2007-09-08 17:12:18 +00:00

829 lines
32 KiB

# Catalan translations for Battle for Wesnoth package.
# Copyright (C) 2006 Wesnoth development team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Battle for
# Wesnoth package.
# Jordà Polo, 2006.
# Jose Gordillo, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: wesnoth-ca\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-09-08 18:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-12 20:03+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jose Gordillo <kilder@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Català <wesnoth-ca@ettin.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:11
msgid "A Tale Of Two Brothers"
msgstr "Una història de dos germans"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:15
msgid "Horseman"
msgstr "Genet"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:15
msgid "(Beginner)"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:16
msgid "(Challenging)"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:16
msgid "Knight"
msgstr "Cavaller"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:19
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"An evil mage is threatening the local village and its inhabitants. When "
"their leader Bjarn sends for aid from his brother Arne, he is victorious, "
"but Bjarn himself is kidnapped. Can you rescue him?\n"
"(Novice level, 4 scenarios; the 'Hard' version may challenge more "
"experienced players.)"
msgstr ""
"Un Mag Negre amenaça un xicotet llogaret i als seus habitants. Quan el "
"capitost de la vila, Bjarn, demana ajuda al seu germà Arne en surten "
"victoriosos... però el mateix Bjarn acaba sent segrestat. Aconseguireu "
"rescatar-lo? \n"
"Una campanya molt curta dissenyada per a principiants en mode «fàcil» i per "
"a jugadors avançats en «difícil»."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:4
msgid "Rooting Out A Mage"
msgstr "Extirpar un mal"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slay Mordak, the evil mage"
msgstr "Mata el Mag Negre"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:45
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:198
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:561
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:703
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:70
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:306
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:460
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:55
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:202
msgid "Death of Arne"
msgstr "Mort d'Arne"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:49
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:202
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:565
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:707
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:74
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:310
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:464
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:63
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:210
msgid "Turns run out"
msgstr "Fi dels torns"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:64
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:59
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:97
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:85
msgid "Arne"
msgstr "Arne"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:74
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:623
msgid "Bjarn"
msgstr "Bjarn"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:87
msgid "Alwyn"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brent"
msgstr "Brena"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:113
msgid "Cadell"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:126
msgid "Dannen"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:139
msgid "Efran"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:152
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fargus"
msgstr "Magnus"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:167
msgid "Erik"
msgstr "Erik"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:180
msgid "Heine"
msgstr "Heine"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:193
msgid "Magnus"
msgstr "Magnus"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:216
msgid "Mordak"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:239
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"In a remote part of Wesnoth, people lived their lives working hard and "
"caring for each other, but not knowing much about the world outside. But "
"there came a day when their peaceful world was shattered, as an evil mage "
"came to the region, spreading havoc and despair."
msgstr ""
"En una regió remota Wesnoth, la gent vivia ses vides treballant dur i "
"preocupant-se els uns pels altres, però sense conèixer molt del món "
"exterior. Un dia aquesta pau va veure's destrossada amb l'arribada d'un mag "
"malvat que no feia més que atraure la destrucció i la desesperació."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:244
msgid ""
"Bjarn, the local mage of the village, was the man who saw best how to deal "
"with this threat. He asked the help of his brother Arne, leader of a "
"mercenary band of horsemen, and outfitted several of the villagers with gear "
"from the armory."
msgstr ""
"Bjarn, el mag resident a la vila, va ser el primer en veure quina seria la "
"millor manera de combatre eixa amenaça. Va demanar ajuda al seu germà Arne, "
"líder d'una banda de genets mercenaris, i va equipar alguns camperols amb "
"els pocs recursos disponibles a l'armeria."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:248
msgid "'ello there, Bjarn. So, what's the big fuss?"
msgstr "Ei, Bjarn, com va? Digues, què és aquest avalot?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:252
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Mordak, an evil mage, threatens our lives and livelihoods. He is terrorizing "
"our countryside. I've already called the village to arms and now it's up to "
"you to lead them. You'll find him about two days' ride north of here."
msgstr ""
"Un mag malvat, a dos dies de cavalcada cap al nord, suposa una amenaça per a "
"les nostres vides i causa terror per tota la comarca. Ja he cridat a armes a "
"tota la vila, només falta que els hi lideres."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:256
msgid "Very well. We will go there and slay this source of evil. Charge, men!"
msgstr "Molt bé. Anirem allà i eliminarem aquesta font de maldat. A per ells!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:260
msgid ""
"I will attempt to sneak through the forest. If I can slay the evil one while "
"he is off his guard, the battle will be over in one stroke!"
msgstr ""
"Intentaré infiltrar-me a través dels boscos. Si puc eliminar-lo mentre "
"estiga amb la guàrdia baixa, la batalla s'haurà terminat en un únic colp!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:271
msgid ""
"Bjarn should have been in position by now. I wonder if anything's happened "
"to him?"
msgstr ""
"Bjarn ja deuria d'estar en la seua posició. No serà que li haurà passat "
"alguna cosa?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:279
msgid ""
"This is worrying. What's happened to Bjarn? I suppose we must slay the dark "
"sorcerer ourselves."
msgstr ""
"Açò ja és preocupant. Què li haurà passat a Bjarn? Supose que haurem "
"d'eliminar el nigromant nosaltres mateixos."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:294
msgid "Argh!"
msgstr "Argh!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:298
msgid "Good work, men. Now, where is Bjarn?"
msgstr "Bon treball! Ara però, és necessari que trobem on és Bjarn."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:302
#, fuzzy
msgid "Worried about him, are you? E-he-he..hergh...gaargh..."
msgstr "Estàs preocupat per ell, eh? Hehehe...herghh... gaargh. . ."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:306
msgid "Nothing more to be had from him."
msgstr "No podem traure res més d'ell."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:310
msgid ""
"Sir, he's been kidnapped! I just saw some men running off with him. They "
"looked like friends of this one."
msgstr ""
"Senyor, ha estat segrestat! Acabe de veure uns pocs homes fugint amb ell. "
"Pareixien amics d'aquest mag."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:314
msgid "Damn! I suppose we have to go after him, then."
msgstr "Maleït! Haurem d'anar darrere d'ells, doncs."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:327
msgid ""
"Ha, so you thought to send a mage around and stab me in the back? Well, I "
"have news for you. We've kidnapped him!"
msgstr ""
"Ha, pensaves enviar un mag per voltar-me i assassinar-me per l'esquena? Bé, "
"tinc notícies fresques! L'hem segrestat!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:331
#, fuzzy
msgid "What? Bjarn kidnapped? And the evil mage still ravages the land? Noooo!"
msgstr ""
"Com? Bjarn segrestat? I el mag negre seguirà assolant aquesta terra? Noooo!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:346
msgid "I hear these creatures are near immune to our weapons, let us see!"
msgstr ""
"He sentit dir que aquestes criatures són casi immunes a les nostres armes, "
"ara ho sabrem!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:358
msgid "That wasn't so hard!"
msgstr "No era tan difícil!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/1_Rooting_Out_A_Mage.cfg:369
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:477
#, fuzzy
msgid "All is lost now that I am dead..."
msgstr "Tot està perdut ara que sóc mort..."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:4
msgid "The Chase"
msgstr "La persecució"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:66
msgid "Fight your way through the woods before the kidnappers escape"
msgstr "Obre't pas a través dels boscos abans que els segrestadors escapen"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:116
msgid "Nil-Galion"
msgstr "Nil-Galion"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:205
msgid ""
"The kidnappers fled north through the forest, and Arne made to follow them, "
"although his horsemen would be at a disadvantage."
msgstr ""
"Els segrestadors van fugir cap al nord a través dels boscos, i Arne va "
"ordenar seguir-los, encara que els seus genets estaven en clar desavantatge."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:210
msgid "Sounds of a scuffle were heard from the forest."
msgstr "Es van sentir sorolls de moviment entre els boscos."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:214
#, fuzzy
msgid "Come on men. A bracing walk in the woods never hurt anyone, did it?"
msgstr "Vinga, xicots! Una miqueta de verd no mai ha fet mal a ningú, no?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:218
msgid "You there! Halt and explain yourself."
msgstr "Vosaltres! Alto! Per què sou ací?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:222
msgid "We're chasing after some men who kidnapped my brother!"
msgstr "Estem perseguint uns homes que van segrestar el meu germà!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:226
msgid ""
"Those men had some great arguments persuading me to not allow you to enter "
"this forest. Any further, and you will die."
msgstr ""
"Ja vaig discutir amb aquells homes, em van convèncer que no us estava "
"permesa l'entrada en aquest bosc. Si ho intenteu, morireu."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:230
msgid "A glorious combat at last, against mounted enemies!"
msgstr "Un combat gloriós, ja era hora, contra enemics muntats!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:245
msgid "Muff Toras"
msgstr "Muff Toras"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:293
msgid "I see them! There they are!"
msgstr "Ja els veig! Estan allà!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:297
msgid "Curses! I hope the reinforcements get here so I can escape soon."
msgstr ""
"Maleïts siguen! Espere que els reforços arriben a temps per poder escapar!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:302
msgid "Kill the Dark Adept before his reinforcements arrive"
msgstr "Mata l'adepte obscur abans que arriben els seus reforços"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:320
msgid "Come on, men, let's catch those kidnappers!"
msgstr "Vinga, xicots! Anem a acaçar aquests segrestadors!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:331
msgid ""
"Hah! You got me alright, but what does that help? No harm telling you now, I "
"suppose. Your precious mage is safely locked away in our dungeons. I was set "
"up to be a decoy."
msgstr ""
"Hah! Sí, m'has agafat, però et penses que et serveix d'alguna cosa? No tinc "
"cap problema en dir-t'ho, el teu preciós mag està tancat sota clau en les "
"nostres masmorres! Jo no era més que un simple enceball."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:335
msgid ""
"Nooo! Tricked again. Tell us where he is and we shall spare your miserable "
msgstr ""
"Nooo! Enganyat altra vegada! Digues on està i et perdonarem la teua "
"miserable vida, rata!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:339
msgid ""
"Three days ride to the northeast, in a deserted castle. The passwords to the "
"guards are Sithrak and Eleben."
msgstr ""
"A tres dies a cavall cap al nord-est d'ací, en un castell abandonat. Les "
"contrasenyes de la guàrdia són Sithrak i Eleben."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:343
msgid "Thank you. Leave him, men, we ride East."
msgstr "Gràcies. Deixeu-lo anar, cavalquem cap a l'est."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:355
msgid "Brena"
msgstr "Brena"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:367
msgid ""
"Greetings, I am Brena. I saw you fighting the foul undead. I like nothing "
"better than smashing those foul skeletons and their ilk. Though I came too "
"late to help in this fight, I would like to aid you in your forthcoming "
msgstr ""
"Benvinguts, sóc Brena. Us he vist lluitar amb el no mort. No hi ha res que "
"m'agrade més que esclafar aquells fastigosos esquelets i tots els de la "
"seva espècie. Encara que no he arribat a temps en aquesta ocasió, "
"m'agradaria ajudar-vos d'ara endavant."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:371
#, fuzzy
msgid "He would only slow us down!"
msgstr "Només ens faran anar més esplai!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:375
msgid "I am the one to decide."
msgstr "Sóc jo qui pren les decisions aquí."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:378
msgid "Oh, all right then. Come along with us."
msgstr "Bé, perfecte. Podeu vindre amb nosaltres."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:382
msgid "Thank you. My comrades and I will help you on your noble quest."
msgstr "Gràcies. Els meus camarades i jo t'ajudarem en la teua noble missió."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:391
msgid "I am sorry. We have not the time to spare."
msgstr "Ho sent. No tenim temps per perdre."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:395
msgid ""
"Take this, then, for I see that you are on a quest. My comrades will help "
"you whenever you call for them."
msgstr ""
"Pren açò, doncs, ja que veig que estàs en una noble missió. Els meus "
"camarades t'ajudaran sempre que els crides."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:412
msgid "You receive 70 pieces of gold!"
msgstr "Reps 70 peces d'or!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:432
msgid "My reinforcements are here!"
msgstr "Els reforços són ací!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:436
msgid "He escaped us..."
msgstr "Se'ns ha escapat..."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:447
msgid ""
"You foolish human, you killed me but you won't be able to reach the undead. "
"I fulfilled the pact and will be reanimated soon to be a Lord of their "
msgstr ""
"Vosaltres folls humans sou els responsables de la meva mort, però no "
"conseguireu pas atrapar els no morts. He complert el pacte, em reanimaran i "
"aviat tornaré per ser el senyor de les seves tropes."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:451
msgid ""
"Hurry, we have to track them down. Maybe we can still get them. They have to "
"be in the north!"
msgstr ""
"Doneu-vos pressa, hem de seguir-los. Potser encara els podrem atrapar. Han "
"de ser cap al nord!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/2_The_Chase.cfg:456
msgid "Hurry to the north and stop the kidnappers"
msgstr "Vés cap al nord i atura els segrestadors"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:6
msgid "Irongate"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:17
msgid "Guarded Castle"
msgstr "Castell resguardat"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:79
msgid "Rotharik"
msgstr "Rotharik"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:100
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:108
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:117
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:125
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:349
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:357
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:365
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:374
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:448
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:456
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:464
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:473
msgid "Guard"
msgstr "Guàrdia"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:142
msgid "Knago-Brek"
msgstr "Knago-Brek"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:152
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:161
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:171
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:180
msgid "Castle Guard"
msgstr "Guàrdia del castell"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:194
msgid "Rescue Bjarn"
msgstr "Rescatar Bjarn"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:269
msgid ""
"Arne arrived at the castle and was immediately challenged by some guards."
msgstr ""
"Arne va arribar al castell i immediatament uns guàrdies el van interrogar."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:273
msgid "Halt! Friend or foe? Give the password."
msgstr "Alto! Amic o enemic? Quina és la contrasenya?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:278
msgid "The password is"
msgstr "La contrasenya és"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:280
msgid "Alrek!"
msgstr "Alrek!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:284
msgid "Wrong! Die!"
msgstr "Mal! Mor!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:290
msgid "Argol!"
msgstr "Argol!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:294
msgid "Oh dear, that's wrong. Any last words?"
msgstr "Oh amic, això no es correcte. Alguna última paraula?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:300
msgid "Sithrak!"
msgstr "Sithrak!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:304
msgid "Pass, friend."
msgstr "Passa, amic."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:329
msgid ""
"Haha! We not kill people for long time. Weapon wants blood. We now kill "
msgstr "Haha! Temps fa no matar gent. Espasa vol sang. Ara matar humans!!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:333
msgid ""
"I knew that we had to fight to free my brother! Come on men, lets kill some "
msgstr ""
"Sabia que hauríem de lluitar per alliberar el meu germà! Vinga, xicots, anem "
"a matar uns pocs orcs!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:382
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:481
msgid "Are you our relief arriving? Does this mean we get to leave here now?"
msgstr "Eres el nostre relleu? Vol dir això que ens podem marxar?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:386
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:485
msgid "Um, yes. Fine. You can go."
msgstr "Um, sí. Clar. Podeu anar-vos."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:390
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:489
msgid "Um, you're supposed to give the password."
msgstr "Um, es suposa que ens has de donar la contrasenya."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:394
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:493
msgid "Oh, of course. I had nearly forgotten."
msgstr "Oh, sí, clar. Ja m'havia oblidat."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:396
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:495
msgid "Eleben."
msgstr "Eleben."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:400
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:499
msgid "Thanks! Irritating little formality, isn't it?"
msgstr "Gràcies! Són irritants les formalitats, veritat?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:411
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:510
msgid "Elbrethil."
msgstr "Elbrethil."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:415
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:514
msgid "That's the wrong password! These aren't our relief! Get them!"
msgstr "La contrasenya no és correcta! Atrapeu-los!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:420
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:519
msgid "Toras."
msgstr "Toras."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:424
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:523
msgid "Wrong! So you thought to trick us into deserting our posts? Die!"
msgstr ""
"Mal! Així que volies enganyar-nos per a que abandonarem les nostres "
"posicions? Moriràs!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:431
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:530
msgid ""
"I think I should better support my men at the front to make sure we can free "
"my brother."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:543
msgid "Nooo! This is the end..."
msgstr "Nooo! Aquest és el final..."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:547
msgid "There's a key in his robes."
msgstr "Hi ha una clau entre les seus robes."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:551
msgid ""
"It must be the key to the cell they're holding Bjarn in! I will take the "
"key. I can't wait to see my brother. Come on, let's free him."
msgstr ""
"Deu ser la clau de la cel·la on tindran Bjarn! Jo duré la clau, no puc "
"esperar més per veure el meu germà. Vinga, anem a alliberar-lo!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:557
msgid "Move Arne to the cell with his brother to free him"
msgstr "Mou Anre a la cel·la amb el seu germà per alliberar-lo"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:587
msgid "Look what I have found in here! I can count a hundred pieces of gold."
msgstr "Mireu què he trobat! Puc contar 100 peces d'or."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:600
msgid "Look what I have found in here! I can count fifty pieces of gold."
msgstr "Mireu què he trobat! Puc contar cinquanta peces d'or."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:666
msgid "I found Bjarn. He is in this cell."
msgstr "He trobat Bjarn. Està en la seua cel·la."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:676
msgid "Good to see you, Arne. Please help me get out of this dungeon."
msgstr ""
"És un plaer veure't, Arne. Per favor, ajuda'm a eixir d'aquesta masmorra."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:682
msgid "You must be one of Arne's men. Please help me get out of this dungeon."
msgstr ""
"Deus ser un dels homes d'Arne. Per favor, ajuda'm a eixir d'aquesta masmorra."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:688
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The damn Dark Sorcerer Rotharik has imprisoned me behind this magical "
"enhanced iron gate. It can only be opend with the correct key. You must get "
"it from him to free me."
msgstr ""
"El maleït nigromant Rotharik m'ha empresonat darrere d'aquesta barrera "
"màgica. Has d'aconseguir la clau que ell té per poder alliberar-me. Només la "
"podràs obrir amb ella."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:699
msgid "Kill the dark sorcerer to get the cellkey"
msgstr "Mata el nigromant per aconseguir la clau de la cel·la"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:736
msgid "Thank you for saving me. I had almost given up hope you would free me."
msgstr ""
"Gràcies per salvar-me. Gairebé havia perdut tota esperança de ser alliberat."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:740
msgid ""
"Oh it was nothing, a few elves, one or two dark sorcerers, a bunch of orcs "
"and some undead. Really just a day's work for us mercenaries."
msgstr ""
"Pse, no ha estat res. Uns quants elfs, un o dos fetillers obscurs, un grup "
"d'orcs i algun que altre no mort. La feina de cada dia per a un grup de "
"mercenaris com nosaltres."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:744
msgid "Thank you for coming to my aid. Let us return to the village."
msgstr "Gràcies per vindre a rescatar-me. Tornem cap a casa."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:766
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:253
msgid "Everything is lost now that I am dead..."
msgstr "Tot està perdut ara que sóc mort..."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:777
msgid "You are too late! Your brother is already dead! Muhahahaha..."
msgstr "Arribes massa tard! El teu germà ja és mort! Muhahahaha..."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/3_Guarded_Castle.cfg:781
msgid "Argh!!!"
msgstr "Argh!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:4
msgid "Return to the Village"
msgstr "La tornada a casa"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:51
msgid "Find out what is happening in the village"
msgstr "Descobreix què passa al llogaret"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:59
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:206
msgid "Death of Bjarn"
msgstr "Mort de Bjarn"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:98
msgid "Tairach"
msgstr "Tairach"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:125
msgid "Councillor Hoban"
msgstr "Conseller Hoban"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:154
msgid ""
"There. Your village is just across those hills, and already I see men coming "
"to greet us!"
msgstr ""
"Allà. El teu llogaret està precisament darrere d'aquells colls, i ja puc "
"veure homes que venen a rebre'ns!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:158
msgid ""
"No. They are fleeing from something. We have to find out what is happening "
"over here!"
msgstr "No. Estan fugint d'alguna cosa. Hem de descobrir què està passant ací!"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:162
msgid "I think your village is protected well, though."
msgstr "En qualsevol cas, crec que el teu llogaret està ben protegit."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:166
msgid ""
"We should go there and talk to Councillor Hoban. Maybe he knows what is "
"going on here."
msgstr ""
"Hauríem d'anar i parlar amb el Conseller Hoban. Potser ell sàpiga què està "
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:177
msgid "I am glad to see you back again."
msgstr "Em plau tornar-vos a veure."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:181
msgid "So am I. But what is happening to our village?"
msgstr "A mi també. Però digues, què és el que està passant a la vila?"
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:185
msgid ""
"In the time you have been away a looting band of orcs took over this region. "
"There was noone here to stop them."
msgstr ""
"Mentre has estat fora, una banda d'orcs ha pres possessió d'aquesta regió i "
"l'han estat saquejant. Ningú no va ser capaç d'aturar-los."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:189
msgid ""
"The orcish Warlord wants to enslave us. We will not be able to hold out for "
msgstr ""
"El Senyor de la Guerra Orc vol esclavitzar-nos. No podrem resistir gaire més."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:193
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Be careful, he is responsible for the deaths of many of us. Very few remain "
"who can bear arms, but I will send them to aid you in battle."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu cura, és el responsable de la mort de molts de nosaltres. Pocs "
"queden que encara pugen empunyar les armes, però vos els manaré d'ajuda en "
"la batalla."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:198
msgid "Slay the orcish Warlord to free the village"
msgstr "Elimina el Senyor de la Guerra Orc per alliberar el poble."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:220
msgid "Finally the orc is killed. Now you can go back to your village."
msgstr "Ja hem mort el orc. Ara ja pots tornar al llogaret."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:224
msgid ""
"So much has been destroyed. We will have a hard time fixing the damage the "
"orcs and the undead caused. I hope this does not happen again."
msgstr ""
"Tant ha estat destruït! Passarem per moments difícils mentre arreglem tots "
"els mals que els orcs i els no morts han causat. Espere que açò no torne a "
"passar més."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:228
msgid ""
"I have to leave you now. My men and I are needed by others, too. But should "
"you ever face another grim foe, send me a messenger. I'll come as fast as I "
"can, little brother."
msgstr ""
"He de deixar-te per ara. Altres també necessiten dels serveis dels meus "
"homes. Però si de nou tornes a enfrontar-te a un perillós enemic cara a "
"cara, envia'm un missatger. Vindré tan ràpid com puga, germanet."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:239
msgid "It is over, I am vanquished."
msgstr "És la fi, he estat vençut."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:264
msgid "I don't think we can rescue anyone from these villages. It is too late."
msgstr "No crec que puguem rescatar ningú d'aquests llogarets. És massa tard."
#: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/4_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:268
msgid "I was too weak to protect these people. Oh why did this happen to me?!?"
msgstr ""
"Era massa dèbil per protegir aquestes gents. Oh, per què m'ha succeït a "
#~ msgid "Peasant"
#~ msgstr "Camperol"
#~ msgid "Villager"
#~ msgstr "Vilatà"
#~ msgid "The Black Mage"
#~ msgstr "El Mag Negre"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "After a short journey the small band of troops is close to the hideout of "
#~ "the evil mage."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Després d'una curt viatge, la xicoteta banda de tropes està prop de "
#~ "l'amagatall del malvat mag."