Nils Kneuper 35e137f8ed pot-update
updated German translation (Heugabel-->Mistforke for NR, unified how
whispering is marked)
2007-05-13 11:47:47 +00:00

8512 lines
323 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: wescamp-i 18n\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-13 13:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-12 09:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Foppe Benedictus <foppe.benedictus@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: none <foppe.benedictus@gmail.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Dutch\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: NETHERLANDS\n"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:8
msgid "Northern Rebirth"
msgstr "Noordelijke wederopstanding"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:12
msgid "(Normal)"
msgstr "(Normaal)"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:12
msgid "Peasant"
msgstr "Boer"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:13
msgid "Spearman"
msgstr "Speerman"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:13
msgid "(Challenging)"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:14
msgid "(Difficult)"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:14
msgid "Swordsman"
msgstr "Zwaardvechter"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:15
#, fuzzy
msgid "Royal Guard"
msgstr "Erewacht"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:15
msgid "(Nightmare)"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth.cfg:19
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"For the people of Dwarven Doors the choice was stark: either drudge as "
"downtrodden slaves for the orcs until the end of their brief and miserable "
"lives, or risk all for freedom and rise up against their cruel overlords. "
"Little did they suspect that their struggle would be the hinge of great "
"events that might either restore the Northlands to the glory they had once "
"known, or doom them to an eternity of bloody chaos. \n"
"(Expert level, 18 scenarios, one incomplete branch.)"
msgstr ""
"Voor het volk van de Dwergenpoort was de keuze simpel: werken als waardeloze "
"slaaf voor de Orks tot het einde van hun miserabele leven of datzelfde leven "
"op het spel zetten en tegen hun wrede overheersers in opstand komen. Ze "
"wisten dat het resultaat van hun opstand de noordelijke gebieden weer in hun "
"oude glorie zouden herstellen of het voor eeuwig in een levende hel "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:5
msgid "Breaking the Chains"
msgstr "Ontketening"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:12
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Far to the north of Wesnoth, and hard by the dwarven caves of Knalga, there "
"was once a thriving mixed community known as Dwarven Doors. Food, wood, and "
"cloth from all over Wesnoth and many elvish lands as well were brought here "
"to be sold to the dwarves, while ores, metals and worked dwarven "
"manufactures were bought here to be traded throughout the surface nations. "
"Dwarves and humans worked and lived side by side; even the elves who came to "
"trade mingled more with the other kindred races than was common elsewhere. "
"Dwarven Doors grew populous and wealthy."
msgstr ""
"Lang geleden, ver in het noorden van Wesnoth en net buiten de grotten van de "
"Dwergen van Knalga, was er een gedreven gemeenschap beter bekend als "
"Dwergenpoort-volk. Voedsel en hout vanuit heel Wesnoth en menig Elvenland "
"werden hierheen gezonden om te verhandelen met de Dwergen voor ijzererts, "
"metalen en uitrusting. Deze handel resulteerde dat het Poort der Dwerge-volk "
"een rijke en vooraanstaande gemeenschap was."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:16
msgid ""
"The dwarves of Knalga, cannily reckoning the gains from trade, built strong "
"fortifications around Dwarven Doors. The people who called it home, dwarven "
"and human alike, knew that the wealth of their city might arouse envy from "
"afar -- hence they kept their weapons sharp, and reckoned themselves well "
"able to fight off any bandit gang or petty warlord that could arise in the "
"thinly-settled northlands."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:19
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"For many years it was indeed so. Dwarven Doors was a peaceful and prosperous "
"place. Until the orcs came... "
msgstr ""
"De jaren gleden vreedzaam en voorspoedig voorbij, totdat de Orks kwamen..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:22
msgid ""
"The raids were mere probes, at first, and the orcs mere rabble. But they "
"grew more numerous, and threatening, and the raiding parties became war-"
"bands and then companies. Then there arose a great warlord among the Bloody "
"Sword tribe, the chieftain called Khazg Black-Tusk; and he raised an army, "
"and beseiged Dwarven Doors."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:25
msgid ""
"It was a time of doom and great deeds, of fire and blood and slaughter. The "
"men and dwarves of the city fought valiantly. But there were always, it "
"seemed, more orcs to replace the slain, while the defenders could find no "
"succour. Pleas for help went unheeded in other lands, for they were far "
"away and felt unthreatened by the orcs, and were wrapped up in their own "
"affairs and struggles."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:28
msgid ""
"After a year and a day of grim battle the city fell. Its streets ran with "
"gore. The dwarves were pushed back into the caverns of Knalga, while the "
"humans of Dwarven Doors who survived the sack were enslaved by the orcs. Cut "
"off from contact with the surface, the dwarves of Knalga fought on, but knew "
"their utter subjugation could not be averted forever."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:31
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Dark years passed; human generations grew up in slavery, and came near to "
"forgetting that their ancestors had been free - and might have completely "
"forgotten were it not for a fateful day in 518 YW. That day that changed the "
"lives of the people of Dwarven Doors - forever."
msgstr ""
"Vele jaren gingen voorbij dat het Dwergenpoort-volk als slaven werkten voor "
"de Orks, totdat prins Konrad van Wesnoth passeerde in zijn zoektocht naar de "
"Scepter des Vuurs."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:35
msgid ""
"It was an early spring day like any other; the humans - joyless beneath the "
"orcish whip - were dispiritedly planting the yearly crop. All at once, the "
"war-drums of the orcs began pounding; harsh war-cries sounded as orcs "
"mustered to gather their weapons and man their posts. Startled, the peasants "
"looked around in alarm, and that was when they saw him."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:39
msgid ""
"He came charging out of the woods, his armor shining brightly, his cape "
"streaming in the breeze, his sword flashing in and out like a snake, and all "
"around him, the hated orcs fell. To his right fought an elderly mage whose "
"deep voice boomed incantations over the clamor of the battle while the very "
"earth shook with the power of his spells. To his left - glowing with faerie "
"fire, and wielding a sword so swiftly that it blurred in the air - was a "
"great lord of the elves. They were followed closely and supported by a small "
"but powerful elvish army."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:43
msgid ""
"Word quickly spread among the humans that this hero was none other then "
"Prince Konrad of Wesnoth, faring to the ruins of Knalga to retrieve the "
"Sceptre of Fire and use it to save his homeland from the rule of a tyrant, "
"and they stood, rooted to their places in awe."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:47
msgid ""
"As quickly as it had begun, it was over. Konrad reached the entrance to the "
"tunnels and ushered his men through. Then he turned one last time to face "
"the peasants. Raising his sword in salute and farewell, he called out to "
"them: 'Hold fast your hope, for one day you shall be free!' Then he was gone."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:51
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"After that day, nothing could be the same. Hope rose in their hearts like a "
"flame long-smothered but rekindled. The brightest and boldest of them began "
"to plan and to train in secret. And the orcish masters, grown stupid from "
"their own arrogance, did not see."
msgstr ""
"Terwijl de boeren zagen hoe Konrad en zijn mannen streden met de Orks - en "
"hoorden dat hij vocht om zijn vaderland te redden van een tiran - hoop rees "
"in hun harten. Misschien zouden ze hun vaderland van die verschrikkelijke "
"Orks kunnen bevrijden en weer vrij zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:54
msgid ""
"There was one among these peasants named Tallin. He had been a little "
"child, barely out of his mother's arms, when Konrad broke the Orcish host. "
"But he never forgot that day. His father was a weaponsmith, his family used "
"less brutally than most because the orcish masters put more value on that "
"craft. In secret, his mother even taught him letters. As the boy grew to "
"young manhood, he could touch blades, and dream. And he did."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:57
msgid ""
"Then one day Al'tar, the current 'master' of Dwarven Doors, was attacked by "
"a neighboring tribe of orcs. Tallin seized his moment. Using knowledge born "
"of years of watching, listening and planning, he managed to steal a few "
"weapons and a considerable amount of Al'Tar's gold. He fled to an abandoned "
"ruin in the forest to rally his fellow peasants."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:139
msgid "Defeat enemy leaders"
msgstr "Versla de vijandige leiders"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:764
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:486
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:508
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:356
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:476
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:533
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:307
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:47
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:538
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1013
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1039
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1065
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:60
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:217
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:440
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:783
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1324
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1499
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1592
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:796
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:43
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:143
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:788
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:814
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:840
msgid "Death of Tallin"
msgstr "Dood van Tallin"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:51
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:64
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:230
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:454
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1512
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1605
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:47
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:148
msgid "Turns run out"
msgstr "Overschrijding van het aantal beurten"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:175
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The orcs have gotten careless - look how easily I stole these weapons and "
"this bright gold from them. Now they're killing each other. This might be "
"the only chance we got to be rid of these scum once and for all. Let's give "
"it to 'em!"
msgstr ""
"Snel vrienden, de Orks bestrijden elkaar. Dit is misschien de enige kans om "
"van dit tuig voor eens en voor altijd af te komen. Pak ze!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:180
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Brave words, Tallin, but moon-touched crazy ones. You have weapons for fewer "
"than a dozen men. None of us has any armor, or any training. What are the "
"rest of us going to fight them with, pitchforks!?"
msgstr ""
"Moedige woorden Tallin, maar het idee is belachelijk. We hebben geen wapen, "
"geen pantser en geen ervaring. Waarmee gaan we ze bevechten, rieken?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:186
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There's nothing wrong with pitchforks, I'll give these orcish weapons to any "
"man among you who wants to take 'em and fight with a pitchfork myself. We "
"easily outnumber the orcs, not to speak of the fact that they are killing "
msgstr ""
"Als we onze rieken moeten gebruiken, dan gebruiken we onze rieken. We kunnen "
"makkelijk met velen aanvallen, om maar niet te spreken dat ze elkaar "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:191
msgid ""
"But their wolves run faster than we can walk, and their swords are sharper "
"than our farm tools."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:197
msgid ""
"We must use our strength of numbers. Stay shoulder-to shoulder with the man "
"next to you; never get isolated, especially not on open ground. Swarm them "
"-- surround them, five or six to one, and they will go down."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:203
msgid "But still, Tallin, this is going to be a slaughter."
msgstr "Maar toch Tallin, het zal een slachtpartij worden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:208
msgid ""
" *sigh* Yes, well I know it. But would you rather live as slaves to the orcs "
msgstr ""
"*zucht* Ja, dat weet ik. Maar wil je liever voor eeuwig leven als slaaf van "
"de Orks."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:214
msgid "Never! I would rather die!"
msgstr "Nooit! Ik sterf liever!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:219
msgid "Then it's time to fight!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:224
msgid "You clod of dung! How dare you step onto my land!"
msgstr "Jij vuil stuk vreten! Hoe durf je op mijn land te komen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:228
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You puny weakling, this land now belongs to my master! Surrender now and he "
"might let you be his slave."
msgstr ""
"Jij zielige zwakkeling, dit land behoort nu tot mijn meester! Geef je over "
"en misschien mag je als zijn slaaf werken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:232
msgid ""
"Pahh! Grunts, attack! Whoever brings me the head of Garrugch will get five "
msgstr ""
"Pff! Grunts val aan! Wie mij het hoofd van Garrugch brengt zal vijf dorpen "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:245
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I die now, you orcish scum, but I die free! More will come after me. We will "
"rise again and again until we work a fitting vengeance on you!"
msgstr ""
"Ik sterf nu Orks tuig, maar als vrij man en niet als jullie slaaf! Jullie "
"weten dat jullie dagen zijn geteld! We zullen weer opstaan en opnieuw totdat "
"jullie lichamen levenloos op de grond liggen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:249
msgid "Pahh! Grunts, put the rest of those peasant rabble back in chains."
msgstr "Pff! Grunts neem de rest van die boeren geketent mee."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:264
msgid "YES! We did it! We are free!"
msgstr "JA! Het is gelukt! We zijn vrij!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:284
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Garrugch failed in mission, but Al'tar dead by peasant slaves. Better tell "
"the Master."
msgstr ""
"Garrugch missie gefaald, maar Al'tar dood door boerenslaven. Moet vertellen "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:288
msgid "Master needs more meat for wolves. Peasants good meat."
msgstr "Meester wil meer vlees voor wolven. Boeren goed vlees."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:315
msgid "This is one of the the entrances to the dwarven caves."
msgstr "Dit lijkt op de ingang naar de grotten van de Dwergen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:319
msgid "Aaaaah! Trolls! The caves are infested with trolls!"
msgstr "Aaaaah! Trollen! De grotten zitten vol Trollen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:366
msgid "What the... *gurgle* Hey! Look... a slave... uprising!"
msgstr "Wel alle... *gorgel* Hey! Kijk... een slaaf... opstand!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:371
msgid " *STAB*"
msgstr "*STEEK*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:376
msgid "Ugh!"
msgstr "Ugh!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:381
#, fuzzy
msgid "Not a very bright one, was he?"
msgstr "Niet een heldere geest, of wel?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:394
msgid "No! I have failed in my mission!"
msgstr "Nee! Ik heb gefaald in mijn missie!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:399
msgid "Mission? What mission?"
msgstr "Missie? Welke missie?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:418
msgid "Hah! Look at them go."
msgstr "Ha Ha! Kijk ze gaan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:438
msgid "Hah! The fools are killing each other!"
msgstr "Ha Ha! De sukkels gaan elkaar te lijf!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Infested Caves"
msgstr "Overbevolkte grotten"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:10
msgid ""
"Ill-armed and untrained though they were, the people of Dwarven Doors rose "
"against the Orcs. Although their losses had been tremendous, never once did "
"they break or falter. In the end, the orcish host was smashed and the "
"survivors sent scurrying for their lives."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:14
msgid ""
"Grief for the fallen could not suppress the people's joy in their newfound "
"freedom. They ransacked the orcish storehouses, sang, danced and drank with "
"abandon. New-fledged warriors boasted of their deeds in the battle, while "
"the women and children looked on with awe."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:18
msgid ""
"Amidst all the revelry, Tallin alone remained distant and thoughtful. He "
"knew it likely that the orcs would return with a vengeance and slaughter "
"every last one of them. He gathered the cooler heads about him the following "
"morning to set their course. How might they, untrained in the art of war "
"and without expectation of aid from the prosperous human lands of the south, "
"defend themselves?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:22
msgid ""
"The war council's thoughts quickly turned to the dwarves, close allies in "
"the past. However, nobody knew the state of things in the Knalgan tunnels. "
"The bravest scouts found spoor of many trolls, and of creatures darker than "
"trolls. It was even rumored that the dwarven dead from the invasion of "
"Knalga had risen in unlife, roaming the tunnels to slay the living. Fighting "
"through all manner of unknown monsters in the mere hope of finding surviving "
"dwarves held but little appeal."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:26
msgid ""
"Some help unlooked for arrived that day in the form of a small band of "
"woodsrunners -- escapees from the orcs, grown wood-wise and crafty, and in "
"contact with larger bands of poachers and outlaws roaming the night. "
"Embassies were sent; agreements made. A handful of experienced fighters, "
"scarred and closemouthed, came to Dwarven Doors to find and train the most "
"willing in their rugged fighting style."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:30
msgid ""
"A fortnight after their victory, the town was awakened from slumber in the "
"dead of night by the distant booming of orcish drums. Scouts training with "
"the nightrunners returned to cry the news that an strong orcish company was "
"approaching. Frightened as they had never been before, the folk of Dwarven "
"Doors looked to Tallin for guidance."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:34
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Faced with certain destruction at the hands of the orcs, or a fate unknown "
"in the caves of Knalga, Tallin chose the latter. The people quickly gathered "
"together and collected whatever food and weapons they could and plunged into "
"the darkness of the caves."
