Nils Kneuper 40932a0630 pot-update
regenerated doc files
2009-08-03 10:34:14 +00:00

4906 lines
178 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: wescamp-i 18n\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-03 12:27+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-01 14:36+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Brivido <brivido(at)gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <kde-i18n-it@kde.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. [campaign]: id=Delfadors_Memoirs
#. [editor_group]: id=dm
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:25
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:126
msgid "Delfador's Memoirs"
msgstr "Le memorie di Delfador"
#. [campaign]: id=Delfadors_Memoirs
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:26
msgid "DM"
msgstr ""
#. [campaign]: id=Delfadors_Memoirs
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:32
msgid "Apprentice=(easiest)"
msgstr "Apprendista (facile)"
#. [campaign]: id=Delfadors_Memoirs
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:33
msgid "Mage"
msgstr "Mago"
#. [campaign]: id=Delfadors_Memoirs
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:34
msgid "Great Mage=(hardest)"
msgstr "Grande Mago (difficile)"
#. [campaign]: id=Delfadors_Memoirs
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:38
msgid "(Intermediate level, 23 scenarios)"
msgstr ""
#. [campaign]: id=Delfadors_Memoirs
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:38
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Wesnoth seems to be slipping inexorably into chaos, as marauding orcs pour "
"south across the Great River, and mysterious and deadly creatures roam the "
"night. Who is the shadowy Iliah-Malal? Can you defeat him before he destroys "
"all life in Wesnoth?\n"
msgstr ""
"Wesnoth scivola inesorabilmente nel caos, mentre gli orchi si riversano "
"verso sud attraverso il fiume Abez e creature misteriose e letali vagano nel "
"buio della notte. Chi è l'oscuro Ihiah-Malal? Riuscirai a sconfiggerlo prima "
"che distrugga tutta la vita a Wesnoth?"
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:41
msgid "Creator and Original Designer"
msgstr ""
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:49
msgid "Co-Authors"
msgstr ""
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:64
msgid "WML Programming and Assistance"
msgstr ""
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:79
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr ""
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:85
msgid "Translations"
msgstr ""
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/_main.cfg:112
msgid "Additional thanks to"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=01_overture
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:3
msgid "Overture"
msgstr "Ouverture"
#. [side]: type=Mage of Light, id=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:24
msgid "Marshal"
msgstr "Maresciallo"
#. [side]: type=Mage of Light, id=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:29
msgid "First Oracle"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Mage of Light, id=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:30
msgid "Second Oracle"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Mage of Light, id=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:31
msgid "Third Oracle"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Mage of Light, id=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fourth Oracle"
msgstr "Forte Brell"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:41
msgid ""
"This is the true story of Delfador the Great from his humble beginnings; the "
"tale of how he became the most famous and powerful of all the mages of "
msgstr ""
"Questa è la vera storia di Delfador il Grande e della sua umile origine; la "
"storia di come divenne il più famoso e potente di tutti i maghi di di "
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:44
msgid ""
"It begins on the Isle of Alduin, at the Academy which trains mages from "
"throughout the Great Continent."
msgstr ""
"Inizia sull'isola di Anduin, all'accademia che addestra i maghi da tutto il "
"grande continente."
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:47
msgid ""
"After ten years of training, two tests stand between that apprentice and "
"attainment of the degree of Mage:"
msgstr ""
"Dopo dieci anni di addestramento, rimangono due prove tra questo apprendista "
"e il raggiungimento del titolo di mago:"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:50
msgid " The New Mage Ceremony"
msgstr " - la cerimonia del nuovo mago"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:53
msgid " and"
msgstr "e"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:56
msgid " The Name Journey"
msgstr "- il viaggio per il nome"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "Academy of Magic, Isle of Alduin."
msgstr "Scuola di magia della luce, isola di Anduin."
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:88
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:109
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:119
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:128
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:137
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:146
msgid " ...thorum restro targa thorum... "
msgstr " ...thorum restro targa thorum... "
#. [message]: speaker=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:93
msgid "Come, O aspirant. The Oracles await you."
msgstr "Fatti avanti, aspirante. Gli oracoli ti aspettano"
#. [message]: speaker=First Oracle
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:115
msgid ""
"The time of peace is passing. Chaos is rising; evil is rooted in the land's "
"very heart. Darkness is coming soon. The world will be changed. And you will "
"be among the champions of our brotherhood of mages. I give you the first "
"syllable of power, the beginning of your name: DEL"
msgstr ""
"Il tempo della pace sta per finire. Il caos si sta diffondendo; il male ha "
"radici profonde nel cuore della terra. L'oscurità arriverà presto. Il mondo "
"cambierà. E tu sarai uno dei campioni della nostra confraternita di maghi. "
"Ti darò la prima sillaba del potere, la prima parte del tuo nome: DEL."
#. [message]: speaker=Second Oracle
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:124
msgid ""
"You will not be least among those champions. Nay; you will be called 'The "
"Great' before your days are through. I give you the second syllable of "
"power, the second part of your name: FA"
msgstr ""
"Non sarai il più piccolo tra questi campioni. No: sarai chiamato il grande "
"prima che i tuoi giorni siano passati. Ti sarò la seconda sillaba del "
"potere, la seconda parte del tuo nome: FA."
#. [message]: speaker=Third Oracle
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:133
msgid ""
"Yes. Peace is broken, but hope is not extinguished. There is always hope. "
"And you will be the father of it. I call the power of the Bright Gods into "
"the second part of your name. FA"
msgstr ""
"Sì. La pace è finita, ma la speranza non è morta. C'è sempre speranza. E tu "
"ne sarai il padre. Invoco il potere degli dei luminosi nella seconda sillaba "
"del tuo nome: FA."
#. [message]: speaker=Fourth Oracle
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:142
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"After the battle, peace. After the darkness, dawn. From death springs new "
"life. I give you the last part of your name, the final syllable of power. DOR"
msgstr ""
"Dopo la battaglia, pace. Dopo l'oscurità, aurora. Dalla morte sorge nuova "
"vita. Ti darò l'ultima sillaba del tuo nome: DOR."
#. [message]: speaker=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:151
msgid "DELFADOR, open your eyes. And open them again!"
msgstr "DELFADOR, apri gli occhi. E aprili di nuovo!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:156
msgid ". ."
msgstr ". ."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:160
msgid "o o"
msgstr "o o"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:164
msgid "O O"
msgstr "O O"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:168
msgid "The light fills me!"
msgstr "Sono pieno di luce!"
#. [message]: speaker=First Oracle
#. [message]: speaker=Second Oracle
#. [message]: speaker=Third Oracle
#. [message]: speaker=Fourth Oracle
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:172
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:176
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:180
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:184
msgid "It is well."
msgstr "Bene."
#. [message]: speaker=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:188
msgid "Now, go forth!"
msgstr "Adesso. Avanti!"
#. [message]: speaker=Marshal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:192
msgid "Your name journey begins. Methor will lead you from this place."
msgstr ""
"Il viaggio per il tuo nome sta per cominciare. Methor ti guiderà da questo "
#. [message]: speaker=Methor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:208
msgid "But I will not see you to its end, for that is yours alone."
msgstr "Ma io non vedrò la sua conclusione, dato che dovrai arrivarci da solo."
#. [message]: speaker=Methor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:219
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Dangers and trials await us. When you have truly claimed the name you have "
"been given, I will depart."
msgstr ""
"Molti pericoli e molte prove ci attendono. Quando avrai propriamente "
"reclamato il nome che ti è stato dato, io me ne andrò."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/01_overture.cfg:223
msgid "I am ready."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=02_this_valley_belongs_to_me
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:3
msgid "This Valley Belongs to Me"
msgstr "Questa valle è mia"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:48
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Delfador's wandering time with Methor took them to many strange places, both "
"within and beyond the lands of men. They studied and practiced, applying "
"magecraft to aid those they traveled among and to deepen their understanding "
"of the hidden currents and powers of the world."
msgstr ""
"Il vagabondare di Delfador con Methor li condusse in molti posti "
"sconosciuti, sia all'interno sia oltre le terre degli uomini. Studiarono e "
"fecero pratica, usando la magia per aiutare quelli tra cui viaggiavano e per "
"approfondire la loro comprensione dei flussi nascosti e e delle potenze del "
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:51
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"But the elder mage's health was taxed by the rigors of the journey. A year "
"after the two left Alduin, Methor settled in a tranquil valley at the edge "
"of the Dulatus Hills, not far southeast of the capitol at Weldyn. He opened "
"a small school of his own, and with Delfador assisting him he began training "
"a handful of youths who might in time be worthy to enter the great Academy "
"on Alduin."
msgstr ""
"Ma la salute del mago anziano era stata compromessa dai rigori del viaggio. "
"Un anno dopo che i due avevano lasciato Alduin, Methor si installò in una "
"valle tranquilla a sud-ovest non lontana dal capitolo di Weldyn. Aprì una "
"sua piccola scuola e, con l'assistenza di Delfador, cominciò ad addestrare "
"una gruppetto di giovani che con il tempo sarebbero potuti diventar degni di "
"entrare nella grande accademia."
#. [message]: speaker=Methor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:66
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Delfador, your time as my apprentice is now almost over. You are a fully-"
"trained mage, and may choose your own path in life. I hope, however, that "
"you will take my advice, and enroll yourself in the service of King Garard. "
"I have many contacts at the court and..."
msgstr ""
"Delfador, il tuo periodo di apprendistato è quasi alla fine. Sei un mago "
"addestrato e puoi scegliere la vita che desideri condurre. Comunque spero "
"che tu segua il mio consiglio di mettere le tue facoltà al servizio di re "
"Garard. Ho molti contatti a corte e..."
#. [message]: speaker=Grogor-Tuk
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:70
msgid ""
"Listen, humans! This valley belongs to me now. I require all your houses and "
"your possessions! Hand them over quietly and I may permit you to live on as "
"my slaves..."
msgstr ""
"Ascoltate, uomini! Questo villaggio adesso è mio. Voglio tutte le vostre "
"case e i vostri averi! Datemeli senza fare storie e potrei permettervi di "
"vivere come miei schiavi..."
#. [message]: speaker=Methor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:74
msgid ""
"Arrogant creature! We have little enough, and we will not suffer you to take "
"it from us by force."
msgstr ""
"Creatura arrogante! Quel poco che abbiamo non te lo cederemo senza "
#. [message]: speaker=Grogor-Tuk
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:78
msgid ""
"That's where you are wrong, puny mage. War is coming, humans... War! Take "
"their villages, and spare no-one!"
msgstr ""
"È qui che ti sbagli, maghetto. La guerra è alla porte, uomini... Guerra! "
"Prendete i loro villaggi e non risparmiate nessuno!"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat Grogor-Tuk"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Grogor Tuk"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:91
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:88
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:115
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:88
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:101
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:117
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:288
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:61
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:110
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:210
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:39
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:63
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:662
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:326
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:195
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:105
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:141
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:266
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:149
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:98
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:75
msgid "Death of Delfador"
msgstr "Morte di Delfador"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:95
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:92
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:123
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:96
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:129
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:292
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:65
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:114
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:218
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:118
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:145
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:270
msgid "Time runs out"
msgstr "Fine dei turni a disposizione"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:110
msgid "Grooar! Burn! Burn! Ahahaha..."
msgstr "Grooar! Brucia! Brucia! Ahahahah..."
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:121
msgid "No! Methor... Don't die!"
msgstr "No! Methor... Non morire!"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:125
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Heed my last words, Delfador! Journey northeast to Weldyn, and seek out my "
"friend Leollyn. He will help you."
msgstr ""
"Ascolta le mie ultime parole, Delfador! Viaggia a nord-est verso Weldyn e "
"cerca il mio amico Leollyn. Lui ti aiuterà."
#. [message]: speaker=Methor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:138
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Well done, Delfador! I see I have trained you well, and you are truly ready "
"to seek your fortune. My traveling days are done, but it is time for you to "
"journey northeast to Weldyn, and seek out my friend Leollyn. He will help "
msgstr ""
"Molto bene, Delfador! Vedo che ti sei addestrato bene e sei davvero pronto a "
"seguire la tua strada. Viaggia a nord-est verso Weldyn e cerca il mio amico "
"Leollyn. Ti aiuterà."
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:147
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I will grieve for master Methor... I must take his advice and seek out "
msgstr ""
"Piango per Maestro Methor... devo seguire il suo consiglio e cercare Leollyn."
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/02_this_valley_belongs_to_me.cfg:153
msgid ""
"And it is no good news I will bring him. Orcs, so far south and so near the "
"capital? This is a dire sign; things are gravely amiss in Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=03_road_to_weldyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:3
msgid "The Road to Weldyn"
msgstr "La strada per Weldyn"
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Urthaka-Tan
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:34
msgid "Urthaka-Tan"
msgstr ""
#. [label]: id=memoirs_2_label_1
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:66
msgid "The Great Valley"
msgstr "La grande valle"
#. [label]: id=memoirs_2_label_2
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:71
msgid "Fort Brell"
msgstr "Forte Brell"
#. [label]: id=memoirs_2_label_3
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:76
msgid "Fort Miryen"
msgstr "Forte Miryen"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:84
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:206
msgid "Defeat enemy leader"
msgstr "Sconfiggi il comandante nemico"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:105
msgid ""
"Delfador followed Methor's advice, and headed over the hills towards Weldyn. "
"But the roads were more dangerous than he had expected..."
msgstr ""
"Delfador ha seguito il consiglio di Methor e si è diretto oltre le colline "
"in direzione di Weldyn. Ma le strade si rivelarono più pericolose del "
#. [event]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:114
msgid "Derrin"
msgstr ""
#. [event]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:121
msgid "Feorth"
msgstr ""
#. [event]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:128
msgid "Gar"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Derrin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:131
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Beware, stranger! I come to warn you - a party of orcs have moved into the "
"Great Valley to the north, and have been raiding the lands around. If you "
"press on westward, you will have to fight them."
msgstr ""
"Salute, stranieri! Sono qui per avvisarvi - un gruppo di orchi ha raggiunto "
"la grande valle a nord e sta distruggendo le terre circostanti. Se andrete a "
"ovest, dovrete combatterli."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:135
msgid ""
"I cannot turn back now... If I fight these orcs, will your villagers help me?"
msgstr ""
"Non posso tornare indietro adesso... Se combatto gli orchi i vostri "
"compaesani mi aiuteranno?"
#. [message]: speaker=Derrin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:139
msgid ""
"You see me armed for war because we were mustering to aid our kin. We can "
"help each other - and you'll not be sorry to fight beside us, for this "
"region trains the best bowmen in Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:153
msgid "Take this, you slimy invader!"
msgstr "Prendi questo, schifoso invasore!"
