#!/usr/bin/perl # Script: units.pl # Purpose: To generate flat files and HTML files from the Battle for Wesnoth unit configuration files # # Requisites: All the following files, that are included in the package: # anim_header.html: Template for the header of the report of animations made # index_base.html: Index page that will be presented, in case translations are not selected # index_languages.html: Index page that will be presented, in case translations are selected # TeamColorizer.pl: Script created by Darth Fool, to change the magenta color of the units pngs # tree_fact_header.html: Template for the header of the tree by faction # tree_footer.html: Template for the footer of the unit trees # tree_header.html: Template for the header of the unit trees, except the ones by race of faction # tree_race_header.html: Template for the header of the tree by race # unit.html: Template for the unit page # units.css: Style file for all the html pages # For converting the images using the TeamColorizer.pl script, ImageMagik must be installed, # and the convert utility accessible from the console # The Perl module Locale::Maketext::Gettext is required for the translations, the latest version can be found at CPAN (http://cpan.org) # If the translation is not going to be used, the line use Locale::Maketext::Gettext; can be commented to avoid installing the module # # Usage: Select the amount of data to be generated using the flags on the Options section. # Enter the appropriate paths for the Wesnoth directory, and the folders that will contain the html files # and the reports. Use relative paths, that don't contain spaces, it wouldn't work if a space is found. # Run the script, no parameters needed. # # Author: Miguel Zapico (elricz.m@gmail.com) # -- Options -- # This option will determine if the html files are generated, in the folder determined by $html_dir my $html_gen = 1; # This option will determine if the html files translations are generated, and it will create the folders # based on the contents of the po folder of Wesnoth my $translate = 1; # If translating, this option will try to use the source code instead of the compiled files my $source = 1; # If translating, and not from the source, remove the comment on the following line #use Locale::Maketext::Gettext; # This option will determine if the attack images are copied, and the images units are copied and colorized my $images = 1; # This option will determine if the html report on made animations is generated my $animations = 1; # This is the version number that will appear on the unit trees my $version = 'trunk'; # These option will try to process the user made Eras my $ime = 0; # Imperial Era my $exe = 0; # Extended Era my $eom = 0; # Era of Myths # If the script is run on Windows, set this option to 1 my $windows = 0; use Tie::File; use File::Copy; # -- Paths -- my ($wesnoth_dir, $data_dir, $html_dir, $report_dir, $base_dir, $units_dir, $base_report_dir, $link_back); $wesnoth_dir = '../../..'; $html_dir = 'files'; $report_dir = 'reports'; # Directories creations unless (-e $html_dir) {mkdir $html_dir or die "$html_dir directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; unless (-e $report_dir) {mkdir $report_dir or die "$report_dir directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; unless (-e "$html_dir/attacks") {mkdir "$html_dir/attacks" or die "$html_dir/attacks directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; unless (-e "$html_dir/units") {mkdir "$html_dir/units" or die "$html_dir/units directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; $data_dir = "$wesnoth_dir/data/core"; $base_dir = $wesnoth_dir; $base_report_dir = $report_dir; $units_dir = $data_dir . "/units"; # Variables used to generate the html my ($i, $html, %types, %unit_id, @adv, %unit_desc, %desc_specials, %unit_id_to_file); $unit_id{AdvanceTo} = 'AdvanceTo'; # Variables used on the tree generation my (%spaces, %adv_from, %units, %units_id, %adv, %factions, %attacks, %att_id); my %races = qw/race Race bats race^Bats drake race^Drakes dwarf race^Dwarves elf race^Elves goblin race^Goblins gryphon race^Gryphons human race^Humans lizard race^Lizards mechanical race^Mechanical merman race^Mermen monster race^Monsters naga race^Nagas ogre race^Ogres orc race^Orcs troll race^Trolls undead race^Undead wose race^Woses/; # HTML code for each attack my $att_html = "\n\t\n\t"; $att_html .