Martin Hrubý (hrubymar10) 674fda85b7 Migrate links to https if available - Fwd c18537edc0
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2018-10-07 03:23:36 +00:00

462 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

=head1 NAME
prkill - calculate probability-to-kill in a Wesnoth skirmish
attacker: 24hp, 5-4; defender: 30hp, 6-3
prkill -p 0.4 -P 0.5 -n 4 -N 3 -d 5 -D 6 -h 24 -H 30
attacker: 24hp, 5-4; defender: 30hp (32 max), 6-3 (3 drain); with berserk
prkill -p 0.4 -P 0.5 -n 4 -N 3 -d 5 -D 6 -h 24 -H 30 -M 32 -x -R
prkill calculates the probability that either unit in a Battle for
Wesnoth skirmish kills the other. This script expects some arguments
specifying the characteristics of the units and their attacks. Note
that damage for each attack should be specified as the value after any
damage resistances have been applied.
More precisely, given the parameters of the skirmish, prkill computes
and optionally prints the joint conditional probability function
Pr[hp_A_final = x, hp_B_final = y | hp_A_init = h, hp_B_init = H]
for supplied initial values h and H. In verbose mode, it also shows the
probability function after each swing, not just after the last one.
Usually the values Pr[hp_A_final <= 0] and Pr[hp_B_final <= 0] are of most
interest: these correspond to the probability of A or B being killed,
A skirmish consists of units trading swings until one of the units is
dead, or each unit has used up all its attacks in a round. If berserk
does not apply to this skirmish then the skirmish stops at the end of
the first round. If berserk does apply to this skirmish, then the
skirmish continues beyond the end of the first round, and can last up to
30 rounds. Each swing either connects with the probability given, and
does full damage, or misses. The first swing in a round is made by the
attacker (unit A), unless the defender (unit B) has firststrike on its
attack and unit A does not, in which case unit B gets the first swing.
(The net effect of firststrike is as if the attacker and defender were
The output of prkill is the probability that A kills B, that B kills A,
and that both survive the skirmish. The expected hitpoints of A
(conditional on B being killed) and of B (conditional on A being killed)
are also printed.
In addition, the joint conditional probability function is printed. The
function is displayed using a two dimensional grid, where the horizontal
axis represents the hitpoints of unit A, the vertical axis the hitpoints
of unit B, and the values of the probability function are displayed for
each pair of hitpoints. Blanks are used for zero values, '*' represents
a 100% value, and integer values are scaled by 10,000 (so 1864
represents 18.64%). The values where either coordinate is 0 represent
the cumulative probabilities that one unit dies and the other ends up on
that number of hitpoints. In verbose mode, the probability function is
printed at the end of each swing.
The output of prkill is somewhat more general than is provided by the
game. In-game calculations were coded based on a prior version of
prkill, and cannot deal with drain.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--help>
Display an overview of the commandline options.
=item B<-p>
Probability of attacker hitting, in range 0 to 1.
=item B<-P>
Probability of defender hitting, in range 0 to 1.
=item B<-n>
Number of swings attacker has per round.
=item B<-N>
Number of swings defender has per round.
=item B<-d>
Damage per successful swing by attacker. This is after any resistance
values have been applied to the raw damage value.
=item B<-D>
Damage per successful swing by defender. This is after any resistance
values have been applied to the raw damage value.
=item B<-h>
Hitpoints of attacker.
=item B<-H>
Hitpoints of defender.
=item B<-m>
Maximum hitpoints of attacker -- only relevant if attacker drains.
Default: equal to the value of the -h option.
=item B<-M>
Maximum hitpoints of defender -- only relevant if defender drains.
Default: equal to the value of the -H option.
=item B<-r>
Specify this if the attacker has drain. Default: no.
=item B<-R>
Specify this if the defender has drain. Default: no.
=item B<-x>
Specify this if the skirmish involves a berserk attack. Such an attack
is to the death, or more precisely, up to 30 rounds of attacks.
Default: no.
=item B<-y>
Specify this if the defender has firststrike and the attacker does not.
