#!/usr/bin/env python #encoding: utf8 """ wmlunits -- tool to output information on all units in HTML Run without arguments to see usage. """ # Makes things faster on 32-bit systems try: import psyco; psyco.full() except ImportError: pass import sys, os, glob, shutil, urllib2, argparse, traceback import subprocess, yaml import multiprocessing, Queue import wesnoth.wmlparser2 as wmlparser2 import unit_tree.helpers as helpers import unit_tree.animations as animations import unit_tree.html_output as html_output import unit_tree.overview import unit_tree.wiki_output as wiki_output TIMEOUT = 5 def copy_images(): print("Recolorizing pictures.") image_collector.copy_and_color_images(options.output) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(image_collector.datadir, "data/tools/unit_tree/style.css"), options.output) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(image_collector.datadir, "data/tools/unit_tree/menu.js"), options.output) for grab in [ "http://www.wesnoth.org/mw/skins/glamdrol/headerbg.jpg", "http://www.wesnoth.org/mw/skins/glamdrol/wesnoth-logo.jpg", "http://www.wesnoth.org/mw/skins/glamdrol/navbg.png"]: local = os.path.join(options.output, grab[grab.rfind("/") + 1:]) if not os.path.exists(local): print "Fetching", grab url = urllib2.urlopen(grab) file(local, "w").write(url.read()) def shell(com): #print(com) p = subprocess.Popen(com, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True) out, err = p.communicate() #if out: sys.stdout.write(out) #if err: sys.stdout.write(err) return p.returncode def shell_out(com): p = subprocess.Popen(com, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() return out def bash(name): return "'" + name.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" def move(f, t, name): if os.path.exists(f + "/" + name + ".cfg"): com = "mv " + f + "/" + bash(name + ".cfg") + " " + t + "/" shell(com) com = "mv " + f + "/" + bash(name) + " " + t + "/" return shell(com) def list_contents(): class Empty: pass local = Empty() mainline_eras = set() filename = options.list def append(info, id, define, c = None, name = None, domain = None): info.append({}) info[-1]["id"]= id info[-1]["define"] = define if c: info[-1]["name"] = c.get_text_val("name") else: info[-1]["name"] = name info[-1]["units"] = "?" info[-1]["translations"] = {} info[-1]["translations"] = {} for isocode in languages: translation = html_output.Translation(options.transdir, isocode) def translate(string, domain): return translation.translate(string, domain) if c: info[-1]["translations"][isocode] = c.get_text_val("name", translation = translate) else: info[-1]["translations"][isocode] = translate(name, domain) def list_eras(addon): eras = local.wesnoth.parser.get_all(tag = "era") if addon != "mainline": eras = [x for x in eras if not x.get_text_val("id") in mainline_eras] info = [] for era in eras: eid = era.get_text_val("id") if addon == "mainline": mainline_eras.add(eid) append(info, eid, "MULTIPLAYER", c = era) return info def list_campaigns(addon): campaigns = local.wesnoth.parser.get_all(tag = "campaign") info = [] for campaign in campaigns: cid = campaign.get_text_val("id") d = campaign.get_text_val("define") d2 = campaign.get_text_val("extra_defines") if d2: d += "," + d2 append(info, cid, d, c = campaign) return info def parse(wml, defines): def f(options, wml, defines, q): local.wesnoth = helpers.WesnothList( options.wesnoth, options.config_dir, options.data_dir, options.transdir) #print("remote", local.wesnoth) try: local.wesnoth.parser.parse_text(wml, defines) q.put(("ok", local.wesnoth)) except Exception as e: q.put(("e", e)) q = multiprocessing.Queue() p = multiprocessing.Process(target = f, args = (options, wml, defines, q)) p.start() try: s, local.wesnoth = q.get(timeout = TIMEOUT) except Queue.Empty: p.terminate() raise #print("local", s, local.wesnoth) p.join() if s == "e": remote_exception = local.wesnoth raise remote_exception def get_version(addon): try: parser = wmlparser2.Parser(options.wesnoth, options.config_dir, options.data_dir, no_preprocess = False) parser.parse_file(options.config_dir + "/data/add-ons/" + addon + "/_info.cfg") for info in parser.get_all(tag = "info"): return info.get_text_val("version") + "*" + info.get_text_val("uploads") except wmlparser2.WMLError as e: print(e) try: os.makedirs(options.output + "/mainline") except OSError: pass try: batchlist = yaml.load(open(options.list)) except IOError: batchlist = [] def search(name): for info in batchlist: if info and info["name"] == name: return info batchlist.append({}) batchlist[-1]["name"] = name return batchlist[-1] print("mainline") info = search("mainline") info["version"] = "mainline" info["parsed"] = "false" parse("{core}{multiplayer/eras.cfg}", "SKIP_CORE") info["eras"] = list_eras("mainline") # Fake