/* Simulate Wesnoth combat. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* from the Linux Kernel: * min()/max() macros that also do * strict type-checking.. See the * "unnecessary" pointer comparison. */ //NOTE: cppcheck reports memory leaks in this program #define max(x,y) ({ \ typeof(x) _x = (x); \ typeof(y) _y = (y); \ (void) (&_x == &_y); \ _x > _y ? _x : _y; }) struct unit { unsigned damage, num_attacks, hp, max_hp; unsigned hit_chance; bool slowed, slows, drains, berserk, swarm, firststrike; bool touched; }; static void __attribute__((noreturn, format(printf,1,2))) barf(const char *fmt, ...) { char *str; va_list arglist; fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: "); va_start(arglist, fmt); vasprintf(&str, fmt, arglist); va_end(arglist); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); free(str); exit(1); } static bool hits(unsigned int chance) { return (random() % 100) < chance; } static void strike(struct unit *attacker, struct unit *defender) { unsigned damage = attacker->damage; if (!hits(attacker->hit_chance)) return; if (damage > defender->hp) damage = defender->hp; if (attacker->slows && !defender->slowed) { defender->slowed = true; defender->damage = (defender->damage + 1) / 2; } if (attacker->drains) { attacker->hp += damage/2; if (attacker->hp > attacker->max_hp) attacker->hp = attacker->max_hp; } defender->hp -= damage; defender->touched = true; } // A attacks B. static void simulate_attack(struct unit *a, struct unit *b) { unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < ((a->berserk || b->berserk) ? 30: 1); i++) { for (j = 0; j < max(a->num_attacks, b->num_attacks); j++) { if (j < a->num_attacks) { strike(a, b); if (b->hp == 0) return; } if (j < b->num_attacks) { strike(b, a); if (a->hp == 0) return; } } } } static unsigned int num_attacks(unsigned base, unsigned max, unsigned hp, bool swarm) { if (!swarm) return base; /* Swarm scales num attacks by hp. */ return base * hp / max; } /* This gives a max variation of around 1%. */ static void calculate_attack(const struct unit *defender, double defender_res[], double *defender_touched, double attacker_touched[], const struct unit *attackers[], double *attacker_res[], unsigned num_attackers, unsigned num_sims) { unsigned int i, j; *defender_touched = 0; for (j = 0; j < num_attackers; j++) attacker_touched[j] = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_sims; i++) { struct unit def = *defender; def.slowed = false; def.touched = false; for (j = 0; j < num_attackers && def.hp; j++) { struct unit att = *attackers[j]; att.slowed = false; att.touched = false; att.num_attacks = num_attacks(att.num_attacks, att.max_hp, att.hp, att.swarm); def.num_attacks = num_attacks(defender->num_attacks, defender->max_hp, def.hp, def.swarm); if (def.firststrike && !att.firststrike) simulate_attack(&def, &att); else simulate_attack(&att, &def); attacker_res[j][att.hp]++; if (att.touched) attacker_touched[j]++; } defender_res[def.hp]++; if (def.touched) (*defender_touched)++; } /* Now normalize each one by number of battles it was in. */ for (i = 0; i <= defender->max_hp; i++) defender_res[i] /= num_sims; *defender_touched /= num_sims; for (i = 0; i < num_attackers; i++) { unsigned int battles = 0; for (j = 0; j <= attackers[i]->max_hp; j++) { battles += attacker_res[i][j]; attacker_res[i][j] /= num_sims; } /* Any battle we weren't in, we're unscathed. */ attacker_res[i][attackers[i]->hp] += (1.0*num_sims-battles)/num_sims; /* If this attacker wasn't in more than 1% of battles, don't * pretend to know this probability. */ if (battles <= num_sims / 100) attacker_touched[i] = -1.0; else /* FIXME: attack_prediction doesn't