(If both attacker and defender have firststrike on their attacks then
firststrike does not apply.) Default: no.
=item B<-v>
Specify this for verbose mode, where probabilities and cumulatives for
each swing are shown. Default: no.
=head1 BUGS
prkill currently does not deal with skirmishes where one of the units
has the slow ability on its attack.
= head1 CAVEATS
Note that in the game, drain will drain half the hitpoints of the
attack, rounded down. This is the case even if the unit being hit has
fewer hitpoints: an 8 damage swing that drains will add 4 hitpoints to
the health of the unit draining, even if the other unit only has 1
hitpoint left at that stage.
Using -x -r -R together will result in a skirmish that cannot occur in
the game, since the game currently has no way to specify both berserk
and drain on a single attack.
The method of enumerating the state space scales badly. Time to run
this script grows linearly with the number of swings in the skirmish:
this is only an issue when berserk is involved, since this typically
multiplies the number of potential swings by 30. However, runtime also
grows linearly with the product of the initial hitpoints of A and B.
Further, drain will slow convergence even further. Ideally, a
reasonably accurate estimate for the berserk case should be constructed
from the result of one round -- this is left as an exercise for the
=head1 AUTHOR
ott <ott@gaon.net>
Copyright (C) 2005 by ott.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<wesnoth>, F<https://www.wesnoth.org/>
use strict;
($main::VERSION) = ('$Revision: 1.12 $' =~ /[^\d\.]*([\d\.]*)/);
use Getopt::Std;
my $DEBUG = 0;
print <<EOI;
calculate probability of either unit killing the other in a Wesnoth skirmish
-p probability of attacker hitting, in range 0 to 1
-P probability of defender hitting, in range 0 to 1
-n number of swings attacker has
-N number of swings defender has
-d damage per successful swing by attacker
-D damage per successful swing by defender
-h hitpoints of attacker
-H hitpoints of defender
-m maximum hitpoints of attacker, if attacker drains [value of -h]
-M maximum hitpoints of defender, if defender drains [value of -H]
-r attacker has drain? [no]
-R defender has drain? [no]
-x berserk? (berserker attack, up to 30 rounds) [no]
-y defender has firststrike and attacker does not? [no]
-v verbose mode? (show probabilities and cumulatives for each swing) [no]
return 1;
use vars qw(
$opt_n $opt_d $opt_p $opt_h $opt_m $opt_r
$opt_N $opt_D $opt_P $opt_H $opt_M $opt_R
$opt_x $opt_y $opt_v
exit 1 unless (getopts('d:D:h:H:m:M:n:N:p:P:rRxyv'));
my $VERBOSE = $opt_v;
my $maxrounds = ($opt_x ? 30 : 1);
my $firststrike_active = $opt_y;
my ($hpa,$dmga,$pa,$swa) = ($opt_h,$opt_d,$opt_p,$opt_n);
my ($hpb,$dmgb,$pb,$swb) = ($opt_H,$opt_D,$opt_P,$opt_N);
my $hpma = $opt_m ? $opt_m : $opt_h;
my $hpmb = $opt_M ? $opt_M : $opt_H;
$dmga = 1 if $dmga < 1;
$dmgb = 1 if $dmgb < 1;
my $dra = $opt_r ? int ($dmga / 2) : 0;
my $drb = $opt_R ? int ($dmgb / 2) : 0;
sub max { my ($a,$b) = @_; return ( ($a > $b) ? $a : $b ) }
sub min { my ($a,$b) = @_; return ( ($a < $b) ? $a : $b ) }
sub plurals { my $n = shift; return ($n==1) ? "" : "s" }
sub a_swings { # is this A's swing?