= "{name}\n\t{type}\n\t{damage}-{number}\n\t{range}\n\t{special} \n\n"; # Information on the units.cfg file &ProcessTypes('units.cfg'); # If the source code is available, get the descriptions for the units there &GetDescriptions if $source; # -- HTML files and raw data reports generation -- &ProduceDataFiles("templates/unit.html"); # Multiplayer # Print multiplayer units open (UNITS, "$report_dir/units.txt") or die "Couldn't open units.txt: $!\n"; open (MP, "> $report_dir/mp_units.txt") or die "Couldn't create mp_units.txt: $!\n"; print MP "id\tname\trace\thitpoints\tmovement_type\tmovement\texperience\tlevel\talignment\timage\tcost\tusage\tabilities\tfull_name\n"; while () { my $unit = $_; my ($none, $id, @other) = split /\t/; # We have names, not ids, on the %mp hash print MP $unit if $mp{$id}; } close MP; close UNITS; # -- Tree generation -- &GenerateTree; # -- Translate file -- &TranslateUnits if $translate; # -- Remove English comments -- &RemoveComments if $html_gen; # -- Copy images -- &CopyImages if ($images); # -- Generate animation information &GenerateAnimationInfo if ($animations); # Extended Era if ($exe) { $i=300; $version = 'x.32 (unstable)'; ($html, %unit_id, @adv, %spaces, %adv_from, %units, %units_id, %adv, %factions, %attacks, %att_id, %races) = (); $unit_id{AdvanceTo} = 'AdvanceTo'; $link_back = '../'; $wesnoth_dir = $base_dir . '/userdata/data/campaigns/Extended_Era'; $data_dir = $wesnoth_dir; $units_dir = $data_dir . "/units"; $html_dir = "$html_dir/EXE"; $report_dir = "$html_dir/data"; unless (-e $html_dir) {mkdir $html_dir or die "$html_dir directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; unless (-e $report_dir) {mkdir $report_dir or die "$html_dir directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; print "Processing Extended Era\n"; foreach ( glob("$data_dir/races/*.cfg") ) { s|$data_dir\/||; &ProcessTypes($_); } &ProduceDataFiles("templates/unit_exe.html"); # Get races open (UNITS, "$report_dir/units.txt") or die "Couldn't open units.txt: $!\n"; while () { my (@stats) = split /\t/; $races{$stats[2]} = ucfirst($stats[2]); } close UNITS; &GenerateTree ('_exe'); &RemoveComments() if $html_gen; &GenerateAnimationInfo if ($animations); # Move the html files to the main html folder foreach ( glob("$html_dir/*.html") ) { (my $new_file = $_) =~ s|EXE\/||; move($_,$new_file) unless /tree_|index|animation/; } &RemoveComments(1) if $html_gen; $html_dir =~ s|(.+)\/EXE|$1|; &CopyImages if ($images); } # Imperial Era if ($ime) { $i=600; $version = '0.17'; ($html, %unit_id, @adv, %spaces, %adv_from, %units, %units_id, %adv, %factions, %attacks, %att_id, %races) = (); $unit_id{AdvanceTo} = 'AdvanceTo'; $link_back = ''; $wesnoth_dir = $base_dir . '/userdata/data/campaigns/Imperial_Era'; $data_dir = $wesnoth_dir; $units_dir = $data_dir . "/units"; $html_dir = "$html_dir/IME"; $report_dir = "$html_dir/data"; unless (-e $html_dir) {mkdir $html_dir or die "$html_dir directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; unless (-e $report_dir) {mkdir $report_dir or die "$html_dir directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; print "Processing Imperial Era\n"; &ProcessTypes('units/various.cfg'); &ProduceDataFiles("templates/unit_IME.html"); # Get races open (UNITS, "$report_dir/units.txt") or die "Couldn't open units.txt: $!\n"; while () { my (@stats) = split /\t/; $races{$stats[2]} = ucfirst($stats[2]); } close UNITS; &GenerateTree ('_ime'); &RemoveComments(1) if $html_gen; &GenerateAnimationInfo if ($animations); $html_dir =~ s|(.