msgstr ""
"Tijdelijk hun vaderland verlatend het Dwergenpoort-volk verzamelde zo veel "
"mogelijk uitrusting als ze konden en gingen de duistenis van de grotten in."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:159
msgid "So here we are..."
msgstr "Dus, we zijn er..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:163
msgid " *trip* OOF!!!"
msgstr "*stap* OEF!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Great idea, Tallin, I probably couldn't even fight a bat down here."
msgstr ""
"Geweldig idee Tallin, ik zou hier waarschijnlijk nog geen vleermuis kunnen "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:186
msgid "Neep Neep!"
msgstr "Neep Neep!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:190
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:432
msgid "Ahhhh!"
msgstr "Ahhhh!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:195
msgid ""
"Calm down $name.user_description. Come what may, we'll handle them. Come on "
"now, lets find those dwarves!"
msgstr ""
"Rustig maar $name.user_description. Laat ze maar komen, we kunnen ze aan. "
"Kom laten we die Dwergen vinden!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:214
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Good, we managed to clear the caves... for now, anyway. Now let's get to the "
"dwarven keep and dicker for better weapons."
msgstr ""
"Goed, we hebben deze grotten ontruimt... voorlopig. Laten we naar het "
"Dwergenkasteel gaan en onderhandelen over die wapen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:223
msgid ""
"Good, there are no more monsters lurking in these parts of the tunnels. I "
"think I can hear the clamor of dwarves just ahead. Come on men, let's go "
"meet them."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:255
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:429
msgid "Hey, what's going on in here?"
msgstr "Hey, wat is is hier gaande?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:265
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:439
msgid "We are killing lots of trolls and skeletons."
msgstr "We doden vele Trollen en skeletten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:270
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:444
msgid "Really! Did you save any for me?"
msgstr "Werkelijk! Hebben jullie wat voor mij over gelaten?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:275
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:449
msgid "Uh, not really..."
msgstr "Uh, niet echt..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:280
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:454
msgid "Awwwwww."
msgstr "Awwwwww."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:285
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:459
msgid ""
"But hey, if you want to join us, I am sure we will be fighting a lot more "
"orcs, trolls and skeletons in the near future."
msgstr ""
"Maar wacht, als je bij ons wilt voegen, ik weet zeker dat we binnenkort veel "
"meer Orks, Trollen en Skeletten moeten bevechten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:290
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:464
msgid "Really! Oh yeah, I am in!"
msgstr "Werkelij! Oh yeah, ik doe mee!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:316
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stand where ye be, you... Och! A human!"
msgstr "Blijf daar staan, jij... Hey! Een Mens!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:320
#, fuzzy
msgid "Greetings from the people of Dwarven Doors, friend."
msgstr "Gegroet namens het Dwergenpoort-volk, vriend."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:324
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Dwarven Doors? I thought ye surface humans had been enslaved or slain by the "
"orcs years ago."
msgstr ""
"Dwergenpoort? Ik dacht dat jullie tot slaven waren gemaakt door de Orks "
"jaren geleden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:328
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Yes, we were enslaved, but we rose against Al'tar and defeated his warband. "
"In order to stay free, we seek help and equipment from our old allies, the "
msgstr ""
"Ja dat waren we, maar het is ons gelukt om ons te bevrijden. Om vrij te "
"blijven zoeken we nu hulp en uitrusting van onze oude partners, de Dwergen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:332
msgid ""
"Och, the dwarves of Knalga are themselves in desperate straits - but we "
"havena forgotten the old bonds. Be welcome to our keep. aye, and have speech "
"with our chieftain, the Lord Hamel."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:336
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:600
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3395
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3561
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3800
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:772
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1061
msgid "Very well."
msgstr "Goed."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:347
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move Tallin to the Dwarvish Keep or..."
msgstr "Breng Tallin naar de wegwijzer in het noorden"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:351
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear the Caves"
msgstr "Ontruim de mijnen"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:768
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:360
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1025
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1051
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1077
msgid "Death of Hamel"
msgstr "Dood van Hamel"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:377
msgid "Well met, Tallin. My men have told me of your victory against Al'Tar."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:381
#, fuzzy
msgid "Thank you and well-met indeed, Lord Hamel."
msgstr "Dank u Heer Hamel"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:387
#, fuzzy
msgid "Whew!"
msgstr "Wew!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:392
msgid "Finally!"
msgstr "Eindelijk!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:397
msgid "At last!"
msgstr "Eindelijk!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:402
msgid "Awww!"
msgstr "Auwww!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:506
#, fuzzy
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:510
msgid "Hold it! I am no orc, I am a human!"
msgstr "Wacht! Ik ben geen Ork, ik ben een Mens!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:514
msgid ""
"A human! Amazing, I haven't seen a human ever since the orcs attacked. Ever "
"since then the the only living - and non-living - things I have seen are "
"orcs, trolls and skeletons."
msgstr ""
"Een Mens! Wonderlijk, ik heb geen mensen gezien sinds de Orks aanvielen. "
"Sinds toen het enige levende - en niet levende - dingen die ik gezien heb "
"zijn Orks, Trollen en Skeletten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:518
msgid "How have you managed to survive all this time?"
msgstr "Hoe heeft u kunnen overleven al die tijd?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:522
msgid "By frying every orc, troll or skeleton I come across. Duh!"
msgstr "Door iedere Ork, Trol of Skelet dat langs kwam te fritueren. Duh!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:526
msgid "...oh!"
msgstr "...oh!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:530
msgid ""
"But silly me, where are my manners. Would you like to come inside for tea?"
msgstr ""
"Maar waar zijn mijn manier. Wil je binnen komen voor een lekker kopje thee?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:534
msgid ""
"Um... err.... well actually we are presently busy fighting our way through "
"hordes of trolls and skeletons trying to find the dwarves... if there are "
"any left."
msgstr ""
"Um... ehh.... eigenlijk zijn we druk bezig met onze weg door hordes Trollen "
"en Skeletten te vechten om de Dwergen te vinden... als nog enkelen over zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:538
msgid "Hordes of trolls and skeletons! Where!? Lets go burn em!"
msgstr "Hordes Trollen en Skeletten! Waar!? Laten we ze roosteren!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:542
msgid "Err... ok...."
msgstr "Ehh... ok...."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:547
msgid " *Is it safe to have this lunatic with us?*"
msgstr "*Is het veilig om deze dwaas bij ons te hebben?*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:552
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Oh, and if you are looking for more trolls, skeletons and dwarves, go back "
"into the caves. All you will find in this directions are orcs, and some old "
"abandoned mines."
msgstr ""
"Oh en tussen twee haakjes, als je meer Trollen, Skeletten en Dwergen zoekt, "
"ga terug de grotten in. Alles wat je hier vind zijn Orks en enkele verlaten "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:574
#, fuzzy
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:579
msgid "Ahhh! Fire!"
msgstr "Ahhh! Vuur!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:584
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:214
msgid "Wow!"
msgstr "Wow!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "YEAH! DIE, SCUM, DIE!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:606
msgid "He's gone completely insane!"
msgstr "Hij wordt volledig gek!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:630
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Tallin, we have just received the news that the dwarvish Lord Hamel has just "
"been slain. We are too late!"
msgstr ""
"Tallin, we hebben net het nieuws ontvangen dat de Dwergse Heer Hamel is "
"verslagen. We zijn te laat!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:653
msgid "This tunnel keeps on going..."
msgstr "Deze tunnel gaat maar door..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:657
msgid ""
"I think we should finish searching this part of Knalga first before we go "
"deeper into the caves."
msgstr ""
"Ik denk dat we dit deel van Knalga eerst moeten doorzoeken voordat we dieper "
"de grotten in gaan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:681
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:730
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grim Gods of Darkness, what are those things!"
msgstr "Hemel lief, wat zijn dat voor dingen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:686
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:735
msgid "Skeletons!"
msgstr "Skeletten!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:692
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:741
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Look at the axes they bear. At one time those skeletons must have been "
msgstr "Kijk naar die bijlen. Het lijkt of die skeletten ooit Dwergen waren!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:697
msgid ""
"Stand firm, men. The dwarven defenders of Knalga rise again. Now it remains "
"to be seen whether or not they recognize us as friends."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:746
msgid ""
"Stand firm, men. The dwarven defenders of Knalga rise again. Now it remains "
"to be seen whether or not they recognize us as friends."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:783
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:823
msgid "They are attacking us!"
msgstr "Ze vallen ons aan!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:788
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:828
msgid "Destroy them!"
msgstr "Vernietig ze!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:846
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:885
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Hey look, it's an ancient door. It seems the trolls were too stupid to find "
"how to open it."
msgstr ""
"Hey kijk, het is een oude deur. Het lijkt dat de Trollen te stom waren om te "
"weten hoe die open moet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:850
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:889
#, fuzzy
msgid "Well, let's see what's behind it."
msgstr "Kijk wat er achter zit."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:854
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:893
msgid "Alright. *Grunt* *Strain* It's not moving, it seems to be stuck."
msgstr "Ok. *Steun* *Kreun* Het beweegt niet, het zit vast."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:858
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:897
#, fuzzy
msgid "Well, just kick it down then."
msgstr "Nou, schop hem dan maar in."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:862
msgid "...right."
msgstr "...juist."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:866
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:905
msgid " *SMASH* "
msgstr " *SMASH* "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_Infested_Caves.cfg:901
msgid "....right."
msgstr "...juist."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:4
msgid "To the Mines"
msgstr "Naar de mijnen"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:9
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"After reaching the dwarvish keep and tending to their wounded the humans led "
"by Tallin and the dwarves led by Lord Hamel made council."
msgstr ""
"Na het bereiken van de Dwergenvesting en genezen van hun verwondingen, de "
"Mensen - geleid door Tallin - en de Dwergen - geleid door de Dwergse Heer "
"Hamel - gingen vergaderen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:13
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Be welcome to the Southern Tunnels friends... or at least, what's left o' "
msgstr ""
"Welkom in de zuidelijke tunnels vrienden... of tenminste wat er van over is."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:18
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Thank you, Lord Hamel. Though Knalga lies in chaos, it is a great relief to "
"see that at least some dwarves have survived."
msgstr ""
"Bedankt Heer Hamel. Ondanks dat Knalga in puin ligt, is het een opluchting "
"te zien dat enkele Dwergen het hebben overleeft."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:23
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Thank you, human. It is likewise a great relief to see that our allies of "
"old have managed to break their bonds, and live as free men once again."
msgstr ""
"Bedankt Mens. Het is voor mij een opluchting te zien dat over oude partners "
"hun ketens hebben doorbroken en weer vrij kunnen leven."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:28
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Yes, that touches on the main reason for our visit. We have broken free, but "
"to stay free we need better weapons and armor. Clubs and pitchforks wll not "
"carry us through the long run."
msgstr ""
"Ja, dat is de hoofdreden van ons bezoek. We hebben onze ketens afgeworpen, "
"maar om dat zo te houden hebben we fatsoenlijke wapen en patsers nodig; "
"knuppels en rieken werken niet op de lange termijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:33
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Dwarves are known to be the finest metalworkers and weapon-smiths. We were "
"hoping that you would be able to help us."
msgstr ""
"Omdat Dwergen bekend staan om hun goede metaalbewerkers en wapensmeden "
"hoopten dat u in staat bent ons te helpen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:38
msgid ""
"Aye, our craft is great...but we dinna ha' much of weapons and armor "
"ourselves. We're but a remnant that survived the orcs' in-taking of these "
"caves. There may be other remnants; but if there are, we dinna yet ken of "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:43
msgid ""
"Some months gone we had the luck to kill the warlord who controlled the "
"caves. The orcs began squabbling among themselves over who would succeed "
"him at the very moment they night ha' crushed us, else I and mine wouldna' "
"be here to greet you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:48
msgid ""
"We ha' been stranded in these tunnels for years now, almost completely cut "
"off from sources of food or metals or tools. It ha' been as much as we "
"could do to survive. We'll ha' more food again now that we can reach the "
"surface, and tools aplenty there are in the stores where we couldna' reach "
"while the orcs held them. But metal will be scarce for a while yet; ore "
"will have to be briught in for smelting, first."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:53
msgid "Is there any source of good ores nearby?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:58
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Aye, there is. A few miles north of here is the place where we mined many of "
"our raw metals. However, that place also seems to be where all those "
"skeletons are coming from. To go there would mean certain death."
msgstr ""
"Ja, een aantal kilometers noordelijker is een plaats waar veel ruwe metalen "
"gedolven hebben. Het schijnt dat het de plaats is waar al die Skeletten "
"vandaan komen. Om daar heen te gaan betekent een zekere dood."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:63
msgid ""
"What is the story with those skeletons anyway? They look like they were "
"dwarves at one point but now they just attack everyone and anyone."
msgstr ""
"Wat is überhaupt het verhaal met die Skeletten? Het lijkt dat ze ooit "
"Dwergen waren, maar nu vallen ze alles en iedereen aan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:68
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"In truth, we ha' no idea. They just started appearing one day some years "
"after we were trapped here."
msgstr ""
"Om eerlijk te zijn, ik heb geen idee. Ze kwamen zomaar op een dag, jaren "
"nadat we hier gevangen kwamen te zitten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:73
msgid ""
"Perhaps if we go there we can find out. Let us combine our forces and march "
"to the mines and settle this mater once and for all."
msgstr ""
"Misschien als we dat uit gaan vinden. Laten we onze krachten bundelen en "
"richting de mijnen koers zetten en deze zaak voor eens en altijd op te "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:78
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"That way we can gather what we need to begin turning the tide against those "
"orcs... I know it will be extremely dangerous, but it is better to die "
"trying then to sit idle and slowly starve to death."
