2003-11-19 05:07:18 +00:00

678 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

## Random map generator for wesnoth
# Copyright 2003 J.R. Blain
# Released under the gnu gpl v2 or later.
# Todo: Insert proper gpl notice here.
# todo: clean it up some, add some comments, make it produce
# WML for the map, some form of interface (perl-gtk?) to allow
# setting map parameters.
# Reorganize settings variables to make more sense, remove
# unused crap.
# Add river/road support.
# ansi-ize the map
# Changelog:
# Nov 18 2003 (Cowboy)
# - Cleaned up a little after Miyo :)
# - switched some if ($foo => $bar) to if ($foo >= $bar)
# so it doesn't think it's a hash assignment
# and throw a stupid warning.
# - Updated to clean up some routines,
# - remove an endless loop (not sure if it was mine or miyos)
# - added "snow"
# - updated _scan_ring to handle invalid ranges better. (faster)
# Nov 18 2003 (Miyo)
# - added '#!/usr/bin/perl -w'
# - implemented Getops::Long
# - usage|help
# - enable/disable towns
# - selectable base terrain type
# - configurable terrain leveling
# Nov 17 2003
# - Better comments
# - Updated proximity scanning routines
# They now radiate out in squares to judge
# distance.
# - little bit of code cleanup in various places.
# - fixed up castle placing mostly. Still has an
# issue where it's placing them too close to edges
# at times.
# Nov 16 2003
# - initial release
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw( shuffle );
use POSIX qw( ceil );
use Getopt::Long;
terrain => {
grassland => {
percent => 0,
type => 'g',
mod => 'round',
forests => {
percent => 25,
type => 'f',
mod => 'round',
mountains => {
percent => 10,
type => 'm',
mod => 'round',
deserts => {
percent => 10,
type => 'd',
mod => 'round',
shallows => {
percent => 10,
type => 'c',
mod => 'round',
hills => {
percent => 10,
type => 'h',
mod => 'round',
snow => {
percent => 5,
type => 'S',
mod => 'round',
towns => {
squares_per_town => 6 * 6, # 1 town in this many squares.
min_town_distance => 2, # at least 3 squares from another town.
type => 't',
players => {
count => 4,
preferred_distance => 30,
decrement_unit => 1,
map_size => '64x64',
base_type => 'g', # fill any remaining map spots with this type.
towns => 1,
castles => 1,
usage => 0,
verbose => 0,
leveling => 2,
GetOptions (
'size=s' => \$PARAMS->{map_size},
'grassland=i' => \$NUMBERS->{terrain}{grassland}{percent},
'forest=i' => \$NUMBERS->{terrain}{forests}{percent},
'mountains=i' => \$NUMBERS->{terrain}{mountains}{percent},
'desert=i' => \$NUMBERS->{terrain}{deserts}{percent},
'shallow=i' => \$NUMBERS->{terrain}{shallows}{percent},
'snow=i' => \$NUMBERS->{terrain}{snow}{percent},
'hills=i' => \$NUMBERS->{terrain}{hills}{percent},
'players=i' => \$NUMBERS->{players}{count},
'playerdist=i' => \$NUMBERS->{players}{preferred_distance},
'towns!' => \$PARAMS->{towns},
'towndist=i' => \$NUMBERS->{towns}{min_town_distance},
'townspt=i' => \$NUMBERS->{towns}{squares_per_town},
'baseterrain=s' => \$PARAMS->{base_type},
'leveling=i' => \$PARAMS->{leveling},
'help|usage' => \$PARAMS->{usage},
'verbose' => \$PARAMS->{verbose},
) || usage();
( $PARAMS->{height}, $PARAMS->{width} ) = split /x/,$PARAMS->{map_size};