+)\/IME|$1|; &CopyImages if ($images); } # Era of Myths if ($eom) { $i=900; $version = 'Gamma 5'; ($html, %unit_id, @adv, %spaces, %adv_from, %units, %units_id, %adv, %factions, %attacks, %att_id, %races) = (); $unit_id{AdvanceTo} = 'AdvanceTo'; $link_back = ''; $wesnoth_dir = $base_dir . '/userdata/data/campaigns/Era_of_Myths'; $data_dir = $wesnoth_dir; $units_dir = $data_dir . "/units"; $html_dir = "$html_dir/EOM"; $report_dir = "$html_dir/data"; unless (-e $html_dir) {mkdir $html_dir or die "$html_dir directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; unless (-e $report_dir) {mkdir $report_dir or die "$html_dir directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; print "Processing Era of Myths\n"; &ProcessTypes('units/EOM_Movetypes.cfg'); &ProduceDataFiles("templates/unit_EOM.html"); # Get races open (UNITS, "$report_dir/units.txt") or die "Couldn't open units.txt: $!\n"; while () { my (@stats) = split /\t/; $races{$stats[2]} = ucfirst($stats[2]); } close UNITS; &GenerateTree ('_eom'); &RemoveComments(1) if $html_gen; &GenerateAnimationInfo if ($animations); $html_dir =~ s|(.+)\/EOM|$1|; &CopyImages if ($images); } # ---------------------------------- # -- Subroutines used in the code -- # ---------------------------------- # Sub to produce the data and HTML files sub ProduceDataFiles { my $html_unit = shift; print "Starting the generation of unit files\n"; #Files that will contain the units data open (UNITS, "> $report_dir/units.txt") or die "Couldn't create units.txt: $!\n"; open (RES, "> $report_dir/resistances.txt") or die "Couldn't create resistances.txt: $!\n"; open (ADV, "> $report_dir/advances.txt") or die "Couldn't create advances.txt: $!\n"; open (ATTACK, "> $report_dir/attacks.txt") or die "Couldn't create attacks.txt: $!\n"; open (FACT, "> $report_dir/factions.txt") or die "Couldn't create factions.txt: $!\n"; # Headers print UNITS "id\tname\trace\thitpoints\tmovement_type\tmovement\texperience\tlevel\talignment\timage\tcost\tusage\tabilities\tfull_name\n"; print RES "id\tVariable\tValue\tCategory\n"; print ADV "id\tAdvanceTo\n"; print ATTACK "id\tname\ttype\trange\tdamage\tnumber\ticon\tspecial\n"; # Load HTML template open (HTML, $html_unit); $html = ''; $html .= $_ while (); close HTML; # Now all the unit files in the data/units directory my @units = glob("$units_dir/*.cfg"); &ProcessUnit($_) foreach @units; # For units stored in folders my @unitsdirs = glob("$units_dir/*"); foreach (@unitsdirs) { unless (/(fake|cfg|rpg)$/) { ($unitsdir = $_) =~ s/(.*)\///; @units = glob($_ . '/*.cfg'); &ProcessUnit ($_) foreach @units; } } # Factions, populates the factions file my @factions; if ($html_unit eq 'templates/unit.html') { @factions = glob("$wesnoth_dir/data/multiplayer/factions/*"); } else { @factions = glob("$wesnoth_dir/factions/*"); } my %mp; foreach (@factions) { &ProcessFaction ($_) if (/cfg$/); } if ($html_dir =~ /EXE$/) { # Merge mainline units for extended era open (MAIN_UNITS, "$base_report_dir/units.txt") or die "Couldn't open units.txt: $!\n"; while () { print UNITS unless /^id/; my ($id, $name) = split /\t/; $unit_id{$name} = $id; } close MAIN_UNITS; open (MAIN_ATT, "$base_report_dir/attacks.txt") or die "Couldn't open attacks.txt: $!\n"; while () {print ATTACK unless /^id/;} close MAIN_ATT; } close UNITS; close RES; close ADV; close ATTACK; close FACT; # Check advances to not miss any unit tie @adv, 'Tie::File', "$report_dir/advances.txt" or die "Couldn't open advances.txt: $!\n"; for (@adv) { my ($id, $adv) = split /\t/; $mp{$adv}++ if $mp{$id}; # List the units that will be processed as MP s/\t([0-9A-Za-z_ ]+)/\t$unit_id{$1}/; # Changes names to ids in the advance file } if ($html_dir =~ /EXE$/) { # Merge mainline units for extended era open (MAIN_ADV, "$base_report_dir/advances.txt") or die "Couldn't open advances.txt: $!\n"; while () { chomp; push @adv, $_ unless /^id/; } close MAIN_ADV; } untie @adv; } # Sub to parse the unit file, and print both the text files and the html sub ProcessUnit { $unit = shift; $i++; # This will be the unit id open (UNIT, "<$unit") or die "Can't open $unit: $!