1: print(f"ERROR: File '{filename}' given multiple times") any_check_failed = True if not rootdir.joinpath("src", filename).exists(): print(f"WARN: File '{filename}' does not exist") any_check_failed = True spouse = None if filename.suffix == ".cpp": spouse = filename.with_suffix(".hpp") elif filename.suffix == ".hpp": spouse = filename.with_suffix(".cpp") if rootdir.joinpath("src", spouse).exists() and not filenames.count(spouse): print(f"WARN: Requested to add '{filename}', should '{spouse}' be added too?") any_check_failed = True if any_check_failed: break if any_check_failed: print("ERROR: Not making changes, as checks failed and --no-checks option was not used.") exit(1) def canonicalise_filenames(original_filenames): """ The script supports giving the filenames with or without the "src/" prefix. Strip the "src/" if present, functions that need it will add it again later. """ filenames = [] # If src/src/ exists, the filenames become ambiguous. No need to support that. if rootdir.joinpath("src", "src").exists(): print("Please don't add a file or directory called src/src.") exit(1) for filename in options.filename: filename = pathlib.PurePath(filename) parts = filename.parts if parts[0] == "src": filename = pathlib.PurePath(*parts[1:]) else: filename = pathlib.PurePath(*parts) filenames.append(filename) return filenames #======# # main # #======# if __name__ == "__main__": ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) # a file argument is mandatory ap.add_argument("filename", action="store", nargs="+", help="the .cpp and .hpp files to add") ap.add_argument("--target", action="store", nargs=1, default=["wesnoth"], help="which build targets to add the file to") ap.add_argument("--no-checks", action="store_true", help="do not check whether the files exist, etc") # By default, recognise --help too options = ap.parse_args() # Bail out if someone uses the old syntax of "add_source_file src/foo.cpp campaignd" if not options.no_checks: if len(options.filename) == 2 and not options.filename[1].count('.'): print("The usage has changed, targets now need to be given using --target name") exit(1) # Convert the names to pathlib.PurePath objects without leading "src/" filenames = canonicalise_filenames(options.filename) if not options.no_checks: sanity_check_existing_cpp_hpp(filenames) for filename in filenames: print(f"adding '{filename}' to targets: {options.target}") add_to_xcode(filename, options.target) add_to_source_lists(filename, options.target) add_to_code_blocks(filename, options.target)