
575 lines
23 KiB

# vi: syntax=python:et:ts=4
# SCons build description for the Wesnoth project
# Prerequisites are:
# 1. Subversion command-line client programs svnstatus and svnversion.
# 2. Unix file(1), on installation only.
# 3. Unix convert(1), on installation only, if using tinygui.
# 4. msgfmt(1) for making builds with i18n support.
# 5. graph-includes for making the project dependency graph.
import os, sys, shutil, sets, re, commands
from glob import glob
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
from os import access, F_OK
# Warn user of current set of build options.
if os.path.exists('.scons-option-cache'):
optfile = file('.scons-option-cache')
print "Saved options:", optfile.read().replace("\n", ", ")[:-2]
# Build-control options
opts = Options('.scons-option-cache')
ListOption('default_targets', 'Targets that will be built if no target is specified in command line.',
"wesnoth,wesnothd", Split("wesnoth wesnothd wesnoth_editor campaignd cutter exploder")),
EnumOption('build', 'Build variant: debug, release or profile', "release", ["release", "debug", "profile"]),
('extra_flags_release', 'Extra compiler and linker flags to use for release builds', ""),
('extra_flags_debug', 'Extra compiler and linker flags to use for debug builds', ""),
('extra_flags_profile', 'Extra compiler and linker flags to use for profile builds', ""),
PathOption('bindir', 'Where to install binaries', "bin", PathOption.PathAccept),
('cachedir', 'Directory that contains a cache of derived files.', ''),
PathOption('datadir', 'read-only architecture-independent game data', "$datarootdir/$datadirname", PathOption.PathAccept),
BoolOption('dummy_locales','Set to enable Wesnoth private locales', False),
PathOption('fifodir', 'directory for the wesnothd fifo socket file', "/var/run/wesnothd", PathOption.PathAccept),
BoolOption('fribidi','Clear to disable bidirectional-language support', True),
BoolOption('desktop_entry','Clear to disable desktop-entry', True),
PathOption('datarootdir', 'sets the root of data directories to a non-default location', "share", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('datadirname', 'sets the name of data directory', "wesnoth", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('desktopdir', 'sets the desktop entry directory to a non-default location', "$datarootdir/applications", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('icondir', 'sets the icons directory to a non-default location', "$datarootdir/icons", PathOption.PathAccept),
BoolOption('internal_data', 'Set to put data in Mac OS X application fork', False),
PathOption('localedirname', 'sets the locale data directory to a non-default location', "translations", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('mandir', 'sets the man pages directory to a non-default location', "$datarootdir/man", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('docdir', 'sets the doc directory to a non-default location', "$datarootdir/doc/wesnoth", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('python_site_packages_dir', 'sets the directory where python modules are installed', "lib/python/site-packages/wesnoth", PathOption.PathAccept),
BoolOption('lowmem', 'Set to reduce memory usage by removing extra functionality', False),
BoolOption('nls','enable compile/install of gettext message catalogs',True),
PathOption('prefix', 'autotools-style installation prefix', "/usr/local", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('prefsdir', 'user preferences directory', ".wesnoth", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('destdir', 'prefix to add to all installation paths.', "", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('windows_release_dir', 'Directory where windows release will be prepared.', "", PathOption.PathAccept),
BoolOption('prereqs','abort if prerequisites cannot be detected',True),
('program_suffix', 'suffix to append to names of installed programs',""),
BoolOption('python', 'Enable in-game python extensions.', True),
BoolOption('raw_sockets', 'Set to use raw receiving sockets in the multiplayer network layer rather than the SDL_net facilities', False),
('server_gid', 'group id of the user who runs wesnothd', ""),
('server_uid', 'user id of the user who runs wesnothd', ""),
EnumOption('gui', 'Set for GUI reductions for resolutions down to 800x480 (eeePC, Nokia 8x0) or 320x240 (PDAs)', "normal", ["normal", "small", "tiny"]),
BoolOption('static', 'Set to enable static building of Wesnoth', False),
BoolOption('strict', 'Set to strict compilation', False),
BoolOption('verbose', 'Emit progress messages during data installation.', False),
PathOption('sdldir', 'Directory of SDL installation.', "", PathOption.PathAccept),
PathOption('boostdir', 'Directory of boost installation.', '/usr/include'),
PathOption('boostlibdir', 'Directory where boost libraries are installed.', '/usr/lib'),
('boost_suffix', 'Suffix of boost libraries.'),
PathOption('gettextdir', 'Root directory of Gettext\'s installation.', "", PathOption.PathAccept),
# Setup
env = Environment(tools=["tar", "gettext", "install"], options = opts, toolpath = ["scons"])
if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32":
opts.Save('.scons-option-cache', env)
Help("""Arguments may be a mixture of switches and targets an any order.