\n"; my (%unit,%attack,%res,%move,$att,$unit_file); # Variables used for the units description $unit_file = $1 if $unit =~ /units\/(\w+?\/\w+?).cfg/; $unit_id_to_file{$i} = $unit_file; my $flag = 1; # This flag will identify the section inside the config file while () { chomp; s/^\s*//; last if /^\[variation/; # Don't process double data if (/^\[female/) { # Used in the HTML generation, not included on the units.txt file ($unit{image_female} = $unit{image}) =~ s/.png/+female.png/; $unit{image_female} = ""; last; } # Primary information ($flag = 1) if (/=/ and $flag == 1) { my ($prop,$value) = split /=/; $unit{$prop} = $value unless $unit{$prop}; # The first value encountered is the one that last $unit{$prop} = $value if $unit{$prop} eq 'null'; # Unless we have a null value stored before } # Abilities, single regular expresion if (/{ABILITY_(.*?)(_.*)?}/ and $flag == 1) { $unit{abilities} .= lc("$1 "); $unit{abilities} .= "+4 " if $unit{abilities} =~ /heals\s$/; } # Soulless units, the stats are in the first {UNIT_BODY...} if (/^{UNIT_BODY_\w+\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)/) { $unit{image2} = "units/undead/$1.png> \n \n"; $unit{image2} .= " \n \n"; $unit{image2} .= " \n \n= 100; if ($var eq "movement_costs") { $move{$type} = $value; print RES "$i\t$type\t" . $value . "\t$var\n"; } else { $res{$type} = (100-$value) . "%"; print RES "$i\t$type\t" . (100-$value) . "\t$var\n"; } } ($flag,$var) = (2,$1) if /^\[(resistance|defense|movement_costs)\]/; # Attacks ($flag = 3) if (/{WEAPON_SPECIAL_(.*)}/ and $flag == 3) { # Special attack starts with {WEAPON_SPECIAL $attack{special} = lc($1); # Special cases, slow and plague types are not in the .mo files $attack{special} .= "s" if $attack{special} =~ /(?:slow|drain)/; $attack{special} = "plague" if $attack{special} =~ /plague/; } if ($flag == 3 and /^\[\/attack\]/ ) { $flag = 1; $attack{icon} = "attacks/$attack{name}.png" unless $attack{icon}; # If the value is not present, make it equal to the name print ATTACK "$i\t$attack{name}\t$attack{type}\t$attack{range}\t$attack{damage}\t$attack{number}\t$attack{icon}\t$attack{special}\n"; $attack{icon} = "attacks/" . $attack{icon} unless $attack{icon} =~ /^attacks/; # Fix the path to the images folder ($att .= $att_html) =~ s/{(\w+?)}/$attack{$1}/eg; # Construct the html for the attack %attack = ''; } if (/=/ and $flag == 3) { my ($prop,$value) = split /=/ if /=/; $attack{$prop} = $value; } ($flag, $attack{special}) = (3, '') if /^\[attack\]/; # Skip Death sequence $flag = 4 if /^\[death\]/; # Unit description specials if (/SPECIAL_NOTES/) { $unit_desc{$unit_file} .= $desc_specials{$1} while (/SPECIAL_NOTES_(\w+)/g); } } # Print to match the headers, there may be empty elements $unit{abilities} =~ s/\s$//; # Fix the extra space in the abilities $unit{name} =~ s/^.+?"(.+)"$/$1/; # Fix the name if ($unit{id}) { $unit{image} =~ s/^"/"units\// unless $unit{image}=~/^"units/; print UNITS "$i\t$unit{id}\t$unit{race}\t$unit{hitpoints}\t$unit{movement_type}\t$unit{movement}\t$unit{experience}"; print UNITS "\t$unit{level}\t$unit{alignment}\t$unit{image}\t$unit{cost}\t$unit{usage}\t$unit{abilities}\t$unit{name}\n"; $unit{image} = $unit{image2} if $unit{image2}; } # Advances $unit_id{$unit{id}} = $i; if ($unit{advanceto} ne 'null') { foreach (split (/,/,$unit{advanceto})) { s/^\s*//; print ADV "$i\t$_\n"; (my $link = $_) =~ s/\s/_/g; $unit{advancetohtml} .= "$_ \n"; } } close UNIT; # Generate HTML $unit{unit_description} = $unit_desc{$unit_file} if $source; if ($html_gen) { (my $filename = $unit{id}) =~ s/\s/_/g; $unit{unit_description} =~ s/( _ )?"//g; $unit{num} = $i; $unit{abilities} =~ s/\s(?!\+)/\n/; foreach (keys %{ $types{$unit{movement_type}}{defense} }) { $res{$_} = $types{$unit{movement_type}}{defense}{$_} . "%" unless $res{$_}; } foreach (keys %{ $types{$unit{movement_type}}{movement} }) { $move{$_} = $types{$unit{movement_type}}{movement}{$_} unless $move{$_}; } open (HTML_UNIT, "> $html_dir/$filename.html") or die "Couldn't create $unit{id}: $!\n"; ($html_unit = $html) =~ s/{(\w+?)