my $k = shift;
$k = ($k - 1) % ($swa + $swb) + 1;
# now 1 <= $k <= $swa+$swb
if ($k <= 2*min($swa,$swb)) { # use parity
return $firststrike_active - ($k % 2);
} else { # 2*min($swa,$swb) < $k <= $swa+$swb so $swa != $swb
return $swa > $swb;
my $th = 0.9999995;
my @P;
# chunkiness of possible hitpoint values if no drain
my $hpa_modb = ($dra ? -1 : $hpa % $dmgb); # note: dmgb != 0
my $hpb_moda = ($drb ? -1 : $hpb % $dmga); # note: dmga != 0
my $adf; # intersect y-axis first: A dies first
my $bdf; # intersect x-axis first: B dies first
my $hpt = $hpa + $hpb; # total initial hitpoints
my $kf = $hpb + $hpt; # 2*hpb + hpa
my $lf = $hpa + $hpt; # 2*hpa + hpb
my $k = $hpb;
$k += int($hpa/2) + $drb if $drb; # B drains so provide space
$k = $hpmb if $k > $hpmb; # but limit it to max hp
my $l = $hpa;
$l += int($hpb/2) + $dra if $dra; # A drains so provide space
$l = $hpma if $l > $hpma; # but limit it to max hp
# size of matrix needed is max($k,$l)^2
# k +
# drb{|
# +
# |\
# | \
# hpb +--+
# | |\
# | | \
# +--+--+-----+
# 0 hpa dra l
# note that k=int(kf/2)+drb and l=int(lf/2)+dra when drain is involved
# with the limitation that k can't exceed B's max hp (and l those of A)
# kf and lf are used to calculate all the relevant lattice points, as
# lines through (0,k)-(hpa,hpb) and (l,0)-(hpa,hpb) can omit some
sub print_state {
my $s = shift;
if ($s) {
print "swing $s (last swing by ". (a_swings($s) ? 'A' : 'B') ."):\n";
} else {
print "initial state\n";
my $pbs = 0; # probability both survive
my $aev = 0; # expected value of hp(A), given A survives
my $bev = 0; # expected value of hp(B), given B survives
foreach my $jj ( 0..$k ) {
my $j = $k - $jj;
my $t = $j - 1;
next if $drb == 0 and $j % $dmga != $hpb_moda;
printf "%2d | ", $j;
foreach my $i ( 0..$l ) {
++$t; # invariant: $t == $i + $j
next if $dra == 0 and $i % $dmgb != $hpa_modb;
last if ($t > $hpt)
or ($i > 0 and $j + $t > $kf)
or ($j > 0 and $i + $t > $lf);
my $pij = $P[$i][$j];
if ($pij == 1) {
print ' 'x3 . '* ';
} elsif ($pij > 0.0) {
printf "%4d ", int(10000*$pij);
} else {
print ' 'x5;
$pbs += $pij if ($i > 0 and $j > 0);
print "\n";
print " |";
foreach my $i ( 0..$l ) {
printf " %4d", $i unless $dra == 0 and $i % $dmgb != $hpa_modb;
print "\n";
if ($bdf) {
foreach my $i ((1+$dra)..$l) { $aev += $i * $P[$i][0] }
$aev /= $bdf;
if ($adf) {
foreach my $j ((1+$drb)..$k) { $bev += $j * $P[0][$j] }
$bev /= $adf;
print "A: ${hpa}hp";
print " (${hpma} max)" if $dra;
print ", ${dmga}-${swa}, ". 100*$pa . '% to hit';
print " ($dra drain)" if $dra;
print "; B: ${hpb}hp";
print " (${hpmb} max)" if $drb;
print ", ${dmgb}-${swb}, ". 100*$pb . '% to hit';
print " ($drb drain)" if $drb;
print "; firststrike" if $firststrike_active;
print "; berserk" if $opt_x;
print "\n";
printf "Pr[A kills B] = %8.4f%%\n", $bdf*100;
printf "Pr[B kills A] = %8.4f%%\n", $adf*100;
printf "Pr[both survive] = %8.4f%%\n", $pbs*100;