msgstr ""
"Op die manier kunnen we ook bij onze grondstoffen komen en het tij keren "
"tegen de Orks... Ik weet dat het erg gevaarlijk zal zijn, maar het is beter "
"om voor de goede zaak te sterven, dan hier langszaam een hongerdood te "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:83
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Aye, ye've the right of it, lad. Form, up men! To the mines! Let the "
"guardsmen stay behind along with the noncombatants - for their safety and to "
"hold the keep."
msgstr ""
"Je hebt gelijk! In het gelid mannen! Naar de mijnen! Laat de wachters achter "
"met onze en Tallins niet-vechters - voor hun veiligheid en om te vestiging "
"te bewaken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:88
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There are two ways we can go from here. One is through the tunnels and the "
"other is to leave the tunnels and go through the mountains. Both ways are "
"about the same length. If you go though the tunnels we'll be facing more "
"trolls and perhaps skeletons. If we take the mountains - who knows. So what "
"will it be?"
msgstr ""
"Oh en Tallin, er zijn twee wegen die we kunnen gaan. Een is door de tunnels "
"en de andere is over de bergen. Beide wegen zijn van gelijke lengte. Als we "
"door de tunnels gaan komen we Trollen en misschien Skeletten tegen. Als we "
"over de bergen gaan - wie weet. Dus wat zal het zijn?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:93
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I don't think I'm all that crazy about facing those trolls again any time "
"soon. Let's take the mountain route."
msgstr ""
"Ik denk dat ik niet zit te springen op nog meer Trollen. Laten we over de "
"Bergen gaan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Once the party left the caves they found that they faced a new threat."
msgstr ""
"Eenmaal buiten kwam de groep er achter dat ze een nieuwe dreiging moesten "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hey look, there is our meat! Come on, boys, lunchtime!"
msgstr "Hey kijk, daar is ons vlees! Kom op jongens, etenstijd!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:176
#, fuzzy
msgid "I don't think so, buddy."
msgstr "Ik dacht het niet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:790
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:191
#, fuzzy
msgid "No! Without the dwarvish weapons we have no hope!"
msgstr "Nee! Zonder de Dwergse wapens is er geen hoop!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "Argh! They are stronger then we thought. Someone go tell the Master..."
msgstr ""
"Argh! Ze lijken sterker dan we dachten, dat moet iemand de meester "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:214
#, fuzzy
msgid "What's with this 'Master' business? It's starting to make me nervous."
msgstr "Wat is dat hele 'meester' gebeuren? Het begint me nerveus te maken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "OK, here is the entrance to the dwarven mines. In we go!"
msgstr "Ok, hier is de ingang naar de Dwergenmijnen, laten we gaan!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:234
msgid ""
"Hey, there goes our lunch! Hmmm, they are stronger then we thought, let's go "
"tell Master."
msgstr ""
"Hey, daar gaat ons eten! Hmmm, ze lijken sterker dan we dachten, dat moet ik "
"mijn meester vertellen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_The_Mines.cfg:240
msgid ""
"What's with this whole 'Master' business? It's starting to make me nervous."
msgstr "Wat is dat hele 'meester' gebeuren? Het begint me nerveus te maken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:4
msgid "Clearing the Mines"
msgstr "De grote mijnschoonmaak"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:493
msgid "When the party finally reached the mines they were not disappointed."
msgstr ""
"Toen de menigste uiteindelijk de mijnen bereikten werden ze niet "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:498
msgid "Behold! The Dwarven Mines."
msgstr "Zie hier, de Dwergenmijnen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:503
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Look at yon canal. Dwarves built it to transport mined metals deeper into "
"Knalga. And d'ye ken those two rooms, one to the norr-west and the other to "
"the south-east? Metal was stored there until the time came to ship it out."
msgstr ""
"Kijk naar dat kanaal. De Dwergen groeven het om de gedolven metalen verder "
"inwaarts Knalga te vervoeren. En merk de twee ruimtes op, een noordwestelijk "
"en de andere zuidoostelijk. Daar werden de gedolven materialen opgeslagen "
"tot dat ze op transport konden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:509
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Grim gods of darkness! The whole place is swarming with undead! They have "
"raised corpses to do their work."
msgstr ""
"Hemel! Het wemelt hier van de Ondoden! Ze hebben alle lichamen gebruikt om "
"al het werk te doen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:514
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"And they seem to have good security, too. Look, most of the fortifications "
"are repaired and they have those nasty skeletons everywhere."
msgstr ""
"En het lijkt dat ze ook goede beveiliging hebben. Kijk, de meeste van die "
"forten zijn gerepareert en ze hebben overal van die akelige skeletten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:521
msgid ""
"Fortunately, this entrance seems to be in disrepair. It doesn't look like "
"they have noticed us yet."
msgstr ""
"Gelukkig lijkt deze ingang vergeten. Het lijkt of ze ons niet eens hebben "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:526
msgstr "WIE IS DAAR?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:532
msgid "Oops, I spoke too soon."
msgstr "Oeps, ik sprak te voorbarig."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:537
msgid " *wince* You can turn the volume down, pal."
msgstr "Je kunt het volume wel zachter zetten, vriend."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:541
msgid "Maybe he needs a fireball..."
msgstr "Misschien wil hij een vuurbal..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:546
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:561
msgid "Who goes there? Ahhh, more slaves, I see."
msgstr "Wie is daar? Ahh, meer slaven zie ik."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:566
msgid "Others have made that mistake before. Who are you?"
msgstr "Anderen hebben die fout eerder al gemaakt. Wie ben jij?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:571
msgid ""
"Who am I? *CACKLES WILDLY* I am Malifor the Great, the master of death! "
"These tunnels, haunted by the ghosts of the dead dwarves of Knalga, are the "
"domain of my power."
msgstr ""
"Wie ik ben? Ik ben Malifor de Grote! Ik heb volledige macht over alle "
"gestorven wezens. Deze tunnels, met alle geesten van dode Dwergen zijn een "
"perfecte plaats voor mij om mijn kracht te gebruiken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:576
msgid ""
"You dared disturb the rest of those brave dwarves? You shall pay in blood!"
msgstr ""
"Je durft te rust van die brave Dwergen te verstoren? Je zal er voor boeten!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:581
msgid ""
"HAHAHAHA! Your petty temper tantrums are most amusing, you puny dwarf. Soon "
"I will finish the slaughter that the orcs have begun so promisingly, and "
"Knalga will be all mine! From there I will sweep the whole north of all "
"living creatures, and then swoop down upon Wesnoth!"
msgstr ""
"HAHAHAHA! Je woedeuitbarstingen zijn hoogst vermakelijk, kleine Dwerg. "
"Binnenkort zal ik de taak die de Orks begonnen zijn en Knalga is van mij! "
"Vanaf dan zal ik in het hele noorden alle levende wezens uitroeien en dan "
"afdalen naar Wesnoth!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:586
msgid ""
"Quit your ranting, you wretched bag of bones! Prepare to return to the dust!"
msgstr ""
"Stop maar met dagdromen stel botten! Wees voorbereid om tot stof te vergaan!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:591
msgid "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Such vast threats from one so small? HAHAHAHA!"
msgstr "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Zulke grote dreigementen van iemand zo klein? HAHAHAHA!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:596
msgid "But my my, what do we have here - Tallin."
msgstr "Maar wel heb ik ooit, wat hebben we hier - Tallin."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:602
#, fuzzy
msgid "He knows your name, Tallin. I don't like the looks of this."
msgstr "Hij weet je naam Tallin. Dat bevalt me totaal niet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:607
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Oh yes, I know you, Tallin. I have been watching you for a long time. You "
"are a perfect candidate to become one of my immortal generals."
msgstr ""
"Ah ja, ik ken je Tallin. Ik heb je al een lange tijd op het oog. Jij bent de "
"perfecte kandidaat om een van mijn generaals te worden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:612
msgid "....!"
msgstr "....!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:617
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Look around you Tallin, see all the power, see all of the wealth, the glory, "
"the pleasure that the realm of death has to offer. Think of the great empire "
"of Knalga; it can be yours. Come share it with me!"
msgstr ""
"Kij om je heen Tallin, zie de macht, zie alle weelde, de glorie, het plezier "
"dat de dood heeft te bieden. Denk aan het grote rijk van Knalga, kom deel "
"het met mij!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:623
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tallin, are you OK?!"
msgstr "Tallin, hoe gaat het?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:629
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It's very easy, Tallin, see that little vermin by your side? Take out your "
"knife...... cut his throat .......feel his hot blood pump over your "
"hands..... sacrifice him to death!"
msgstr ""
"Het is erg makkelijk Tallin, zie je dat ongedierte aan je zijde? Neem je "
"mes.... en snij zijn keel door...... voel zijn warme bloed over je handen "
"gaan..... offer hem!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:634
msgid "......die.... you..... little.....dwarf.....vermin!"
msgstr "......sterf.... jij..... kleine.....dwerg.....ongedierte!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:639
msgid "Tallin! No!"
msgstr "Tallin! Nee!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:644
msgid "Tallin, what are you doing?"
msgstr "Tallin, wat doe je?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:649
msgid ".....Death!..... Blood!...."
msgstr ".....Dood!..... Bloed!...."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:664
msgid "Ahhh! Treacherous human! Kill him, men!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:669
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2110
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:707
msgid "What the! Where did he go?"
msgstr "Wel alle! Waar is hij gebleven?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:712
msgid "Right here with me, fools! He is mine now."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:736
msgid ""
" *Shakes head* I reject your evil. Attack, men! Let us rid the good green "
"world of this rotting filth!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:740
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Aye! That's the way of it, lad! For the murdered dwarves of Knalga! Attack!"
msgstr "Yeah! Dat is de enige manier! Voor de Dwergen! Aanvallen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:745
#, fuzzy
msgid "You fool! You will pay for your folly with your life."
msgstr "Sukkel! Deze fout zal je betalen met je leven."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:750
#, fuzzy
msgid "Yeah, right, buddy."
msgstr "Ja, vast. "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:759
msgid "Clear the Mines"
msgstr "Ontruim de mijnen"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:772
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:804
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:800
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:826
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:852
msgid "Turns Run Out"
msgstr "Overschrijding van het aantal beurten"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:807
msgid ""
"HAHAHAHA, you puny weaklings think you can destroy me? FOOLS! You will all "
"soon be serving me!"
msgstr ""
"HAHAHAHA, jullie zielige zwakkelingen, dachten jullie mij te kunnen "
"vernietigen? SUKKELS! Jullie zullen binnenkort mij dienen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:814
msgid "Oh no, he just.... disappeared."
msgstr "Oh nee, hij is... verdwenen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:819
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It is well! We have finally secured the mines. But what should we do about "
"that foul lich? He is a menace to all that lives, and must be ended."
msgstr ""
"Ok! We hebben eindelijk deze mijnen schoon geveegd. Maar wat moeten we doen "
"met die zak met botten? Hij lijkt een serieuze bedreiging waar afgerekent "
"moet worden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:824
msgid ""
"Aye! We'll have to lay both his skeletons and himself to final rest before "
"these caves will be fit for dwarvenkind again."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:829
msgid ""
"But I'm sore vexed. We need better weapons, Luck and spirit can carry us "
"only so far."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:834
msgid ""
"Aye. We must do both. I'm thinking it might be best if I muster my folk to "
"start on the weapon-making while you and your followers pursue yon lich. By "
"the time you've laid him to final rest and return here, we'll ha' made a "
"good start on the work."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:839
msgid "So it shall be."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:849
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"With all respect, Lord Hamel, some o' us would like to fare forth with "
"Tallin. He's lucky, he is - or he makes his own luck."
msgstr ""
"Met alle respect Heer Hamel, sommigen van ons zouden graag Tallin "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:854
msgid ""
"And so it shall be. You've my leave and welcome. Try to keep the lad safe..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:859
#, fuzzy
msgid "Thank you, Lord Hamel."
msgstr "Dank u Heer Hamel"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:4
msgid "The Pursuit"
msgstr "De achtervolging"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:331
msgid ""
"Leaving most of the dwarves behind, Tallin and the rest of his party set off "
"to pursue the Sorcerer."
msgstr ""
"De meeste Dwergen achterlatend, Tallin en de rest ging in de achtervolging "
"op de tovenaar."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:455
msgid "There he goes! Quick, get him!"
msgstr "Daar gaat hij! Snel, grijp hem!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:460
#, fuzzy
msgid "I don't think so, you living vermin."
msgstr "Ik dacht het niet, lelijk ongedierte."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:465
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"We'll have to kill these Revenants to get after him. There is only two of "
"them, so they shouldn't last long."
msgstr ""
"He, gadver! Laten we snel zijn en deze Wedergekomenen doden, het zijn er "
"maar twee dus dat zou niet lang hoeven te duren."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:471
msgid "Get past the revenants."
msgstr "Ga langs de wedergekomenen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:497
msgid "Uh... Which way?"
msgstr "Uh... Welke kant op?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:502
msgid "Blast it! We lost him."
msgstr "Verdorie! We zijn hem kwijt."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:507
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It makes no difference in the end, because we will hunt him down and crush "
"him to powder. HEAR THAT, YOU OLD SKELETON?"
msgstr ""
"Hoe dan ook, het maakt uiteindelijk weinig uit, want we zullen hem opsporen "
"en tot poeder slaan. HOOR JE DAT SKELET?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:512
msgid " *faint cackle of laughter in the distance*"
msgstr "*smerige lach in de verte*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:517
msgid "Yeah! This is gonna be fun!"
msgstr "Yeah! Dit wordt leuk!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:522
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Let us proceed with caution. Nobody is to go off by himself. We don't know "
"what could be lurking in these tunnels."
msgstr ""
"Laten we voorzichtig verder gaan. Niemand gaat alleen op pad. We weten niet "
"wat er op ons wacht in deze tunnels."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:528
msgid "Find Malifor and Destroy Him"
msgstr "Vind Malifor en vernietig hem"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:560
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:632
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is a magical staff of tremendous power and unknown origin. Although the "
"full extent of its power has not been fathomed, there are a few features "
"about it that will be obvious to any master of lore. The wielder of this "
"staff gains a dramatic increase in strength, speed and intelligence, and is "
"granted the ability to fire devastating lightning bolts at at his opponents. "
"Only a person who is good at heart and who is willing to sacrifice his life "
"on the path of justice can wield this staff."
msgstr ""
"Dit is de magische staf met enorme kracht en onbekende oorsprong. Ondanks "
"dat de volledige kracht onbekend is heeft het een paar duidelijke gebruiken. "
"Het meest belangrijke is de enorme verhoging van sterkte, snelheid en "
"intelligentie en de kracht om vuurballen af te vuren. Enkel een persoon die "
"een goed hart heeft en zijn leven wil offeren voor de weg naar gerechtigheid "
"kan deze staf gebruiken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:565
msgid ""
"The Rod of Justice! What in the world is it doing all the way down here?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:570
#, fuzzy
msgid "What do you have there, Abhai?"