}/$unit{$1}/eg; $html_unit =~ s/::(\w+?)::/$res{$1}/eg; $html_unit =~ s/~(\w+?)~/$move{$1}/eg; $html_unit =~ s/--attacks--/$att/; print HTML_UNIT $html_unit; close HTML_UNIT; } } # Sub to generate the unit trees sub GenerateTree { return unless $html_gen; my $era_file = shift; print "Starting the generation of unit trees\n"; copy('templates/units.css',"$html_dir/units.css"); # Load HTML templates open (HTML, "templates/tree_header$era_file.html") or die "Couldn't open header: $!\n"; my @header = ; s/X.X.X/$version/ foreach @header; close HTML; open (HTML, "templates/tree_footer.html") or die "Couldn't open footer: $!\n"; my @footer = ; @footer[2] =~ s/date/gmtime(time)/e; # Generation time close HTML; # Get the advances for each unit open (ADV, "$report_dir/advances.txt") or die "Couldn't open advances.txt: $!\n"; while () { chomp; my ($id, $adv) = split /\t/; $spaces{$id}++; # Used on the rowspan $adv_from{$adv} = $id; push @{$adv{$id}}, $adv; } close ADV; # Calculate the correct row span for each unit foreach (sort keys %spaces) { if ($spaces{$_} > 1 and $adv_from{$_}) { $spaces{$adv_from{$_}} += $spaces{$_} - 1; } } foreach $id (sort keys %spaces) { my $expected; foreach $i (0..$#{ $adv{$id} }) { $expected += $spaces{$adv{$id}[$i]}; } $spaces{$id}=$expected if $spaces{$id}<$expected; } # Units information open (UNITS, "$report_dir/units.txt") or die "Couldn't open units.txt: $!\n"; while () { chomp; my ($id, @stats) = split /\t/; $units{$id} = [ @stats ]; $units_id{$stats[0]} = $id; $adv_to{$stats[0]} = $stats[-1]; } close UNITS; # Attacks information open (ATT, "$report_dir/attacks.txt") or die "Couldn't open attacks.txt: $!\n"; while () { chomp; my ($id, @stats) = split /\t/; $att_id{$id}++; # Numeral for the hash, there may be better ways to do it $attacks{$id}[$att_id{$id}-1] = [ @stats ]; } close ATT; # Tree by race open (INDEX, "> $html_dir/tree_race.html") or die "Couldn't create tree_race.html: $!\n"; open (HTML, "templates/tree_race_header$era_file.html") or die "Couldn't open header: $!\n"; while () {s/X.X.X/$version/; print INDEX;} close HTML; foreach $race (sort keys %races) { if ($race ne "race") { open ($race, ">", "$html_dir/tree_$race.html") or die "Couldn't create $race.html: $!\n"; # Use the variable as the filehandle print $race @header; print INDEX "\n\n$races{$race}\n\n"; print $race "\n\n$races{$race}\n\n"; foreach (sort keys %units) { if ($race eq $units{$_}[1]) { # Only process units for the current race &PrintUnitTree($_, *INDEX) unless $adv_from{$_}; &PrintUnitTree($_, $race) unless $adv_from{$_}; } } print $race @footer; close $race; } } print INDEX @footer; close INDEX; # Update Advance From on each file &UpdateAdvanceFrom; # Tree by faction # Load factions open (INDEX, "> $html_dir/tree_faction.html") or die "Couldn't create tree_faction.html: $!\n"; open (HTML, "templates/tree_fact_header$era_file.html") or die "Couldn't open header: $!\n"; while () {s/X.X.X/$version/; print INDEX;} close HTML; # Delete the advances from the units in the factions, so the tree can be built my @delete_adv = qw/Thug Footpad Spearman Bowman Poacher Lieutenant/; delete($adv_from{$units_id{$_}}) foreach @delete_adv; open (FACTIONS, "$report_dir/factions.txt") or die "Couldn't open factions.txt: $!\n"; while () { chomp; my ($faction, @stats) = split /\t/; # Identify the standard factions for each Era if ($faction =~ /(\w+)-default/ || $faction =~ /^imper-(\w+)/ || $faction =~ /(\w+)-extended/ || $faction =~ /(\w+)-EOM/) { $factions{$1} = [ @stats ]; open ($faction, ">", "$html_dir/tree_$faction.html") or die "Couldn't create $faction.html: $!\n"; print $faction @header; my $faction_name = ucfirst($1); # Adjust the name of the factions to get them translated $faction_name = 'Knalgan Alliance' if $faction_name eq 'Knalgans'; print INDEX "\n\n$faction_name\n\n"; foreach (@stats) { &PrintUnitTree($units_id{$_}, *INDEX) unless $adv_from{$units_id{$_}}; &PrintUnitTree($units_id{$_}, $faction) unless $adv_from{$units_id{$_}}; } print $faction @footer; close $faction; } } close FACTIONS; # Load footer print INDEX @footer; close INDEX; # Copy the index file before translating if ($translate) { open (HTML, 'templates/index_languages.html') or die "Couldn't open index_languages.html: $!