print "total: ", $bdf + $adf + $pbs, "\n" if $bdf + $adf + $pbs < $th;
printf "E[hpA | B dies] = %5.1f\n", $aev if $bdf;
printf "E[hpB | A dies] = %5.1f\n", $bev if $adf;
print "\n";
$adf = 0;
$bdf = 0;
undef @P;
$P[$hpa][$hpb] = 1;
print_state(0) if $VERBOSE;
my $swt = $maxrounds * ($swa+$swb);
#my $start = time;
#foreach my $count ( 1..100 ) {
foreach my $s ( 1..$swt ) {
my $a = a_swings($s); # if true, it is A's turn, otherwise it is B's turn
my $akz = 0; # kill zone of A, where B can be killed with one swing
my @akz = ();
my $bkz = 0; # kill zone of B, where A can be killed with one swing
my @bkz = ();
# values that are outside the valid zone
my @a_large = ();
my @b_large = ();
my $ht = $hpt;
my $kft = $kf;
my $lft = $lf;
# traverse all lines x+y=t, where t=1,2,...,hpt
foreach my $t ( 1..$hpt ) {
--$ht; # invariant: $ht == $hpt - $t
--$kft; # invariant: $kft == $kf - $t;
--$lft; # invariant: $lft == $lf - $t;
my $j = $t;
# traverse the specific line where x+y=t, with x=i and y=j
foreach my $i ( 1..($t-1) ) {
# invariant: $t == $i + $j
# skip computing if this point is unreachable: outside region
next if $j > $kft;
next if $i > $lft;
# skip if unreachable: chunkiness of hitpoints
next if ($dra == 0 and $i % $dmgb != $hpa_modb)
or ($drb == 0 and $j % $dmga != $hpb_moda);
my $pij = $P[$i][$j];
if ($a) {
# check if this point is in 1-swing kill zone of A
if ($j <= $dmga) {
$akz += $pij;
my $hpa_after = $i + $dra;
$hpa_after = $hpma if $hpa_after > $hpma;
$akz[$hpa_after] += $pij;
my $pij_prev_mod = 0;
# P[u][v]=0 if u+v>hpt, while u<=0 or v>hpmb are invalid
if (($dmga - $dra <= $ht) and ($j + $dmga <= $hpmb)
and ($i > $dra)) {
$pij_prev_mod = $pa * $P[$i - $dra][$j + $dmga];
if ($i > $hpma) {
$a_large[$j] += $pij_prev_mod;
} else {
my $pij_mod = (1 - $pa) * $P[$i][$j];
$P[$i][$j] = $pij_mod + $pij_prev_mod;
} else { # it's B's swing
# check if this point is in 1-swing kill zone of B
if ($i <= $dmgb) {
$bkz += $pij;
my $hpb_after = $j + $drb;
$hpb_after = $hpmb if $hpb_after > $hpmb;
$bkz[$hpb_after] += $pij;
# invariant: $bkz == sum $bkz[.]
my $pij_prev_mod = 0;
# P[u][v]=0 if u+v>hpt, while v<=0 or u>hpma are invalid
if (($dmgb - $drb <= $ht) and ($i + $dmgb <= $hpma)
and ($j > $drb)) {
$pij_prev_mod = $pb * $P[$i + $dmgb][$j - $drb];
if ($j > $hpmb) {
$b_large[$i] += $pij_prev_mod;
} else {
my $pij_mod = (1 - $pb) * $P[$i][$j];
$P[$i][$j] = $pij_mod + $pij_prev_mod;
} # end foreach $i
} # end foreach $t
if ($a) {
$bdf += $akz * $pa;
foreach my $i ((1+$dra)..$l) { $P[$i][0] += $akz[$i] * $pa }
foreach my $j ((1+$drb)..$k) { $P[$hpma][$j] += $a_large[$j] }
} else {
$adf += $bkz * $pb;
foreach my $j ((1+$drb)..$k) { $P[0][$j] += $bkz[$j] * $pb }
foreach my $i ((1+$dra)..$l) { $P[$i][$hpmb] += $b_large[$i] }
print_state($s) if $VERBOSE;
if ($adf + $bdf >= $th) { $swt = $s; last }
print_state($swt) unless $VERBOSE;
#print 'time: ', time - $start, "s\n";