msgstr "Wat bedoel je?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:575
msgid ""
"This is the Great Rod of Justice, my boy. It was an ancient artifact even "
"when I was young. They say it was crafted by the Great Gods themselves, and "
"given to the first true Ruler of Men to ensure peace, harmony and above all "
"- justice. For hundreds of years it did just that, for during the time it "
"was wielded by men, the ruling class never became corrupt, the people never "
"lacked justice and neither evil nor wars troubled the land."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:580
msgid ""
"Well, if you don't mind me saying - that certainly isn't the state of "
"affairs now. Knalga lies in ruins, orcs ravish the surface, and these dark "
"and evil creatures haunt the underground passages. In the meantime, Wesnoth "
"is said to be ruled by the wicked and cruel queen Ashevire, while the "
"rightful heir must have long since perished in his vain quest for the "
"Scepter of Fire."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:585
msgid ""
"Ahh, with the Rod of Justice down here it is to be expected. Come Tallin, "
"either you or one of your trusted men must wield this staff and bring peace "
"and justice back into this world."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:590
#, fuzzy
msgid "Why can't you wield it, Abhai?"
msgstr "Wat bedoel je?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:595
msgid ""
"I am a creature of the past, and thus my time to wield it is long gone. This "
"is your era, Tallin, and thus it is your responsibility to see to it that "
"your people receive peace, prosperity and justice. Quickly, come forth or "
"send one of your men for time is waning."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:678
msgid "Wow! This thing is... incredible!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:693
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I wonder what such a powerful artifact is doing hidden all the way back "
msgstr ""
"Wow! Ongelovelijk! Ik vraag me af wat zo een krachtig ding helemaal hier "
"verstopt doet..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:706
msgid "That's.... that's the Rod of Justice!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:711
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you know anything about it, Camerin?"
msgstr "Weet je er iets over Camerin?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:716
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I don't think there is a person alive who knows anything more solid than "
"rumors and legends. There are very few people who even knows it exists!"
msgstr ""
"Ik denk niet dat er een levend persoon is die er echt iets vanaf weet. Er "
"zijn maar weinig mensen die weten dat het bestaat!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:721
#, fuzzy
msgid "How did you come to know of it?"
msgstr "En hoe ben jij er dan over te weten gekomen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:726
msgid ""
"Some of the most ancient elvish legends make some vague mention of this "
"artifact. But beyond that..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:731
msgid ""
"Interesting. I wonder who - or what - could have created such a powerful "
"artifact. There must be one heck of a story behind this thing."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:754
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Caution! Tunnel flooded and infested with aquatic monsters. Enter at the "
"risk of your life."
msgstr ""
"Waarschuwing! Tunnel onder water en bevolkt door watermonsters. Betreden op "
"eigen risico."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:759
msgid ""
"Interesting. It seems like someone really doesn't want us going down this "
msgstr ""
"Interessant. Het lijkt of iemand echt niet wil dat we deze tunnel in gaan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:775
msgid "Hey, an underground lake."
msgstr "Hey, een ondergrond meer."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:779
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:780
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:781
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:786
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:787
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:788
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:789
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:793
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:794
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:795
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:796
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:797
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:801
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:802
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:803
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:804
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:805
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:806
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:334
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:335
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:336
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:337
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:338
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:343
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:344
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:345
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:346
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:347
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:348
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:349
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:353
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:354
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:355
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:356
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:357
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:358
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:359
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:360
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:361
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:362
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:366
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:367
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:368
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:369
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:370
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:371
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:372
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:373
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:374
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:375
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:376
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:377
msgid "Tentacle"
msgstr "Tentakel"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:811
msgid "Ack! What are those things!"
msgstr "Iek! Wat zijn dat voor dingen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:824
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Oh yeah, those things. Watch out, they are the arms of some sort of "
"underwater creature. They'll try to pummel you to death, then drag you under "
"for dinner."
msgstr ""
"Oh ja, die dingen. Kijk uit, het zijn armen van een of ander onderwater "
"wezen. We slaan je het liefst dood en nemen je dan mee onder water voor hun "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:829
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Then how do we get past? I can see that the passage continues to both the "
"north and south and we haven't found Malifor yet..."
msgstr ""
"Hoe kunnen we er dan langs? Ik zie dat de passage zowel noordelijk als "
"zuidelijk doogaat en we hebben Malifor nog niet gevonden..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:834
msgid ""
"Creatures of that type regenerate over time; it's doubtful we can destroy it "
"completely. But if we destroy its arms we'll be relatively safe until they "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:839
#, fuzzy
msgid "Let's get to it, then."
msgstr "Laten we er naar toe gaan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:855
msgid "Hmm, what is this thing?"
msgstr "Hmm, wat is dit voor ding?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:873
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:878
msgstr "AHHHHHHHHH!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:884
msgid "... wait a second, who are you?"
msgstr ".... wacht eens, wie ben je?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:889
msgid "I.... I am one of Tallin's men..."
msgstr "Ik... ik ben een van Tallins mannen..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:894
msgid "Who is this Tallin?"
msgstr "Wie is Tallin?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:899
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:27
msgid "I am."
msgstr "Dat ben ik."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:904
msgid "What is your purpose in coming here?"
msgstr "Wat is jullie doel om hier te komen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:909
msgid "We seek the lich Malifor."
msgstr "We zoeken Malifor."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:914
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Malifor!... *goes a bit paler (if possible)* What business do you have with "
msgstr ""
"Malifor!... *wordt wat bleker (mocht dat mogelijk zijn)* Wat voor zaken heb "
"je met hem te doen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:919
msgid "We seek to crush and destroy him."
msgstr "We zoeken hem om te vernietigen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:925
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Oh, thank the Gods of Light! Finally there is someone here in force to deal "
"with that menace. You must have been sent by the High Kalian of "
msgstr ""
"Oh gelukkig! Eindelijk is er iemand die krachtig genoeg is om met hem af te "
"rekenen. Jullie zijn zeker gezonden door de hoge Kalian of Hiera'Shirsha?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:930
msgid "The what!?"
msgstr "De wat!?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:935
#, fuzzy
msgid "Err, I think we might be in different... uh... time zones, here."
msgstr "Euh, ik denk dat we hier verschillende... uh... 'tijdzones' hebben."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:940
msgid "I beg my pardon. Say, what year is it anyway?"
msgstr "Verontschuldig mij. Zeg, welk jaar is het eigenlijk?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:945
msgid "Uh... 534 YW..."
msgstr "Uh... 534 YW..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:950
#, fuzzy
msgid "Huh!? Can't be, the last year I remember it was 14, 318 AD!"
msgstr "Huh!? Dat kan niet, het laatste jaar dat ik me herinner was 14318 AD!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:955
msgid "?????"
msgstr "?????"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:960
#, fuzzy
msgid "Different calendars, folks."
msgstr "Verschillende kalenders heren."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:965
msgid "I see, but say, who are you?"
msgstr "Zie ik, maar zeg, wie zijn jullie!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:970
msgid "What? How can you not know who I am?"
msgstr "Wat? Hoe komt het dat jullie niet weten wie ik ben?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:975
#, fuzzy
msgid "The times have changed, my friend."
msgstr "De tijden zijn veranderd mijn vriend."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:980
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Right... sorry about that. My name is Lord Abhai and I am... or was... the "
"ruler of the great kingdom of Garet-Desh."
msgstr ""
"Zeker... sorry daarvoor. Mijn naam is Heer Alfred en ik ben.. of was.. de "
"heerser van het grote koningrijk Garet-Desh."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:986
msgid "What happened to you? Why are you a ghost?"
msgstr "Wat is er met je gebeurd? Waarom ben je een geest?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:991
msgid ""
"I grew old and died as all men do and entered the land of the dead. I don't "
"know how long I dwelled there, I was wrenched from my peace and forced into "
"this ectoplasmic body by a terrible power."
msgstr ""
"Ik werd oud en stierf zoals iedereen en kwam in het land der doden. Ik weet "
"niet hoe lang ik daar geleefd heb, maar ik werd er plotseling weg gehaald en "
"in dit lichaam gezet door een vreselijke kracht."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:996
msgid "Let me guess. Malifor?"
msgstr "Laat me raden, Malifor?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1001
msgid ""
"Indeed. He tried to break my spirit into mindless slavery, but I resisted "
"his power and fled. I have been hiding in these flooded tunnels ever since. "
"Some monster that Malifor's minions greatly fear lives in these waters; they "
"do not milest me here."
msgstr ""
"Dat klopt. Hij heeft ook mij geprobeerd als herzenloze slaaf te laten "
"werken, maar ik kon zijn kracht weerstaan en vluchtte. Ik heb me verstopt in "
"deze ondergelopen tunnels sinds dien. Er leeft in deze wateren een monster "
"waarvoor Malifor angst heeft en daarom komt niemand hier."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1006
msgid "Would you join us to defeat this evil creature?"
msgstr "Zou je bij ons willen voegen om dit kwade gedrocht te verslaan?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1011
msgid ""
"Wouldn't miss it. Maybe after he is destroyed me and my kind can live... "
"err.... be dead peacefully."
msgstr ""
"Ik zou het niet willen missen. Misschien nadat hij vernietigd is kunnen wij "
"in rust leven.. eeh.. dood zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1016
msgid ""
"Keep following these flooded tunnels. I think they might lead you directly "
"to Mailfor."
msgstr ""
"Blijf deze ondergelopen tunnels volgen. Ik denk dat ze naar Malifor leiden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1021
msgid "Great! Forward, men!"
msgstr "Geweldig! Voorwaarts mannen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1034
msgid ""
"Just great, I am cold, wet, and tired and what have we here? Another dead "
"end. This place is starting to get on my nerves!"
msgstr ""
"Echt geweldig, ik ben koud, nat en moe en wat hebben we hier? Weer een "
"doodlopend stuk. Deze plaatst begint op mijn zenuwen te werken!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1047
msgid "Ssssh! I hear something."
msgstr "Ssssh! I hoor iets."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1050
msgid "Sea Serpent"
msgstr "Zeeslang"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1054
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1059
msgid "Ahhhhh!"
msgstr "Ahhhhh!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1075
msgid "Hold it, people, there is something just ahead!"
msgstr "Stop even, verderop hoor ik iets!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1116
msgid " *sniff* I smell humans."
msgstr " *sniff* Ik ruim Mensen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1121
msgid "You are just plain deaf. I heard them coming from a mile off."
msgstr "Je bent gewoon doof. Ik hoorde ze al van verre aankomen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1126
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ahh, shut up. Let's go kill them."
msgstr "Ahh mond dicht. "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1140
#, fuzzy
msgid "A door, and a big, big lock, hmmmmm..."
msgstr "Een deur en een erg groot slot, hmmmmm."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1145
msgid "Sorry folks, this is just too tempting."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1150
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1176
#, fuzzy
msgid " *SMASH*"
msgstr " *SMASH* "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1171
msgid ""
"Hmmmm, this door sure is locked up pretty tight. I wonder what's behind it."
msgstr ""
"Hmmm, deze deur is zeker goed op slot. Ik vraag me af wat er achter zit."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1197
msgid ""
"Holy water! For a certainty, those skeletons won't like us getting our hands "
"on this stuff. But that's probably why they kept them back here in the first "
msgstr ""
"Heilig water! Ik weet zeker dat die skeletten niet blij zijn dat wij onze "
"handen hierop hebben weten te leggen. Daarom lagen ze hier in de eerste "
"plaats natuurlijk."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1211
msgid "Oh yeah, holy water!"
msgstr "Oh yeah, heilig water!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1225
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1244
msgid ""
"Warning! These bottles contain toxic waste. Causes disintegration on contact."
msgstr ""
"Waarschuwing! Deze flessen bevatten giftig afval. Veroorzaakt verval bij "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1230
msgid "Ha ha, for skeletons anyway."
msgstr "Ha ha, voor skeletten in ieder geval."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1249
msgid " *rolls eyes* Oh the hazardous life of a skeleton."
msgstr "*rolt met ogen* Oh het gevaarlijke leven van een skelet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1263
msgid "The Treasury"
msgstr "De schatkamer"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1268
msgid "The Treasury! Cool, let's go loot some booty!"
msgstr "De schatkamer! Gaaf, kom en grijp wat je kan!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1282
msgid "The Dungeon"
msgstr "De Kerker"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1297
msgid "Malifor the Great's Study."
msgstr "Kabinet van Malifor de Grote."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1302
msgid "There we go! This way guys!"
msgstr "Daar moeten we heen! Deze kant op mannen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1316
msgid "Wow! There is at least 1000 gold in here!"
msgstr "Wow! Er liggen hier zeker 1000 goudstukken in!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1337
msgid "Holy Gods of Light! 500 gold!"
msgstr "Hemelse koe! 500 goud!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1358
msgid "800 gold! We're rich!!!"
msgstr "800 goud! We zijn rijk!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1379
msgid "What a horde! 2 000 gold!"
msgstr "Wat een bult! 2000 goud!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1400
msgid "500 gold! Not bad!"
msgstr "500 goud! Niet slecht!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1421
#, fuzzy
msgid "10,000 gold! Wow! Where is that bag of bones getting all this?"
msgstr "1000 goud! Wow! Waar haalt dat stel botten dat alles weg?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1458
msgid "Freedom at last. Thank you Lord Tallin."
msgstr "Eindelijk vrijheid, dank u Heer Tallin."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1463
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Just Tallin. I am no lord, just a humble peasant trying to restore our "
"people to freedom."
msgstr ""
"Gewoon Tallin, ik ben geen heer, slechts een simpelen boer die de vrijheid "
"van zijn volk wil herstellen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1477
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1604
#, fuzzy
msgid "Who are you? How did you end up down here?"
msgstr "Hoe dan ook, wie ben je? Hoe kom je hier terrecht?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1481
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I am called Sister Theta. My husband Marcus and I were advisers and healers "
"for the dwarvish nobles of Knalga. We could not save them from Khazg Black-"
"Tusk's troops, but we survived the orcs and trolls only to be captured when "
"these skeletons appeared."
msgstr ""
"Ik heet Zuster Theta. Mijn man Marcus en ik waren adviseurs en genezers voor "
"de Dwergse notabelen. Toen vielen de Orks aan, gevolgd door de Trollen en "
"toen door deze vrienden! We hebben ons uit handen van de Trollen en Orks "
"kunnen houden, maar deze Skeletten hebben ons gevangen gezet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1486
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Funny, why would the bonebag keep you as his prisoners? He didn't seem to be "
"the merciful type."
msgstr ""
"Grappig dat dat stel botten jullie als gevangenen hield. Hij lijkt niet echt "
"het genadevolle type te zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1491
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1618
msgid ""
"He didn't keep us alive out of mercy, he wanted to study us to see if there "
"was a way to counteract our holy attacks. His kind are very vulnerable to "
"such attacks, as I am sure you know by now."