\n"; } else { open (HTML, "templates/index_base$era_file.html") or die "Couldn't open index_base.html: $!\n"; } open (INDEX, "> $html_dir/index.html") or die "Couldn't create index.html: $!\n"; while () {s/X.X.X/$version/; print INDEX;} close HTML; close INDEX; } # Sub to copy images sub CopyImages { # Era of Myths images my ($att_folder, $unit_folder, @unit_images); if ($wesnoth_dir =~ /Era_of_Myths/) { $att_folder = 'attacks/'; $unit_folder = 'units/'; } # Attacks images print "Copying attack icons\n"; open (ATT, "$report_dir/attacks.txt") or die "Couldn't open attacks.txt: $!\n"; while () { chomp; my (@stats) = split /\t/; copy ("$data_dir/images/$stats[6]","$html_dir/$att_folder$stats[6]"); #print "$data_dir/images/$stats[6]\t$html_dir/$att_folder$stats[6]\n"; } close ATT; # Unit images, to be colorized print "Copying and colorizing units\n"; # Prepare folders @unit_images = glob("$data_dir/images/units/*"); @unit_images = glob("$data_dir/images/*") if ($wesnoth_dir =~ /Era_of_Myths/); foreach $unit_image (@unit_images) { $unit_image =~ s(.*\/)(); # Take only the folder name if ($unit_image !~ /\./) { unless (-e "$html_dir/units/$unit_image") {mkdir "$html_dir/units/$unit_image" or die "$unit_image directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; } } # Unit images open (UNITS, "$report_dir/units.txt") or die "Couldn't open units.txt: $!\n"; my $colorizer = "TeamColorizer.pl"; $colorizer = './' . $colorizer unless $windows; while () { chomp; my @stats = split /\t/; (my $image = $stats[9]); $image =~ s/"//g; system ("$colorizer $data_dir/images/$image $html_dir/$unit_folder$image") unless (! -e "$data_dir/images/$image"); $image =~ s/.png/+female.png/; system ("$colorizer $data_dir/images/$image $html_dir/$unit_folder$image") unless (! -e "$data_dir/images/$image"); } close UNITS; # zombie units if ($data_dir =~ /core/) { my @zombies = qw/drake mounted saurian swimmer troll wose/; foreach $zombie (@zombies) { system ("$colorizer $data_dir/images/units/undead/zombie-$zombie.png $html_dir/units/undead/zombie-$zombie.png"); system ("$colorizer $data_dir/images/units/undead/soulless-$zombie.png $html_dir/units/undead/soulless-$zombie.png"); } } } # Sub to generate animation information sub GenerateAnimationInfo { print "Generating animation information\n"; my %tags; my @anim = qw/attack_anim death defend healing_anim idle_anim leading_anim movement_anim recruit_anim/; my $re_anim = "("; $re_anim .= "$_|" foreach @anim; $re_anim =~ s/\|$/)/; # Load HTML templates open (HTML, "templates/anim_header.html") or die "Couldn't open header: $!\n"; my @header = ; close HTML; open (HTML, "templates/tree_footer.html") or die "Couldn't open footer: $!\n"; my @footer = ; @footer[2] =~ s/date/gmtime(time)/e; # Generation time close HTML; open (INDEX, "> $html_dir/animations.html") or die "Couldn't create animations.html: $!\n"; # Load units information my @unitsdirs = glob("$units_dir/*"); foreach (@unitsdirs) { unless (/(fake|cfg|rpg)$/) { ($unitsdirs = $_) =~ s/(.*)\///; @units = glob($_ . '/*.cfg'); foreach $unit (@units) { my ($id,$tag,$in,$images); open (UNIT, "<$unit") or die "Can't open $unit: $!\n"; while () { chomp; s/^\s*//; $id = $1 if /id=(.+)/; ($tag,$in,$images) = ($1,1,0) if /\[$re_anim\]/; $images++ if ($in && /image=/); if (m{\[\/$re_anim\]}) { $tags{$id}{$tag} += $images; ($in,$images) = (0,0); } } } } } # Print information print INDEX @header; foreach $unit (sort keys %tags) { print INDEX "\n\t$unit\n"; foreach $tag (@anim) { print INDEX "\t$tags{$unit}{$tag}" : ">~") . "\n"; } print INDEX "\n"; } print INDEX @footer; } # Sub to process the move types data from the units.cfg file sub ProcessTypes { my ($flag, $id); open (TYPES, "<$data_dir/$_[0]") or die "Can't open units.cfg: $!\n"; open (REPORT, ">$report_dir/types.txt") or die "Can't open $unit: $!