# not used yet, thoughts for the future.
m => {
passable => 0,
C => {
passable => 1,
d => {
passable => 1,
c => {
passable => 1,
pass_types => {
R => 'b', # if crossing a river, use a bridge
s => {
passable => 0,
g => {
passable => 1,
R => {
passable => 1,
pass_types => {
c => 'b', # water + roads make bridges
# $DIRMAP -> used to provide a map of 'general'
# directions for things like rivers, roads, ect.
# north could mean north, north-east, or north-west,
# ect. This allows rivers/roads (and other things that
# use this approximate direction stuff) to meander a little
# while staying mostly true to course.
0 => { 7 => 1, 0 => 1, 1 => 1 },
1 => { 0 => 1, 1 => 1, 2 => 1 },
2 => { 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1 },
3 => { 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 1 },
4 => { 3 => 1, 4 => 1, 5 => 1 },
5 => { 4 => 1, 5 => 1, 6 => 1 },
6 => { 5 => 1, 6 => 1, 7 => 1 },
7 => { 6 => 1, 7 => 1, 0 => 1 },
# Terrain types:
# d => desert
# R => road
# g => grass
# m => mountains
# f => forests
# c => coast (or river)
# the map is a 2 dimensional grid.
# 0123456
# 0 y
# 1 X yy
# 2 X
# 3
# 4
# 5
$MAP = [];
usage() if $PARAMS->{usage} == 1;
if ( $PARAMS->{leveling} >= 1 ) {
my $t = 1;
while ($t <= $PARAMS->{leveling}) {
warn "Leveling...\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
add_towns() if $PARAMS->{towns};
add_castles() if $NUMBERS->{players}->{count} >= 1;
sub usage {
usage: random_map.pl [ OPTIONS ]
-help|usage give this help
-verbose print more information
-size NUMxNUM set map size, height x width (default=64x64)
-leveling NUM set number of terrain levelings to occur (default=2)
-players NUM set number of player (default=8)
-playerdist NUM set preferred distance between players (default=30)
-notowns disable towns
-towndist set minimun distance between towns (default=2)
-baseterrain CHAR set base terrain type (default=g)
-grassland NUM set grassland % (default=0)
-forest NUM set forest % (default=10)
-mountains NUM set mountain % (default=10)
-desert NUM set desert % (default=10)
-shallow NUM set shallow water % (default=10)
-hills NUM set hills % (default=10)
-snow NUM set snow % (default=5)
sub abort_with_error {
die @_;
sub add_terrain {
foreach my $key (keys %{ $NUMBERS->{terrain} }) {
if ($NUMBERS->{terrain}->{$key}->{mod} eq 'round') {
my $x = 0;
my ($counts,$avg_size) = _get_min_max_sizes($key);
while ($x < $counts) {
sub add_towns {
warn "add_towns\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
my $towns = ceil(($PARAMS->{height} * $PARAMS->{width}) / $NUMBERS->{towns}->{squares_per_town});
my $x = 1;
while ($x <= $towns) {
my $y = 1;
# 200 tries to place a town.
warn "trying to place town\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
while ($y <= 200) {
my $plx = int(rand($PARAMS->{height}));
my $ply = int(rand($PARAMS->{width}));
if (
_town_ok_to_place (
) {
$MAP->[$plx]->[$ply] = $NUMBERS->{towns}->{type};
warn "placed town at $plx $ply\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
$y = 200; # will exit us from the loop here.
else {
warn "town not ok: $y\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
warn "next town\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
sub add_castles {
warn "add_castles\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
my $castle_count = $NUMBERS->{players}->{count};
my $x = 1;
while ($x <= $castle_count) {
my $cur_distance = $NUMBERS->{players}->{preferred_distance};
my $done = 0;
while ($cur_distance > 1 && !$done) {
my $y = 1;
# 200 tries to place a castle.
while ($y <= 200) {
my $plx = int(rand($PARAMS->{height}));
my $ply = int(rand($PARAMS->{width}));
if (
_castle_ok_to_place (
) {
$MAP->[$plx]->[$ply] = $x;
$y = 200; # will exit us from the loop here.
$done = 1;
$cur_distance -= $NUMBERS->{players}->{decrement_unit};
if (!$done) {
die "Something screwed up, could not place castle $x\n";
sub _get_min_max_sizes {
my ($terrain) = shift;
my $total_squares = $PARAMS->{width} * $PARAMS->{height};
my $total_terrain_size = $total_squares * ($NUMBERS->{terrain}->{$terrain}->{percent} / 100);
my $counts = int(rand(5)) + 3;
my $avg_size = $total_terrain_size / $counts;
return ($counts,$avg_size);
sub _town_ok_to_place {
my ($x,$y,$type,$search_dist) = @_;
warn "checking town\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
# searches circular until it finds a matching terrain type.
# returns undef if it can't find one. Note, this routine
# is a bit of a hog.
# simple check, are we on top of one?
if ($MAP->[$x]->[$y] eq $type) {
return undef;
warn "$x $y $search_dist $type\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
if (_scan_ring($x,$y,$search_dist,$type)) {
return undef;
return 1;
sub _castle_ok_to_place {
my ($x,$y,$search_dist) = @_;
# searches circular until it finds a matching terrain type.
# returns undef if it can't find one. Note, this routine
# is a bit of a hog.
# simple check, are we on top of one?
if (_is_castle($MAP->[$x]->[$y])) {
return undef;
if (_scan_border($x,$y,4)) {
# at least 4 squares from the map edge.
return undef;
if (_scan_ring($x,$y,$search_dist,'castle')) {
return undef;
return 1;
sub _scan_border {
my ($x,$y,$dist) = @_;
unless ($MAP->[$x + $dist + 1]->[$y + $dist + 1]) {
return 1;
unless ($MAP->[$x - $dist]->[$y - $dist]) {
return 1;
return undef;