msgstr ""
"Hij hield ons niet uit genade, hij wilde ons bestuderen om uit te vinden of "
"er een weerwoord op onze heilige aanvallen bestond. Zijn soort is erg "
"gevoelig voor die aanvallen, zoals je nu wel zult weten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1496
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Yes indeed. But you are now free to go wherever you like. May the Lords of "
"Light guide your path."
msgstr ""
"Ja inderdaad. Hoe dan ook, jullie zijn nu vrij om te gaan waar jullie willen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1501
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you have no objection, Tallin, we would like to join you. These "
"northlands are hardly safe these days for anyone to be traveling on their "
"own, and we could lend valuable help to your cause."
msgstr ""
"Als u er geen bezwaar tegen heeft, willen we bij u voegen. Deze noordelijke "
"streek is nouwelijk veilig te noemen voor eenzame reizigers en we kunnen een "
"belangrijke hulp voor uw zaak zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1506
msgid "Very well, you are most welcome to join us."
msgstr "Erg goed, jullie zijn welkom."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1511
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1638
msgid "Thank you, Tallin."
msgstr "Dank je Tallin."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1524
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1651
msgid "Marcus!"
msgstr "Marcus!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1529
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1656
msgid "Theta!"
msgstr "Theta!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1534
msgid "Please folks, not now."
msgstr "Alsjeblieft, niet nu."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1539
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1666
msgid "Oh, sorry."
msgstr "Oh, sorry."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1585
msgid ""
"Finally! I am free. Lord Tallin, I am forever in your debt! We will follow "
"you to the end of the World if need be."
msgstr ""
"Eindelijk! Ik ben vrij. Heer Tallin, ik sta voor eeuwig bij u in het krijt! "
"We volgen u tot het einde der wereld als dat nodig is."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1590
msgid "It's just Tallin, no lord. And no problem."
msgstr "Het is enkel Tallin, geen heer. En geen probleem."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1608
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I am called Father Marcus. My wife, Theta and I were advisers and healers "
"for the dwarvish nobles. We could not shield them from the wrath of Khazg "
"Black-Tusk, but we survived the orcs and trols -- only to be captured by "
"these skeletons."
msgstr ""
"Ik heet Broeder Marcus. Mijn vrouw, Theta en ik waren adviseurs en genezers "
"voor de Dwergse notabelen. Toen vielen de Orks aan, gevolgd door de Trollen "
"en toen door deze vrienden! We hebben ons uit handen van de Trollen en Orks "
"kunnen houden, maar deze Skeletten hebben ons gevangen gezet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1613
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Funny, why would the bonebag keep you as his prisoners? He doesn't really "
"seem to be the merciful type."
msgstr ""
"Grappig dat dat stel botten jullie als gevangenen hield. Hij lijkt niet echt "
"het genadevolle type te zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1623
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Yes, indeed. But you are now free to go wherever you like. May the Lords of "
"Light guide your path."
msgstr ""
"Ja inderdaad. Hoe dan ook, jullie zijn nu vrij om te gaan waar jullie willen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1628
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"As I have said, Tallin, I am eternally in your debt, and I take my debts "
"seriously. If you have no objection, I will serve you until one of us "
"departs this life."
msgstr ""
"Zoals ik zei Tallin, ik ben u eeuwig schuldig en neem mijn schulden serieus. "
"Als u er geen probleem mee heeft wil ik u tot de dag van mijn sterfen dienen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1633
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Oh, think nothing of it. Let no talk of debts come between us; rather let us "
"join hands as allies in restoring these Northlands to sanity."
msgstr ""
"Oh, niets er van. Laat er geen schuld tussen ons in staan en de handen ineen "
"slaan om deze noordelijke streek weer schoon te krijgen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1661
msgid "Please, folks, not now."
msgstr "Alsjeblieft, niet nu."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1697
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Wow! That's incredible. Now I understand why the Bag of Bones kept you guys "
"in jail; He just simply couldn't kill you!"
msgstr ""
"Wow! Dat is ongelovelijk. Nu weet werkelijk waarom dat stel botten jullie "
"gevangen hield; Hij kon jullie niet doden!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1702
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:244
#, fuzzy
msgid "*giggle*"
msgstr "*giegel* Sorry."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1732
msgid "Oh my, she is almost dead!"
msgstr "Oh help, ze is bijna dood!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1746
msgid "Here, let me see her."
msgstr "Hier, laat mij naar haar kijken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1762
msgid "Wow, you guys are good."
msgstr "Wow, jullie zijn echt goed."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1767
msgid " *wink* *wink*"
msgstr "*knipper* *knipper*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1772
msgid "Here, this will help her."
msgstr "Hier dit zal haar helpen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1781
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1858
msgid "Uh....... where..... am..... I...?"
msgstr "Uh..... waar...... ben...... ik...?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1786
msgid ""
"You are in the dungeons of Malifor. These brave people have just released "
msgstr ""
"Je bent in de kerker van Malifor. Deze moedige mensen hebben je net bevrijd."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1791
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1868
msgid "....thanks."
msgstr "....bedankt."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1796
msgid ""
"No problem. Sister Theta, you take care of her. If she wants to join us she "
"would make a powerful ally."
msgstr ""
"Geen probleem. Zuster Theta, zorg voor haar. Als ze ons wil versterken "
"hebben we een goede aan haar."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1801
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1878
msgid "Yes, I would... like to join... you Lord Tallin."
msgstr "Ja, ik wil me... bij jullie voegen... heer Tallin."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1806
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Just Tallin; I am no lord. But gee, that sure is some powerful spell you "
"used on her, Sister. She is looking better already."
msgstr ""
"Enkel Tallin, ik ben geen heer. Maar, dat is een sterke spreuk die je hebt "
"gebruikt Zuster, ze lijkt al een stuk beter."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1812
#, fuzzy
msgid "And I feel better too. Now let's get back at that disgusting skeleton."
msgstr ""
"En ik voel me ook beter. Laten we terug gaan naar dat verschrikkelijk skelet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1817
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1898
#, fuzzy
msgid "Why did the bag of bones capture you in the first place?"
msgstr "Waarom hield dat stel botten je eigenlijk vast?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1822
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1903
msgid "Because he thought I was pretty."
msgstr "Omdat hij dacht dat ik mooi was."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1827
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1908
msgid "That old skeleton? Geez, what a nutcase."
msgstr "Dat oude skelet? Jeetje, wat een zielig figuur."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1832
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1913
msgid "You're telling me."
msgstr "Vertel mij wat."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1848
msgid ""
"I wish we had some healers with us. Just try to help her the best you can."
msgstr ""
"Ik had gewild dat ik geneesers bij me had. Help haar zo goed als je kan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1853
msgid "Here, I hope that helps."
msgstr "Hier ik hoop dat het helpt."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1863
msgid "You are in the dungeons of Malifor. We have just released you."
msgstr "Je bent in de kerkes van Malifor, We hebben je net bevrijd."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1873
msgid ""
"No problem. Just take it easy. If you would like to join us your help could "
"mean life or death for a lot of us."
msgstr ""
"Geen probleem. Doe het rustig aan. Als je ons zou willen helpen, jou inbring "
"zou het verschil tussen dood en leven voor velen van ons kunnen betekenen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1883
#, fuzzy
msgid "Just Tallin, I am no lord. And you are looking better already."
msgstr "Enkel Tallin, ik ben geen heer. Jeetje, ze lijkt al een stuk beter."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Oh, just a few tricks I know, otherwise I probably would be dead by now. But "
"let's get back at that disgusting skeleton."
msgstr ""
"En ik voel me ook beter. Laten we terug gaan naar dat verschrikkelijk skelet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1943
msgid "Holy cow! What did I just let out of that cage! Look out everyone."
msgstr "Wat heb ik net vrij gelaten!? Kijk uit iedereen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1948
msgid "Oooooh, cool, it's a drake!"
msgstr "Oooooh, cool, het is een draak!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1953
msgid " *whimper*"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1958
msgid ""
"My God, such a fierce creature whimpering! What the heck have they done to "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1963
msgid "The bastards!"
msgstr "De "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1968
msgid "Probably another one of Malifor's experiments."
msgstr "Waarschijnlijk weer een expiriment van Malifor."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1973
msgid "I don't know, see if it talks."
msgstr "Ik weet het niet, eens kijk of het praat."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1978
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hey, big guy. We aren't gonna hurt you. We wanna be your friends."
msgstr "Hey grote jongen. We gaan je geen pijn doen. We willen je vriend zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1983
msgid ".....not..... going..... to...... hurt.... me?"
msgstr ".... geen.... pijn... doen..?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1988
msgid "Hey, it talks!"
msgstr "Hey, het praat!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1993
msgid "It's a 'he', and yes, they're actually very intelligent creatures."
msgstr "Het is een 'hij' en ja, ze kunnen werkelijk intelligente wezens zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:1998
msgid ""
"Hush! I am trying to talk to him. Nope, we'll never hurt you. But if you "
"want to you can hurt some skeletons."
msgstr ""
"Sshh! Ik ga proberen met hem te praten. Nee, we gaan je geen pijn doen. Maar "
"als je wil kun jij skeletten pijn gaan doen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2003
msgid "Skeletons! GRRRRRRRR!!!"
msgstr "Skeletten! GRRRRRRRR!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2008
msgid "Look out! He is ready to go! Hey, is that smoke coming out of his ears?"
msgstr ""
"Kijk uit! Hij is er klaar voor! Hey, is dat rook dat uit zijn oren komt?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2013
msgid ""
"Hey, there is an escape tunnel right behind this cell. The hole wasn't big "
"enough for me to go through but one of you might fit."
msgstr ""
"Hey, er is een ontsnappingtunnel direct achter deze cel. Het gat was niet "
"groot genoeg voor mij, maar een van jullie past er wel door."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2018
#, fuzzy
msgid "I see it. Hmmm, it is pretty small, let's see if we can make it bigger."
msgstr ""
"Hey, je hebt gelijk. Hmmm, het is erg smal, eens kijken of ik het groter kan "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2029
msgid "There we go. Now let's see where this tunnel leads to."
msgstr "Hier gaan we. Nu eens kijken waar deze tunnel heen gaat."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2041
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2046
msgid ""
"Woha! Maybe he isn't so friendly after all... or at least to some things."
msgstr ""
"Wow! Misschien is hij achteraf gezien niet zo heel vriendelijk... ten minste "
"tegen sommige dingen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2063
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2115
msgid "What the...!"
msgstr "Wel heb ik...!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2120
msgid "How can it be?! Our axes and hammers are failing."
msgstr "Hoe kan dat?! Onze bijlen en hamers falen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2125
msgid "Blast it! Now where did he go? Let's find him and try something else!"
msgstr ""
"Krijg nou wat! Waar is hij heen? Laten we hem vinden en iets anders proberen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2130
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2241
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2352
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2459
msgid "I see now. It is impossible to destroy him by ordinary means."
msgstr ""
"Ik zie het. Het is onmogelijk om hem met gewone middelen te bestrijden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2135
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2246
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2357
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2464
msgid "Then how are we going to destroy him? Surely there must be a way."
msgstr "Hoe gaan we hem dan vernietigen? Er moet toch een manier zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2140
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2251
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2362
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Yes, I think there is, but only myself or Theta have the means to do it. "
"Come on Theta, let's destroy that old skeleton."
msgstr ""
"Ja, ik denk dat Theta en ik de middelen hebben om dat te doen. Kom op Theta, "
"we gaan dat oude skelet vernietigen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2145
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2256
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2367
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2474
#, fuzzy
msgid "Yeah, I can't wait to get my hands on that bastard!"
msgstr "Yeah, ik kan niet wachten om die bastaard onder handen te nemen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2150
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2261
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2372
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2479
msgid "That was very unladylike of you."
msgstr "Dat was onvrouwlijk van je."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2155
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2266
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2377
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2484
msgid " *giggle* Sorry."
msgstr "*giegel* Sorry."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2174
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2197
msgid "COME AND GET ME!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2202
msgid "Geez, how are we going to kill him?"
msgstr "Gosh, hoe gaan we hem doden?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2207
msgid "Well, obviously clubs and arrows won't work."
msgstr "Knuppels en pijlen werken blijkbaar niet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2212
msgid "Oh darn, he disappeared. Let's find him and try a different weapon."
msgstr ""
"Oh hemel, hij is verdwenen. Laten we hem vinden en proberen met een ander "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2285
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2308
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2313
msgid "No, there has to be a way!"
msgstr "Nee, er moet een manier zijn!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2318
msgid "Well, it isn't gonna be blades."
msgstr "In ieder geval lukt het niet meer zwaarden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2323
msgid "And look, he's gone. Now we gotta find him all over again!"
msgstr "En kijk, hij is verdwenen. Nu moeten we hem helemaal opnieuw zoeken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2397
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2444
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2449
msgid "That blasted skeleton! Even fire has no affect on him!"
msgstr "Dat gore skelet! Zelfs vuur heeft geen vat op hem!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2454
msgid ""
"Look, he disappeared again. Let's find him and try using a different weapon "
"on him."
msgstr ""
"Kijk, hij verdwijnt opnieuw. Laten we hem zoeken en met een ander wapen "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2469
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Yes, I think there is, but only myself or Theta have the means to do it. "
"Come on, Theta, let's destroy that old skeleton."
msgstr ""
"Ja, ik denk dat Theta en ik de middelen hebben om dat te doen. Kom op Theta, "
"we gaan dat oude skelet vernietigen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2501
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2506
msgid "Good. We finally got him. He is just dissolving."
msgstr "Goed. We hebben hem eindelijk. Hij vergaat."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2511
msgid ""
"Curses on you you blasted mages, curses on you you blasted dwarves, curses "
"on you you blasted humans, and CURSES ON YOU YOU BLASTED TALLIN! MAY YOUR "
msgstr ""
"Ik vervloek jullie stomme magiërs, jullie stomme dwergen en jullie stomme "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2516
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:459
msgid "May you shut your ugly mouth and hurry up and die."
msgstr "Dat jij je grote mond mag houden en opschiet met dood gaan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2521
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:464
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2526
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:474
msgid "Finally! He has been reduced to dust."
msgstr "Eindelijk! Hij is tot stof geworden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2531
#, fuzzy
msgid "At last! Victory is ours! Good work, men!"
msgstr "Eindelijk! Victorie! Goed werk mannen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2536
#, fuzzy
msgid "So, where to now, Tallin?"
msgstr "Dus waar nu heen Tallin?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2541
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Now, let's get back to the dwarves and see what progress they have made in "
"forging us weapons."
msgstr ""
"Laten we terug gaan naar de Dwergen en kijken hoe het hun af is gegaan met "
"de wapens."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2562
msgid "They are trying to free the prisoners! Stop them!"
