[unit] id=Sea Orc name= _ "Sea Orc" race=orc image="sea-orc.png" image_defensive="sea-orc-defend.png" hitpoints=31 movement_type=swimmer movement=5 experience=1 level=1 alignment=chaotic advanceto=null cost=20 usage=fighter unit_description= _ "While often viewed as inferior to their land loving counterparts, Sea Orcs represent a great leap for all goblinoids as they have adapted to aquatic environments. With their curved swords they are competent fighters, although their lack of a ranged attack and poor defence on land do represent strategic weaknesses." get_hit_sound=orc-small-hit.wav [attack] name=sword type=blade range=short damage=5 number=3 [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="sea-orc-attack.png" [/frame] [sound] time=-250 sound=sword-swish.wav [/sound] [/attack] [/unit]