# # This file contains terrain--graphics macros that are not currently used in # mainline or any known UMC. The goal of moving them here is (a) to make # the mainline files easier to read by reducing unused clutter, (b) to # clean up unused references so wmlscope sanity checking, and (c) to preserve # these in case they are ever again useful. # # # Originally from buildings.cfg # #define BUILDING_FLAG TERRAIN IMAGE_WML FLAG [terrain_graphics] [tile] x=0 y=0 type={TERRAIN} has_flag={FLAG} {IMAGE_WML} [/tile] set_flag=building-{TERRAIN} no_flag=building-{TERRAIN} [/terrain_graphics] #enddef #define BUILDING_FLAG_PROB TERRAIN IMAGE_WML FLAG PROBABILITY [terrain_graphics] [tile] x=0 y=0 type={TERRAIN} has_flag={FLAG} set_flag=overlay {IMAGE_WML} [/tile] probability={PROBABILITY} set_flag=building-{TERRAIN} no_flag=building-{TERRAIN} [/terrain_graphics] #enddef #define FLAG_REMAINING TERRAIN FLAG CLASS [terrain_graphics] [tile] x=0 y=0 type={TERRAIN} set_flag={FLAG},{CLASS} no_flag={CLASS} [/tile] [/terrain_graphics] #enddef # # Originally from utils.cfg # #define HIMG LAYER NAME [image] name={NAME} layer={LAYER} [/image] #enddef #define HIMG_NIGHT LAYER NAME NAME_NIGHT [image] name={NAME} layer={LAYER} [variant] tod=dusk name={NAME_NIGHT} [/variant] [variant] tod=first_watch name={NAME_NIGHT} [/variant] [variant] tod=second_watch name={NAME_NIGHT} [/variant] [variant] tod=dawn name={NAME_NIGHT} [/variant] [/image] #enddef #define VIMG_NIGHT BASE NAME NAME_NIGHT [image] name={NAME} base={BASE} [variant] tod=dusk name={NAME_NIGHT} [/variant] [variant] tod=first_watch name={NAME_NIGHT} [/variant] [variant] tod=second_watch name={NAME_NIGHT} [/variant] [variant] tod=dawn name={NAME_NIGHT} [/variant] [/image] #enddef # Sets a specified flag to all hexes adjacent to a given type which is in turn # adjacent to another given type. Used to set the transition2 flag for sunken # keeps, so their cliff transition to water will be disabled. #define SET_ADJACENT_FLAG CENTER_TERRAIN ADJACENT_TERRAIN ADJACENT_TO_TERRAIN FLAG [terrain_graphics] map=" , 2 ., . , 1 ., . , ." [tile] pos=1 type={CENTER_TERRAIN} [/tile] [tile] pos=2 type={ADJACENT_TERRAIN} set_flag="adjacent_to_{ADJACENT_TO_TERRAIN}" no_flag="adjacent_to_{ADJACENT_TO_TERRAIN}" [/tile] rotations=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/terrain_graphics] [terrain_graphics] map=" , 4 ., . , 3 ., . , ." [tile] pos=3 type={ADJACENT_TERRAIN} has_flag="adjacent_to_{ADJACENT_TO_TERRAIN}" [/tile] [tile] pos=4 type={ADJACENT_TO_TERRAIN} no_flag={FLAG}-@R3 set_flag={FLAG}-@R3 [/tile] rotations=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/terrain_graphics] #enddef # # These were originally from castle_transitions.cfg # #define TERRAIN_ADJACENT_CORNER_FLAG1_PROB TERRAIN1 TERRAIN2 TERRAIN3 POS FLAG IMAGESTEM PROB [terrain_graphics] map=" 3 , 2 1" [tile] pos=1 type={TERRAIN1} has_flag={FLAG} set_flag=fence-@R0 no_flag=fence-@R0 [/tile] [tile] pos=2 type={TERRAIN2} [/tile] [tile] pos=3 type={TERRAIN3} [/tile] [image] base={POS} name={IMAGESTEM}-@R0 [/image] rotations=ne,e,se,sw,w,nw probability={PROB} [/terrain_graphics] #enddef #define TERRAIN_ADJACENT_CORNER_FLAG2 TERRAIN1 TERRAIN2 TERRAIN3 POS FLAG IMAGESTEM [terrain_graphics] map=" 3 , 2 1" [tile] pos=1 type={TERRAIN1} [/tile] [tile] pos=2 type={TERRAIN2} has_flag={FLAG} [/tile] [tile] pos=3 type={TERRAIN3} [/tile] [image] base={POS} name={IMAGESTEM}-@R0 [/image] rotations=ne,e,se,sw,w,nw [/terrain_graphics] #enddef #define TERRAIN_ADJACENT_CORNER_FLAG3 TERRAIN1 TERRAIN2 TERRAIN3 POS FLAG IMAGESTEM [terrain_graphics] map=" 3 , 2 1" [tile] pos=1 type={TERRAIN1} [/tile] [tile] pos=2 type={TERRAIN2} [/tile] [tile] pos=3 type={TERRAIN3} has_flag={FLAG} [/tile] [image] base={POS} name={IMAGESTEM}-@R0 [/image] rotations=ne,e,se,sw,w,nw [/terrain_graphics] #enddef # # Originally from the base.cfg file # #define TERRAIN_BASE_FLAG TERRAIN FLAG IMAGESTEM [terrain_graphics] [tile] x=0 y=0 type="{TERRAIN}" has_flag={FLAG} [image] layer=-1000 name={IMAGESTEM} [/image] [/tile] no_flag="base" set_flag="base" [/terrain_graphics] #enddef