msgstr "Ze proberen de gevangenen te bevrijden! Stop ze!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2567
#, fuzzy
msgid "Good luck, my friend."
msgstr "Succes mijn vriend."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2617
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3035
msgid "Intruders! Get them!"
msgstr "Indingers! Grijp ze!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2622
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3040
msgid "Bring it on!"
msgstr "Kom maar op!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2696
msgid ""
"They are attacking the master's study! We must stop them! Call the reserves!"
msgstr ""
"Ze vallen het meesters kabinet aan! We moeten ze stoppen! Roep de reserves!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2701
msgid " 'The master's study' eh? I bet we'll find Mailfor there!"
msgstr "'Het meesters kabinet' he? Ik wed dat we hier Malifor vinden!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2765
msgid "Ugh, a dead body!"
msgstr "Gedver, een dood lichaam!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2781
msgid "Here's another body."
msgstr "Hier ligt weer een lichaam."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2797
msgid "And another..."
msgstr "En weer een..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2813
msgid ""
"Gee, what's with all these bodies floating around? Is this river some sort "
"of body disposal?"
msgstr ""
"Jee, wat is het met al die ronddrijvende lichamen? Is deze rivier een afvoer?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2829
msgid "The Great Chamber"
msgstr "De Grote Kamer"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2834
msgid " 'The Great Chamber'? Hmmm, wonder what that could be."
msgstr "'De Grote Kamer'? Hmmm, ik vraag me af wat dat kan zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2850
msgid ""
"So This is the Great Chamber eh? Doesen't look like there is much to see "
msgstr "Dus dit is de Grote Kamer? Lijk niet dat hier veel te doen is."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2857
msgid " *rumble*"
msgstr "*gestommel*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2862
msgid "Uh oh, I think I spoke too soon."
msgstr "Uh oh, ik sprak iets te vroeg."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2871
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2975
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3249
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3432
msgid " *CRASH*"
msgstr "*BOEM*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2878
msgid ""
"What was that? Oh shoot - there are two big slabs of rock cutting off our "
msgstr ""
"Wat was dat? Help, dat zijn twee rotsblokken die onze de aftocht verhinderen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2986
msgid "Hsssssssss"
msgstr "Hsssssssss"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2991
msgid "This doesn't look good."
msgstr "Dit lijkt niet goed."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:2997
msgid "Great Chamber my foot! It should be called, 'The Death Chamber.'"
msgstr "Grote Kamer, onzin! Het zou 'Kamer des Doods' moeten heten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3017
#, fuzzy
msgid "Here we go."
msgstr "Ok, hier gaan we!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3146
msgid "Halt! Who goes there? Friend or foe?"
msgstr "Halt! Wie is daar? Vriend of vijand?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3151
msgid "Depends. Are you loyal to Malifor?"
msgstr "Hangt er van af. Ben je loyaal aan Malifor?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3156
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Never! If you ha' been sent by Malifor, then know that we will never yield! "
"Come and meet your death!"
msgstr ""
"Nooit! Als je door Malifor gestuurd bent, weet dan dat we ons niet zullen "
"overgeven! Kom maar op!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3161
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Hold! We aren't friends of Malifor in the least. Rather, we have come to "
"destroy him."
msgstr ""
"Stop daar maar, we zijn absoluut geen vrienden van Malifor, sterker we zijn "
"gekomen om het te vernietigen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3166
msgid "Finally! You don't know how long we have been waiting for this day."
msgstr ""
"Eindelijk! Jullie weten niet hoe lang ik op deze dag heb zitten wachten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3171
msgid "How did you get here and how long have you been here?"
msgstr "Hoe ben je hier beland en hoe lang ben je hier al!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3176
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"We were originally prisoners of Malifor, but we tunnelled out and escaped. "
"Since then, we have eked out a precarious survival on what we have been able "
"to steal or raid from Malifor."
msgstr ""
"We zijn oorspronkelijk gevangenen van Malifor, maar we konden ontsnappen. "
"Sinds toen hebben we enkel kunnen overleven door te stelen van Malifor."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3181
#, fuzzy
msgid "By now you have tunnels all through this place."
msgstr "Dus ik wed dat jullie overal tunnels hebben hier."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3186
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Aye. That seemingly blank wall to the south there is actually a hidden "
"entrance to the treasury."
msgstr ""
"Dat klopt. Bijvoorbeeld die zuidelijke schijnbaar lege muur is eigenlijk een "
"geheime ingang naar de schatkamer."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3191
msgid "Awesome, let's go!"
msgstr "Geweldig, laten we gaan!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3207
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" *sigh* Great. More water. And there doesn't seem to be anything down this "
"tunnel, either friend or foe."
msgstr ""
"*zucht* Geweldig. Meer water. En het lijkt dat er niets aan het einde van "
"deze tunnel is; vriend of vijand."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3231
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hmmm, another door. Boy, is this one sure locked up."
msgstr "Hmmm, weer een deur. Man deze is zeker goed op slot."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3236
msgid "Anything you can't handle?"
msgstr "Iets wat je niet aan kan?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3241
msgid "Nope. Should I open it?"
msgstr "Nee, zal ik het openen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3245
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3608
msgid "Go for it!"
msgstr "Ga er voor!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:649
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3263
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3446
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3671
msgid "There we go."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3292
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3468
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3694
msgid "You wretched vermin, I have had it with you! Guards!"
msgstr "Jij verschrikkelijk ongedierte, ik heb het met jou gehad! Wachten!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3391
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3557
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3796
msgid "Just wait a sec."
msgstr "Wacht een second."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3425
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It looks like this is it. Here is the door to Malifor's study. Are we all "
"ready for this?"
msgstr ""
"Het lijkt dat dit het is heren, hier is de deur naar Malifors kabinet. Zijn "
"we er klaar voor?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3428
msgid "Yeah, open those doors!"
msgstr "Yeah, open die deuren!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3594
msgid "Hey, check this out, it looks like some sort of lever."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3599
msgid "Probably for that door right there."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3604
msgid "Should I throw it?"
msgstr "Zal ik het proberen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3613
msgid "Ok, here we go!"
msgstr "Ok, hier gaan we!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3618
msgid " *creak*....."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3623
msgid "Nothing. That door is not moving."
msgstr "Niets. Die deur beweegt niet."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3628
msgid "Why don't you try 'knocking'."
msgstr "Waarom probeer je 'kloppen' niet?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3633
msgid "Ok."
msgstr "Ok."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3638
msgid " *BANG*"
msgstr " *BANG*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3643
msgid "Anybody home?"
msgstr "Iemand thuis?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3648
msgid " *BOOM*"
msgstr " *BOEM*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_The_Pursuit.cfg:3653
msgid " *CRASH!!!*"
msgstr " *CRASH!!!*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:4
msgid "Compelled"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:10
msgid "Note: The work on this branch of the campaign is in progress."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:14
msgid ""
"Thus, compelled by some strange and irresistible force, Tallin - eyes glazed "
"and mind unthinking - did the will of his new master."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:19
msgid ""
"He was first stripped of his weapons and armor and then cast into solitary "
"confinement. He remained there for months, never being allowed to see the "
"light of day, being fed only enough food to keep him alive. During this time "
"he was forced to study the most dark and forbidden arts, lashed with whips "
"when he could not recite lessons drawn from grimoires no human should ever "
"have opened. His body grew feeble and emaciated and his mind plunged ever "
"deeper into night. And day by day the magical controls Malifor had fastened "
"about Tallin's will grew stronger."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:23
msgid ""
"Tallin never knew exactly how much time passed, but eventually Malifor's "
"lich-servants declared him fit for service and he was summoned before their "
"dread Master. Through a hideous blood ritual, Malifor gave him the power to "
"animate corpses. He was then sent to a distant network of tunnels to clear "
"out a group of trolls who had taken up residence there."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kill the Troll Leaders"
msgstr "Dood de vijandelijke leiders"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05b_Compelled.cfg:245
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:333
#, fuzzy
msgid "Argh! I have failed my master."
msgstr "Nee! Ik heb gefaald in mijn missie!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:25
msgid "Old Friend"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:32
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Laden with gold, and filled with an elation at their victory that was "
"tempered with sadness at the death of their friends, Tallin and his people "
"made their way back to the mines."
msgstr ""
"Beladen met goud en vol van vreugde van hun overwinnen en toch bedroefd over "
"het verlies van hun vrienden, Tallin en zijn manschappen kwamen terug bij de "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:36
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"As they approached they were met with a most welcome sight: New "
"fortifications, looking very much like the legendary impenetrable dwarvish "
"defenses of old, had sprung up everywhere. All of them were manned by alert "
"and well-armed dwarves who hailed them boisterously. The mines were belching "
"smoke from the furiously working forges. New weapons and armor for humans "
"and dwarves alike lay neatly stacked, and the deafening clang of hammers and "
"picks from the dwarves promised more."
msgstr ""
"Toen ze aankwamen werden ze verwelkomt met een goed comité: nieuwe "
"verdedigingen, gelijkend op de legendarische ondoordringbare Dwergse "
"verdediging van betere tijden. Alles was bevolkt met alerte en goed "
"bewapende Dwergen, die hen vrolijk groetten. Bij het bereiken van de mijnen "
"zelf werden ze tegoed gekomen door de rook uit de druk in bedrijf staande "
"wapenfabrieken, waar wapen voor zowel Dwergen als Mensen gemaakt werden en "
"het geluid van hamers en houwelen om het staal te smeden en de erts te "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:40
msgid ""
"They found Hamel in a forge hammering away at a new axe. He greeted them "
"warmly and arrangements were quickly made for all their food and "
"accommodations, as wall as care for the sick and wounded."
msgstr ""
"Ze vonden Hamel terwijl hij een nieuwe bijl aan het smeden was. Hij groette "
"ze en zorgde vlug voor voedsel en slaapplaats en liet de gewonden en zieken "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:44
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"When Tallin's party had shaken the dust of the road from their clothes, the "
"humans and dwarves once again met in council."
msgstr "Nadat alles geregeld was gingen de Mensen en Dwergen weer in beraad."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:49
msgid "It is well, Hamel. You our people prosper."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:54
msgid ""
"Aye. Word ha' spread, and dwarves who had been living rough in the wilds for "
"fear of the orcs have been coming to join us. Thanks to you, Tallin, Knalga "
"is rising again!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:60
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"We have cleared the connecting tunnels to here and to the old keep as well "
"as other parts o' Knalga."
msgstr ""
"Het is ons gelukt om de tunnels vrij te maken van hier naar de oude vesting "
"en naar andere delen van Knalga."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:65
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It is slow and dangerous work, mostly due to the trolls. But it ha' been "
"made easier by Malifor's ending."
msgstr ""
"Het is traag en gevaarlijk werk, voornamelijk door de Trollen. Maar het werd "
"ons gemakkelijker gemaakt door de Skeletten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:71
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The lich's skeletons were fighting the trolls, but when you destroyed him, "
"they all just fell apart. So, there are many tunnels that are now infested "
"with nothing but piles of old bones."
msgstr ""
"Ze bevochten de Trollen, maar toen jij Malifor vernietigde vielen ze "
"allemaal uiteen. Veel tunnels liggen bezaaid met oude botten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:76
msgid "Great! How about the weapons and armor?"
msgstr "Geweldig! Hoe zit het met de wapens en pantser?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:81
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"As you can see, Tallin, there are muckle heaps of them, all ready to be "
"borne into battle."
msgstr ""
"Zoals je hebt kunnen zien Tallin, er is meer dan genoeg, klaar voor gebruik."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:86
msgid ""
"What's more, some of the dwarves who are expert with the sword, mace and "
"bow, as well as some of yer own men who have grown skilled by experience, "
"can teach others how to wield them."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:92
msgid ""
"I didn't know that you dwarves knew swordplay. I thought you all fought with "
"axes, hammers or those thunder weapons."
msgstr ""
"Ik wist niet dat Dwergen konden zwaardvechten. Ik dacht dat ze allemaal met "
"bijlen, hamers en van die donderwapens vochten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:97
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Aye, it's true we do prefer our axes and hammers, but then again, we make "
"swords. We couldna' claim to be expert weaponsmiths wi'out kenning how to "
"wield the weapons we make."
msgstr ""
"Ja dat is waar, we geven de voorkeur aan onze bijlen en hamers, maar dan "
"nog, we maken zwaarden. Als je expert wapensmid wilt zijn moet je ook expert "
"zijn in het hanteren van het wapen dat je maakt."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:102
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There are some dwarves out there that are bonny fighters wi' a sword as any "
"ye are like to meet. Belike with bows, maces and any other weapons we "
msgstr ""
"Geloof me, er zijn enkele Dwergen die erg goed zijn. Hetzelfde geldt voor "
"bogen en vele andere wapens die we maken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:108
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"That's great! What is the price of your weapons? We have gathered much booty "
"from Malifor's treasury and we will be able to pay you generously."
msgstr ""
"Dat is geweldig! Dus, wat is de prijs van je wapens? We hebben veel goud uit "
"Malifors' schat gehaald en ik wil je rijkelijk betalen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:114
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Price?!? Don't insult us, Tallin. Ye have done great things to help the "
"dwarves - it's because of you that we ha' made a start rebuilding Knalga in "
"the first place. Dinna ye speak of price to us."
msgstr ""
"PRIJS!?! Beledig ons niet Tallin. Je hebt zoveel gedaan om ons Dwergen te "
"helpen - zonder jou zouden we nu niet Knalga aan het herbouwen zijn, dus "
"praat ons niet over een prijs."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:120
msgid "But don't you need the gold to help rebuild Knalga? And we have plenty."
msgstr ""
"Maar heb je het geld niet nodig om Knalga op te bouwen. We hebben genoeg."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:126
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Tallin, Knalga was an extremely rich nation. Malifor's treasury is hardly a "
"fraction of the riches that we will find, and are finding every day now. So "
"nae! Ye'll need yon gold to rebuild Dwarven Doors."
msgstr ""
"Tallin, Knalga was extreem rijk. De schat van Malifor was slechts een "
"fractie van de rijkdom die we zullen vinden en elke dag ook vinden. Dus nee!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Thank you, Hamel."
msgstr "Dank u Heer Hamel"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:136
msgid "Pahhh, thank YOU!"
msgstr "Pahhh, JIJ bedankt!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:141
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"And Tallin, one more thing, I have been leading our people into battle for "
"many years now. As a young dwarf I was trained in the arts of leadership and "
"war. There are things you will need to know..."
msgstr ""
"En Tallin, nog iets, ik heb nu vele jaren ons volk in de strijd geleid. Om "
"dat te kunnen ben ik, als jonge Dwerg, getraind in het leiden van mensen - "
"of Dwergen in ieder geval."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:147
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I know you're impressive wi' a pitchfork, and you are not half bad with a "
"sword when you choose to use one. But there skills beyond swingin' a weapon "
"that a general must learn."
msgstr ""
"Ik weet dat je bewonderenswaardig overweg kan met je riek en je kunt ook "
"aardig uit de voeten met dat zwaard, maar wees eerlijk. Het wordt hoog tijd "
"dat je een echte leider wordt."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:152
#, fuzzy
msgid "I would be honored, Lord Hamel."
msgstr "Ik voel me vereerd Heer Hamel."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:157
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Ahhhh, quit with the formality, me lad. Now, first things first. One of the "
"most important things about being a leader is...."
msgstr ""
"Ahhhh stop met die formaliteiten. Nu, we beginnen. Een van de meest "
"belangrijke dingen om een leider te zijn is...."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:163
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The humans rested for many days while they were equipped with new arms and "
"armor and trained by the dwarves."
msgstr ""
"Dus, de Mensen rustten vele dagen terwijl ze getraind en bewapend werden met "
"nieuw wapengerei en pantser door de Dwergen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:168
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"But the peace was not to last. Early one morning Tallin (sore from head to "
"foot from his training) was startled awake by the blare of trumpets, the "
"pounding of drums and the clash of steel as the humans and dwarves hurried "
"to arm themselves."
msgstr ""
"De rust was niet van al te lange tijd. Vroeg in de morgen werd Tallin (nog "
"stijf in het hele lichaam van zijn training) wakker van trompetgetetter, "
"oorlogsslagwerk en het gekletter van zich bewapenende Mensen en Dwergen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:172
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"He sought out Hamel, who informed him that a massive host of orcs had "
"arrived at the gates of the new Knalga."
msgstr ""
"Hij snelde zich naar Hamel die hem informeerde dat een groot leger Orks voor "
"de Dwergenpoort stond."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:176
msgid ""
"It was decided that Tallin's men sould sally forth to meet the orcs, while "
"Hamel's held open their retreat into the caves."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:418
msgid "So here is the human who dares defy me!"
msgstr "Waar is dat Mens dat mij uitdaagt?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:423
msgid "Defy you? Who are you, what do you want?"
msgstr "Uitdaagt? Wie ben je en wat wil je?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:428
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I am Emperor Rakshas, leader of the orcish people. My mission is to unite "
"all the orcish people and finish the work that we started years ago."
msgstr ""
"Ik ben heerser Rakshas, leider ven het Orkse volk. Mijn missie is alle Orks "
"te verenigen en het werk dat we jaren geleden begonnen zijn af te maken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:433
#, fuzzy
msgid "What work is that?"
msgstr "Wat voor werk is dat dan?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:438
msgid ""
"Stupid human, to become the overlords of Knalga. The treachery of the "
"dwarves thwarted us for many years, but we shall triumph all the same."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:443
msgid ""
"The dwarves will soon be groveling at my feet and equipping my people with "
"the finest weapons. Then we shall sweep down upon Wesnoth and settle scores "
"with them once and for all."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:448
msgid ""
"Fool, you think that your people will fallow a weakling such as you? Just "
"because you have some crazed plan doesn't make you a leader of your people."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:453
msgid ""
"Fellow orcs, why do you fallow this weakling of a leader. He is just a puny "
"bully with big big daydreams. Don't be an old ladies. All of you are far "
"stronger then him!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:458
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:463
msgid "Ahhh well, it was worth a try."
msgstr "Ahhh, het was het proberen waard."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:469
msgid "Tallin, remember when we defeated the orcs back in Dwarven Doors?"
msgstr "Tallin, herinner je toen we de Orks in Dwergenpoort versloegen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:474
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:484
msgid "Yeah?"
msgstr "Yeah?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:479
msgid "And remember those wolves on the way to the mines?"
msgstr "En herinner je die wolven op de weg naar de mijnen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:489
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"They were both talking about, 'The Master.' I think we finally have the "
"pleasure of meeting him."
msgstr ""
"Ze spraken beiden over 'de meester'. Ik denk dat we eindelijk het genoegen "
"hebben hem te ontmoeten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:494
#, fuzzy
msgid "Oh! Hold a moment, he is saying something else."
msgstr "Oh! Wacht even, hij zegt iets anders."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:499
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:504
msgid ""
"Yep, it's him alright. Men, it's time to end this menace once and for all! "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:509
msgstr "Voor het volk van de Dwergenpoort!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:514
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:701
msgid "CHARGE!!!"
msgstr "TEN AANVAL!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:519
msgstr "JAAAAHHHHH!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:524
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:530
msgid "Defeat Rakshas... if you can..."
msgstr "Versla Rakshas... als je kunt..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:534
msgid "Or, resist till end of turns"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:559
msgid "Ahhhh! Run for your life!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:564
msgid "What the... Hey, where do you think you are running off to you coward!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:569
msgid "Stop him!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:574
msgid ""
"It's too late, I am sorry, Tallin, he got away! We did not expect he would "
"flee like a coward."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:579
msgid ""
"Damn! We had the opportunity to end the war in one stroke there. Now we will "
"have to go after him, assuming we can break this siege!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:588
msgid ""
"Geez, we have been fighting them for three whole days and nights now with no "
"end in sight. Now the forth night is approaching, what should we do?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:593
msgid ""
"It seems hopeless to continue on like this. The orcs numbers are unlimited "
"and Rakshas is very well guarded. The only possible outcome to all this is "
"more slaughter."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:598
msgid ""
"I propose that we retreat back into the caves and consult with the dwarves."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:605
msgid "I agree, Tallin, it is pointless to cary on."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:611
msgid "Very well. Everyone fall back!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:616
msgid "Awwwww! Just when I was having the most fun!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:636
msgid ""
"So your forces are managing to advance upon me are they? Very impressive but "
"it shall do you no good. KNIGHTS!!!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:696
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:706
msgid ""
"Oh, hell! Form up men, back to back, don't let them penetrate our ranks."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:711
msgid "That's not all, my friends. GENERALS, CALL THE RESERVES!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:716
msgid "Oh yeah!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:721
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:406
msgstr "HAHAHAHAHA!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:726
msgid "Oooooooh! Time to start the fun!"
msgstr "Oooooooh! Speeltijd!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:731
msgid "You are so dead, you human vermin!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:757
msgid "This doesn't look good..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:769
msgid "Argh! I have been slain!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:774
msgid ""
"Killed him! Got his gold too. Lets see, hmmmmm, about 500 gold pieces. Not "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:784
msgid "They have killed one of my generals! REINFORCEMENTS!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:821
msgid ""
"My death will only make the Master's punishment for you worse you fools!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:826
msgid "Your death makes your Master's punishment from us one step closer!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:831
msgid "But my my, what's in that big pouch? 300 gold! Not bad."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:841
msgid "You vermin will pay for that! REINFORCEMENTS!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:878
msgid "Ahhhh! The defilers have slain me!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:883
msgid ""
"Geez, you sound like some sort of religious fanatic! Let's see what's in "
"the collection plate..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:888
msgid "Ahhh, yes, 400 gold. Praise the Master *snicker* ."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:898
msgid ""
"What! My loyal Flang is gone! You human worms shall pay! REINFORCEMENTS!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:935
msgid ""
"What! I die! But how can this be? The master told me that I would always be "
"one of his generals."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:940
msgid ""
"You lived as a fool and shall die as one. Now let's see how much money your "
"master pays a fool."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:945
msgid ""
"600 gold! Wow! The 'Master' must be an even greater fool then I thought!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:955
msgid ""
"You foolish humans! You shall all soon be meat for my wolves! REINFORCEMENTS!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:4
msgid "Slave of the Undead"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:10
msgid "Having completed his mission, Tallin reported back to his master."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:14
msgid ""
"Well done, my loyal slave. I see you have successfully completed your "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:19
msgid "Yes, master."
msgstr "Ja meester."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:24
msgid ""
"Very well. Now, I have a new mission for you. Your old friends are becoming "
"a bit of an annoyance. Instead of just giving up as they should, they keep "
"foolishly attempting to attack me time and again. This time they have "
"attacked and seized one of the northern entrances. Although I can easily "
"defeat them as I have done several times when you were in training, this "
"time I want you to take care of them in a more...final way. Consider it a "
"test of your loyalty."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:29
msgid "...as you command ...Master."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:34
msgid ""
"Good boy. Now, I am giving you the power to raise more powerful types of "
"undead. In addition, I will put under you command a few disembodied spirits "
"as well as some of my more promising adepts. Use them wisely. Now, go and "
"destroy those vermin!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:39
msgid ""
"Upon hearing the order of his master to kill his friends, something that had "
"been dormant inside Tallin these last few months revolted. But the magical "
"control that Malifor had over him was so great that he had no choice but to "
"obey his master. Thus, with his own will madly struggling to break free of "
"the lich, Talliln made his way to the northern entrance."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:56
msgid "Destroy the Invaders"
msgstr "Vernietig de indringers"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:280
msgid "My God! Tallin is that you?"
msgstr "Mijn god! Tallin ben jij dat?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:286
msgid " $betrayed_friend.user_description, I..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:291
msgid "Come on Tallin, talk to me!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:297
msgid ".........."
msgstr ".........."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:302
msgid "Tallin, break free! Don't let that lich control you!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:308
msgid "... KILL THE RABBLE!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:313
msgid "No, Tallin! Stop!"
msgstr "Nee, Tallin! Stop!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:318
msgid "Deaf to the calls of his friend, Tallin commenced the attack."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:347
msgid "What have I done..."
msgstr "Wat heb ik gedaan..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:370
msgid ""
"You fool! You have spared the humans and betrayed me! But I am not "
"concerned, I had already foreseen that possibility."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06b_Slave_of_the_Undead.cfg:401
msgid "What the... everybody get out! The roof of the cave is collapsing!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:4
msgid "Settling Disputes"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:9
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Tallin and his men made an orderly withdrawal into the caves, the orcs "
"pressing close behind them."
msgstr ""
"Tallin en zijn manschappen trokken zich netjes terug in de grotten, de Orks "
"op hun hielen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:14
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The dwarves were more then ready for them, however, and as soon as the "
"humans got though the defenses the well-prepared dwarves fell on the battle-"
"weary and bloodied orcs."
msgstr ""
"De Dwergen waren meer dan klaar voor ze en zodra de Mensen voorbij de "
"verdediging waren vielen de voorbereide Dwergen aan op de nog bebloede Orks."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:18
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Wave after wave of orcs crashed onto the dwarven defenses and shattered."
msgstr ""
"De strijd woedde bij iedere golf Orks die zich tegen de Dwergse verdediging "
"te pletter liep."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:22
#, fuzzy
msgid "As the battle raged on, Tallin again made council with Hamel."
msgstr "Terwijl de strijd doorging ging Tallin met Hamel in beraad."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:26
msgid "How did ye fare?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:31
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It was fierce and bloody. We fought them for three days and nights with no "
"end in sight. Every time we killed an orc, it seemed that two more would "
"take his place. We most assuredly cannot win fighting like this."
msgstr ""
"Het was stevig en bloedig. We vochten vier dagen en drie nachten zonder "
"zicht op verbetering. Elke keer dat we een Ork doodde leek het of er twee "
"voor in de plaats kwamen. Een ding is zeker op deze manier kunnen we niet "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:36
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"So you withdrew. Rightly done, me lad. Our prepared defenses will be able to "
"hold the orcs off far longer and with less loss then ye could ha' done in "
"the open field. I see that my training of you hasna' been for naught."
msgstr ""
"Dus je trok je terug. Wijze beslissing. Onze voorbereide verdediging zal in "
"staat zijn langer en met minder verliezen tegen te houden, dan jou zal "
"lukken in het open veld. Ik zie dat mijn training effect heeft gehad."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:41
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"And I am grateful - but what should we do from here? The number of humans "
"and dwarves is limited, unlike the orcs whose numbers seem unlimited."
msgstr ""
"Zonder twijfel, maar wat zullen we hier doen? Het aantal Dwergen en Mensen "
"is beperkt en de Orks lijken onder iedere steen te zitten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:46
msgid ""
"Aye. But we must utterly crush this orcish host if we are to ha' anything "
"other than a brief respite."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:51
msgid ""
"Orcs are fickle; if we negotiated a treaty with them - assuming they would "
"accept - it would just be broken as soon as the next warlord arose among "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:56
msgid ""
"Then what shall we do? Can we assassinate this Rakshas fellow and throw them "
"into disarray once more."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:61
msgid ""
"That will be very difficult. We did that last time and they will no doubt be "
"alert to that threat now. Anyway, it would be but temporary solution. Soon "
"another strong leader would emerge and we'd find oursel' back in the same "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:66
msgid "Well, back to the drawing board. What should we do?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:71
msgid ""
"I think we should try to gather more allies. That way we can engage them on "
"many fronts, or divide them into smaller groups, or cut them off from their "
"supplies. The possibilities are endless."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:76
msgid ""
"Wise words, but who is there in these wild Northlands that might aid us?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:81
msgid ""
"You can count the Elves out. They are a selfish lot, only interested in "
"themselves. They would only aid us if something drastic happened to them and "
"they needed our help. What about Wesnoth?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:86
msgid ""
"Wesnoth is too far away, and we have no idea what political state they are "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:90
msgid ""
"The last news we heard of them was years ago when Prince Konrad passed "
"through here. At that time the evil queen Asheviere was ruling, and it was "
"said that she was in alliance with the orcs."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:95
msgid ""
"And then that Princess Li'sar was in hot pursuit of Konrad as well. I wonder "
"what became of them."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:100
msgid ""
"The last time any dwarf set eyes on Konrad was when he set out to the "
"eastern tunnels in search of the Scepter of Fire, so he could claim his "
"place as ruler."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:105
msgid ""
"Geez, what a fool's quest. Everyone in these Northlands knows that the "
"Scepter is long gone."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:110
msgid ""
"But we're meandering. Where can we find allies in these wild Northlands?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:115
msgid ""
"Tallin, before I was captured by Malifor, I used to be in contact with a "
"powerful magician called Ro'Arthian and his brother Ro'Sothian."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:120
msgid "Ro'Arthian, pah! Don't utter that cursed name!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:125
msgid "Why not, Hamel, have you a grievance with him?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:130
msgid ""
"I have heard all about him from my good friend Stalrag. He is - or was "
"anyway, haven't heard from him in years - the chief o' the villages that lay "
"along Highbrook Pass."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:135
msgid "Those foul mages have long terrorized Stalrag and his people."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:140
msgid ""
"Remember, Hamel, there are often two sides to a story like this. Perhaps the "
"mages see your dwarves as invaders. How would you feel if say... the elves "
"decided to come in and level Knalga so they can grow another big forest on "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:145
msgid "Those filthy elves! I'll...."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:150
msgid "See!"