\n"; print REPORT "Mov_type\tVariable\tValue\tCategory\n"; while () { chomp; s/^\s*//; $flag = 0 if /^\[\/movetype\]/; $flag = 1 if /^\[movetype\]/; $id = $1 if (/^name=(.*)/ and $flag); $flag = 1 if /^\[\/(movement_costs|defense|resistance)\]/; if ($flag==2) { my ($var,$value) = split /=/; print REPORT "$id\t$var\t$value\tMovement\n"; $types{$id}{movement}{$var} = $value; } $flag = 2 if /^\[movement_costs\]/; if ($flag==3) { my ($var,$value) = split /=/; print REPORT "$id\t$var\t" . (100-$value) . "\tDefense\n"; $types{$id}{defense}{$var} = (100-$value); } $flag = 3 if (/^\[defense\]/ and $flag); if ($flag==4) { my ($var,$value) = split /=/; print REPORT "$id\t$var\t" . (100-$value) . "\tResistance\n"; $types{$id}{defense}{$var} = (100-$value); } $flag = 4 if /^\[resistance\]/; } close TYPES; } # Sub to extract the factions from the factions file sub ProcessFaction { my $faction = shift; my $unit_list; open (FACTION, "<$faction") or die "Can't open $faction: $!\n"; while () { chomp; s/^\s*//; $faction =~ s/factions\/(.+)\.cfg/$1/; $unit_list .= "$1," if /^(?:leader|recruit)=(.+)/; # Only get the leaders and recruit, and all in the same line } $unit_list =~ s/,\s?/\t/g; $mp{$_}++ foreach split (/\t/, $unit_list); # Feed the %mp hash with the units $faction =~ s(.*\/)(); # Take only the faction name print FACT "$faction\t$unit_list\n"; } # This sub prints the full section of the tree correspoding to the unit sub PrintUnitTree { my $unit = shift; my $fh = shift; # The file to write in is also a parameter of the sub unless ($adv_from{$unit}) { # Only process base units, units that don't have an advance from print $fh "\n\n"; for ($i=0; $i<$units{$unit}[6];$i++) { # Add as many cells as levels (6th element of the unit array) if ($spaces{$unit} > 1) { # Here we print the html for the row span print $fh ""; } else { print $fh ""; } } } # Print the unit if ($spaces{$unit} > 1) { print $fh ""; &PrintUnit ($unit, $fh); print $fh "\n"; } else { print $fh ""; &PrintUnit ($unit, $fh); print $fh "\n"; } # If the unit has advances, call this sub again if ($adv{$unit}) { foreach $i (0..$#{ $adv{$unit} }) { &PrintUnitTree ($adv{$unit}[$i], $fh); } } else { print $fh "\n\n"; } } # Sub to print the unit information in HTML format sub PrintUnit { my $unit = shift; my $fh = shift; (my $filename = $units{$unit}[0]) =~ s/\s/_/g; print $fh "\"$units{$unit}[0]\""; print $fh "
\n$units{$unit}[0]"; print $fh "
\n$units{$unit}[7]"; print $fh "
\nHP:$units{$unit}[2]"; print $fh "  MP:$units{$unit}[4]"; print $fh "  XP:$units{$unit}[5]"; $units{$unit}[11] =~ s/(\w)\s/$1\n/; # The code still needs one word to translate per line, surronded by html tags print $fh "
\n$units{$unit}[11]" if length($units{$unit}[11]) > 0; foreach $i (0..$#{ $attacks{$unit} }) { # There may be more than one attack print $fh "\n
$attacks{$unit}[$i][2]: $attacks{$unit}[$i][3] - $attacks{$unit}[$i][4]"; print $fh "\n ($attacks{$unit}[$i][6])" if $attacks{$unit}[$i][6]; } } # Updates the unit files with the Advance From information sub UpdateAdvanceFrom { my @html_units = glob("$html_dir/*.html"); foreach (@html_units) { tie @html, 'Tie::File', $_ or die "Couldn't open file: $!\n"; my $adv_html; for (@html) { # Build the advance from html based on the id if (/--id=(\d+)--/) { my $id = $1; (my $filename = $units{$adv_from{$id}}[0]) =~ s/\s/_/g; $adv_html = "$units{$adv_from{$id}}[0]"; } s/--advancefrom--/$adv_html/; s{>([^<]+)$adv_to{$1}HP: <\/b>/); # Stop processing the file here } untie @html; } } # Remove comments in the english files sub RemoveComments { print "Removing comments\n"; my @html_units = glob("$html_dir/*.html"); foreach (@html_units) { #print "$_\n"; tie @html, 'Tie::File', $_ or die "Couldn't open $_: $!\n"; for (@html) { s///g; s|\.\./unit|unit|; s|race\^||; s|unit help\^||; s|src=("?)|src=$1../|g if $_[0]; s{src="../(?!units)}{src="../units/}g if ($html_dir =~ /EOM$/); # Change links for EOM } untie @html; } } # Translate the html using the gettext module sub TranslateUnits { my (@countries); if ($source) { @countries = glob("$wesnoth_dir/po/wesnoth/*.po"); } else { @countries = glob("$wesnoth_dir/po/*"); } foreach $country (@countries) { my ($flag, $base, $unit_base, %dict, %unit_desc_tr); $country =~ s(.