Switches apply to the entire build regrdless of where they are in the order.
Important switches include:
prefix=/usr probably what you want for production tools
debug=yes enable compiler and linker debugging switches
With no arguments, the recipe builds wesnoth and wesnothd. Available
build targets include the individual binaries:
wesnoth wesnoth_editor wesnothd campaignd exploder cutter test
You can make the following special build targets:
all = wesnoth wesnoth_editor exploder cutter wesnothd campaignd (*).
TAGS = build tags for Emacs (*).
wesnoth-deps.png = project dependency graph
install = install all executables that currently exist, and any data needed
install-wesnothd = install the Wesnoth multiplayer server.
install-campaignd = install the Wesnoth campaign server.
install-cutter = install the castle cutter
install-exploder = install the castle exploder
install-pytools = install all Python tools and modules
uninstall = uninstall all executables, tools, modules, and servers.
pot-update = generate gettext message catalog templates and merge them with localized message catalogs
update-po = merge message catalog templates with localized message catalogs for particular lingua
update-po4a = update translations of manual and manpages
af bg ca ... = linguas for update-po
dist = make distribution tarball as wesnoth.tar.bz2 (*).
data-dist = make data tarball as wesnoth-data.tar.bz2 (*).
binary-dist = make data tarball as wesnoth-binaries.tar.bz2 (*).
wesnoth-bundle = make Mac OS application bundle from game (*)
wesnoth-editor-bundle = make Mac OS application bundle from editor (*).
sanity-check = run a pre-release sanity check on the distribution.
manual = regenerate English-language manual and, possibly, localized manuals if appropriate xmls exist.
Files made by targets marked '(*)' are cleaned by cleaned by 'scons -c all'
Options are cached in a file named .scons-option-cache and persist to later
invocations. The file is editable. Delete it to start fresh. Current option
values can be listed with 'scons -h'.
If you set CXXFLAGS and/or LDFLAGS in the environment, the values will
be appended to the appropriate variables within scons. You can use this,
for example, to point scons at non-default library locations.
""" + opts.GenerateHelpText(env))
if env["cachedir"]:
# Check some preconditions
def Die(message):
print message
def Warning(message):
print message
return False
from metasconf import init_metasconf
conf = Configure(env, custom_tests = init_metasconf(env, ["cplusplus", "python_devel", "sdl", "boost"]))
if env["prereqs"]:
if env["gettextdir"]:
env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = os.path.join(env["gettextdir"], "include"),
LIBPATH = os.path.join(env["gettextdir"], "lib"),
LIBS = ["intl"])
conf.CheckCPlusPlus(gcc_version = "3.3") and \
conf.CheckBoost("iostreams", require_version = "1.33.0") and \
conf.CheckCHeader("libintl.h", "<>") and \
conf.CheckSDL(require_version = '1.2.7') or Die("Base prerequisites are not met.")
have_client_prereqs = \
conf.CheckBoost("regex") and \
conf.CheckSDL("SDL_ttf", require_version = "2.0.8") and \
conf.CheckSDL("SDL_mixer", require_version = '1.2.0') and \
conf.CheckSDL("SDL_image", require_version = '1.2.0') and \
conf.CheckOgg() or Warning("Client prerequisites are not met. wesnoth, wesnoth_editor, cutter and exploder cannot be built.")
if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32":
have_X = True
have_X = conf.CheckLib('X11') or Warning("wesnoth_editor cannot be built.")
if env['fribidi']:
env['fribidi'] = conf.CheckLibWithHeader('fribidi', 'fribidi/fribidi.h', 'C', 'fribidi_utf8_to_unicode(NULL,0,NULL);') or Warning("Can't find libfribidi, disabling freebidi support.")