take into account * that opponent might already be dead. */ attacker_touched[i] /= num_sims; } } static struct unit *parse_unit(char ***argv) { struct unit *u = (unit *)malloc(sizeof(*u)); u->damage = atoi((*argv)[1]); u->num_attacks = atoi((*argv)[2]); u->hp = u->max_hp = atoi((*argv)[3]); u->hit_chance = atoi((*argv)[4]); u->slows = false; u->slowed = false; u->drains = false; u->berserk = false; u->swarm = false; u->firststrike = false; if ((*argv)[5] && atoi((*argv)[5]) == 0) { char *max = strstr((*argv)[5], "maxhp="); if (max) { u->max_hp = atoi(max + strlen("maxhp=")); if (u->max_hp < u->hp) barf("maxhp must be at least hitpoints"); } if (strstr((*argv)[5], "drain")) { if (!max) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: drain specified without maxhp; assuming uninjured.\n"); u->drains = true; } if (strstr((*argv)[5], "slow")) u->slows = true; if (strstr((*argv)[5], "berserk")) u->berserk = true; if (strstr((*argv)[5], "firststrike")) u->firststrike = true; if (strstr((*argv)[5], "swarm")) { if (!max) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: swarm specified without maxhp; assuming uninjured.\n"); u->swarm = true; } *argv += 5; } else *argv += 4; return u; } #if 0 static void graph_prob(unsigned int hp, double prob) { unsigned int i, percent; percent = (prob + 1/200.0) * 100; printf("%-3u %3u%% |", hp, percent); for (i = 0; i < percent; i++) printf("#"); printf("\n"); } #endif static void draw_results(const double res[], const struct unit *u, double touched, const char label[]) { unsigned int i; printf("#0: %s: %u %u %u %u%% ", label, u->damage, u->num_attacks, u->hp, u->hit_chance); if (u->drains) printf("drains,"); if (u->slows) printf("slows,"); if (u->berserk) printf("berserk,"); if (u->swarm) printf("swarm,"); if (u->firststrike) printf("firststrike,"); printf("maxhp=%u ", u->max_hp); if (touched == -1) printf("touched:unknown "); else printf("touched:%.2f%% ", touched*100); for (i = 0; i < u->max_hp+1; i++) printf(" %.2f", res[i]*100); printf("\n"); } static void compare_results(const double res[], const struct unit *u, const char label[], unsigned battle, double touched, FILE *f) { unsigned int i; char line[128], cmp[128]; double val; sprintf(cmp, "#%u: %s: %u %u %u %u%% ", battle, label, u->damage, u->num_attacks, u->hp, u->hit_chance); if (u->drains) sprintf(cmp+strlen(cmp), "drains,"); if (u->slows) sprintf(cmp+strlen(cmp), "slows,"); if (u->berserk) sprintf(cmp+strlen(cmp), "berserk,"); if (u->swarm) sprintf(cmp+strlen(cmp), "swarm,"); if (u->firststrike) sprintf(cmp+strlen(cmp), "firststrike,"); sprintf(cmp+strlen(cmp), "maxhp=%u", u->max_hp); if (fread(line, strlen(cmp), 1, f) != 1) barf("Unexpected end of file on battle %u", battle); if (strncmp(line, cmp, strlen(cmp)) != 0) barf("Battle %u is different: '%.*s' should be '%s'", battle, (int)strlen(cmp), line, cmp); if (fscanf(f, " %lf", &val) != 1) barf("Malformed untouched: %s battle %u", label, battle); /* We *must* have result for defender and attacker 1. */ if (touched == -1) assert(strcmp(label, "Attacker #2") == 0); else if ( abs(val - (1.0 - touched)) > 0.01 ) printf("Warning: expected %f untouched, but got %f (battle %u %s).\n", 1.0 - touched, val, battle, label); for (i = 0; i < u->max_hp+1; i++) { if (fscanf(f, " %lf", &val) != 1) barf("Malformed hp line: %s hp %u battle %u", label, i, battle); #if 0 if (abs(val - res[i]*100) > 5.0) barf("Battle %u %s hp %u %f should be %f", battle, label, i, val, res[i]*100); #endif if (abs(val - res[i]*100) > 1.0) printf("Warning: in battle %u, %s hp %u chance was %f; should be %f.