mainline campaign to have an overview of the mainline units info["campaigns"] = [] append(info["campaigns"], "mainline", "", name = "Units", domain = "wesnoth-help") if not options.addons_only: parse("{core}{campaigns}", "SKIP_CORE") info["campaigns"] += list_campaigns("mainline") addons = [] if options.addons: addons = os.listdir(options.addons) for i, addon in enumerate(addons): if not os.path.isdir(options.addons + "/" + addon): continue sys.stdout.write("%4d/%4d " % (1 + i, len(addons)) + addon + " ... ") sys.stdout.flush() d = options.output + "/" + addon logname = d + "/error.log" try: os.makedirs(d) except OSError: pass move(options.addons, options.config_dir + "/data/add-ons", addon) try: info = search(addon) version = get_version(addon) if info.get("version", "") == version and info.get("parsed", False) == True: sys.stdout.write("up to date\n") continue info["parsed"] = False parse("{core}{multiplayer}{~add-ons}", "MULTIPLAYER,SKIP_CORE") info["eras"] = list_eras(addon) info["campaigns"] = list_campaigns(addon) info["version"] = version sys.stdout.write("ok\n") except wmlparser2.WMLError as e: ef = open(logname, "w") ef.write("\n") ef.write(str(e)) ef.write("\n") ef.close() sys.stdout.write("failed\n") except Queue.Empty as e: ef = open(logname, "w") ef.write("\n") ef.write("Failed to parse the WML within " + str(TIMEOUT) + " seconds.") ef.write("\n") ef.close() sys.stdout.write("failed\n") except Exception as e: ef = open(logname, "w") ef.write("\n") ef.write(str(e)) ef.write("\n") ef.close() sys.stdout.write("failed\n") finally: move(options.config_dir + "/data/add-ons", options.addons, addon) yaml.safe_dump(batchlist, open(filename, "w"), encoding = "utf-8", default_flow_style = False) def process_campaign_or_era(addon, cid, define, batchlist): n = 0 print(addon + ": " + cid + " " + define) wesnoth = helpers.WesnothList( options.wesnoth, options.config_dir, options.data_dir, options.transdir) wesnoth.batchlist = batchlist wesnoth.cid = cid wesnoth.parser.parse_text("{core/units.cfg}", "NORMAL") wesnoth.add_units("mainline") if define == "MULTIPLAYER": wesnoth.parser.parse_text("{core}{multiplayer}{~add-ons}", "MULTIPLAYER,SKIP_CORE") wesnoth.add_units(cid) else: if addon == "mainline": if cid != "mainline": wesnoth.parser.parse_text("{core}{campaigns}", "SKIP_CORE,NORMAL," + define) wesnoth.add_units(cid) else: wesnoth.parser.parse_text("{core}{~add-ons}", "SKIP_CORE," + define) wesnoth.add_units(cid) if addon == "mainline" and cid == "mainline": write_animation_statistics(wesnoth) wesnoth.add_binary_paths(addon, image_collector) if define == "MULTIPLAYER": eras = wesnoth.parser.get_all(tag = "era") for era in eras: wesnoth.add_era(era) wesnoth.find_unit_factions() else: campaigns = wesnoth.parser.get_all(tag = "campaign") for campaign in campaigns: wesnoth.add_campaign(campaign) wesnoth.add_languages(languages) wesnoth.add_terrains() wesnoth.check_units() for isocode in languages: if addon != "mainline" and isocode != "en_US": continue if define == "MULTIPLAYER": for era in wesnoth.era_lookup.values(): if era.get_text_val("id") == cid: n = html_output.generate_era_report(addon, isocode, era, wesnoth) break else: if cid == "mainline": n = html_output.generate_campaign_report(addon, isocode, None, wesnoth) for campaign in wesnoth.campaign_lookup.values(): if campaign.get_text_val("id") == cid: n = html_output.generate_campaign_report(addon, isocode, campaign, wesnoth) break html_output.generate_single_unit_reports(addon, isocode, wesnoth) return n def batch_process(): batchlist = yaml.load(open(options.batch)) for addon in batchlist: name = addon["name"] if not options.reparse and addon.get("parsed", False) == True: continue if name == "mainline": worked = True else: worked = (move(options.addons, options.config_dir + "/data/add-ons", name) == 0) d = options.output + "/" + name try: os.makedirs(d) except OSError: pass logname = d + "/error.log" def err(mess): ef = open(logname, "a") ef.write(str(mess)) ef.close() html_output.write_error = err try: if not worked: print(name + " not found") continue for era in addon.get("eras", []): eid = era["id"] n = process_campaign_or_era(name, eid, era["define"], batchlist) era["units"] = n for campaign in addon.get("campaigns", []): cid = campaign["id"] if cid == None: cid = campaign["define"] if cid == None: cid = name n = process_campaign_or_era(name, cid, campaign["define"], batchlist) campaign["units"] = n except wmlparser2.WMLError as e: ef = open(logname, "a") ef.write("\n") ef.write(str(e)) ef.write("\n") ef.close() print(" " + name + " failed") except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() print(" " + name + " failed") ef = open(logname, "a") ef.write("\n") ef.write("please report as bug") ef.write("\n") ef.close() finally: if name != "mainline": move(options.config_dir + "/data/add-ons", options.addons, name) addon["parsed"] = True yaml.safe_dump(batchlist, open(options.batch, "w"), encoding = "utf-8", default_flow_style = False) try: unit_tree.overview.write_addon_overview(os.path.join(options.output, name), addon) except Exception as e: pass html_output.html_postprocess_all(batchlist) def write_unit_ids_UNUSED(): # Write a list with all unit ids, just for fun. uids = wesnoth.unit_lookup.keys() def by_race(u1, u2): r = cmp(wesnoth.unit_lookup[u1].rid, wesnoth.unit_lookup[u2].rid) if r == 0: r = cmp(u1, u2) return r uids.sort(by_race) race = None f = MyFile(os.path.join(options.output, "uids.html"), "w") f.write("") for uid in uids: u = wesnoth.unit_lookup[uid] if u.rid != race: if race != None: f.write("") f.write("


\n" % (u.rid,)) f.write("") f.write("") f.close() def write_animation_statistics(wesnoth): # Write animation statistics f = html_output.MyFile(os.path.join(options.output, "animations.html"), "w") animations.write_table(f, wesnoth) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': # We change the process name to "wmlunits" try: import ctypes libc = ctypes.CDLL("libc.so.6") libc.prctl(15, "wmlunits", 0, 0, 0) except: # oh well... pass global options global image_collector ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-C", "--config-dir", help="Specify the user configuration dir (wesnoth --config-path).") ap.add_argument("-D", "--data-dir", help="Specify the wesnoth data dir (wesnoth --path).") ap.add_argument("-l", "--language", default="all", help="Specify a language to use. Else output is produced for all languages.") ap.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Specify the output directory.") ap.add_argument("-n", "--nocopy", action="store_true", help="No copying of files. By default all images are copied to the output dir.") ap.add_argument("-w", "--wesnoth", help="Specify the wesnoth executable to use. Whatever data " + "and config paths that executable is configured for will be " + "used to find game files and addons.") ap.add_argument("-t", "--transdir", help="Specify the directory with gettext message catalogues. " + "Defaults to ./translations.", default="translations") ap.add_argument("-r", "--reparse", action="store_true", help="Reparse everything.") ap.add_argument("-a", "--addons", help="Specify path to a folder with all addons. This should be " + "outside the user config folder.") ap.add_argument("-L", "--list", help = "List available eras and campaigns.") ap.add_argument("-B", "--batch", help = "Batch process the given list.") ap.add_argument("-A", "--addons-only", action = "store_true", help = "Do only process addons (for debugging).") ap.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action = "store_true") ap.add_argument("-W", "--wiki", action = "store_true", help = "write wikified units list to stdout") options = ap.parse_args() html_output.options = options helpers.options = options unit_tree.overview.options = options wiki_output.options = options if not options.output and not options.wiki: sys.stderr.write("Need --output (or --wiki).\n") op.print_help() sys.exit(-1) if options.output: options.output = os.path.expanduser(options.output) if not options.wesnoth: options.wesnoth = "wesnoth" if not options.data_dir: options.data_dir = shell_out([options.wesnoth, "--path"]).strip() print("Using " + options.data_dir + " as data dir.") if not options.config_dir: options.config_dir = shell_out([options.wesnoth, "--config-path"]).strip() print("Using " + options.config_dir + " as config dir.") if not options.transdir: options.transdir = os.getcwd() if options.wiki: wiki_output.main() sys.exit(0) image_collector = helpers.ImageCollector(options.wesnoth, options.config_dir, options.data_dir) html_output.image_collector = image_collector if options.language == "all": languages = [] parser = wmlparser2.Parser(options.wesnoth, options.config_dir, options.data_dir, no_preprocess = False) parser.parse_text("{languages}") for locale in parser.get_all(tag="locale"): isocode = locale.get_text_val("locale") name = locale.get_text_val("name") if isocode == "ang_GB": continue languages.append(isocode) languages.sort() else: languages = options.language.split(",") if not options.list and not options.batch: sys.stderr.write("Need --list or --batch (or both).\n") sys.exit(-1) if options.output: # Generate output dir. if not os.path.isdir(options.output): os.mkdir(options.output) if options.list: list_contents() if options.batch: batch_process() unit_tree.overview.main(options.output) if not options.nocopy: copy_images() html_output.write_index(options.output)