have_server_prereqs = conf.CheckSDL('SDL_net') or Warning("Server prerequisites are not met. wesnothd and campaignd cannot be built.")
if env["python"]:
env["python"] = (float(sys.version[:3]) >= 2.4) and conf.CheckPython() or Warning("Python >= 2.4 not found. Python extensions will be disabled.")
have_client_prereqs = True
have_X = True
have_server_prereqs = True
env.Append(CPPPATH = ["#/src"])
boost_test_dyn_link = boost_auto_test = False
boost_test_dyn_link = boost_auto_test = conf.CheckBoost('unit_test_framework')
have_msgfmt = env["MSGFMT"]
if not have_msgfmt:
env["nls"] = False
if not have_msgfmt:
print "NLS tools are not present..."
if not env['nls']:
print "NLS catalogue installation is disabled."
env = conf.Finish()
# Implement configuration switches
# FIXME: gcc-specific.
# Link only on demand, so we don't need separate link lists for each binary
env.Append(LINKFLAGS = "-Wl,--as-needed")
env.Replace(CPPDEFINES = [])
if env['static']:
env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = "-all-static")
if env['strict']:
env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = Split("-Werror -Wno-unused -Wno-sign-compare"))
if env['gui'] == 'tiny':
if env['gui'] == 'small':
if env['lowmem']:
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = "LOW_MEM")
if env['fribidi']:
if env['raw_sockets']:
if env['internal_data']:
if env['python']:
if sys.platform != "win32":
if env['prefsdir']:
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = "PREFERENCES_DIR='\"%s\"'" % env['prefsdir'] )
if env['fifodir']:
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = "FIFODIR='\"%s\"'" % env['fifodir'] )
if env['localedirname']:
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = "LOCALEDIR='\"%s\"'" % env['localedirname'] )
if not os.path.isabs(env['localedirname']):
if env['dummy_locales']:
# Simulate autools-like behavior of prefix on various paths
installdirs = Split("bindir datadir fifodir icondir desktopdir mandir docdir python_site_packages_dir")
for d in installdirs:
env[d] = os.path.join(env["prefix"], env[d])
if env["PLATFORM"] != "win32":
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = "WESNOTH_PATH='\"%s\"'" % env['datadir'])
for d in installdirs:
env[d] = os.path.join("/", env["destdir"], env[d].lstrip("/"))
if 'CXXFLAGS' in os.environ:
env.Append(CXXFLAGS = os.environ['CXXFLAGS'])
if 'LDFLAGS' in os.environ:
env.Append(LINKFLAGS = os.environ['LDFLAGS'])
test_env = env.Clone()
if boost_test_dyn_link:
if boost_auto_test:
if env["PLATFORM"] == 'win32':
env.Append(LIBS = ["wsock32", "intl"], CXXFLAGS = ["-mthreads"], LINKFLAGS = ["-mthreads"])
if env["PLATFORM"] == 'darwin': # Mac OS X
env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = "Carbon") # Carbon GUI
env["svnrev"] = Popen(Split("svnversion -n ."), stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
env["svnrev"] = ""
Export(Split("env have_client_prereqs have_X have_server_prereqs"))
SConscript(dirs = Split("po doc packaging/windows"))
binaries = Split("wesnoth wesnoth_editor wesnothd cutter exploder campaignd")
builds = {
"debug" : Split("-O0 -DDEBUG -ggdb3 -W -Wall -ansi"),
"release" : Split("-O2 -ansi"),
"profile" : "-pg"
if sys.platform == "win32":
builds["release"] = [] # Both -O2 and -ansi cause Bad Things to happen on windows
build = env["build"]
env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = builds[build])
if build == "profile": env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = "-pg")
env.MergeFlags(env["extra_flags_" + build])
SConscript("src/SConscript", build_dir = os.path.join("build", build), exports = "env")
Import(binaries + ["sources"])
binary_nodes = map(eval, binaries)
if build == "release" : build_suffix = "" + env["PROGSUFFIX"]
else : build_suffix = "-" + build + env["PROGSUFFIX"]
map(lambda bin, node: Alias(bin, node, node and Copy("./" + bin + build_suffix, node[0].path)), binaries, binary_nodes)
env.Alias("all", map(Alias, binaries))
env.Default(map(Alias, env["default_targets"]))
all = env.Alias("all")
# Utility productions (Unix-like systems only)
# Make a tags file for Emacs
env.Command("TAGS", sources, 'etags -l c++ $SOURCES')
env.Clean(all, 'TAGS')
# Dummy locales
if env["dummy_locales"]:
env.Command(Dir("locales/C"), [], "-mkdir -p locales;echo | localedef --force \"$TARGET\" 2> /dev/null")
language_cfg_re = re.compile(r"data/languages/(.*)\.cfg")
language_cfgs = glob("data/languages/*.cfg")
languages = Flatten(map(language_cfg_re.findall, language_cfgs))
languages = map(lambda x: x + "@wesnoth", languages)
for language in languages:
os.path.join("locales", language),
"ln -sf $SOURCE.filebase $TARGET"