\n", battle, label, i, val, res[i]*100); } fscanf(f, "\n"); } static void check_sum(double *arr, unsigned int num) { unsigned int i; double sum = 0; for (i = 0; i <= num; i++) sum += arr[i]; assert(sum > 0.999 && sum < 1.001); } #define NUM_UNITS 50 static void check(const char *filename) { /* N^2 battles. */ struct unit u[NUM_UNITS]; unsigned int i, j, k, battle = 0, percent; FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) barf("Could not open %s for reading: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); printf("Creating %i units...\n", NUM_UNITS); for (i = 0; i < NUM_UNITS; i++) { unsigned alt = i + 74; // To offset some cycles. // Setting the specials. // Try to have these on different cycles so we do not, for example, // only have slows when there is also swarm. u[i].slows = (i % 11) % 3 == 0; u[i].drains = (i % 13) % 4 == 0; u[i].swarm = i % 5 == 0; u[i].berserk = i % 7 == 0; u[i].firststrike = (i % 17) / 2 == 0; // The number of attacks and hit points lost at the start of combat // should also be on their own cycles, as these strongly interact with // some specials. u[i].num_attacks = (alt%19 + 3) / 4; // range: 0-5, with 0 and 5 less common u[i].max_hp = (i*2)%23 + (i*3)%14 + 25; // range: 25-60, with a bit of a bell curve. // Miscellaneous unit stats. // Having these on their own cycles would be desirable, but // is not critical. u[i].hit_chance = (i % 6)*10 + 30; // range: 30%-80% u[i].damage = alt % 8 + 2; // range: 2-9 u[i].hp = (alt*5)%u[i].max_hp + 1; // range: 1-max_hp } printf("Beginning battle...\n"); percent = NUM_UNITS*(NUM_UNITS-1)*(NUM_UNITS-2)/100; srandom(time(NULL)); for (i = 0; i < NUM_UNITS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_UNITS; j++) { if (i == j) continue; for (k = 0; k < NUM_UNITS; k++) { if (k == i || k == j) continue; double i_result[u[i].max_hp+1]; double j_result[u[j].max_hp+1]; double k_result[u[k].max_hp+1]; double i_touched; double *attacker_res[2]; const struct unit *attackers[2]; double touched[2]; memset(i_result, 0, sizeof(i_result)); memset(j_result, 0, sizeof(j_result)); memset(k_result, 0, sizeof(k_result)); attacker_res[0] = j_result; attacker_res[1] = k_result; attackers[0] = &u[j]; attackers[1] = &u[k]; calculate_attack(&u[i], i_result, &i_touched, touched, attackers, attacker_res, 2, 20000); battle++; check_sum(i_result, u[i].max_hp); check_sum(j_result, u[j].max_hp); check_sum(k_result, u[k].max_hp); compare_results(i_result, &u[i], "Defender", battle, i_touched, f); compare_results(j_result, &u[j], "Attacker #1", battle, touched[0], f); compare_results(k_result, &u[k], "Attacker #2", battle, touched[1], f); if ((battle % percent) == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } } } printf("\nTotal combats: %i\n", NUM_UNITS*(NUM_UNITS-1)*(NUM_UNITS-2)); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int i; double *res_def, *res_att[argc / 4], def_touched, att_touched[argc/4]; const struct unit *def, *attacker[argc / 4 + 1]; if (argc == 3 && strcmp(argv[1], "--check") == 0) check(argv[2]); if (argc < 9) barf("Usage: %s --check \n" "\t%s [drain,slow,swarm,firststrike,berserk,maxhp=] [drain,slow,berserk,firststrike,swarm,maxhp=] ...", argv[0], argv[0]); def = parse_unit(&argv); res_def = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double), def->max_hp+1); for (i = 0; argv[1]; i++) { attacker[i] = parse_unit(&argv); res_att[i] = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double), attacker[i]->max_hp+1); } attacker[i] = NULL; srandom(time(NULL)); calculate_attack(def, res_def, &def_touched, att_touched, attacker, res_att, i, 10000); draw_results(res_def, def, def_touched, "Defender"); for (i = 0; attacker[i]; i++) draw_results(res_att[i], attacker[i], att_touched[i], "Attacker"); return 0; }