*\/)(); # Take only the country $country =~ s(.po$)(); # If it is the source, we need to stript also the extension unless (-e "$html_dir/$country") {mkdir "$html_dir/$country" or die "$country directory cannot be created: $!\n";}; print "Processing $country\n"; # If we are using the source, build the dictionary in a different way if ($source) { # Base data on po/wesnoth dir open (POF,"$wesnoth_dir/po/wesnoth/$country.po") or die "Coudn't open wesnoth file for $country: $!\n"; while () { $base = $1 if (/msgid "([^"]+)"/); $dict{$base} = $1 if (/msgstr "([^"]+)"/); } close POF; # Units data on po/wesnoth-units dir open (POF,"$wesnoth_dir/po/wesnoth-units/$country.po") or die "Coudn't open wesnoth file for $country: $!\n"; while () { $base = $1 if (/msgid "([^"]+)"/); $dict{$base} = $1 if (/msgstr "([^"]+)"/); # Descriptions chomp; $unit_file = $1 if /^.: data\/core\/units\/(\w+?\/\w+?).cfg:\d+$/; $desc .= $_ if $flag; $flag = 1 if /^msgstr ""/; if (/^$/) { $flag = 0; $desc =~ s/"//g; $desc =~ s/(\\n)+/
/g; $unit_desc_tr{$unit_file} = $desc if length($desc)>50; $desc=''; } } close POF; # Faction data on po/wesnoth-units dir open (POF,"$wesnoth_dir/po/wesnoth-multiplayer/$country.po") or die "Coudn't open wesnoth file for $country: $!\n"; while () { $base = $1 if (/msgid "([^"]+)"/); $dict{$base} = $1 if (/msgstr "([^"]+)"/); } close POF; } else { my $MOfile = "$wesnoth_dir/po/$country/LC_MESSAGES/wesnoth.mo"; %dict = read_mo($MOfile); # Add female entries foreach $key (keys %dict) { if ($key =~ /^female/) { (my $newkey = $key) =~ s/^female.//; $dict{$newkey} = $dict{$key}; } } # Add units information $MOfile = "$wesnoth_dir/po/$country/LC_MESSAGES/wesnoth-units.mo"; %dict_extra = read_mo($MOfile); foreach $key (keys %dict_extra) { $dict{$key} = $dict_extra{$key}; } # Add factions information $MOfile = "$wesnoth_dir/po/$country/LC_MESSAGES/wesnoth-multiplayer.mo"; %dict_extra = read_mo($MOfile); foreach $key (keys %dict_extra) { $dict{$key} = $dict_extra{$key}; } } # Process only the html files from the HTML folder my @html_units = glob("$html_dir/*.html"); foreach $unit (@html_units) { my $id; open (UNIT, "$unit") or die "Couldn't open $unit: $!\n"; $unit =~ s|/|/$country/|; # Create the same file in the country folder open (TRANS, ">$unit") or die "Couldn't create $unit: $!\n"; while ($line = ) { $line = "


\n" if $line =~/^

|; $line =~ s///; # Change language tag $id = $1 if $line =~ //; if ($line =~ m/>([^<]+)([^<]+)$dict{$1}[^<]/) { if ($unit_desc_tr{$unit_id_to_file{$id}}) { $line = '

' . $unit_desc_tr{$unit_id_to_file{$id}} . "

\n"; } else { $line = '

' . $unit_desc{$unit_id_to_file{$id}} . "

\n"; } } $line =~ s///g; # Remove comments } $line =~ s{src=("?)(?=\w)}{src=$1../}g; # Change the links $line =~ s|race\^||; # Remove race^ in case it is not translated s|unit help\^||; # Remove unit help^ in case it is not translated print TRANS $line; } close TRANS; close UNIT; } } } sub GetDescriptions { my ($unit_file, $pos, $flag, $desc); open (DESC,"$wesnoth_dir/po/wesnoth-units/wesnoth-units.pot") or die "Coudn't open units template: $!\n"; while () { chomp; ($unit_file, $pos) = ($1,$2) if /^.: data\/core\/units\/(\w+?\/\w+?).cfg:(\d+)$/; # Mark the start of the description if (/^msgid/ && $pos > 10) {$flag = 1}; # Once we reach the msgstr string, process the description if (/^msgstr/ && $pos > 10) { # Format the description $desc =~ s/msgid //; $desc =~ s/"//g; $desc =~ s/(\\n)+/
/g; $desc =~ s/female\^//; $unit_desc{$unit_file} = $desc if length($desc)>50; # Reset counter $flag=0; $pos=0; $desc=''; } $desc .= $_ if $flag; } close DESC; # Special notes open (DESC,"$data_dir/macros/special-notes.cfg") or die "Coudn't open units specials: $!\n"; while () { chomp; $desc = $1 if /SPECIAL_NOTES_(\w+)/; $desc_specials{$desc} = $1 if /_"(.*)"/; } close DESC; }