# Unix installation productions
# These will not be portable to Windows or Mac. They assume a Unix-like
# directory structure and FreeDesktop standard locations foicon, app,
# and doc files.
bindir = env['bindir']
pythonlib = env['python_site_packages_dir']
datadir = env['datadir']
docdir = env['docdir']
installable_subs = Split('data fonts icons images sounds')
if env['nls']:
if env['dummy_locales']:
fifodir = env['fifodir']
mandir = env["mandir"]
clientside = filter(lambda x : x, [wesnoth, wesnoth_editor, cutter, exploder])
daemons = filter(lambda x : x, [wesnothd, campaignd])
pythontools = Split("wmlscope wmllint wmlindent wesnoth_addon_manager")
pythonmodules = Split("wmltools.py wmlparser.py wmldata.py wmliterator.py campaignserver_client.py libsvn.py __init__.py")
localized_man_dirs = {}
def CopyFilter(fn):
"Filter out data-tree things that shouldn't be installed."
return not ".svn" in str(fn) and not "Makefile" in str(fn)
env["copy_filter"] = CopyFilter
for lang in filter(CopyFilter, os.listdir("doc/man")):
sourcedir = os.path.join("doc/man", lang)
if os.path.isdir(sourcedir):
targetdir = os.path.join(mandir, lang, "man6")
localized_man_dirs[sourcedir] = targetdir
def InstallLocalizedManPage(alias, page, env):
actions = []
for (sourcedir, targetdir) in localized_man_dirs.items():
sourcefile = os.path.join(sourcedir, page)
if os.path.isfile(sourcefile):
env.Alias(alias, env.Install(targetdir, sourcefile))
# Now the actual installation productions
install_data = env.InstallFiltered(Dir(env.subst(datadir)),
map(Dir, installable_subs))
install_manual = env.InstallFiltered(Dir(env.subst(docdir)),
# The game and associated resources
env.Alias("install-wesnoth", [
env.InstallWithSuffix(bindir, wesnoth),
env.Install(os.path.join(mandir, "man6"), "doc/man/wesnoth.6"),
install_data, install_manual])
if have_client_prereqs and have_X and env["desktop_entry"]:
if sys.platform == "darwin":
InstallLocalizedManPage("install-wesnoth", "wesnoth.6", env)
# The editor and associated resources
env.Alias("install-wesnoth_editor", [
env.InstallWithSuffix(bindir, wesnoth_editor),
env.Install(os.path.join(mandir, "man6"),
install_data, install_manual])
if have_client_prereqs and have_X and env["desktop_entry"]:
if sys.platform == "darwin":
InstallLocalizedManPage("install-wesnoth_editor", "wesnoth_editor.6", env)
# Python tools
env.Alias("install-pytools", [
map(lambda tool: 'data/tools/' + tool, pythontools)),
map(lambda module: 'data/tools/wesnoth/' + module, pythonmodules)),
# Wesnoth MP server install
install_wesnothd = env.InstallWithSuffix(bindir, wesnothd)
env.Alias("install-wesnothd", [
env.Install(os.path.join(mandir, "man6"), "doc/man/wesnothd.6")
for lang in filter(CopyFilter, os.listdir("doc/man")):
sourcefile = os.path.join("doc/man", lang, "wesnothd.6")
if os.path.isfile(sourcefile):
targetdir = os.path.join(mandir, lang, "man6")
env.Install(targetdir, sourcefile))
if not access(fifodir, F_OK):
env.AddPostAction(install_wesnothd, [
Chmod(fifodir, 0700),
Action("chown %s:%s %s" %
(env["server_uid"], env["server_gid"], fifodir)),
# Wesnoth campaign server
env.Alias("install-campaignd", env.InstallWithSuffix(bindir, campaignd))
# And the artists' tools
env.Alias("install-cutter", env.InstallWithSuffix(bindir, cutter))
env.Alias("install-exploder", env.InstallWithSuffix(bindir, exploder))