#. [message]: role=bowman_advisor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Beware! Night is falling - that's when the orcs tend to attack!"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione! Sta calando la notte - è il periodo in cui gli orchi amano "
#. [message]: role=bowman_advisor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:183
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Thank you, Delfador, for helping to rid our land of those pestilent orcs. "
"Your magic was more help than we looked for, and we are in your debt."
msgstr ""
"Delfador, grazie per aver contribuito a liberare le nostre terre da quegli "
"orribili orchi. Siamo in debito nei tuoi confronti."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:187
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You are welcome...but I am wondering what orcs were doing so deep inside the "
"borders of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
"Mi chiedo solo cosa ci facevano degli orchi all'interno dei confini di "
#. [message]: role=bowman_advisor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/03_road_to_weldyn.cfg:191
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Perhaps some of our lads had better go with you as far as Weldyn. These "
"lands are not safe for a lone traveler, and we may learn what drew the orcs "
"so far south."
msgstr ""
"Forse è meglio se alcuni di noi vengono con te fino a Weldyn. Queste terre "
"non sono sicure per un viaggiatore solitario e potremmo scoprire cosa ha "
"spinto gli orchi così a sud."
#. [side]: type=Arch Mage, id=Leollyn
#. [scenario]: id=04_leollyn
#. [unit]: type=Arch Mage, id=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:3
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:69
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:52
msgid "Leollyn"
msgstr "Leollyn"
#. [side]: type=Orcish Slayer, id=Hagha-Tan
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:45
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hagha-Tan"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Hagha-Tan"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:99
msgid ""
"Leollyn is slain! This is terrible... I had best give up and return home."
msgstr ""
"Leollyn è stato ucciso! È terribile... è meglio se mi arrendo e torno a casa."
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:111
msgid "Defeat Hagha-Tan"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Hagha-Tan"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:119
msgid "Death of Leollyn"
msgstr "Morte di Leollyn"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:136
msgid ""
"Methor told me that I could find Leollyn in his tower in the Royal Forest "
"outside the city. It should be near here..."
msgstr ""
"Methor mi ha detto che avrei potuto trovare Leollyn nella sua torre nella "
"Foresta Reale, fuori città. Dovrebbe essere qui vicino..."
#. [message]: speaker=Hagha-Tan
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:140
msgid "Ah, another human is approaching... yes... more meat for my war-band..."
msgstr "Ah, si avvicina un altro uomo... sì... altra carne per la mia banda..."
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:144
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Hail, strangers to the west! I crave your aid; hurry, for we are sorely "
msgstr "Qui, mio giovane amico, a ovest! Sbrigati, siamo assediati!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:148
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Well met, Leollyn! My friends and I will roust this barbarian for you. We're "
"getting used to such work by now - I did not expect to have so much trouble "
"getting here!"
msgstr ""
"Non preoccuparti, Leollyn. Io e i miei amici ci occuperemo dei barbari. "
"Siamo arrivati fin qui - non credo che sarà un problema raggiungerti!"
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:152
msgid ""
"Then you have not heard... but there will be time enough for talking. If you "
"can distract those vile creatures, I will try to organize a counterattack."
msgstr ""
"Allora non mi hai ascoltato... ma avremo tempo per parlare. Se puoi "
"distrarre quelle schifose creature, proverò a improvvisare un contrattacco."
#. [message]: speaker=Hagha-Tan
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:169
msgid "Yes... yes... slay them, my assassins!"
msgstr "Sì... sì... uccideteli miei assassini!"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:173
msgid "Uh oh... I don't like the look of this..."
msgstr "Uh oh... non mi piace l'aspetto di questo..."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:187
msgid "Their blood sheds as readily as any man's."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:191
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are a brave fighter, young friend."
msgstr "Sei un uomo coraggioso, giovane amico."
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:206
#, fuzzy
msgid "I've told you, all of you have to be extra careful!"
msgstr "Ve l'ho detto, dovete essere tutti estremamente cauti!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kill them all! For our murdered friends."
msgstr "Sterminateli tutti! Per il nostro amico assassinato."
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:221
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Well now, you arrived just in the nick of time. A fellow mage, too, I see. "
"Now what did you say your name was?"
msgstr ""
"Bene, di sicuro capiti a fagiolo. Un collega mago tra l'altro. Come hai "
"detto che ti chiami?"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Delfador, sir. Actually, I came seeking you - you see, I was a student of "
"Methor's. He said that you might find me employment in Weldyn."
msgstr ""
"Delfador, signore. Ti stavo cercando - sai, sono uno studente di Methor. Ha "
"detto che potresti trovarmi un impiego a Weldyn."
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:235
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Ah, one of Methor's, eh? Good, good... Well, young Garard certainly needs "
"all the hands he can muster right now. Especially those who know their magic!"
msgstr ""
"Ah, uno studente di Methor eh? Bene, bene.... Dunque, il vecchio Garard ha "
"bisogno di tutto l'aiuto possibile adesso. Specialmente l'aiuto di qualcuno "
"che sappia usare la magia!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:241
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delfador, sir. But I bring you ill news... Methor, my teacher, is dead."
msgstr ""
"Delfador, signore. Ma ti porto cattive notizie... Methor, il mio maestro, è "
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:245
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"That is ill news indeed... these are dark times. I think you had best return "
"with me to Weldyn. Garard too, must hear your news."
msgstr ""
"Che brutta notizia... questi sono tempi duri. Penso che sarebbe meglio se "
"tornassi a Weldyn insieme a me. Anche il vecchio Garard deve essere messo al "
"corrente della situazione."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:251
msgid "Is that Garard, King of Wesnoth, you refer to?!"
msgstr "Stai parlando di Garard, il re di Wesnoth?!"
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/04_leollyn.cfg:255
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Of course - do you know any other kings by that name? I was one of his "
"father's most trusted advisors until he passed away earlier this year, and I "
"still have the son's ear, though being young he listens perhaps less well "
"than he should."
msgstr ""
"Certo - conosci qualche altro re con quel nome? Sono uno dei suoi "
"consiglieri anche se non mi ascolta attentamente come dovrebbe!"
#. [scenario]: id=05_council_in_weldyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:3
msgid "Council in Weldyn"
msgstr "Il consiglio di Weldyn"
#. [side]: type=King of Wesnoth, id=Garard
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:31
msgid "Garard"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Cavalryman, id=Gurcyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:60
msgid "Gurcyn"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:68
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Delfador and Leollyn met no more opposition in returning to Weldyn. As they "
"entered the city, Delfador was amazed by its size, its grand walls and "
"impressive citadel. After a night's rest, Leollyn invited him to attend a "
"meeting with the king himself. Garard, it seemed, was anxious to hear news "
"from the borders of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
"Delfador e Leollyn non incontrarono ostacoli nel rientro a Weldyn. Entrati "
"in città, Delfador rimase stupito dalla sua estensione, dalle sue grandi "
"mura e dall'impressionante cittadella. Dopo una notte ristoratrice, Leollyn "
"lo invitò a presenziare a una riunione con il re in persona. Il re Garard, a "
"quanto pareva, era ansioso di sentire le notizie della parte settentrionale "
"di Wesnoth."
#. [message]: speaker=Garard
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:88
msgid ""
"Ah, now the last of my council is here. Lionel, what tidings from the north?"
msgstr ""
"Ah, è arrivato l'ultimo membro del mio consiglio. Lionel, che notizie porti "
"dal nord?"
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:92
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Bad news, my liege. The orcs mass in great numbers on the north shore of the "
"river, near to the Ford of Abez. We have been cut off from the dwarves of "
"Knalga - the rumor is that the orcs plan to overrun them, then turn their "
"attention to Wesnoth. The good people of our northern provinces flee, and "
"the land there falls into anarchy. We were attacked more than once by thugs "
"and bandits, and by evil creatures that roamed the night in the shapes of "
msgstr ""
"Gravi notizie, mio signore. Gli orchi si ammassano in gran numero sulla riva "
"nord del fiume Abez. Abbiamo perso i contatti con i nani di Knalga - pare "
"che gli orchi intendano travolgerli per poi rivolgere la loro attenzione a "
"Wesnoth. La buona gente delle nostre province settentrionali è in fuga e in "
"quelle terre ormai domina l'anarchia. Siamo stati attaccati più di una volta "
"da scagnozzi, banditi e da diaboliche creature che la notte vagano sotto "
"forma umana."
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:96
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Worse news - the orcs are already here, sire. I myself was set upon within "
"the royal forest. Were it not for this young fellow here..."
msgstr ""
"Peggio ancora - gli orchi sono già qui, Garard. Io stesso sono stato quasi "
"sopraffatto all'interno della foresta reale. Se non fosse stato per questo "
"giovane discepolo qui presente..."
#. [message]: speaker=Garard
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:100
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Then there is no time to be lost! I will ride to the Ford of Abez with an "
"army. As bold as the orcs may be to cross our borders in secret and prey on "
"the defenseless, they are disorganized and cowardly in the face of a foe "
"worth their mettle. They need reminding that Wesnoth is too hot for them. "
"Gurcyn, you have been to the west - will the Elves lend their archers to "
"help us?"
msgstr ""
"Allora non c'è tempo da perdere! Guiderò il mio esercito all'Abez. Per "
"quanto spavaldamente gli esseri del nord possano attraversare i nostri "
"confini di nascosto e depredare gli indifesi, sono sempre comunque "
"disorganizzati e codardi di fronte a un avversario adel loro livello. Devono "
"solo ricordare che il nostro antico trattato è sostenuto dalla forza "
"dell'armi. Gurcyn, tu che sei stato all'ovest, dimmi - gli elfi ci "
"aiuteranno con i loro arcieri?"
#. [message]: speaker=Gurcyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:104
msgid ""
"The elves will not fight; they hate the orcs, but spoke darkly of human "
"greed and foolishness. I have never seen them so unfriendly. There is "
"something they know of and fear, but they would not tell me what it is."
msgstr ""
"Gli elfi non combatteranno; odiano gli orchi, ma parlano in maniera oscura "
"dell'avarizia e della stupidità umana. Non li ho visti mai così ostili. C'è "
"qualcosa che conoscono e temono, ma vogliono dirmi cos'è."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:108
msgid ""
"Your majesty... may I join your army? I mean, I came to Weldyn to seek your "
"employ. And if it's archers you need, might not a mage be of help?"
msgstr ""
"Maestà... posso unirmi al vostro esercito? Voglio dire, io sono venuto a "
"Weldyn a cercare impiego. E se è di arcieri che avete bisogno, non potrebbe "
"un mago essere di aiuto?"
#. [message]: speaker=Garard
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:112
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Ah, young Delfador... you speak well, and Leollyn has already told me of "
"your bravery. I accept your offer of service with gratitude, but this is a "
"task for warriors, not magic-makers. You shall stay here with Leollyn and "
"myself, and be Leollyn's right hand as he is mine."
msgstr ""
"Ah, giovane Delfador... tu parli bene e Leollyn mi ha già detto del tuo "
"coraggio. Accetto la tua offerta di servizio con gratitudine, ma questo è un "
"compito per guerrieri, non maghi. Rimarrai qui con Leollyn e lo aiuterai nel "
"governo di Weldyn mentre io sarò altrove. Segui i suoi ordini come se "
"fossero i miei!"
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:137
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Delfador, I may have a task for you... Lionel's talk of evil night creatures "
"troubles me. Such stories have reached me before. There are a few places "
"where the spirit world comes close to the earth we know, and there a trained "
"mage may communicate with the spirits of the dead through meditation. The "
"nearest lies to the northwest, on a small island in the Great River just "
"south of the Ford of Abez. If the dead are restless, they may tell us why. I "
"had thought to undertake such a mission myself... but now I must remain in "
"Weldyn... perhaps you could go in my place?"
msgstr ""
"Delfador, potrei avere un incarico per te... Quello che Lionel dice delle "
"diaboliche creature della notte mi preoccupa. Avevo già sentito in "
"precedenza queste voci. Ci sono dei luoghi in cui il mondo degli spiriti si "
"avvicina alla mondo che conosciamo e dove un mago esperto può comunicare con "
"gli spiriti dei morti attraverso la meditazione. Il più vicino è a nord-"
"ovest, un'isola alla foce del Abez. Se i morti sono inquieti, potranno dirci "
"perchè. Pensavo di intraprendere io stesso questa missione... ma ora devo "
"rimanere a Weldyn... forse tu potresti andarci al posto mio?"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:141
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I'm honored that you would entrust me with such a task... but I too stay in "
"Weldyn, by the king's order!"
msgstr ""
"Sono onorato che tu voglia affidarmi una tale operazione... ma anche io devo "
"rimanere a Weldyn, per ordine del re!"
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:145
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Hmmm... King Garard placed you under my command, and I may command you to "
"travel north, if you wish to; he will not interfere with a mission of magery "
"as he might with one of war. But you must be sure you are ready for such a "
"grave task. Dealings with the spirit world are dangerous even for the most "
"powerful mages. Allow only your mind to enter the land of the dead - should "
"your body follow, there is no return! Do you still wish to go?"
msgstr ""
"Hmmm... Garard ti ha posto sotto i miei ordini e posso comandarti di andare "
"nord, se voglio. Ma devo essere sicuro che tu sia pronto per compito così "
"importante. I rapporti con il mondo degli spiriti sono pericolosi anche per "
"i maghi più potenti. Solo la tua mente deve entrare nel regno dei morti - se "
"il tuo corpo la seguisse, non ci sarebbe possibilità di ritorno! Vuoi ancora "
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:149
msgid "If that is how I may best serve, I will do it right willingly."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Leollyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/05_council_in_weldyn.cfg:153
msgid ""
"Then you shall! Lionel and his men will accompany you, for you will need "
"more than magic for protection on the road...especially where you'll be "
"going, into the wild country north of Tath. It is a chancy place at the best "
"of times, and orcs may already be raiding south of the Ford."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=06_swamps_of_illuven
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:3
msgid "The Swamps of Illuven"
msgstr "La palude di Illuven"
#. [side]: type=Rogue, id=Garrath
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:40
msgid "Garrath"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Bandit, id=Harold
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:55
msgid "Harold"
msgstr "Harold"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:84
msgid "Move Delfador to the signpost in the northeast"
msgstr "Conduci Delfador al cartello a nord-est"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:92
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:105
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:121
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:153
msgid "Death of Lionel"
msgstr "Morte di Lionel"
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:106
msgid ""
"These are the swamps of Illuven - lesser kin of the Swamp of Dread north of "
"the Great River, but noxious enough in their own fashion. Our way lies west "
"and north across them to the Ford of Abez. The western road around the other "
"edge of the Brown Hills would have been safer, but..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:110
msgid ""
"...I insisted on the most direct possible route. I know; let us both hope "
"the choice was not folly. Who made those villages in the swamps? Orcs?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "No, men of Wesnoth... but those who dwell here are a lawless lot."
msgstr "No, uomini di Wesnoth... ma quelli che vivono qui sono fuorilegge."
#. [message]: speaker=Garrath
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:125
msgid ""
"Greetings, strangers! This swamp is dangerous... You wanna cross it, you'll "
"need protection - cost you only $fee gold!"
msgstr ""
"Salute, stranieri! Questa palude è pericolosa... se volete attraversarla "
"avrete bisogno di protezione - per voi costerà solo $fee pezzi d'oro!"
#. [option]: speaker=Garrath
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:127
msgid "Thanks very much. Here's the gold..."
msgstr "Molte grazie. Ecco l'oro..."
#. [message]: speaker=Garrath
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:140
msgid "It's been a pleasure doing business with you... Bye!"
msgstr "È stato un piacere fare affari con voi... Ciao!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:157
msgid "Where did he go?"
msgstr "Dov'è andato?"
#. [message]: speaker=Harold
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:161
msgid "Haw haw haw! Suckers!"
msgstr "Ahaw ahaw ahaw! Imbecilli!"
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:165
msgid "Well, at least we only have to deal with one of them now..."
msgstr "Be', almeno dobbiamo confrontarci solo con una fazione adesso..."
#. [option]: speaker=Garrath
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:175
msgid "No thanks - we'll manage by ourselves..."
msgstr "No grazie - ce la caveremo da soli...."
#. [message]: speaker=Garrath
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:179
msgid "You'll regret it!"
msgstr "Ve ne pentirete!"
#. [message]: speaker=Harold
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:183
msgid "They certainly will! Haw haw haw!"
msgstr "Sarà sicuramente così! Ahaw ahaw ahaw!"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/06_swamps_of_illuven.cfg:203
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This chest contains all the money that rogue has taken from unwary travelers!"
msgstr ""
"Questa cesta contiene tutte le monete che i banditi hanno sottratto ai "
"viaggiatori incauti!"
#. [scenario]: id=07_night_in_the_swamp
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:3
msgid "Night in the Swamp"
msgstr "Notte nella palude"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:82
msgid ""
"I think that's all of them! Let's move on - the less time we spend in this "
"swamp the better."
msgstr "Muoviamoci - meno tempo passiamo in questa palude e meglio è."
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:97
msgid "Survive 12 turns"
msgstr "Resisti 12 turni"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:117
msgid "These swamps seem to go on forever!"
msgstr "Queste paludi sembrano estendersi all'infinito!"
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:121
msgid ""
"One more day's travel, I think. We should camp for the night now - we should "
"be out of it by tomorrow evening."
msgstr ""
"Ancora un giorno di viaggio credo. Dovremmo accamparci per la notte adesso - "
"domani pomeriggio saremo lontani da questa palude."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:129
msgid "Those standing stones - they summon evil creatures!"
msgstr "Queste pietre - evocano creature maligne!"
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:133
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I saw this kind of thing in the north... These abominations are not much "
"affected by swords, but they fear the light of day. We must hold them off as "
"best we can."
msgstr ""
"Ho visto qualcosa del genere a nord.... Questi abomini non vengono feriti "
"dalle spade, ma hanno paura della luce del giorno. Dobbiamo resistere meglio "
"che possiamo."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:137
msgid ""
"Hmmm... if I could get nearer to the stones, I could perhaps break their "
msgstr ""
"Hmmm.... se potessi avvicinarmi alle pietre forse potrei spezzare il loro "
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:152
msgid "This'll splinter your bones, you vile monstrosity!"
msgstr "Questo spaccherà le tue ossa, vile mostruosità!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:165
msgid "At least, morning is here... And the skeletons are disappearing!"
msgstr "Finalmente è giorno... E gli scheletri stanno scomparendo!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:176
msgid "At last, morning is here!"
msgstr "Finalmente è giorno!"
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/07_night_in_the_swamp.cfg:182
msgid ""
"I hope I never see another night like that! Let's leave this evil place as "
"quickly as possible - I want to get us out of Illuven before dusk."
msgstr ""
"Spero di non dover passare altre notti come questa! Abbandoniamo questo "
"posto più in fretta che possiamo - voglio essere lontano da Illuven prima "
"del tramonto."
#. [side]: type=Ancient Wose, id=Ur-Thorodor
#. [scenario]: id=08_ur_thorodor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:3
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:45
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ur-Thorodor"
msgstr "Ur-thorodor"
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Tan-Garthak
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:64
msgid "Tan-Garthak"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:84
msgid ""
"We have arrived. And there is the island Leollyn spoke of. But what are "
"those strange shapes moving among the trees?"
msgstr ""
"Siamo arrivati. Ecco l'isola di cui parlava Leollyn. Ma cosa sono quelle "
"strane ombre che si muovono tra gli alberi?"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:88
msgid ""
"I believe that they are woses - tree guardians. I have heard of them, but "
"thought they were gone from Wesnoth forever. They are not evil, it is said, "
"but yet they may be hostile to us. We had best be careful."
msgstr ""
"Credo che siano wose - guardiani degli alberi. Ho sentito parlare di loro, "
"ma pensavo che si fossero estinti. Non sono malvagi, dicono, ma potrebbero "
"comunque esserci ostili. Sarà meglio fare attenzione."
#. [message]: speaker=Ur-Thorodor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:92
msgid ""
"I am Ur-Thorodor, eldest of the forest. Who are you human-creatures? You may "
"not trespass on our island."
msgstr ""
"Sono Ur-thorodor, l'anziano della foresta. Chi siete voi, creature umane? "
"Non potete passare sulla nostra isola."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:96
msgid ""
"Ur-Thorodor, please let us pass! We are on a vital mission for King Garard, "
"in the interests of all living things in Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
"Ur-Thorodor, per favore lasciaci passare! Siamo in una missione di vitale "
"importanza per re Garard e per l'interesse di tutte le creature viventi di "
#. [message]: speaker=Ur-Thorodor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:100
msgid ""
"We care nothing for your kings, human-creatures. It is centuries since your "
"kind have been here, and only now are our roots destroying the last of your "
"accursed stonework. Now I will speak no more. Leave us, or suffer our wrath!"
msgstr ""
"Non ci importa niente dei vostri re, uomini. Sono secoli che la vostra razza "
"non è più qua e solo adesso le nostre radici sono in grado di distruggere "
"l'ultimo dei vostri maledetti edifici in pietra. Adesso basta parlare. "
"Andatevene o assaggerete la nostra ira!"
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:104
msgid ""
"This Ur-Thorodor should not speak of King Garard that way! 'Suffer our "
"wrath' indeed... I'll show him wrath!"
msgstr ""
"Questo Ur-Thorodor non dovrebbe parlare in questo modo di re Garard! "
"«Assaggerete la nostra ira» addiritturai... gliela faccio vedere io l'ira!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:108
msgid ""
"It seems there is no alternative - we must get onto that island! Perhaps if "
"we can get close to Ur-Thorodor, and speak with him again, he will "
msgstr ""
"Sembra che non ci siano alternative - dobbiamo passare su quest'isola! Forse "
"se potessimo avvicinarci a Ur-Thorodor e parlare nuovamente con lui "
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:113
msgid "Move Delfador to Ur-Thorodor's castle"
msgstr "Conduci Delfador al castello di Ur-Thorodor"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:125
msgid "Death of Ur-Thorodor"
msgstr "Morte di Ur-Thorodor"
#. [message]: speaker=Ur-Thorodor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hruuuarrgh! The vile human-creatures hew at me..."
msgstr "Hruuuuuarghh! I vili umani mi hanno tagliato...."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:153
msgid ""
"Ur-Thorodor, you must listen to us! A great evil power threatens all living "
"things in Wesnoth - we must fight against it together, or all life here will "
msgstr ""
"Ur-Thorodor, adesso devi ascoltarci! Un grande potere malvagio minaccia "
"tutti gli esseri viventi di Wesnoth - dobbiamo combatterlo assieme o tutte "
"le forme di vita moriranno."
#. [message]: speaker=Ur-Thorodor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:157
msgid "I trust no humans! Drive them out, my children!"
msgstr "Non mi fido degli uomini! Spazziamoli via, figli miei!"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:168
msgid ""
"I am defeated... My children: hear my last words! Destroy the humans, and "
"never let them set foot on our island again!"
msgstr ""
"Sono finito... Figli miei: ascoltate le mie ultime parole! Distruggete gli "
"uomini e non permettete loro di mettere mai più piede nella nostra isola!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:172
msgid ""
"This is hopeless! If carrying out my mission means killing these noble "
"creatures, then I cannot continue."
msgstr ""
"Non c'è speranza! Se proseguire la missione vuol dire uccidere queste nobili "
"creature, non posso continuare."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:189
msgid ""
"Ur-Thorodor, listen to me! We are not here to take your island. If you will "
"let just me remain here, then I promise you, on behalf of King Garard, that "
"no Wesnothian will set foot on your island without your permission again. As "
"a token of good faith, I command my army to return to the mainland."
msgstr ""
"Ur-Thorodor, ascoltami! Non siamo qui per prendere la tua isola. Se ci lasci "
"rimanere qui, allora ti giuro, sulla testa di re Garard, che nessun uomo di "
"Wesnoth metterà piede sulla tua isola senza il tuo permesso. Come prova "
"della mia onestà ordino al mio esercito di tornare sul continente."
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:193
msgid "Are you sure that's wise?"
msgstr "Sei sicuro che sia saggio?"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:197
msgid ""
"It's the only way! Lionel, lead our soldiers back to the mainland. I will "
"rejoin you when I have carried out my mission, and determined what is amiss "
"in the world of the dead."
msgstr ""
"È il solo modo! Lionel, porta i tuoi soldati nel continente. Vi raggiungerò "
"quando avrò terminato la mia missione e avrò scoperto cosa succede nel mondo "
"dei morti."
#. [message]: speaker=Ur-Thorodor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:204
msgid ""
"I see I had misjudged you, human. You are not like those who came before. I "
"accept your offer!"
msgstr ""
"Ti ho giudicato male, uomo. Non sei come quelli venuti prima di te. Accetto "
"la tua offerta!"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:211
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"As the Wesnothians withdrew from the island, the woses melted away into the "
"trees. Delfador began the meditation that would place him in contact with "
"the spirit world.\n"
"But as Delfador's meditation deepened, and the woses sank into their "
"timeless dreams of earth and trees, something else stirred on the island - "
"for a few orcish scouts had indeed crossed the Ford of Abez..."
msgstr ""
"Appena gli uomini di Wesnoth lasciarono l'isola, i wose tornarono tra gli "
"alberi. Delfador inizio la meditazione che lo avrebbe messo in contatto con "
"il mondo degli spiriti. Ma i wose non erano le uniche creature a vivere "
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:221
msgid "Ommmmmmm...."
msgstr "Ommmmmmm...."
#. [message]: speaker=Pruark
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:265
msgid "A human mage... is it dead?"
msgstr "Un mago umano... è morto?"
#. [message]: speaker=Gurbash
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:270
msgid "Easy to find out... thump it and see if it wakes up!"
msgstr "Sarà facile scoprirlo... colpiscilo e guarda se si sveglia!"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/08_ur_thorodor.cfg:274
msgid "THUMP!"
msgstr "THUMP!"
#. [message]: speaker={STRING}
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:59
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you serve Iliah-Malal, living man?"
msgstr "Servi Ihiah-Malal, essere umano?"
#. [option]: speaker={STRING}
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:61
msgid "Yes, I serve him."
msgstr "Sì, è il mio padrone."
#. [message]: speaker={STRING}
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:65
msgid "Then you will not mind if we kill you! Hahahahah!"
msgstr "Allora non ti importa se ti uccideremo! Ahahahaha!"
#. [option]: speaker={STRING}
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:70
msgid "No, I do not."
msgstr "No, non lo faccio"
#. [message]: speaker={STRING}
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:74
msgid "Then you will die forever!"
msgstr "Allora morirai una volta per tutte!"
#. [message]: speaker={STRING}
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Iliah-Malal commands your death!"
msgstr "Ihiah-Malal ti ordina di morire!"
#. [message]: speaker=Arakar
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:133
msgid "Destroy the intruder, my minions!"
msgstr "Distruggete l'intruso, miei servi!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:150
msgid "Something does not feel right about those villages..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:184
msgid ""
"I must find that artifact of which the ghost spoke; it sounds too powerful a "
"thing to be left in Iliah-Malal's hands."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=09_houses_of_the_dead
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:192
#, fuzzy
msgid "Houses of the Dead"
msgstr "Regno dei morti"
#. [unit]: id=Rorthin, type=Ghost
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:260
msgid "Rorthin"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:270
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It was one of those moments that altered the destiny of the world. The orc "
"warrior held many possibilities in his hand. He could simply have taken "
"Delfador's head. Had that occurred, the orcs might have overrun the whole of "
"Wesnoth and ruled it for ages. But what he chose, thinking it rare sport to "
"abuse one of the hated human mages, was to strike Delfador with his "
"gauntleted fist."
msgstr ""
"Era uno di quei momenti che cambiano il destino del mondo. Il guerriero orco "
"aveva diverse scelte. Avrebbe potuto semplicemente trafiggerlo oppure "
"staccargli di netto la testa. In questo modo gli orchi si sarebbero "
"assicurati l'intero Wesnoth e avrebbero regnato per secoli. Ma invece smontò "
"solo dal lupo e lo colpì."
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:273
msgid ""
"The blow interrupted Delfador's meditation. He began to topple over to the "
"ground, but before his head reached it he vanished as though he had never "
"been there at all."
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:284
msgid "Move Delfador to the signpost"
msgstr "Conduci Delfador al cartello"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:307
msgid ""
"Delfador opens his eyes and realizes he is <i>alone</i> in the <i>dark</i>."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=09_houses_of_the_dead
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:318
msgid "Rattles"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=09_houses_of_the_dead
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:319
msgid "Bones"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Penella
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:327
msgid ""
"Do not fear me, Delfador. It is my doom to appear as you see me. I was a "
"serf of a cruel lord. He demanded great taxes to fight many wars... then "
"plague came... my family were starving, and we were forced to eat the flesh "
"of those who had died."
msgstr ""
"Non aver paura di me, Delfador. Quello che vedi è solo il mio spirito. Ero "
"un servo di un malvagio signore. Chiedeva tasse altissime per combattere "
"numerose guerre... poi giunse la peste... la mia famiglia venne sterminata e "
"fui costretto a mangiare la carne dei morti."
#. [message]: speaker=Roddry
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:338
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Have you encountered the skeletons? Their castle lies north of here. It is "
"difficult to attack, but there is a secret entrance in the valley beyond "
"Sythan's village."
msgstr ""
"Hai incontrato gli scheletri? Il loro castello si trova a nord. È difficile "
"da attaccare, ma c'è un ingresso segreto nella valle dietro al villaggio di "
#. [message]: speaker=Nameless
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:345
msgid "I died a long time ago. I have forgotten my name."
msgstr "Sono morto tanto tempo fa. Ho dimenticato il mio nome."
#. [message]: speaker=Melinna
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:352
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Iliah-Malal says that he can open a portal to the world of the living. Those "
"who follow him will walk the earth as they did in life."
msgstr ""
"Ihiah-Malal dice che è in grado di aprire un portale che conduce al mondo "
"dei vivi. I suoi seguaci torneranno a muoversi sulla terra così come "
"facevano quando erano in vita."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:356
msgid ""
"Why are the dead so restless? This should be a place of rest and peace for "
msgstr ""
"Perché i morti non trovano pace? Questo per voi dovrebbe essere un posto in "
"cui riposare in pace."
#. [message]: speaker=Melinna
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:360
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Once, I was happy here, but Iliah-Malal made me see this land as the eyes of "
"the living see it... a place of rock and dust."
msgstr ""
"Una volta ero felice qui, ma Ihiah-Malal mi ha fatto vedere questa terra nel "
"modo in cui i vivi la vedono.... una zona di rocce e polvere."
#. [message]: speaker=Sythan
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:367
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I was once a great lord... I commanded armies! Iliah-Malal promised I would "
"lead again."
msgstr ""
"Una volta ero un grande signore.... ho comandato degli eserciti! Ihiah-Malal "
"mi ha promesso che guiderò di nuovo eserciti."
#. [message]: speaker=Hereld
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:374
msgid ""
"Beware the skeletons! They are not the spirits of dead men, but the "
"creations of evil magic."
msgstr ""
"Fa' attenzione agli scheletri! Non sono spiriti dei morti, sono creazioni "
"derivate dall'uso della magia nera."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:378
msgid "What else do you know of the skeletons?"
msgstr "Cos'altro sai sugli scheletri?"
#. [message]: speaker=Hereld
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:382
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It is said that they guard a powerful magical artifact. Roddry knows more "
"than I do; he lives to the west."
msgstr ""
"Si dice che sono i guardiani di un potente manufatto magico. Roderick ne sa "
"più di me; vive a ovest."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:416
msgid ""
"This is surely the land of the dead... and it seems I am still alive. But "
"then, as Leollyn warned, I can never return! I suppose I may as well explore."
msgstr ""
"Questa è senz'altro il regno dei morti... e sembra che io sia ancora vivo. "
"Ma allora, se quello che mi ha detto Leollyn è vero, non potrò più tornare "
"indietro! Suppongo che almeno potrei dare un'occhiata in giro."
#. [message]: speaker=Rorthin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:446
#, fuzzy
msgid "A living man... so it is as Iliah-Malal says..."
msgstr "Un uomo vivo... allora è come aveva detto Ihiah-Malal..."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:450
#, fuzzy
msgid "Speak again, spirit! Tell me of yourself. Who is this Iliah-Malal?"
msgstr "Parla ancora, spirito! Parlami di te. Chi è questo Ihiah-Malal?"
#. [message]: speaker=Rorthin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:454
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"My name is Rorthin. I died long ago, in a great battle... I have almost "
"forgotten... Iliah-Malal is a living man, like you, who walks among the "
"dead. He promises life to all those who follow him."
msgstr ""
"Mi chiamo Roland. Sono morto tanto tempo fa nel corso di una grande "
"battaglia... me ne ero quasi dimenticato... Ihiah-Malal è un uomo vivo, come "
"te, che si muove tra i morti. Ha promesso una nuova vita a tutti coloro che "
"lo seguiranno."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:458
#, fuzzy
msgid "I would very much like to meet Iliah-Malal. Where can I find him?"
msgstr "Mi piacerebbe molto incontrare Ihiah-Malal. Dove posso trovarlo?"
#. [message]: speaker=Rorthin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:462
msgid ""
"Follow the dry river, then the road to the signpost in the north. I will "
"guide you. Enter the houses of the dead as you pass, for others here may "
"help you."
msgstr ""
"Segui il fiume prosciugato, poi prendi la strada per il cartello a nord. Ti "
"guiderò io. Entra nelle case dei morti quando passi, potresti trovare "
"qualche altro disposto ad aiutarti."
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:489
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:494
msgid "I...I am Delfador, a mage of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:501
msgid ""
"I am the will of An-Usrukhar, greatest of mages, he who bestrode Irdya in "
"the morning of time, who sleeps now in a death beyond death until the "
"unmaking of the world."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:506
msgid ""
"I am only a man, a living man seeking a way home from the house of the dead."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:510
msgid ""
"Living? ...I see that it is so. Your breath stirs dust that has lain "
"untouched since the Primal Aeon. And it was foretold that one like you would "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:515
msgid "Foretold?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:522
msgid ""
"Foretold in the Primal Aeon, years past beyond your counting. An-Usrukhar "
"the Great, he of whom I am but the tiniest shade and fragment, foresaw in "
"the Mirror of Evanescent Time that a living man would come here to be "
"tested. AND I AM THE TEST!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:530
msgid ""
"I have felt the coils of prophecy on me before. I am beginning to dislike "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:534
msgid ""
"It is only given to the small not to feel the hand of fate on their "
"shoulder; the great must suffer its weight whether they will or no. "
"Delfador, mage of Wesnoth, ARE YOU A SERVANT OF THE LIGHT?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:539
msgid "I serve my king and my kingdom."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:547
msgid ""
"Your king will die in an eyeblink and your kingdom in the drawing of a "
"breath. Delfador, I ask you again, ARE YOU A SERVANT OF THE LIGHT?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:552
msgid "I serve my people and my land."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:559
msgid ""
"Peoples vanish and lands wither under the pitiless gaze of eternity; the "
"true matter of the world is deeper. Delfador, I ask you a third time, and on "
"your answer hangs your life: ARE YOU A SERVANT OF THE LIGHT?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:564
msgid ""
"I...I serve life against death. Love against fear. Light against darkness."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/09_houses_of_the_dead.cfg:572
msgid ""
"IT IS WELL. Take up, O servant of light, the Staff of An-Usrukhar. The "
"trials before you will be great. So is its power."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=10_the_gate_between_worlds
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:3
msgid "The Gate Between Worlds"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Iliah-Malal
#. [unit]: id=Iliah-Malal, type=Lich
#. [side]: type=Lich, id=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:27
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:396
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:66
#, fuzzy
msgid "Iliah-Malal"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Ihiah-Malal"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat Iliah-Malal"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Ihiah-Malal"
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:92
msgid ""
"So, this is the one my minions told me of... the living man who walks here "
"among the dead. You have come in time to see my greatest achievement - an "
"end to death itself!"
msgstr ""
"Così, tu sei quello di cui mi hanno parlato i miei servi... l'uomo vivo che "
"cammina qui fra i morti. Sei arrivato in tempo per vedere il mio più grande "
"successo - la fine della morte stessa!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:97
msgid "That's impossible! You must be insane!"
msgstr "È impossibile! Tu sei pazzo!"
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:102
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Have not you yourself traveled between the realms of life and death? Behold!"
msgstr "Non hai viaggiato tra il regno dei vivi e quello dei morti? Osserva!"
#. [message]: role=dead_sidekick
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:153
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Iliah-Malal has created a portal to the land of the living! How I long to go "
"through it and see the sun again..."
msgstr ""
"Ihiah-Malal ha aperto un portale per il mondo dei vivi! Il mio desiderio di "
"attraversarlo per rivedere di nuovo il sole è così ardente..."
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:158
msgid ""
"Now, my living followers, I summon you! See that death is nothing, and fear "
"not to fight for me!"
msgstr ""
"Ora, miei seguaci viventi, io vi invoco! Osservate che la morte non è nulla "
"e non temete di combattere per me!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:200
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is a great evil. The dead will not find peace by passing through your "
"gateway, Iliah-Malal, for you cannot give them life again. You have not "
"brought an end to death, but to life itself!"
msgstr ""
"Questa è una grande malvagità. I morti non troveranno pace attraversando il "
"tuo portale, Ihiah-Malal, dato che non puoi dar loro di nuovo la vita. Non "
"hai dato una fine alla morte, ma alla vita stessa!"
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:205
msgid ""
"You will see things differently at the point of a sword, my friend. Minions! "
"Kill the unbeliever... he will join us then."
msgstr ""
"Vedrai le cose in maniera diversa dalla punta di una spada, amico mio. "
"Servi! Uccidete lo scettico... così si unirà a noi."
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "Iliah-Malal's body lay still for a moment, then stirred!"
msgstr ""
"Il corpo di Ihiah-Malal rimase fermo per qualche istante, poi si mosse di "
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:238
msgid "Follow me if you dare..."
msgstr "Seguimi se hai il coraggio..."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/10_the_gate_between_worlds.cfg:243
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This portal Iliah-Malal has created is a great and terrible work of magic. I "
"must catch him, and somehow force him to close it!"
msgstr ""
"Questo portale che Ihiah-Malal ha creato è una magia grande e terribile. "
"Devo catturarlo e in qualche modo costringerlo a chiuderlo!"
#. [scenario]: id=11_wasteland
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:3
msgid "Wasteland"
msgstr "Landa desolata"
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tish Golub
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:38
msgid "Tish Golub"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Elvish Druid
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:57
msgid "Istelimir"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Elvish Druid
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:58
msgid "Atellas"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:94
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"As Delfador followed Iliah-Malal into the portal, a freezing wind sprung up "
"and the air became thick with ghosts pouring through into the land of the "
"living. The ground became icy underfoot, and soon Delfador was following the "
"necromancer's footsteps in a thick layer of snow. Eventually, even these "
"became indistinct."
msgstr ""
"Dopo che Delfador ebbe seguito Ihiah-Malal attraverso il portale, si alzò un "
"vento gelido e l'aria divenne più densa con spettri che cercavano di farsi "
"strada verso il regno dei vivi. Il terreno divenne di ghiaccio e ben presto "
"Delfador dovette seguire le impronte del negromante in una spessa coltre di "
"neve. Alla fine, anche le tracce divennero indistinte."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:100
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It's hopeless, I've lost all track of Iliah-Malal... and I shall freeze "
"unless I find shelter soon. Perhaps in that forest to the north..."
msgstr ""
"Non è possibile, ho perso le tracce di Ihiah-Malal... e diventerò un "
"ghiacciolo a meno che non trovi riparo al più presto. Forse in quella "
"foresta a nord..."
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:106
msgid "Find Delfador shelter before he freezes to death"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "What are you doing in our forests, stranger?"
msgstr "Ciao straniero! Cosa ci fai nella nostra foresta?"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:135
msgid ""
"It's a long story... but I wonder whether I might first ask for your "
"hospitality? I'm lost, and freezing to death here!"
msgstr ""
"È una lunga storia... ma mi chiedo se prima non sia il caso di chiedere la "
"vostra ospitalità. Mi sono perso e fa un freddo cane qui!"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:139
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I suppose there can be little harm in one half-frozen human... Our nearest "
"post is to the northeast; I'll lead you there. But we must not tarry! There "
"are deadlier foes than the weather abroad."
msgstr ""
"Be', non vedo alcuna minaccia da parte tua... Il nostro avamposto sul "
"confine si trova a nord-est; puoi cercare riparo là. Ma fai in fretta! Ci "
"sono nemici ben più mortali del clima lungo la strada."
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:156
msgid "Welcome, Delfador!"
msgstr "Benvenuto Delfador!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:161
msgid "Er, hello... you know my name, then...?"
msgstr "Er, salve... conosci il mio nome, quindi...?"
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:165
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Yes. I am Chantal, and I know many things. I know you come from the great "
"human kingdom of the south, and are a master of magic. You have faced great "
"adversity, and visited a place from where few hope to return, and from where "
"none before have returned unchanged. Fate is heavy upon you, and you deserve "
"our help."
msgstr ""
"Sì. Sono Chantal e conosco diverse cose. So che sei venuto dalla grande "
"nazione degli uomini a sud, so che sei un maestro di magia. Ti sei trovato "
"di fronte a grosse difficoltà e hai visitato un luogo da cui poche persone "
"sperano di tornare e da cui prima di te nessuno è tornato intatto. Il tuo "
"destino è un pesante fardello e ti meriti il nostro aiuto."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:169
msgid ""
"Oh... well... very nice of you, but I don't feel very fated. In fact, I've "
"been positively blundering! I was just trying to defend my master Methor's "
"school against the orcs, and then to find out the source of the undead "
"activity... and I have failed at both."
msgstr ""
"Oh... bene... molto gentile, ma non mi sento così fortunato. Infatti ho "
"fatto un errore grossolano! Stavo solo cercando di difendere la scuola del "
"mio maestro dagli orchi e successivamente di trovare la fonte del potere dei "
"non-morti... in entrambi i casi ho fallito."
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:173
msgid ""
"But you have not failed. The southlands have not yet fallen to the orcish "
"army, and have you not learned more about the undead than any man alive? It "
"is he who fears death above all things who deceives the spirits into "
"believing they can live again, and blinds them to the peace and rest of "
"their own domain."
msgstr ""
"Ma non hai fallito. Gli abitanti del sud non sono caduti sotto l'esercito "
"degli orchi e tu forse non conosci i non-morti più di ogni altro uomo al "
"mondo? È colui che ha paura di morire in ogni istante a ingannare gli "
"spiriti facendogli credere che possono vivere di nuovo e a negar loro la "
"pace e il riposo del loro regno."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "You mean Iliah-Malal?"
msgstr "Parli di Ihiah-Malal?"
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:181
msgid "Yes, that is who I mean."
msgstr "Sì, proprio così."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:185
msgid ""
"If I might ask, where am I? And what of Lionel, and King Garard? What has "
"befallen them?"
msgstr ""
"Posso chiederti dove sono? E cos'è successo a Lionel e re Garard? Cos'è "
"successo loro?"
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:189
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You are among the North Elves, in the Lintanir Forest. Our arts hold back "
"the winter cold within these woods. To the south and west of here lies a "
"wasteland inhabited only by barbarians and orcs. To the south again, the "
"Great River, and your home. Of your friends, I know nothing."
msgstr ""
"Sei nella terra degli elfi del nord. Le nostre arti magiche creano un "
"inverno perenne in queste foreste. A sud e a ovest si trova una landa "
"desolata abitata solo da barbari e orchi. A sud inoltre c'è il grande fiume, "
"quello che tu chiami Abez, e poi c'è la tua patria. Dei tuoi amici non so "
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:193
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I am deeply grateful for your aid, Chantal. I see now what I must do... I "
"have lost Iliah-Malal, but I must at least try to report back to the King or "
"to Leollyn. I will set out for the south!"
msgstr ""
"Ti ringrazio moltissimo per l'aiuto, Chantal. Adesso so cosa devo fare... ho "
"perso Ihiah-Malal ma devo almeno provare a informare il re o Leollyn. Mi "
"dirigo verso sud!"
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:197
msgid ""
"It will not be easy. The orcish army lies between here and your destination. "
"We are under attack even here, by an orcish warband encamped in the "
"mountains to the southwest."
msgstr ""
"Non sarà così facile. Tra qui e la nostra destinazione c'è l'esercito degli "
"orchi. Siamo sotto attacco qui persino qui, a causa di una banda di orchi "
"accampata nelle montagne a sud-ovest."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:201
msgid ""
"Attacked by orcs? Then I might perhaps help you to defeat them, and repay "
"your assistance and kindness!"
msgstr ""
"Siete attaccati dagli orchi? Forse allora portei aiutarvi a sconfiggerli e "
"ripagarvi della vostra assistenza e cortesia!"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:214
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:43
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:67
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:666
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:122
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:330
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:199
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:113
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:106
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Death of Chantal"
msgstr "Morte di Lionel"
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/11_wasteland.cfg:232
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"With your help, Delfador, we have overrun the orcish warlord of this area, "
"and our forests are secure. Secure enough that I can even join you in your "
"journey south... at least as far as the Great River."
msgstr ""
"Delfador, con il tuo aiuto abbiamo scacciato gli orchi da questa zona e le "
"nostre foreste sono sicure. Sicure abbastanza da potermi unire a te nel tuo "
"viaggio a sud... almeno fino al grande fiume."
#. [scenario]: id=12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:5
msgid "Terror at the Ford of Parthyn"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:35
msgid "Find out what is happening at the Ford"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:47
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:71
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:670
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:190
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:126
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:334
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:203
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:161
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:117
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:114
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "Turns run out"
msgstr "Fine dei turni a disposizione"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:59
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:658
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:182
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:114
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:183
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat all enemies"
msgstr "Sconfiggi il comandante nemico"
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Upgar
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:110
msgid "Upgar"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Dirator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:134
msgid "Dirator"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Niktor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:163
msgid "Niktor"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=White Mage, id=Arpus
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Arpus"
msgstr "impatto"
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:228
msgid ""
"This is the nearest human garrison, Delfador. Here is the only place to "
"cross the river. Soon after the last King of Wesnoth began his reign, he put "
"a strong garrison not far south of here in the town of Parthyn, and orcs "
"have not been able to cross into Wesnoth over this part of the river since."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:232
msgid ""
"This mist is unusual, though, even if we are close to the river. I have "
"never seen it so thick before."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:240
msgid ""
"There should be no orcs this far south. But I do not like the feel of this "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stay close. I don't like the feel of it either."
msgstr "Uh oh... non mi piace l'aspetto di questo..."
#. [unit]: id=Axhamr, type=Draug
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:251
msgid "Axhamr"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Horfir, type=Spectre
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:263
msgid "Horfir"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Backu, type=Nightgaunt
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:276
msgid "Backu"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Camdun, type=Chocobone
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:289
msgid "Camdun"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Drapug, type=Wraith
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:302
msgid "Drapug"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Kalip, type=Ghost
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:315
msgid "Kalip"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Abmin, type=Deathblade
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:328
msgid "Abmin"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:352
msgid "Be wary. Something does not feel right about that village..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:364
msgid "What in the wide green world is this abomination?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:368
msgid "One of Iliah-Malal's creatures. So it has begun!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:381
msgid "Orcs! Orcs at the Ford!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:385
msgid "Prepare to fight them! We must clear the Ford!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Niktor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:399
msgid "Halt! Who goes there?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:403
msgid ""
"I am Delfador, a court mage of Wesnoth and the legate of Arch-Mage Leollyn; "
"with me is Chantal, a great lady of the Lintanir Elves. Quickly, I must "
"speak with your commander; death treads upon our very heels."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Niktor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:407
msgid ""
"I command here, but we have lost the north shore. Uncanny creatures stalk "
"the night; our weapons scarcely seem to scathe them. I fear we cannot hold "
"against an attack in strength."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:412
msgid ""
"I have fought these before. Be of heart: impact weapons and magic can defeat "
"them. Do I recall aright that there is a school of mages not far from here?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Niktor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:416
msgid ""
"Yes, close by the southeast wall of our fort across the the Ford. But they "
"are jealous of their privileges and hold aloof from us."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:420
msgid ""
"That shall soon end. Send to them in my name and the Arch-Mage Leollyn's; "
"nay, tell them that in this matter I speak with the King's voice!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Niktor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:424
msgid "I heed the King's voice. My men are at your command."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:453
msgid ""
"To wake up the mages, move a unit that is currently out of sight of their "
"tower to within visual range of it."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Arpus
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:549
msgid "What are you doing here, disturbing our peace and concentration?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:553
msgid "Undead are attacking the fort on the north shore. We need your help!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Arpus
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:557
msgid ""
"I have told the commander of that garrison that we take orders from none "
"other than the Chief Mage of the High Council, Master Leollyn! "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:561
msgid ""
"Leollyn's emissary, Delfador, requests your help. He bears Leollyn's token, "
"which is not lightly given."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Arpus
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:565
msgid "I recognize it. Very well; we shall join battle."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:585
msgid "What is going on here? This village has been burned to the ground!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:589
msgid "Maybe there are survivors? We should check."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:603
msgid "Another village burned. Nobody to be seen!"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Spearman, id=Theorin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:624
msgid "Theorin"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Theorin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:636
msgid "Please, spare me..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:640
msgid "Spare you from whom, soldier? What has happened here?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Theorin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:644
msgid "They come at night... and leave no one alive..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:648
msgid "Get hold of yourself, soldier! Who is 'they'?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Theorin
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:652
msgid ""
"I do not know. No one has seen their faces and lived. All I could hear is my "
"comrades' screams as they were being slaughtered. "
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Heavy Infantryman, id=Donc
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:696
msgid "Donc"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Halberdier, id=Stanis
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:714
msgid "Stanis"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Donc
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:725
msgid "It's time to stand up and fight...What's this?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:729
msgid "Friends, soldiers. Why were you hiding?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Stanis
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:733
msgid "Our post was overrun. Very few of us survived."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:737
msgid "Your orders from the King are to fight. Just stay close to me."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:752
msgid "This village seems unharmed. Anyone here?"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Deathblade, id=Bled
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:766
msgid "Bled"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Ghost, id=Crod
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:784
#, fuzzy
msgid "Crod"
msgstr "Harold"
#. [unit]: type=Wraith, id=Angedd
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:803
msgid "Angedd"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Angedd
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:814
msgid "Surprise, surprise..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Bled
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:818
msgid "We have not waited all this time for nothing!"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Heavy Infantryman, id=Zagar
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:845
msgid "Zagar"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Heavy Infantryman, id=Brox
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:863
msgid "Brox"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Longbowman, id=Adran
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:882
msgid "Adran"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Adran
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:894
msgid "Long live the King! Wait, you are not..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:898
msgid "... the enemy? Yes, we're one your side."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:902
msgid "Soldiers of Wesnoth, rise to fight for your King!"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Heavy Infantryman, id=Axios
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:926
msgid "Axios"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Spearman, id=Ulfter
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:944
msgid "Ulfter"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Bowman, id=Ogdal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:962
msgid "Ogdal"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Ulfter
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:973
msgid "Is the enemy gone?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:977
msgid "He will be, if you help. Now follow me into battle!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:991
msgid "Anyone here?"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Draug, id=Dreadred
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1003
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dreadred"
msgstr "Delfador"
#. [message]: speaker=Dreadred
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1014
msgid "Master said more would come!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1032
msgid "There are signs of a battle, but nobody seems to be here..."
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Crum
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1047
msgid "Crum"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Orcish Grunt, id=Smalg
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1065
msgid "Smalg"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Orcish Archer, id=Grubar
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1083
msgid "Grubar"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Orcish Assassin, id=Ulkar
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1101
msgid "Ulkar"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Crum
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1113
msgid "Wrong!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Upgar
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1129
msgid ""
"You may have defeated me, but the great Zorlan will have revenge! I have "
"done my duty attacking the Wesnoth perimeter, so that no Wesnoth forces can "
"come to the aid of your doomed army. It will be a glorious massacre!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Dirator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1153
msgid "Master will avenge me!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1177
msgid ""
"We have much less time than I thought. Iliah-Malal's offensive has begun. I "
"must close his portal before it's too late, and I have no idea how to do "
"that. And we must also defeat those that have already escaped the Land of "
"the Dead."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1181
msgid ""
"But there is something else those orcs said that deeply worries me in a "
"different way. I have wondered why the orcs have been attacking in concert "
"all along the frontier; they do not coordinate well. If that orc was telling "
"the truth and a paramount chief strong enough to marshal their entire host "
"has arisen among them, the King may be walking into a lethal trap at the "
"Ford of Abez."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1185
msgid ""
"Word had just arrived when I left Lintanir that the High Lord Kalenz was "
"mustering an elvish army against the orcs, but he is not aware of the King's "
"movements or of any trap in wait for him. And he certainly does not know of "
"the undead menace. "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1190
msgid ""
"Maybe we can warn the King in time. Lionel should be back in Weldyn by now; "
"I shall send one of the garrison's message-riders to him, but I cannot spare "
"the time to go south myself. I will gather as many troops as I can move "
"quickly through these wildlands and head west from here."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1194
msgid ""
"Will you join me? Elves know these northern paths better than any human. "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1198
msgid ""
"It is not to be, Delfador. I must return to Lintanir as swiftly as I may; "
"the Northern Elves must be informed immediately - and mayhap I can find High "
"Lord Kalenz or get a message to him."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1202
msgid ""
"My King does not command him...but if elves and humans do not stand together "
"in this, I fear we will fall separately."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1206
msgid ""
"I do not doubt it. Go to your King, Delfador, and have faith in yourself; "
"for I sense that you hold the fate of Wesnoth in your hands, and will need "
"all the strength you have. I think we will meet again."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1220
msgid ""
"They have unleashed a second wave. Soldiers, stand firm and send these "
"abominations back to the darkness!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/12_terror_at_the_ford_of_parthyn.cfg:1229
msgid ""
"This is hopeless. Many more enemies are coming, while our numbers are "
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=13_the_return_of_trouble
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:4
msgid "The return of trouble"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:17
msgid ""
"While Delfador was still at the Academy, major events were taking place "
"throughout Wesnoth. After centuries of squabbling, a warlord emerged to "
"unite the Orcs. This was ill tidings for men and elves alike."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:23
msgid ""
"There was an elf named Kalenz who had already in Delfador's time been a "
"legend among his people for centuries; his is the tale called the 'Legend of "
"Wesmere'. Prolonged in life by a necromantic potion, he put aside the High "
"Lordship of the Elves after the death of his beloved wife Cleodil, and "
"wandered the Great Continent in errantry."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:26
msgid ""
"But Kalenz half-knew and half-feared he would be needed again, and the day "
"he had long foreseen finally arrived. Report came to him of large orcish "
"forces attacking the outskirts of elvish forests, including Lintanir itself. "
"Kalenz quickly gathered a small troop of picked guards. War had returned to "
"the land of the elves."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Knafa-ord
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:68
msgid "Knafa-ord"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-drul
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:101
msgid "Tan-drul"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Krardul
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:135
msgid "Krardul"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Elvish Captain, id=Clartakis
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:169
msgid "Clartakis"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:186
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:118
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:322
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:191
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:157
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:109
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:102
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Death of Kalenz"
msgstr "Morte di Leollyn"
#. [message]: id=Tan-drul
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:200
msgid ""
"Kill these filthy elves! All warlords will then accept our leader, Zorlan, "
"as king and he will reward you all!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:204
msgid "This is what we have been training for! Now we drive these beasts back!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:217
msgid ""
"The orcs are retreating! And...what is this? A shyde flying towards us as if "
"hell were on her heels..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:223
msgid ""
"The orcs are retreating! And...what is this? a druid running to meet us as "
"though hell were on her heels..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:241
msgid "My lord Kalenz, at last I have found you!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:245
msgid ""
"Chantal! Granddaughter! What are you doing here? You were not attacked, I "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:249
msgid ""
"We were, but the enemy was vanquished. There are much more serious matters "
"that require your attention."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:253
msgid ""
"A paramount chief of all the Orcs has arisen, and he is setting a trap for "
"the humans at the Ford of Abez. I think we must aid the humans, lest we be "
"defeated separately once they are crushed."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:257
msgid ""
"There is more ill news. Evil has been unleashed. A portal has been opened "
"from the Land of the Dead. An army of undead is being raised as we speak."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:261
msgid "This is very serious. Have you informed the elvish settlements?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:265
msgid ""
"Yes. And I have prepared holy water for our warriors. They should be able to "
"hold against the undead in our forests, at least for now."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:269
msgid ""
"Holy water? What is this? Have you been dabbling where you should not, in "
"the Book of Crelanu?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:273
msgid ""
"No. But Cleodil gave some of the Book's least dangerous secrets to her "
"daughters, and so I had them from my mother. And I think I have found the "
"one we have been awaiting since Cleodil accepted the guardianship of the "
"Book. You know of what I speak."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:277
msgid ""
"I never thought to see such a human, not even in all the years I have lived. "
"Who is this person?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:281
msgid ""
"Delfador, a mage trusted of their King. He has survived a passage through "
"the Land of the Dead not merely alive but uncorrupted. He helped us defeat "
"the orcs when they threatened Lintanir, and I fought undead with him at "
"Parthyn Ford. I have come north partly because I am thinking to fetch the "
"Book of Crelanu so I can take it to him."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:285
msgid "He is uncorrupted? You are sure of this?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:289
msgid "I have bent my healing senses upon him. I am as sure as I can be."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/13_the_return_of_trouble.cfg:294
msgid ""
"Then we must aid him, and I must meet him. The King of Wesnoth is just a "
"king; it is inner strength such as you describe that will turn back the "
"darkness, if anything can. West, to the Ford of Abez!"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=14_shadows
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:4
msgid "Shadows in the dark"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:18
msgid ""
"Kalenz and his troops fared swiftly south and then westward along the north "
"bank of the Great River. They successfully evaded the orcs, but would soon "
"find there were grimmer foes awaiting them."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Rudimil
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:39
msgid "Rudimil"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Roth-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:60
#, fuzzy
msgid "Roth-Malal"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Ihiah-Malal"
#. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Barth-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "Barth-Malal"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Ihiah-Malal"
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:141
msgid ""
"This forest looks quiet - too quiet. Proceed carefully, I don't like this at "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Barth-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:148
msgid "Living... Soon, you'll be more troops for my master!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:152
#, fuzzy
msgid "Undead! Where did they come from?"
msgstr "Dov'è andato?"
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:156
msgid ""
"We should try to go west. I sense things are worse on the eastern front."
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Nameless, type=Spectre
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:163
msgid "Nameless"
msgstr "Anonimo"
#. [unit]: id=Hraul, type=Spectre
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:171
msgid "Hraul"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Atrag, type=Draug
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:179
msgid "Atrag"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Horr, type=Banebow
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:187
msgid "Horr"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Nfrigt, type=Nightgaunt
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:195
msgid "Nfrigt"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Rkrin, type=Revenant
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:203
msgid "Rkrin"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Rudimil
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:211
msgid "We have more help!"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Haunt, type=Spectre
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:219
msgid "Haunt"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Gdal, type=Spectre
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:227
msgid "Gdal"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Oltr, type=Draug
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:235
msgid "Oltr"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Orbl, type=Deathblade
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:243
msgid "Orbl"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Nifigt, type=Nightgaunt
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:251
msgid "Nifigt"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Dert, type=Deathblade
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:259
msgid "Dert"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Rudimil
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:268
msgid "And now even more help!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:288
msgid "Foul creatures, it is time for your final rest!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:292
msgid "That is Delfador. Do you see, now?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:296
msgid ""
"I do. He is a like a blazing fire to my inner eye. I think you have chosen "
"well, granddaughter; he is indeed the one to whom the Book of Crelanu should "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:300
msgid "If I were human, I think I would be in love with him."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:304
msgid ""
"If you were human, you would be quite right to be. Strange...they are such "
"surly children in the main, short-lived and crude and quarrelsome. And yet, "
"even our greatest mystics do not shine so brightly as this one."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:308
msgid "I hope the Book does not destroy him."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:312
msgid "You speak my thought, granddaughter. May it be so."
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:318
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:67
#, fuzzy
msgid "New Objective: Defeat all enemies"
msgstr "Sconfiggi il comandante nemico"
#. [unit]: id=Krumful, type=Draug
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:358
msgid "Krumful"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Unhul, type=Spectre
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:366
msgid "Unhul"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:393
msgid "I arrive too late for the entertainment, it would seem."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:400
msgid ""
"Well met, Delfador. Chantal has told me of you. I am Kalenz, High Lord of "
"the Elves, and we are in your debt today."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:404
msgid ""
"It is my honor to meet you. And it relieves my mind to know Chantal is safe "
"and with her kin again."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:408
msgid ""
"I am not sure there is safety for anyone in these days, but we all travel "
"the same road and face the same foes."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/14_shadows.cfg:412
msgid ""
"Yes. We will follow you to the Ford of Abez, Delfador. Let us hope we are "
"not too late to prevent an orcish victory there."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=15_save_the_king
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:4
msgid "Save the King"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:21
msgid ""
"Following Delfador, the elves moved to unite with the Wesnothian forces and "
"meet Zorlan head-on..."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:27
msgid "but the King was in an unenviable position..."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Royal Warrior, id=Garard II
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:45
msgid "Garard II"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Zorlan
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:86
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zorlan"
msgstr "Roland"
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=T'bhan
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:108
msgid "T'bhan"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Qgthun
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:129
msgid "Qgthun"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Great Troll, id=Trgrau
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:151
msgid "Trgrau"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat Zorlan"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Hagha-Tan"
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:241
msgid ""
"It appears we have arrived just in time! The King stands at bay, surrounded "
"by the enemy."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:245
msgid ""
"I fear we may be too late. This new warlord must have united every orcish "
"tribe north of the Great River. Look at their army, it is vast!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Zorlan
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:249
msgid ""
"Elves! I heard you have been looking for me! But you will save neither the "
"human prince, nor yourselves."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:253
msgid "We must destroy this warlord now, before his power grows any greater!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:261
msgid "Victory! "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Garard II
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:265
msgid ""
"Delfador! And you, elvish friends! The kingdom of Wesnoth is in your debt "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:269
msgid "My King, this is Kalenz, High Lord of the Elves."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Garard II
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:273
msgid "You will be forever welcome in the court of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:277
msgid ""
"We look forward to fighting beside you to defeat those threats that remain."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:281
msgid ""
"Your Majesty, we have more urgent matters. Leollyn sent me on a mission to "
"find out why the dead are restless. A foul necromancer has opened a portal "
"to the land of the dead. It must be closed at all costs, and I am afraid my "
"skills may be insufficient for that task."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:285
msgid ""
"Delfador, our weapons are weak against the undead, but perhaps we have other "
"help to give you. Centuries ago the great mage Crelanu entrusted to us a "
"book of lore, powerful knowledge, perilous secrets that it took Crelanu all "
"his life to gather."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:289
msgid ""
"Crelanu charged us to guard his book until someone worthy of it appeared. We "
"believe you are that one, Delfador. The book may help you find a way to "
"close that portal."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:293
msgid ""
"Friends, your words do me perhaps greater honor than I deserve. I am not "
"sure I am worthy of this charge."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:297
msgid ""
"Chantal and I are sure of your quality. But be warned: there is a curse on "
"this book. Crelanu fairly warned us that his arts would bring much woe down "
"upon us. And so it proved, though at the time we had no other choice. The "
"victories you win with it may cost you as dearly."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:301
msgid "Curse or no, we must close that portal soon, or else we are all doomed."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:305
msgid ""
"This is a decision you will have to make. If we fight the undead without the "
"book's help, it will be an honor to fight by your side, no matter what the "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:309
msgid ""
"I think I, too, have no choice but to accept the book. I cannot allow the "
"sure death of many humans and elves for fear of the curse."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:313
msgid ""
"Then here it is, Delfador. May it help you bring a swift end to the undead "
"menace. And may it cost you less than it has cost us..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:317
msgid ""
"Thank you, friends. May we meet again in happier times. Now I must make "
"haste, for I need to study the book and prepare for the battle with the "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Garard II
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:335
msgid ""
"The enemy is drawing near. My personal guards must join the fight. We can "
"only hope help arrives soon."
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Adamar, type=Royal Guard
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:347
msgid "Adamar"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Mitbreen, type=Royal Guard
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:367
msgid "Mitbreen"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Ronduger, type=Iron Mauler
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:388
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ronduger"
msgstr "Roderick"
#. [message]: speaker=Adamar
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/15_save_the_king.cfg:407
msgid "For the King!"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=16_dark_sky_over_weldyn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:3
msgid "Dark Sky Over Weldyn"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:18
msgid ""
"Kalenz and Chantal and their troops departed to ride against the remnants of "
"the orcish Great Horde. Delfador returned to Weldyn with the King and his "
"gift from the elves, the Book of Crelanu. However, despite the victory, "
"Delfador was deeply worried by the undead menace. On the way back they met "
"with Lionel who was arriving with reinforcements, and were deeply saddened "
"to learn that Leollyn had died under very suspicious circumstances."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:25
msgid ""
"@King Garard\n"
"We have assembled here with good and bad news: The good news is that the "
"orcs have been defeated decisively. Their Great Chief is dead and their army "
"has been scattered. We owe much of this great victory to Delfador."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:31
msgid ""
"I did very little, sire. It was actually the elves who saved us on that day."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:37
msgid ""
"We owe the elves nothing, sire. They refused to send their archers when we "
"needed them!"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:43
msgid ""
"@King Garard\n"
"Peace, Lionel. The elves fought well and have earned Our respect. But this "
"council is here to address an alarming matter. Young master Delfador here "
"reports of an undead threat. He was able to fight them off at Parthyn Ford, "
"but more are coming."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:49
msgid ""
"With your permission, sire, I will take some picked men north and crush "
"these abominations."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:55
msgid ""
"Your majesty, these are no stray undead; This lunatic, Iliah-Malal, has "
"opened a portal to the Land of the Dead. Unless we close this portal soon, "
"the relatively small numbers of enemy troops he now commands will swell into "
"an endless stream of undead. And our army, having equipped and trained "
"primarily to fight raiding orcs, is not well suited to fight even the forces "
"he fields now. Mages, in combination with heavy infantry are most effective "
"against them."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:61
msgid ""
" \n"
"I think our young and inexperienced friend overestimates the powers of the "
"enemy. I'm sure they'll be no match for Wesnothian troops."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:67
msgid ""
"I have fought these things, and I know what I am talking about. This is a "
"deadly serious threat."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:74
msgid ""
" \n"
"Are you saying Master Sagus speaks idly? Somebody needs to teach you respect!"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:80
msgid ""
"You have proven your bravery, young Delfador, but I think you underestimate "
"the might of our army."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:87
msgid ""
"Sire, may I lead some part of your army to crush the undead?"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:93
msgid ""
"No, Lionel. This should be too simple a task for my best general. I will "
"send Dudpon, instead with most of my army."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:99
msgid ""
"What are my orders, then?"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:105
msgid ""
" \n"
"As a reward for Delfador's bravery, I am temporarily appointing you and your "
"men to be his personal guard. Make sure nothing untoward happens to him, as "
"the circumstances of Leollyn's death are not fully clear."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:111
msgid ""
"As you command, sire!"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:119
msgid ""
"And so it was that the Wesnothian army left Weldyn to seek out and crush "
"Iliah-Malal's forces. But the campaign proved a disaster. Less than a "
"handful of terrified soldiers returned. The Wesnoth army had been destroyed, "
"with the few survivors fleeing in terror. Nothing stood now between Iliah-"
"Malal's army and Weldyn...."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:125
msgid ""
"@King Garard\n"
"This is a disaster. I should have led the army myself and died with them. "
"And I should have listened to you, Delfador."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:131
msgid ""
"We will fight till the last man, my King."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:137
msgid ""
"My Lord, things are very grave indeed, but all is not yet lost. There is "
"still hope if we do not falter."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:143
msgid ""
"@King Garard\n"
"Yes, Delfador. This time we will follow your advice."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:149
msgid ""
"There are three things we must do. First, we must organize our defenses as "
"best we can. Second, we need to ask the elves to create a diversion, to "
"distract and delay Iliah-Malal. The elves will not be able to fight the "
"undead head on on the field, but they can harass them by striking from "
"forests where the undead dare not follow. And last, I have been studying and "
"I think I now know how to close Iliah-Malal's portal to the Land of the "
"Dead. I will need a small escort, but this must be done immediately."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:155
msgid ""
"My Lord, I can arrange the defenses around the city."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:161
msgid ""
"@King Garard\n"
"Very well, Lionel, take command."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:167
msgid ""
"These are only the first steps. If we are to defeat the undead, we need to "
"use and train the army differently than we have. First, you must recall "
"every mage in Wesnoth, from Alduin and elsewhere. And you must prepare more "
"heavy infantry."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:173
msgid ""
"But heavy infantry is too slow! And mages in the army? Who can command these "
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/16_dark_sky_over_weldyn.cfg:179
msgid ""
"@King Garard\n"
"Delfador could. You will command the heavy infantry. Make sure to shield the "
"mages in battle, for they are precious. Now, go, close the portal and come "
"back soon!"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=17_a_new_ally
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:3
msgid "A New Ally"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:23
msgid ""
"Delfador took a small escort to the north in order to attempt to close the "
"portal. But with Iliah-Malal's army at large north of the Great River, this "
"was a perilous road. Delfador was constrained to avoid well-trodden paths. "
"This meant a detour ..."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:57
msgid "Relgorn"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:59
msgid "Udrin"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Gruv-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:64
msgid "Gruv-Malal"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:101
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat Gruv-Malal"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Ihiah-Malal"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Death of Ulrek"
msgstr "Morte di Delfador"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Death of Relgorn"
msgstr "Morte di Delfador"
#. [message]: speaker=Gruv-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:131
msgid ""
"Attack, my loyal soldiers; the more we slay, the more troops for our master!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Ulrek
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:135
msgid "Keep fighting them sacks o' bones."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Relgorn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:139
msgid "Ulrek, more enemies approach from the south... Wait, these are humans!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:143
msgid "Dwarves, attacked by undead. We must help them."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Gruv-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:147
msgid "Then your corpses will also serve my master."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:151
msgid "Your master's days are numbered. Yours will end this day!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:169
msgid "I am Delfador. And you are dust!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:180
msgid "Now we shall rid Wesnoth of the rest of your unholy spawn!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Ulrek
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:184
msgid "We are in your debt."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Ulrek
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:195
msgid ""
"Human, ye ha' fought well. I am Ulrek, chieftain o' the clan of Norlund. My "
"house is in yer debt today. But who are ye and what do ye do in these lands? "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:200
msgid ""
"I am Delfador. Friends, a great evil has been unleashed. A portal has been "
"opened to the land of the dead near the northernmost extent of these hills, "
"nearly under the eaves of Lintanir Forest. I must close it, or else we are "
"all doomed."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Ulrek
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:204
msgid ""
"We ha' seen those undead walking, aye, and fought them too. And no one will "
"ever say my kin ha' been ungrateful for yer help. I will place my best "
"warriors at yer service. Relgorn, my son, ye will lead the women and "
"children to Knalga. They will be safe there among the rest of my kin. But "
"can ye really close that thing?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Relgorn
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:208
msgid ""
"Father, did ye not see these thunderbolts! This was awesome. Even our "
"thundersticks do not strike so powerfully!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:212
msgid ""
"My friends, I am in your debt for your kind offer. But we have no time to "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Ulrek
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:216
msgid ""
"Delfador, the surface path to the north ye'd need to have ta'en, along the "
"Listra, is too dangerous. That valley is swarming with orcs now. We'll take "
"ye by a safer route, through tunnels under these hills."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:235
msgid ""
"With their leader slain we cannot count on dwarvish help to reach Iliah-"
"Malal's portal! All is lost!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Ulrek
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/17_a_new_ally.cfg:249
msgid "Relgorn fell! Quickly, run for yer lives!"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=18_the_portal_of_doom
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:3
msgid "The Portal of Doom"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:40
msgid ""
"The dwarves led Delfador through a veritable maze of tunnels. Delfador was "
"amazed at the speed with which the dwarves could move through their tunnels. "
"Far sooner than he would have believed possible they reached their "
"destination, undetected by Iliah-Malal."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Prepolur
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:63
msgid "Prepolur"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Unuvim
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:97
msgid "Unuvim"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:137
msgid "Close the Portal and return Delfador to his keep"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Prepolur
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:172
msgid ""
"Living men and dwarves are nearing. Rise, Portal Guard and slay those "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:176
msgid ""
"The portal must be closed at any cost. You must allow me to get close to it, "
"so I can seal it."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Ulrek
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:180
msgid "Ye all heard! Naught will ever say dwarves ever feared anyone. Attack!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:205
msgid "Earth, rise and shut this gate of evil for good!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:217
msgid "Portal, reopen! No! What have you done? "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:222
msgid "Your portal is shut. And you cannot open another one."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:226
msgid ""
"Delfador, you have proven your skill. I have an offer for you. Join me and "
"you will live as my right hand. Together our magic skills will be unmatched "
"and irresistible."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:230
msgid "Join you?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:234
msgid "Or, fight me and die. I will then resurrect you as my slave."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:238
msgid ""
"My path is set. Your path must end. I will not dishonor my oaths, and will "
"not abandon friends and country."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:242
msgid ""
"Then you shall perish. After I finish with these pesky elves and dwarves, "
"Weldyn will be mine. Wesnoth has no army to resist me."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:246
msgid ""
"(to the dwarves). Quickly, back in the tunnel. I will stay last to seal the "
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:262
msgid "All the player's units must reach the tunnel. Then Delfador."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:324
msgid "Hurry up!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:330
msgid "We're in. Now: Earth, seal this entrance!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:378
msgid "Out of my way, foul creatures!"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Samun, type=Draug
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:405
msgid "Samun"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Skoogan, type=Banebow
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:414
msgid "Skoogal"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Skulrag, type=Deathblade
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:423
msgid "Skulrag"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Idthom, type=Nightgaunt
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:432
msgid "Idthom"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Hyvrun, type=Chocobone
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:441
msgid "Hyvrun"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Blud, type=Blood Bat
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:450
msgid "Blud"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:459
msgid "What's going on here? Is this Delfador? Welcome to your doom, Delfador!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:463
msgid ""
"They have reinforcements. Hurry, we must close the portal before we are "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:467
msgid "Slay them all!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/18_the_portal_of_doom.cfg:485
msgid ""
"Fool! You could not kill me in the land of the dead, nor can you in the land "
"of the living! I transcend both death and life, and I will return to destroy "
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:4
msgid "Showdown in the Northern Swamp"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:18
msgid ""
"With the portal closed, Iliah-Malal was weakened. He retreated into the "
"Swamp of Dread to recover his strength and attempt another conjuration. "
"Delfador's troop, hurrying west by secret Dwarvish ways and stealthily "
"crossing the Listra by night, found the necromancer there, on the brink of "
"raising another army amidst the fetid reek."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:22
msgid ""
"Using dwarvish and elvish messengers, Delfador was able to communicate the "
"news to the King and ask for help. Mustering all the troops he could find, "
"Lionel marched north to join Delfador for the battle that would decide the "
"fate of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=General, id=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:55
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/characters.cfg:70
msgid "Lionel"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Maldun
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:97
msgid "Maldun"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Alderoth
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:112
msgid "Alderoth"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:181
msgid ""
"So we meet again, Delfador. You were a fool to turn down my offer. None of "
"your allies will save you now."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:185
msgid ""
"You have ravaged your own soul with your corrupt arts, and your words are "
"empty wind; I fear them not."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:189
msgid ""
"Is he not amusing, my creatures? He puffs himself up as though he were "
"Delfador the Mighty, Delfador the Powerful, Delfador the Great...rather than "
"a jumped-up hedge wizard I shall shortly crush beneath my heel."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:193
msgid ""
"Delfador the Great, eh? And so it comes to pass as the four Oracles "
"foretold. I accept your name-gift, Iliah-Malal."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:197
msgid ""
"Oracles? What nonsense you babble...after you die, I will raise your corpse "
"and compel you to tell me how to reopen my portal!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:201
msgid "One of us will find a final death here. I do not think it will be me."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:212
msgid ""
"In this scenario only, you may recall your veterans from the Land of the "
"Dead. The killing blow against Iliah-Malal can only be struck by one of them"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:227
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:282
msgid "Now your days are ended!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:231
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:258
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:286
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:313
msgid ""
"The power of death is mine! When you strike me down I arise stronger than "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:235
msgid ""
"Not this time. For I have gazed upon the dark heart of necromancy in the "
"Book of Crelanu, and found there your final doom at the hands of the dead "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:290
msgid ""
"Not this time. For I have gazed upon the dark heart of necromancy in the "
"Book of Crelanu, AND I REMAIN OF THE LIGHT!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:332
msgid "Delfador...you raise undead?!?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:336
msgid ""
"No. I did not raise them from our dead; I offered some who fought beside me "
"in the otherworld a way here, and they come to us of their own will. Today "
"they fight for the living."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:344
msgid ""
"I have prepared some holy water. Sprinkle it on your impact weapon and smash "
"those foul creatures into dust!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:349
msgid "Powers of darkness, enshroud this field!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:361
msgid "Darkness shall be dispelled!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:370
msgid "No!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:374
msgid "Let the light shine forth!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Iliah-Malal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:378
msgid ""
"Your sorcery matters little. Your army will fall like wheat to the sickle "
"before my undead legions."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:382
msgid ""
"Your mindless minions will be no match for the spirit and fire of the living."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:387
msgid ""
"Delfador, as the King ordered I place all troops under your command. They "
"will follow you to death, if necessary, and so will I!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:392
msgid ""
"Lionel, it is an honor to go into battle beside you. Now let us fight for "
"life over death!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:404
msgid ""
"Remember one of our undead must strike the final blow, for Iliah-Malal's un-"
"life can only be ended by the touch of un-life."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:410
msgid ""
"Remember that I must strike the final blow, for Iliah-Malal's un-life must "
"be ended by a spell I have specially crafted to the task."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:423
msgid ""
"Evil has been vanquished on this day. May this victory bring lasting peace."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kalenz
#. [message]: speaker=Admirer5
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:432
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:442
msgid ""
"You have earned the name the accursed one gave you...Delfador the Great."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:454
msgid ""
"You who fought beside me in the Land of the Dead and chose the side of the "
"living on this day, return now to your peace and rest."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Lionel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:464
msgid "And the portal, it is sealed for good?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/19_showdown_in_the_northern_swamp.cfg:468
msgid ""
"Yes, it is. But it was too great a work of magic to be entirely undone; "
"there is a flaw still remaining, a trace of Iliah-Malal's way between "
"worlds. Raising undead will be a little easier in the future than it has "
"been before. Those who come after us will have to be vigilant against the "
"corruption of the dark arts, and show themselves worthy of the land they "
"live in."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=20_prince_of_wesnoth
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Prince of Wesnoth"
msgstr "Re di Wesnoth"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:22
msgid ""
"Following the alliance's victory and the peace treaty came a period of calm "
"that lasted a generation. The new King had learned to trust Delfador at the "
"battle of Abez Ford, and it was no surprise that Delfador became Garard II's "
"most valued advisor."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:26
msgid ""
"The elves knew that with Delfador close to the King, Wesnoth would be a "
"reliable ally. And it was for a while."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:31
msgid ""
"But Delfador was not alone in having the King's ear; there was one yet "
"closer to him. The Queen's power was rising..."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:37
msgid ""
"One day reports came of Wesnothian forces seizing elvish land on the border. "
"Kalenz gathered a small force and hurried to the disputed country."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=General, id=Eldred
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:66
msgid "Eldred"
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=General, id=Lowel
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:86
msgid "Lowel"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:105
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat Eldred"
msgstr "Sconfiggi il comandante nemico"
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:132
msgid ""
"Generals of Wesnoth: you have attacked defenseless elvish land. You must "
"leave immediately. I am Kalenz, High Lord of the Elves. Delfador the Great "
"will confirm the treaty between us."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Eldred
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:136
msgid ""
"This is elvish land no more. I, Eldred, prince of Wesnoth and heir to the "
"throne, claim it for Wesnoth and Queen Asheviere. Delfador does not rule in "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:140
msgid ""
"I did not want to spill human blood, but this arrogant prince leaves me no "
"other choice."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:169
msgid ""
"Peace, friends! I have been riding nonstop for days to prevent this madness! "
"Eldred, I have direct orders from the King to take you back to the Palace, "
"where you will be reprimanded for your inexcusable actions. Kalenz, the King "
"offers his deepest apologies for these events and promises to do anything in "
"his power to make amends."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:173
msgid ""
"Delfador! I am glad to see you. We have no demands on the King, but I "
"believe he should be very careful, for he does not seem to be the only ruler "
"in Wesnoth!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:177
msgid ""
"Kalenz, I am very worried. There is a cloud of evil swirling around the "
"Royal Palace, and it has more centers than the prince alone. I see dark days "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:181
msgid ""
"I wonder if the Book of Crelanu is not behind this. The Book is not evil in "
"itself, but the power it gives tends to magnify any evil in the reader's "
"soul. Delfador, has anyone but you opened its covers since you got it from "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:185
msgid ""
"I do not think so. But...Asheviere, Garard's queen and Eldred's mother, "
"seemed to be hinting some months ago that I should teach her magery. She "
"ceased all such talk when I did not respond, and I thought it merely the "
"momentary whim of a proud and willful woman."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:189
msgid "I wonder if we have not dangerously misjudged her..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:193
msgid ""
"It may be so. Now that I think on it, I think I had best return to the "
"Palace more swiftly than I came here, even if I have to kill three horses "
"under me to do it."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/20_prince_of_wesnoth.cfg:207
msgid "We are too late! All is lost!"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=21_clash_at_the_manor
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:4
msgid "Clash at the manor"
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:20
msgid ""
"Sparing Eldred's life proved to be a very costly mistake. Eldred betrayed "
"his father and took the throne, only to be slain in turn by Delfador, who "
"then fled to the Aethenwood with the infant child Konrad. What followed is "
"told in the tale called 'Heir to the Throne'. "
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:32
msgid ""
"Upon his return Delfador found out that the queen had left with a strong "
"escort to visit her family's demesne and her ailing parents. Lionel, the "
"King's most loyal general, had been sent at Asheviere's request on an errand "
"to Knalga to retrieve the scepter of fire. That mission would cost Lionel "
"his life; and neither Lionel nor Delfador knew that Lionel's mission had "
"been compromised from the start."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:35
msgid ""
"Although the King did reprimand Eldred for his actions, Delfador could sense "
"that the military commanders were solidly behind Eldred and his mother. "
"Asheviere had flattered them and beguiled them with promises of glory and "
"plunder in a coming war."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:39
msgid ""
"Delfador was granted an audience with the King and expressed his concerns "
"about the Book, but the King suggested that everything would be clear when "
"Asheviere returned to Weldyn. And for once, Delfador knew he could not obey "
"the King's order."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:43
msgid ""
"Since he could not ask even his personal guard to go against the King's "
"wishes, he turned to Kalenz and the elves. Traveling by night to remain "
"unseen they reached Asheviere's demesne, only to find that Asheviere was in "
"fact staying at her father's manor, outside her demesne, and had left on a "
"trip north. The Book was within their grasp."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=General, id=Pilafman
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:72
msgid "Pilafman"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat Pilafman"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Hagha-Tan"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:110
msgid "Enemy unit reaches the signpost"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:129
msgid ""
"I am grieved to have to resort to this. Yet the book must be recovered at "
"all costs and no one should be left alive."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:133
msgid ""
"The book's curse is already weighing heavy upon you, friend. But we cannot "
"falter. We have acquired orcish weapons, as you have requested. Nobody will "
"be able to link this to you or the elves."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:137
msgid "Make sure everybody hears the orders. Nobody must escape."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Pilafman
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:141
msgid ""
"Elves! And that traitor, Delfador is with them! Riders, quickly, go alert "
"the queen. And guards, prepare to strike them down!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:194
msgid "The guards are slain. Now we must look for the book."
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:200
msgid " New Objective: Find the secret door. Explore the manor."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:218
msgid "This looks like a secret door. Let's see where it leads..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/21_clash_at_the_manor.cfg:258
msgid "Reinforcements on the horizon. We are too late!"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=22_face_of_the_enemy
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Face of the enemy"
msgstr "Regno dei morti"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:20
msgid ""
"Delfador and the elves went through the secret door and ended in the "
"dungeon, a veritable maze of narrow corridors."
msgstr ""
#. [side]: type=Lich, id=Sagus
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:39
msgid "Sagus"
msgstr ""
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:71
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat Sagus"
msgstr "Sconfiggi Hagha-Tan"
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:105
msgid "There is no doubt the book is here; I can feel its presence."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:109
msgid ""
"This place stinks of evil and death. Chantal, do we have any holy water with "
"us? I fear we may have need of it ere long."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:113
msgid "Only one bottle, Kalenz. Choose carefully who will take it."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Sagus
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:121
msgid "So, we meet again, Delfador! This time you will not steal what is mine!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:125
msgid "Who are you, and what did I ever steal from you?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Sagus
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:130
msgid ""
"I am the one whose place you took in the court of Wesnoth. But my daughter "
"brought me what you seek, and I have seized the power of it."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Chantal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:134
msgid "Asheviere is this thing's daughter?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:138
msgid ""
"I fear so. This was the Arch-Mage Sagus. He was a good man when I knew him."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:142
msgid ""
"Sagus...old friend...the book you have taken is no good for you, your "
"daughter or the Kingdom. It will destroy you both!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Sagus
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:146
msgid ""
"Same old Delfador, the arrogant, the overweening, always placing yourself "
"above others. But I have become as great as you; I have mastered the Book! "
"You always underestimated me, as Leollyn did before you. Now you will meet "
"the same fate as he. Rise, my loyal soldiers!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:150
msgid ""
"I see that the Book has mastered you, and destroyed you. Farewell, Sagus. "
"You were a good man, once."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:155
msgid "Prepare to fight! Block the chokepoints and hold them there!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:167
msgid ""
"The book is recovered, but the damage is done. Friends, thank you. Now let's "
"get out of here!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/22_face_of_the_enemy.cfg:180
msgid "We are too late! Royal troops are coming! We are trapped!"
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=23_epilogue
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/23_epilogue.cfg:3
msgid "Epilogue"
msgstr "Epilogo"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/23_epilogue.cfg:16
msgid ""
"Delfador returned to Weldyn, but not before secreting the Book of Crelanu in "
"a place known only to him. To his surprise, Asheviere made no further "
"mention of the events in the manor. But not long after, orcish raids "
"increased to a degree that threatened the Kingdom. The King mustered his "
"armies to deal with the orcish menace, leading to the great battle at the "
"Ford of Abez that was lost through betrayal."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/23_epilogue.cfg:19
msgid ""
"Delfador's last great quest, after that battle, is described in the tale "
"called 'Heir to the Throne'. In it is told how he ended the usurpation of "
"Asheviere and restored the rightful heir to the throne of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/scenarios/23_epilogue.cfg:22
msgid ""
"After restoring the rightful heir to the throne of Wesnoth, Delfador lived "
"the rest of his life as an advisor to the new rulers. He devoted much of his "
"attention to restoring the Great Academy in Alduin to its former glory. But "
"his efforts there were to bear little fruit in his lifetime; for through "
"many years of war and strife, very few mages were left, and none of them "
"came near in power and skill to Delfador, greatest mage ever to grace the "
"courts of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
#. [terrain_type]: id=abyss-ethereal
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/terrain.cfg:12
msgid "Ethereal Abyss"
msgstr ""
#. [terrain_type]: id=milestone1
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/terrain.cfg:25
msgid "Milestone1"
msgstr ""
#. [terrain_type]: id=milestone2
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/terrain.cfg:34
msgid "Milestone2"
msgstr ""
#. [unit_type]: id=Journeyman Mage
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Journeyman_Mage.cfg:7
msgid "Journeyman Mage"
msgstr "Mago viaggiatore"
#. [unit_type]: id=Journeyman Mage
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Journeyman_Mage.cfg:13
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A mage who has just finished his or her apprenticeship is known as a "
"journeyman. Journeyman mages travel far in search of employment and "
msgstr ""
"Un mago che ha appena finito il suo apprendistato viene chiamato "
"viaggiatore. I maghi viaggiatori percorrono il mondo in cerca di impiego ed "
#. [unit_type]: id=King of Wesnoth
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/King_of_Wesnoth.cfg:7
msgid "King of Wesnoth"
msgstr "Re di Wesnoth"
#. [unit_type]: id=King of Wesnoth
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/King_of_Wesnoth.cfg:15
msgid ""
"Under the feudal system, all authority ultimately rested with the sovereign. "
"His lords held their property only with his agreement, and had to pay him "
"tribute. In return, the king would defend the realm against invaders, and "
"redistribute wealth in times of need."
msgstr ""
"Sotto il sistema feudale tutta l'autorità è nelle mani del sovrano. I suoi "
"Lord gestiscono le sue proprietà con il suo consenso e devono pagargli un "
"tributo. In cambio il re difende il reame contro gli invasori e in caso di "
"bisogno ridistribuirà i beni tra i bisognosi."
#. [unit_type]: id=Crown Prince of Wesnoth
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/King_of_Wesnoth.cfg:23
#, fuzzy
msgid "Crown Prince of Wesnoth"
msgstr "Re di Wesnoth"
#. [unit_type]: id=Crown Prince of Wesnoth
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/King_of_Wesnoth.cfg:31
msgid ""
"A Crown Prince is the presumptive Heir to the throne, and may act with very "
"nearly the authority of the King himself."
msgstr ""
#. [unit_type]: id=Mage Commander
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Commander.cfg:7
msgid "Mage Commander"
msgstr "Mago comandante"
#. [unit_type]: id=Mage Commander
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Commander.cfg:16
msgid ""
"This mage has gained much experience leading others into battle. As a "
"result, level 1 and 2 units fight more effectively when they are adjacent to "
"him. He also has the power to heal others during combat."
msgstr ""
"Questo mago ha guadagnato molta esperienza guidando gli altri in battaglia. "
"Di conseguenza le unità di livello 1 e 2 che si trovano in una posizione "
"adiacente al mago combattono in modo più efficiente. Inoltre ha la capacità "
"di guarire gli altri durante il combattimento."
#. [attack]: type=impact
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Commander.cfg:20
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Leader.cfg:18
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Magister.cfg:23
msgid "staff"
msgstr "bastone"
#. [unit_type]: id=Mage Leader
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Leader.cfg:7
msgid "Mage Leader"
msgstr "Mago condottiero"
#. [unit_type]: id=Mage Leader
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Leader.cfg:15
msgid ""
"This mage has gained some experience leading others into battle. As a "
"result, level 1 units fight more effectively when they are adjacent to him."
msgstr ""
"Questo mago ha guadagnato esperienza guidando gli altri in battaglia. Di "
"conseguenza le unità di livello 1 che combattono vicino a questo mago "
"usufruiscono di un bonus che le rende più efficaci."
#. [unit_type]: id=Mage Magister
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Magister.cfg:7
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mage Magister"
msgstr "Mago condottiero"
#. [unit_type]: id=Mage Magister
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Mage_Magister.cfg:19
msgid ""
"A Mage Magister, though equivalent in degree to a Great Mage, has special "
"abilities of command and healing derived from extensive experience of battle."
msgstr ""
#. [unit_type]: id=Wose Shaman, race=wose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Wose_Shaman.cfg:4
msgid "Wose Shaman"
msgstr "Sciamano wose"
#. [unit_type]: id=Wose Shaman, race=wose
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Wose_Shaman.cfg:66
msgid ""
"These woses are able to command forest plants such as vines and creepers to "
"hinder their enemies."
msgstr ""
"Questi wose sono capaci di comandare le piante della foresta come le viti e "
"i rovi al fine di intrappolare i loro nemici."
#. [attack]: type=impact
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Wose_Shaman.cfg:69
msgid "crush"
msgstr "impatto"
#. [attack]: type=impact
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/units/Wose_Shaman.cfg:78
msgid "entangle"
msgstr "rallentare"
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/characters.cfg:6
msgid "Kalenz"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/characters.cfg:23
msgid "Delfador"
msgstr "Delfador"
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/characters.cfg:46
msgid "Chantal"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/characters.cfg:82
msgid "Ulrek"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/characters.cfg:87
msgid "Methor"
msgstr "Methor"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:13
msgid "No! So young..."
msgstr "No! Così giovane..."
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:27
msgid "No! Without Lionel's help, I am as good as defeated!"
msgstr "No! Senza l'aiuto di Lionel sono finito!"
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:40
msgid ""
"Chantal! No - you can't be dead! I have no hope of returning to Wesnoth "
msgstr ""
"Chantal! No - non puoi essere morta! Non posso tornare a Wesnoth senza il "
"tuo aiuto..."
#. [message]: id=Qgthun
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:53
msgid "Invincible Zorlan is dead? Quick, run for your lives!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:57
msgid "You will terrorize Wesnoth no more!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:81
msgid "I have been defeated!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Delfador
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:94
msgid "No! All is now lost..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: id=Kalenz
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/deaths.cfg:107
msgid "No! It's all over!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/generators.cfg:66
msgid "I call upon all that is holy to break the power of this evil stone!"
msgstr ""
"Evoco tutto ciò che c'è di sacro per infrangere il potere di questa pietra "
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/generators.cfg:107
msgid "Evil emanates from this stone, but I have not the power to destroy it."
msgstr ""
"Questa è la pietra da cui emana il male ma non ho il potere necessario a "
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/items.cfg:17
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ahh... I can slake my thirst at this well. Glug, glug glug..."
msgstr "Ahh... Posso dissetarmi in questo pozzo. Glug, glug, glug..."
#. [object]: id=staff_lightning
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/items.cfg:42
msgid "Staff of Lightning"
msgstr "Bastone del lampo"
#. [object]: id=staff_lightning
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/items.cfg:45
msgid ""
"A wizard's staff of power. This allows the bearer to summon powerful "
"lightning bolts which strike their enemies, even at close range."
msgstr ""
"Un bastone magico da mago. Permette a chi lo impugna di evocare potenti "
"fulmini che colpiscono i nemici, anche a distanza ravvicinata."
#. [object]: id=staff_lightning
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/items.cfg:46
msgid "Only a powerful mage can wield this."
msgstr "Solo un potente mago può impugnarlo."
#. [effect]
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/items.cfg:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "staff of power"
msgstr "Bastone del potere"
#. [effect]: type=fire
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/items.cfg:71
msgid "lightning"
msgstr "fulmine"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/misc.cfg:37
msgid "A secret passage... I wonder where it leads..."
msgstr "Un passaggio segreto, chissà dove conduce..."
#. [time]: id=land_of_the_dead
#. [illuminated_time]: id=land_of_the_dead
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/schedules.cfg:5
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/schedules.cfg:12
msgid "Land of the Dead"
msgstr "Regno dei morti"
#. [unit]: id=Clogrin, type=Royal Guard
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/sides.cfg:229
msgid "Clogrin"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Theorsten, type=White Mage
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/sides.cfg:237
msgid "Theorsten"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Igler, type=White Mage
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/sides.cfg:245
msgid "Igler"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Larsin, type=White Mage
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/sides.cfg:253
msgid "Larsin"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Aldrin, type=White Mage
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/sides.cfg:261
msgid "Aldrin"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Gren, type=Shock Trooper
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/sides.cfg:269
msgid "Gren"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Droni, type=Shock Trooper
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/sides.cfg:277
msgid "Droni"
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: id=Artor, type=Shock Trooper
#: data/campaigns/Delfadors_Memoirs/utils/sides.cfg:285
msgid "Artor"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Ur-thorodor"
#~ msgstr "Ur-thorodor"
#~ msgid "Let's go!"
#~ msgstr "Andiamo"
#~ msgid "Evil spirits, begone from this place!"
#~ msgstr "Spiriti maligni, abbandonate questo posto!"
#~ msgid "It would take powerful magic to drive the evil from this place."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ci vorrebbe una potente magia per scacciare il male da questo posto."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Certainly! You'll be glad of our help too - this region trains the best "
#~ "bowmen in Wesnoth."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Certamente! Sarai contento del nostro aiuto - questa regione addestra i "
#~ "migliori arcieri di Wesnoth."
#~ msgid "I've told you, I can't see any reason not to go after them!"
#~ msgstr "Te l'ho detto, non capisco perché non dovremmo inseguirli!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Then you shall! Lionel and his men will accompany you, for you will need "
#~ "more than magic for protection on the road."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Allora ci andrai! Lionel e i suoi uomini ti accompagneranno, dato che "
#~ "lungo la strada la sola magia non basterà a proteggerti."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here the Great North Road turns west to avoid the swamps of Illuven. Our "
#~ "way lies east across the swamps, and then through the wild lands beyond "
#~ "to the coast."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Qui la grande strada a nord svolta a ovest per evitare le paludi di "
#~ "Illuven. La nostra strada va a est attraverso le paludi, poi per le terre "
#~ "selvagge lungo la costa."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This place looks wild enough for me. Who made those villages in the "
#~ "swamps? Orcs?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Questo posto è troppo selvaggio per me. Chi ha costruito quei villaggi "
#~ "nelle paludi? Gli orchi?"
#~ msgid "Into the Land of the Dead"
#~ msgstr "Nel regno dei morti"
#~ msgid "Penny"
#~ msgstr "Penny"
#~ msgid "Sydney"
#~ msgstr "Sydney"
#~ msgid "Melina"
#~ msgstr "Melina"
#~ msgid "Death of allied leader"
#~ msgstr "Morte di un comandante alleato"
#~ msgid ""
#~ " This is the end of the story also known as Legend of Young Delfador."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Così si conclude questa storia chiamata anche la «Leggenda del giovane "
#~ "Delfador»."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "The 'Delfador's Memoirs' campaign was brought to you by:\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Josh Parsons : creator of earlier versions (up to 0.5.2) of the campaign "
#~ "containg first 10 scenarios \n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Oto 'tapik' Buchta : new maintainer (from 0.6.0), internationalization, "
#~ "improvements, bugfixing\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Sirp : Valley of Statues is adapted from a scenario he wrote for the "
#~ "original\n"
#~ "Heir To The Throne, later removed to cut the length of that campaign.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Arkadiusz D. Danilecki : many things have been stolen from his 'A New "
#~ "Order'\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Many thanks to Torangan for patience and explaining how wescamp works; "
#~ "all others from wesnoth forum.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "La campagna «Le memorie di Delfador» è stata preparata per voi da:\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Josh Parsons: creatore delle precedenti versioni (fino alla 0.5.2) della "
#~ "campagna contenenti i primi dieci scenari \n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Oto \"tapik\" Buchta: nuovo gestore (dalla 0.6.0), "
#~ "internazionalizzazione, miglioramenti e eliminazione dei bachi\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Sirp : La valle delle statue è adattato da uno scenario che scrisse per "
#~ "l'originale «L'erede del trono» da cui è\n"
#~ "stato rimosso per accorciare quella campagna\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ " \n"
#~ "Arkadiusz D. Danilecki: molte cose sono state prese dalla sua campagna «A "
#~ "New Order»\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Sentiti ringraziamenti vanno a Torangan per la pazienza di spiegare come "
#~ "funziona il server delle campagne e a tutti gli altri del forum di "
#~ "Wesnoth.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Oto 'tapik' Buchta: Czech translation\n"
#~ "blurgk: French translation\n"
#~ "David Philippi (torangan): German translation\n"
#~ "RokStar: Italian translation\n"
#~ "nikita: Russian translation\n"
#~ "Stefan Bergström (tephlon): Swedish translation\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Oto \"tapik\" Buchta: versione ceca\n"
#~ "blurgk: versione francese\n"
#~ "David Philippi (torangan): versione tedesca\n"
#~ "RokStar: versione italiana\n"
#~ "nikita: versione russa\n"
#~ "Stefan Bergström (tephlon): versione svedese\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ " If you liked the campaign, please post your feedback at wesnoth forum "
#~ "(http://www.wesnoth.org/forum/). Authors invested a lot of time into this "
#~ "campaign, just as translators and others did; in return we would love to "
#~ "hear some opinions about it from people who played it."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Se la campagna ti è piaciuta, per favore scrivici i tuoi commenti sul "
#~ "forum dedicato a Wesnoth (http://www.wesnoth.org/forum/). Gli autori "
#~ "hanno dedicato molto tempo a questa campagna, così come i traduttori e "
#~ "tutti gli altri che hanno collaborato; in cambio ci farebbe piacere "
#~ "sentire le opinioni delle persone che l'hanno giocata."
#~ msgid ""
#~ " CAMPAIGN MAINTAINER: The campaign is not finalized yet. Delfador should "
#~ "come to Abez with Chantal, kill the prince Eldred and many others. The "
#~ "author of the initial scenarios had some ideas and in the future they "
#~ "will be fulfilled. If you would like to help me with the finalization, "
#~ "you could. Please contact me at the Wesnoth forum. Tapik"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " GESTORE DELLA CAMPAGNA: La campagna non ha ancora una conclusione. "
#~ "Delfador dovrebbe tornare a Abez con Chantal, uccidere il principe Eldred "
#~ "e molti altri. L'autore degli scenari iniziali ha qualche altra idea che "
#~ "sarà realizzata in futuro. Se vuoi, puoi aiutarmi nel completamento. "
#~ "Contattami sul forum di Wesnoth. Tapik."
#~ msgid "sword"
#~ msgstr "spada"
#~ msgid "bow"
#~ msgstr "arco"
#~ msgid "Absolutely!"
#~ msgstr "Certamente!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "By the thump the Delfador interrupted his concentration on meditation. He "
#~ "started falling down, but he didn't land the ground. He simply "
#~ "disappeared!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Con quel colpo Delfador interruppe la sua concentrazione nella "
#~ "meditazione. Cominciò a cadere, ma non toccò terra. Semplicemente sparì!"
#~ msgid "missile"
#~ msgstr "proiettile"
#~ msgid "fireball"
#~ msgstr "palla di fuoco"
#~ msgid "dagger"
#~ msgstr "pugnale"