# scans in a ring around location looking
# for a specific type of terrain.
# if it finds it, it returns true,
# otherwise, returns undef.
# used by place town, place castle
sub _scan_ring {
my ($x,$y,$dist,$type) = @_;
# first we build a list of all the
# x,y locations that match our ring.
my $sx = $x - $dist; # starting x point
my $sy = $y - $dist; # starting y point
my $ex = $x + $dist; # ending x point
my $ey = $y + $dist; # ending y point
my $cx = $sx;
while ($cx <= $ex) {
warn "Looping through $cx\n" if $PARAMS->{verbose};
if ($cx >= 0 && $cx < $PARAMS->{height}) {
my $cy = $sy;
while ($cy <= $ey) {
if ($cy >= 0 && $cy < $PARAMS->{width}) {
if ($MAP->[$cx]->[$cy] && $type eq 'castle' && _is_castle($MAP->[$cx]->[$cy])) {
return 1;
if ($MAP->[$cx]->[$cy] && $type eq $MAP->[$cx]->[$cy]) {
return 1;
return undef;
# just a nicely named routine to keep from using
# regular expressions all over.
sub _is_castle {
my ($type) = @_;
if ($type =~ /^\d$/) {
return 1;
return undef;
sub surround {
my ($x,$y,$type) = @_;
my @dirs = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
my ($bx,$by) = _move_direction($x,$y,$dir);
if (defined($bx) && defined($by)) {
$MAP->[$bx]->[$by] = $type;
# place an object
# with a general round shape.
# This includes forests, mountains,
# ect. This works by choosing a center point
# and then expanding around it in an almost circular
# pattern.
# Takes 4 params:
# starting X, starting Y, size (hexes), type (f,m,ect)
sub place_round {
my ($x,$y,$size,$type) = @_;
my $count = 1;
my $cust = 0;
while ($count <= $size) {
if ($cust == 8) {
$cust = 0;
if (int(rand(6))) {
$cust = int(rand(8));
my %result = _get_next_map_square(x => $x, y => $y, dir => $cust);
if (defined($result{x}) && defined($result{y})) {
$MAP->[$result{x}]->[$result{y}] = $type;
($x,$y) = ($result{x},$result{y});
else {
return 1;
# dummy sub for now
sub _is_placeable {
return 1;
# this routine checks each square on the map,
# and "levels" it. an individual grassland,
# surrounded totally by mountains, will become a mountain.
# any terrain feature with less than 2 of it's own type
# near it, becomes the predominant feature of the terrain
# nearby.
# It's sorta an ugly fix to some of the randomness issues,
# but thus far has seemed to work out ok.
sub level_terrain {
my $height = $PARAMS->{height};
my $width = $PARAMS->{width};
my $x = 0;
while ($x <= $height) {
my $y = 0;
while ($y <= $height) {
sub _level_terrain {
my ($x,$y) = @_;
my @dirs = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
my %counts = ();
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
my ($nx,$ny) = _move_direction($x,$y,$dir);
if (defined($nx) && defined($ny)) {
unless (defined($counts{$MAP->[$x]->[$y]}) && $counts{$MAP->[$x]->[$y]} > 1) {
my @types = sort { $counts{$b} <=> $counts{$a} } keys %counts;
$MAP->[$x]->[$y] = $types[0];
sub _move_direction {
my ($x,$y,$dir) = @_;
if ($dir == 0 && ($x - 1) >= 0 && ($y - 1) >= 0) {
# move north if possible.
elsif ($dir == 1 && ($x - 1) >= 0) {
# move north-east if possible.
elsif ($dir == 2 && ($x - 1) >= 0 && ($y + 1) < $PARAMS->{width}) {
# move east if possible
elsif ($dir == 3 && ($y + 1) < $PARAMS->{width}) {
# move south-east if possible.
elsif ($dir == 4 && ($y + 1) < $PARAMS->{width} && ($x + 1) < $PARAMS->{height}) {
# move south if possible
elsif ($dir == 5 && ($x + 1) < $PARAMS->{height}) {
# move south-west if possible
elsif ($dir == 6 && ($y - 1) >= 0 && ($x + 1) < $PARAMS->{height}) {
# move west if possible
elsif ($dir == 7 && ($y - 1) >= 0) {
else {
return (undef,undef);
return ($x,$y);
sub _get_next_map_square {
my %args = @_;
unless (defined($args{dir})) {
$args{dir} = int(rand(8));
my @try_dirs = keys %{ $DIRMAP->{$args{dir}} };
# shuffle them
@try_dirs = shuffle(@try_dirs);
my $x = $args{x};
my $y = $args{y};
foreach my $dir (@try_dirs) {
my ($bx,$by) = _move_direction($x,$y,$dir);
if (_is_placeable($bx,$by)) {
return ( x => $bx, y => $by );
return (x => undef, y => undef);
# Fills any remaining unused map spaces
# with a standard type
sub fill_map {
my $x = 0;
while ($x <= $PARAMS->{height} - 1) {
my $y = 0;
while ($y <= $PARAMS->{width} - 1) {
if ($MAP->[$x]->[$y] eq '@') {
$MAP->[$x]->[$y] = $PARAMS->{base_type};
# Prints the current map.
sub print_map {
my $x = 0;
while ($x <= $PARAMS->{height} - 1) {
my $y = 0;
while ($y <= $PARAMS->{width} - 1) {
print $MAP->[$x]->[$y];
print "\n";
# Generates the base map grids.
# This essentially fills out all the $MAP->[x]->[y] values
# with dummy characters.
sub generate_base_map {
my $x = 0;
while ($x <= $PARAMS->{height} - 1) {
my $y = 0;
$MAP->[$x] = [];
while ($y <= $PARAMS->{width} - 1) {
$MAP->[$x]->[$y] = '@';