Steve Cotton 2e2f551199 git-subtree like tool for exporting campaigns
As with git-subtree, it creates reproducible SHA1 ids for the new branch, the
history of An Orcish Incursion will appear as:

* master branch (pre-removal) 2637115bd92334444f1e03d9387266a92ae478da
* master branch (removal) 3d4a4b06 and 8deac9bb
* 1.14 branch 6b5ccb5fd12e7bb4795b25d1aa10d6f0c88a7490

Wesnoth's po/<textdomain> folder is copied into the subtree as "translations".
If there already was a "translations" in the subtree, it's renamed to

The campaign will still need a few fixups for paths in _main.cfg, and
the scenarios' map_data or map_file attributes. The map_file paths
were made more portable in a5a1fec2, but this was after AOI's removal.

Many thanks to Lord Knightmare for porting AOI to 1.15 without this script,
which provided a reference to check the script against. LK's 1.0.0 matches
this script's output from the 1.14 branch, including the fix in b9f93cf that
was applied to 1.14 after the removal in master, and with the rank (but not the
"Rookie") from cc01ccae.
2021-03-25 18:30:18 +01:00

239 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
"""A command similar to git-subtree, for exporting the history of a campaign.
The history includes the translations, which are copied in to the appropriate
subdirectory of the new tree.
The result is a set of Git commits containing only one campaign. The script
doesn't create branches itself, but provides the tip-of-branch commits from
which Git can find all of the history - the instructions printed at the end
of the conversion process give the few (probably only 2) places to create
branches from.
Currently hardcoded for the export of An Orcish Incursion, but added to the
utils/ dir to support its use on other campaigns.
# Hardcode which campaign to export, no need to handle command-line options in
# such a rarely-run script.
CAMPAIGN_NAME = 'An_Orcish_Incursion'
BRANCHES = ['origin/1.14', 'origin/master']
import argparse, os, subprocess, sys
class TreeEntry:
"""Wrapper for parsing the output of `git ls-tree -z` and for creating the input to `git mktree -z`.
Implementing this directly is admittedly a case of "not invented here", but seems reasonable for the
small subset of Git functionality that this script needs."""
def __init__(self, mode_sha, filename):
if not isinstance(mode_sha, bytes):
raise TypeError("The mode and SHA are expected to be handled as byte sequences")
if not isinstance(filename, bytes):
# This doesn't auto-convert as the caller might have other broken logic around
# get_filename, which is more likely to look out-of-place when the set_filename
# calls have the necessary b'example' syntax.
raise TypeError("Filenames need to be handled as utf-8 byte sequences")
self._mode_sha = mode_sha
self._filename = filename
def get_filename(self):
return self._filename
def set_filename(self, filename):
if not isinstance(filename, bytes):
# This doesn't auto-convert as the caller might have other broken logic around
# get_filename, which is more likely to look out-of-place when the set_filename
# calls have the necessary b'example' syntax.
raise TypeError("Filenames need to be handled as utf-8 byte sequences")
self._filename = filename
def to_mktree(self):
"""Representation for passing to `git mktree -z`"""
return self._mode_sha + b'\t' + self._filename
def read_tree(treeish):
"""Wrapper for git ls-tree that returns an array of TreeEntry.
This does not catch CalledProcessError, it leaves that to the caller because
the appropriate actions depend on what the caller wanted."""
tree = subprocess.run(
['git', 'ls-tree', '-z', treeish],
check=True, capture_output=True).stdout
result = []
for line in tree.split(b'\0'):
if len(line) == 0:
mode_sha, filename = line.split(b'\t', 1)
result.append(TreeEntry(mode_sha, filename))
return result
def create_tree(treeline_array):
"""Wrapper for git mktree that takes an array of TreeEntries. Returns the corresponding SHA1 tree-ish."""
if len(treeline_array) == 0:
raise ValueError("Trying to create an empty directory")
ls_tree = b'\0'.join([t.to_mktree() for t in treeline_array]) + b'\0'
sha = subprocess.run(
['git', 'mktree', '-z'], input=ls_tree,
check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.rstrip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return sha
def format_subdir_tree_entry(sha, filename):
"""Returns the TreeEntry for `git mktree -z` to add a subdirectory named `filename`, with contents `sha`."""
return TreeEntry(b'040000 tree ' + sha, bytes(filename, encoding='utf-8'))
def has_file(tree, filename):
"""Given the output of read_tree(), see if there is already an entry for `filename`"""
for t in tree:
if not isinstance(t, TreeEntry):
raise TypeError("Expected an array of TreeEntries")
if filename == t.get_filename():
return True
return False
def rename_if_exists(tree, old_filename, new_filename):
"""Given the output of read_tree(), see if there is already an entry for `old_filename`, and
rename it. Returns a copy of the first argument, as modified by the filter.
Both filenames should be given as bytes, not strings.
if has_file(tree, new_filename):
raise NotImplementedError('Renaming would overwrite an existing file')
for t in tree:
if not isinstance(t, TreeEntry):
raise TypeError("Expected an array of TreeEntries")
if old_filename == t.get_filename():
return tree
# A mapping which maps from the existing branch's SHA1 ids to the corresponding
# commit on the rewritten branch.
old_to_new_objects = {}