# Compute things for default install based on which targets have been created.
install = env.Alias('install', [])
for installable in ('wesnoth', 'wesnoth_editor',
'wesnothd', 'campaignd',
'exploder', 'cutter'):
if os.path.exists(installable) or installable in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS or "all" in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS:
env.Alias('install', env.Alias('install-'+installable))
# Un-installation
def Uninstall(nodes):
deletes = []
for node in nodes:
if node.__class__ == install[0].__class__:
return deletes
uninstall = env.Command('uninstall', '', Flatten(Uninstall(Alias("install"))))
# Making a distribution tarball.
config_h_re = re.compile(r"^.*#define\s*(\S*)\s*\"(\S*)\".*$", re.MULTILINE)
build_config = dict( config_h_re.findall(File("config.h.dummy").get_contents()) )
env["version"] = build_config["PACKAGE_VERSION"]
if 'dist' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: # Speedup, the manifest is expensive
def dist_manifest():
"Get an argument list suitable for passing to a distribution archiver."
# Start by getting a list of all files under version control
lst = commands.getoutput("svn -v status | awk '/^[^?]/ {print $4;}'").split()
lst = filter(os.path.isfile, lst)
return lst
dist_tarball = env.Tar('wesnoth-${version}.tar.bz2', [])
open("dist.manifest", "w").write("\n".join(dist_manifest() + ["src/revision.hpp"]))
env.Append(TARFLAGS='-j -T dist.manifest --transform "s,^,wesnoth-$version/,"',
TARCOMSTR="Making distribution tarball...")
env.Clean(all, 'wesnoth.tar.bz2')
env.Alias('dist', dist_tarball)
# Make binary distribution (from installed client side)
bin_tar_env = env.Clone()
bin_tarball = bin_tar_env.Tar('wesnoth-binary.tar.bz2',
bin_tar_env.Append(TARFLAGS='-j', TARCOMSTR="Making binary tarball...")
env.Clean(all, 'wesnoth-binary.tar.bz2')
env.Alias('binary-dist', bin_tarball)
# Make data distribution (from installed client side)
data_tar_env = env.Clone()
data_tarball = data_tar_env.Tar('wesnoth-data.tar.bz2', datadir)
data_tar_env.Append(TARFLAGS='-j', TARCOMSTR="Making data tarball...")
env.Clean(all, 'wesnoth-data.tar.bz2')
env.Alias('data-dist', data_tarball)
# Making Mac OS X application bundles
env.Command("Battle For Wesnoth.app", "wesnoth", [
Action('echo "APPL????" > "${TARGET}/Contents/PkgInfo"'),
Copy("${TARGET}/Contents/MacOS/wesnoth", "wesnoth"),
env.Clean(all, "Battle For Wesnoth.app")
env.Command("Battle For Wesnoth Editor.app", "wesnoth_editor", [
Action('echo "APPL????" > "${TARGET}/Contents/PkgInfo"'),
Copy("${TARGET}/Contents/MacOS/wesnoth_editor", "wesnoth_editor"),
env.Clean(all, "Battle For Wesnoth Editor.app")
# Sanity checking
sanity_check = env.Command('sanity-check', '', [
Action("cd utils; ./sanity_check"),
Action("cd data/tools; make sanity-check"),
# Make the project dependency graph (requires graph-includes).
env.Command("wesnoth-deps.dot", [],
"graph-includes -verbose --class wesnoth \
-sysI /usr/include/c++/4.0 -sysI /usr/include -sysI /usr/include/SDL \
--prefixstrip src/ -I src src > ${TARGET}")
env.Command("wesnoth-deps.png", "wesnoth-deps.dot",
"dot -Tpng -o ${TARGET} ${SOURCE}")
env.Clean(all, ["wesnoth-deps.dot", "wesnoth-deps.png"])
# Local variables:
# mode: python
# end: