Martin Hrubý (hrubymar10) 674fda85b7 Migrate links to https if available - Fwd c18537edc0
(cherry-picked from commit bc4d22dc72)
2018-10-07 03:23:36 +00:00

398 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# - maybe restrict "ability" matching to unit defs (not yet necessary)
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Getopt::Long;
# use utf8 for stdout and file reading
use utf8;
use open IO => ':utf8';
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
our $toplevel = '.';
our $initialdomain = 'wesnoth';
our $domain = undef;
GetOptions ('directory=s' => \$toplevel,
'initialdomain=s' => \$initialdomain,
'domain=s' => \$domain);
$domain = $initialdomain unless defined $domain;
sub wml2postring {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/\"\"/\\\"/mg; # "" -> \"
$str =~ s/^(.*)$/"$1\\n"/mg; # Surround with doublequotes and add final escaped newline
$str =~ s/\n$/\n"\\n"/mg; # Split the string around newlines: "foo\nbar" -> "foo\n" LF "bar"
$str =~ s/\\n\"$/\"\n/g; # Remove final escaped newline and add newline after last line
return $str;
sub lua2postring {
my $str = shift;
my $quote = shift;
if ($quote eq "'") {
$str =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$str =~ s/^(.*)$/"$1\\n"/mg; # Surround with doublequotes and add final escaped newline
$str =~ s/\n$/\n"\\n"/mg; # Split the string around newlines: "foo\nbar" -> "foo\n" LF "bar"
$str =~ s/\\n\"$/\"\n/g; # Remove final escaped newline and add newline after last line
return $str;
## extract strings with their refs and node info into %messages
sub possible_node_info {
my ($nodeinfostack, $field, $value) = @_;
if ($field =~ m/\b(speaker|id|role|description|condition|type|race)\b/) {
push @{$nodeinfostack->[-1][2]}, "$field=$value";
sub read_wml_file {
my ($file) = @_;
our (%messages,%nodeinfo);
my ($str, $translatable, $line);
my $readingattack = 0;
my @nodeinfostack = (["top", [], [], []]); # dummy top node
my @domainstack = ($initialdomain);
my $valid_wml = 1;
open (FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot read from $file";
LINE: while (<FILE>) {
# record a #define scope
if (m/\#define/) {
unshift @domainstack, $domainstack[0];
next LINE;
} elsif (m/^\s*\#enddef/) {
shift @domainstack;
# change the current textdomain when hitting the directive
if (m/\#textdomain\s+(\S+)/) {
$domainstack[0] = $1;
next LINE;
if (m/\#\s*po:\s+(.+)/) {
push @{$nodeinfostack[-1][3]}, $1;
# skip other # lines as comments
next LINE if m/^\s*\#/ and !defined $str and not m/#\s*wmlxgettext/;
if (!defined $str and m/^(?:[^\"]*?)((?:_\s*)?)\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"(.*)/) {
# single-line quoted string
$translatable = ($1 ne '');
my $rest = $3;
# if translatable and in the requested domain
if ($translatable and $domainstack[0] eq $domain) {
my $msg = wml2postring($2);
push @{$messages{$msg}}, [$file, $.];
push @{$nodeinfostack[-1][1]}, $msg if $valid_wml;
} elsif (not $translatable and m/(\S+)\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/) {
# may be a piece of node info to extract
possible_node_info(\@nodeinfostack, $1, $2) if $valid_wml;
# process remaining of the line
$_ = $rest . "\n";
redo LINE;
} elsif (!defined $str and m/^(?:[^\"]*?)((?:_\s*)?)\s*\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)/) {
# start of multi-line
$translatable = ($1 ne '');
$_ = $2;
if (m/(.*)\r/) { $_ = "$1\n"; }
$str = $_;
$line = $.;
} elsif (m/([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"(.*)/) {
# end of multi-line
die "end of string without a start in $file" if !defined $str;
$str .= $1;
if ($translatable and $domainstack[0] eq $domain) {
my $msg = "\"\"\n" . wml2postring($str);
push @{$messages{$msg}}, [$file, $line];
push @{$nodeinfostack[-1][1]}, $msg if $valid_wml;
$str = undef;
# process remaining of the line
$_ = $2 . "\n";
redo LINE;
} elsif (defined $str) {
# part of multi-line
if (m/(.*)\r/) { $_ = "$1\n"; }
$str .= $_;
} elsif (m/(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/) {
# single-line non-quoted string
die "nested string in $file" if defined $str;
possible_node_info(\@nodeinfostack, $1, $2) if $valid_wml;
### probably not needed ###
# # magic handling of weapon descriptions
# push @{$messages{wml2postring($2)}}, "$file:$."
# if $readingattack and
# ($1 eq 'name' or $1 eq 'type' or $1 eq 'special');
# # magic handling of unit abilities
# push @{$messages{wml2postring($2)}}, "$file:$."
# if $1 eq 'ability';
} elsif (m,\[attack\],) {
$readingattack = 1;
} elsif (m,\[/attack\],) {
$readingattack = 0;
# check for node opening/closing to handle message metadata
next LINE if not $valid_wml;
next LINE if defined $str; # skip lookup if inside multi-line
next LINE if m/^ *\{.*\} *$/; # skip lookup if a statement line
next LINE if m/^[^#]*=/; # skip lookup if a field line
while (m,\[ *([a-z/+].*?) *\],g) {
my $nodename = $1;
#my $ind = " " x (@nodeinfostack + ($nodename =~ m,/, ? 0 : 1));
if ($nodename =~ s,/ *,,) { # closing node
if (@nodeinfostack == 0) {
warn "empty node stack on closed node at $file:$.";
$valid_wml = 0;
my ($openname, $nodemessages, $metadata, $comments) = @{pop @nodeinfostack};
if ($nodename ne $openname) {
warn "expected closed node \'$openname\' ".
"got \'$nodename\' at $file:$.";
$valid_wml = 0;
# some nodes should inherit parent metadata
if ($nodename =~ m/option/) {
$metadata = $nodeinfostack[-1][2];
#print STDERR "$ind<<< $.: $nodename\n";
#print STDERR "==> $file:$.: $nodename: @{$metadata}\n" if @{$nodemessages};
for my $msg (@{$nodemessages}) {
push @{$nodeinfo{$msg}}, [$nodename, $metadata, $comments];
} else { # opening node
#print STDERR "$ind>>> $.: $nodename\n";
$nodename =~ s/\+//;
push @nodeinfostack, [$nodename, [], [], []];
# do not add anything here, beware of the next's before the loop
pop @nodeinfostack if @nodeinfostack; # dummy top node
if (@nodeinfostack) {
warn "non-empty node stack at end of $file";
$valid_wml = 0;
close FILE;
if (not $valid_wml) {
warn "WML seems invalid for $file, node info extraction forfeited ".