def create_root_tree(from_commitish):
"""Given a commit-ish of the main project, create the corresponding commit for the exported campaign's project.
Returns the SHA1 for the newly-created commit."""
campaign_tree = read_tree(from_commitish + ':data/campaigns/' + CAMPAIGN_NAME + '/')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# This must have been a commit that deleted all of the campaign files
campaign_tree = []
# If the source tree had data/campaigns/CAMPAIGN_NAME/translations, rename it to disambiguate from
# po/CAMPAIGN_TEXTDOMAIN's translations.
campaign_tree = rename_if_exists(campaign_tree, b'translations', b'umc_translations_dir')
# Copy the .po and .pot files from po/CAMPAIGN_TEXTDOMAIN/ to translations/CAMPAIGN_TEXTDOMAIN/
original_po_id = subprocess.run(
['git', 'rev-parse', from_commitish+ ':po/' + CAMPAIGN_TEXTDOMAIN],
check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.rstrip()
original_po_tree = read_tree(original_po_id)
new_po_tree = []
# Filter to remove recognised files of the pot-update architecture
for t in original_po_tree:
if t.get_filename() not in (b'FINDCFG', b'LINGUAS', b'Makevars'):
if len(new_po_tree) != 0:
new_po_id = create_tree(new_po_tree)
new_translations_tree = [format_subdir_tree_entry(new_po_id, CAMPAIGN_TEXTDOMAIN)]
new_translations_id = create_tree(new_translations_tree)
campaign_tree.append(format_subdir_tree_entry(new_translations_id, 'translations'))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# Some versions didn't have the translations, or had them in a different location
# Abort if there was a license file in the campaign tree itself. Handling
# this hasn't been implemented because it hasn't been needed.
for name in (b'COPYING', b'COPYING.txt', b'LICENSE', b'LICENSE.txt'):
if has_file(campaign_tree, name):
raise NotImplementedError("There's already a license file in this tree - needs a sanity check on the contents")
# Add a copy of the GPL. The magic number here is the SHA1 to copy it from the original project.
campaign_tree.append(TreeEntry(b'100644 blob 3912109b5cd65a68039d473c11c9f7ac2303e06d', b'COPYING.txt'))
return create_tree(campaign_tree)
def create_new_commit(from_commitish):
"""Given a commit-ish from the original project, create the corresponding commit for the
exported campaign.
Precondition: this function must have already created the parent commit(s) in the exported
campaign, which it will have stored in the old_to_new_objects map."""
tree = create_root_tree(from_commitish)
parents = subprocess.run(
['git', 'rev-parse', from_commitish + '^@'],
check=True, capture_output=True).stdout
parent_args = []
for p in parents.split():
# find the nearest parent that will have a corresponding commit in the rewritten commits
p = subprocess.run(
['git', 'rev-list', '--max-count=1', p, '--'] + CAMPAIGN_PATHS,
encoding='utf-8', check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.rstrip()
if p:
# Setting the author-name, etc, needs to be done with environment variables. Method copied from git-subtree.
env = os.environ.copy()
details = subprocess.run(
['git', 'log', '-1', '--no-show-signature', '--pretty=format:%an%n%ae%n%aD%n%cn%n%ce%n%cD%n', from_commitish],
encoding='utf-8', check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.rstrip().split('\n')
env['GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'] = details[0]
env['GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'] = details[1]
env['GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'] = details[2]
env['GIT_COMMITTER_NAME'] = details[3]
env['GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL'] = details[4]
env['GIT_COMMITTER_DATE'] = details[5]
# No need to utf-8 decode and re-encode the commit message, it's going to be used as-is in the commit-tree command.
message = subprocess.run(
['git', 'log', '-1', '--no-show-signature', '--pretty=format:%B', from_commitish],
check=True, capture_output=True).stdout
new_commit = subprocess.run(
['git', 'commit-tree', tree, '-F', '-', '-m', '(cherry-picked from mainline {sha})'.format(sha=from_commitish)] + parent_args,
input=message, env=env, check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.rstrip()
old_to_new_objects[from_commitish] = new_commit
return new_commit
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Support the standard '--help'
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__)
options = ap.parse_args()
# Ignore any uses of git-replace, so that the generated history is based on the full history
os.environ['GIT_NO_REPLACE_OBJECTS'] = "1"
original_commits = subprocess.run(
['git', 'rev-list', '--topo-order', '--reverse'] + BRANCHES + ['--'] + CAMPAIGN_PATHS,
encoding='utf-8', check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.split()
count = 0
for o in original_commits:
new_commit = create_new_commit(o)
count += 1
print("Created rewritten commit", count, "/", len(original_commits), new_commit)
print("To access the rewritten history, create new branches pointing these SHA1s:")
for b in BRANCHES:
# find the nearest parent that will have a corresponding commit in the rewritten commits
p = subprocess.run(
['git', 'rev-list', '--max-count=1', b, '--'] + CAMPAIGN_PATHS,
encoding='utf-8', check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.rstrip()
if p:
if p in old_to_new_objects:
print(b, "=>", str(old_to_new_objects[p], encoding='utf-8'))
print("Warning: could not find a mapping from branch", b, "to the new history")
print("Warning: could not find history for this campaign in branch", b)