"past the error point";
sub read_lua_file {
my ($file) = @_;
our (%messages,%nodeinfo);
my ($str, $translatable, $line, $quote);
my $curdomain = $initialdomain;
my $metadata = undef;
open (FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot read from $file";
LINE: while (<FILE>) {
if (defined $metadata and m/--\s*po:\s*(.*)$/) {
push @{@{$metadata}[2]}, $1;
# skip comments unless told not to
next LINE if m/^\s*--/ and not defined $str and not m/--\s*wmlxgettext/;
# change the textdomain
if (m/textdomain\s*\(?\s*(["'])([^"]+)\g1(.*)/) {
$curdomain = $2;
# process rest of the line
$_ = $3 . "\n";
redo LINE;
# Single-line quoted string
# TODO: support [[long strings]]
# TODO: get 'singlequotes' to work
if (not defined $str and m/^(?:[^"]*?)((?:_\s*)?)\s*(")([^"]*(?:\\"[^"]*)*)"(.*)/) {
# $1 = underscore or not
# $2 = quote (double or single)
# $3 = string
# $4 = rest
my $translatable = ($1 ne '');
my $rest = $4;
if ($translatable and $curdomain eq $domain) {
my $msg = lua2postring($3, $2);
push @{$messages{$msg}}, [$file, $.];
push @{$nodeinfo{$msg}}, $metadata if defined $metadata;
# process rest of the line
$_ = $rest . "\n";
redo LINE;
# Begin multiline quoted string
elsif (not defined $str and m/^(?:[^"]*?)((?:_\s*)?)\s*(")([^"]*(?:\\"[^"]*)*)/) {
# $1 = underscore or not
# $2 = quote (double or single)
# $3 = string
$translatable = ($1 ne '');
$quote = $2;
$str = $3;
$line = $.;
# End multiline quoted string
elsif (m/([^"]*(?:\\"[^"]*)*)(")(.*)/) {
# $1 = string
# $2 = quote (double or single)
# $3 = rest
die "end of string without a start in $file" if not defined $str;
$str .= $1;
my $rest = $3;
# TODO: ensure $quote eq $2 when this matches
if ($translatable and $curdomain eq $domain) {
my $msg = "\"\"\n" . lua2postring($str, $quote);
push @{$messages{$msg}}, [$file, $line];
push @{$nodeinfo{$msg}}, $metadata if defined $metadata;
$str = undef;
$translatable = undef;
$line = undef;
$quote = undef;
# process rest of the line
$_ = $rest . "\n";
redo LINE;
# Middle of multiline quoted string
elsif (defined $str) {
$str .= $_;
# Function or WML tag
elsif (m/function\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s*\(/ or m/([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s*=\s*function/) {
$metadata = ["lua", [$1], []];
our (%messages,%nodeinfo);
chdir $toplevel;
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
if ($file =~ m/\.lua$/i) {
} else {
## index strings by their location in the source so we can sort them
our @revmessages;
foreach my $key (keys %messages) {
foreach my $line (@{$messages{$key}}) {
my ($file, $lineno) = @{$line};
push @revmessages, [ $file, $lineno, $key ];
# sort them
@revmessages = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] or $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @revmessages;
## output
my $date = strftime "%F %R%z", localtime();
print <<EOH
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: $date\\n"
# we must break this string to avoid triggering a bug in some po-mode
# installations, at save-time for this file
print "\"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA ", "HO:MI+ZONE\\n\"\n";
print <<EOH
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL\@ADDRESS>\\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL\@li.org>\\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"
foreach my $occurence (@revmessages) {
my $key = $occurence->[2];
if (defined $messages{$key}) {
if (defined $nodeinfo{$key}) {
my %added;
my @lines;
for my $info (@{$nodeinfo{$key}}) {
my ($name, $data, $comments) = @{$info};
my $desc = join(", ", @{$data});
my $nodestr = $desc ? "[$name]: $desc" : "[$name]";
# Add only unique node info strings.
if (not defined $added{$nodestr}) {
$added{$nodestr} = 1;
push @lines, [sprintf("#. %s\n", $nodestr), []];
foreach my $comment (@{$comments}) {
push @{@{$lines[-1]}[1]}, sprintf("#. $comment\n");
for my $line (sort { @{$a}[0] cmp @{$b}[0] } @lines) {
my ($tag, $comments) = @{$line};
print $tag;
foreach my $comment (@{$comments}) {
print $comment;
my @msgs = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] or $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @{$messages{$key}};
my @msgsfmt;
foreach my $msg (@msgs) {
my ($file, $line) = @{$msg};
push @msgsfmt, "$file:$line";
my $locationdata = join(" ", @msgsfmt);
die "Translatable empty string at $locationdata" if $key =~ /^""\n$/;
printf "#: %s\n", $locationdata;
print "msgid $key";
print "msgstr \"\"\n\n";
# be sure we don't output the same message twice
delete $messages{$key};