msgstr "Kijk!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:155
msgid ""
"What were you doing keeping contact with mages such as those anyway? Trying "
"to save their souls?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:160
msgid " *giggle* Something like that."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:204
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:165
msgid " *rolls eyes*"
msgstr "*rolt ogen*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:170
msgid "Father Marcus, what are you trying to say?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:175
msgid ""
"I propose that we go to Highbrook Pass and see how matters stand for "
"ourselves. If the wizards are still alive, we might be able to persuade them "
"to help us. What's more, if Stalrag is still around we could use his help "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:180
msgid "I don't see how just two mages could help us very much, Father."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:185
msgid ""
"They are not just any two mages. They have fine control over many creatures "
"of the wild such as ogres, gryphons, and sometimes even trolls! It would be "
"no bad thing to have those on your side for once."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:190
msgid "That sounds really good. What do you think, Hamel?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:195
msgid ""
"Hrmph. These are desperate times. If those lunatics of mages will agree to "
"help, I guess we'll nae have any other choice but to accept."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:200
msgid ""
"Hey, we have had experiences with crazy mages ourselves. Believe me, they "
"are dangerous! You will feel a lot better with some of them on your side."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:205
msgid ""
"Ye'll need to travel light to reach Highbrook Pass before the orcs mount "
"another assault in force. I think ye should just take as much gold as you "
"think ye'll need and leave the rest here. We'll store it in the tunnels "
"furthest away from the attacking orcs in case they manage to break thorugh."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:210
msgid "So it shall be. Now how exactly do we get to this mountain pass?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:215
msgid "And so Tallin and his party set out to secure the help of the mages."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:291
msgid "Save Stalrag from Ro'Sothian."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:295
msgid "Death of Tallin or Stalrag."
msgstr "Dood van Tallin of Stalrag."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:422
msgid ""
"Upon arriving at the mountain pass it appeared to Tallin and his men that "
"they were just a bit too late."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:427
msgid "HAH! I finally have you, you wretched dwarf!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:433
msgid ""
"Argh! You blasted mages! How many times do I have to kill you two before you "
"will leave us in peace!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:438
msgid ""
"Leave YOU in peace! It is your kind that won't leave US in peace. Ever since "
"you blasted dwarves built that damn road you have harassed us unceasingly! "
"Now, it ends here! After I kill you I will split your carcass and hang it at "
"the mouth of this pass as a warning for any other fools like you! And unlike "
"us you WON'T come back."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:443
msgid ""
"You cursed mage! I now go to join all of my men you have killed. But know "
"this, the Shinsplitters will NEVER submit! We will defy you to our last "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:448
msgid "Hold it! What's going on here!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:453
msgid "Ro'Sothian, is that you?"
msgstr "Ro'Sothian, ben jij dat?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:458
msgid "Not now, Father. I'm a little busy at the moment."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:486
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hang on a sec, Ro'Sothian, you don't want to kill him."
msgstr "Wacht even Ro'Sothian, je wil hem niet doden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:491
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:599
msgid "Huh!? He killed me!"
msgstr "Huh!? Hij heeft me gedood!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:496
msgid ""
"Oh.... I see. Ro'Sothian, we come on more pressing business. We are in "
"desperate need of your help. Here is Tallin, from the community of Dwarven "
"Doors. As you know, the people of Dwarven Doors were enslaved by the orcs "
"for many years. They have broken their chains, and together with Lord Hamel "
"from Knalga, they are beginning to reclaim Knalga from the night of chaos."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:501
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:610
msgid ""
"So? What does this have to do with me? And hurry up, my staff is buzzing to "
"blast this little vermin once and for all."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:506
msgid ""
"Don't! Please, my friend, listen. The orcs are on the rise again and they "
"are threatening to complete their conquest of Knalga and convert it into an "
"orcish stronghold. We can't let that happen! That's why we have come here, "
"to seek yours and your brother's help in defeating the orcs."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:511
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:621
msgid ""
"Take your begging and shove it, Father! We don't help no-one. Not even you "
"and ESPECIALLY not any dwarf!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:516
msgid ""
"I tire of this. Prepare to die, dwarf! And the rest of you, get lost and "
"don't come back, unless you're anxious to meet your makers!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:521
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:644
msgid "Uh oh, he is gathering energy for a cold blast."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:526
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quick, Theta, we've got to stop him. Let's go!"
msgstr "Snel Theta, we moeten hem stoppen. Laten we gaan!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:567
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Ro'Sothian! How are you doing, my old friend! Boy, you sure look... erm.... "
msgstr ""
"Ro'Sothian! Hoe gaat het met je mijn oude vriend? Je ziet er... eh.... "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:572
msgid ""
"Camerin! Great Lords of Darkness, I haven't seen you in ages! Here, let me "
"just finish off this little vermin and I'll be right over."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:578
msgid " *aside* Camerin, you know him?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:583
msgid " *aside* Duh! His brother Ro'Arthian is the one who taught me magic!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:588
msgid " *aside* Oh....!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:605
msgid ""
"Oh.... I see. But we come on more pressing business. We are in desperate "
"need of your help. Here is Tallin from the community of Dwarven Doors. As "
"you know, the people of Dwarven Doors were enslaved by the orcs for many "
"years. They have broken their chains and together with Lord Hamel from "
"Knalga, they are beginning to reclaim Knalga from the chaos that it was in."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:616
msgid ""
"Don't! Please, my friend, listen. The orcs are on the rise again and they "
"are threatening to complete their conquest of Knalga and convert it into an "
"orcish stronghold. We can't let that happen! That's why we have come here, "
"to seek yours and your brothers help in defeating the orcs."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:627
msgid ""
"Hold a mement, my friend. You won't believe what a blast it is fighting with "
"these guys. You get to fry skeletons, orcs, trolls, and wolves by the "
"thousands! Come on old pal, be a sport."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:632
msgid ""
"Camerin, you were always a little crazy. Now I see you have gone stark "
"raving mad! Do you really think we would help anyone? ESPECIALLY a bunch of "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:638
msgid ""
"I tire of this; prepare to die, wretched dwarf! And the rest of you, get "
"lost and don't come back, unless you're tired of life!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:649
msgid "Quick, honey, we've got to stop him. Let's go!"
msgstr "Snel schat, we moeten hem stoppen. Laten we gaan!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:654
msgid "Hey, are you two going to hog all the fun for yourselves?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:659
msgid "Alright, alright, hang on!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:722
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:729
msgid ""
" *booming voice coming from all directions* SO YOU MAGES HAVE THE AUDACITY "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:734
msgid ""
"Ro'Arthian, listen to me. We don't want to fight with you, we have come here "
"to seek your assistance."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:739
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:751
msgid "No answer"
msgstr "Geen antwoord"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:745
msgid ""
"I know you can hear me, Ro'Arthian. Please, the fate of every creature in "
"the north depends on your help."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:757
msgid ""
"Give it up, father, he isn't answering. I am afraid we may have to use um... "
"more forceful means to convince him."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:762
msgid " *sigh* Yes, you are right."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:767
msgid "Put Ro'Sothian into that jail over there until we capture his brother."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:780
msgid "And someone keep an eye on him. We don't want him to get away."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:792
msgid "Capture Ro'Arthian."
msgstr "Vang Ro'Arthian."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:800
msgid "Death of Stalrag."
msgstr "Dood van Stalrag."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:843
msgid "Ha! I am free! Now you foul traitors will pay!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:848
msgid "Oh no, he got away! Quick, men, we must capture him again!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:867
msgid "Ahhhh! Not again!"
msgstr "Ahhhh! Niet weer!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:872
msgid ""
"Come on, Ro'Sothian, we really don't have to be doing this. Come, join us!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:877
msgid "Never!"
msgstr "Nooit!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:882
msgid "Sigh, we'll talk later."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:887
#, fuzzy
msgid "Back to jail, my friend."
msgstr "Succes mijn vriend."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:912
msgid "Ro'Arthian, are you ready to talk yet?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:917
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fine, you trespassers. What do you want?"
msgstr "Uitdaagt? Wie ben je en wat wil je?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:922
msgid "Well... first why don't you tell us what you want?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:927
msgid ""
"What do I want? I'll tell you what I want! I want the stinking carcasses of "
"you, all your henchmen and those dwarvish vermin off of my land! And STAY "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:932
msgid "So basically, you want to be left alone in peace. Right?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:937
msgid " *words dripping sarcasm* Wow! Someone FINALLY figured it out!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:942
msgid ""
"Alright! Listen then. Right now we have very little power to grant your "
"request. We are simply a band of peasants fighting for the freedom of our "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:947
msgid ""
"But when we defeat the orcish host, re-establish Knalga, and bring law and "
"order into these Northlands, we will have gained some authority by right of "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:952
msgid ""
"When that time comes, I hereby make a solemn oath: no man or dwarf shall "
"ever set foot on your land without your leave. If any of my men violates "
"this law they shall be punished with death, and I believe I may speak for "
"Hamel in this as well."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:957
msgid ""
"In order for that to come about, we must crush the orcish host. But we can't "
"do that without your help. Will you join us?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:962
msgid ""
"Think of it, Ro'Arthian, it is a fair bargain. If you don't agree to "
"Tallin's proposal, the endless war you two wage with the dwarves will never "
"be resolved. You have been haunting these mountains for far too long. It is "
"high time for you and your brother to rest in peace."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:967
msgid "Hrmph. What do you think, brother?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:985
msgid " *shrugs* I don't think we have any other choice left."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:991
msgid ""
"Come on, guys, it will be great! Those orcs will never know what hit them! "
"Together we'll rip them to shreds! If you are planning to retire after this, "
"this is the perfect chance for you guys to go out with a bang! You guys will "
"become legends! 'The two terrible mages, risen from the dead to devastate "
"the orcish hordes!'"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:996
msgid ""
"Very well, Tallin. We accept under the terms that your people will forever "
"leave us in peace after this."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1001
msgid ""
"Ro'Arthian, I am not of royal blood, but I am a man of my word. I will "
"uphold the oath I have given even at the cost of my life."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1006
msgid "Very well. The orcish hosts shall feel our wrath!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1011
msgid ""
"Wait a second, Tallin. Are you saying that we should abandon our homeland to "
"these wretched mages!?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:586
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1156
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:874
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1016
msgid " *snicker*"
msgstr "*gniffel*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1021
msgid ""
"Chief Stalrag, it is said that to save a family, we should be willing to "
"sacrifice one person; to save a town we should be willing to sacrifice a "
"family; and to save a nation we should be willing to sacrifice a town."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1026
msgid "Now, Stalrag, it is up to you. Do you want to save Knalga or not?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1031
msgid ""
" *glares at Ro'Arthian* Very well, Tallin. We don't like it, but if that's "
"what is needed to save Knalga, we shall do it."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1036
msgid ""
"Thank you, Stalrag. I am sure that the sacrifice of you and your people will "
"always be remembered."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1041
msgid " *mumbles* It's no great compensation."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1046
msgid ""
"I have the power to control many creatures, such as Gryphons, Trolls and "
"Ogres. So while I am with you you they shall be at your command."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1051
msgid "The Shinsplitters will be at your service, Tallin."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1056
msgid ""
"My thanks, Stalrag and Ro'Arthian. However, I have sufficient forces under "
"my control presently and I think that merging our forces will just create "
"confusion. Your gryphons will be of use, but I think you should retain "
"command of your trolls and ogres, until they are needed."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1066
msgid ""
"Great. Now let's get back to the caves and start planning the best way teach "
"those orcs a lesson they will never forget!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1087
#, fuzzy
msgid "Farewell, my friends. I now go to join my fallen brethren."
msgstr "Vaarwel vrienden. Ik zal me bij mijn gevallen broeders voegen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1092
msgid ""
"No! If Stalrag dies now none of his men will follow us. We are finished."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Protecting the Master"
msgstr "Ontketening"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:19
msgid ""
"As Tallin sat staring blankly at the body of his former friend - loathing "
"and hating what he had become - he received an urgent summons from his "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:23
msgid ""
"The attack Tallin had been sent to thwart had been a decoy. While Tallin was "
"away, Tallin's former friends had attacked Malifor's study with overwhelming "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:27
msgid ""
"Although Tallin was glad in his heart to see Malifor in such distress, the "
"sorcerous geas on his mind compelled him to go to his Master's aid. When he "
"got there, he found that all the outer defenses had been smashed and Malifor "
"had bolted himself up in his study. Bound by the will of their Master, "
"Tallin and his minions took up positions outside Malifor's study door."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:39
msgid "Resist Till the End of Turns"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:346
msgid "Look, the traitor Tallin has come to protect his master."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:352
msgid " Camerin! Please get out of here. Don't make me kill you too."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:357
msgid ""
"Fat chance, buddy. I can handle the likes of you in my sleep. Fall on them, "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:508
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:370
msgid "At last, I am free..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:383
#, fuzzy
msgid " *BOOM!*"
msgstr " *BOEM*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:424
#, fuzzy
msgid "What the.... NO!!!"
msgstr "Wel heb ik...!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:429
msgid "HEEEEE-YAAAAA!!!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:454
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Ik vervloek jullie stomme magiërs, jullie stomme dwergen en jullie stomme "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:480
msgid ""
"Malifor is dead... what have I done? What am I going to do? I must flee this "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:485
msgid "Hey, there goes the traitor Tallin!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:490
msgid ""
"Let him go. He was not acting under his free will and thus there is no blame "
"attached to him. I have known of many such poor souls. If he does trouble us "
"in the future, however, we should not spare him."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:495
msgid ""
"Besides, he will probably just go and drown himself in the nearest river "
"anyway, so why bother killing him?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:511
msgid "Ahhh! Master, help me!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:516
msgid "Serves you right, you useless excuse for a henchperson."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:531
msgid "Master! Tallin is taking my villages!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:537
msgid "Shut up, you idiot. I know what I am doing."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:542
msgid ""
"Agreed. And if you don't keep your mouth shut, I will personally shut it for "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:547
#, fuzzy
msgid " *Gulp*"
msgstr "*gestommel*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07b_Protecting_the_Master.cfg:562
msgid ""
"Hmmm, you aren't as bad as I thought, Tallin. Unfortunately for you, we "
"aren't ready to give up just yet."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:4
msgid "Elvish Princess"
msgstr "Elfse prinses"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:11
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"After securing the help of the two lich-mages, the party returned to Knalga."
msgstr ""
"Na zich verzekert te hebben van de hulp van de Magiërs (of eigenlijk meer "
"Lichs nu), de groep keerde terug naar Knalga."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:17
msgid ""
"Och, that was a piece o' good work, lad, getting both the lich-mages and "
"Stalrag on our side. Now let's plan our way to bringing Rakshas down..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:22
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The lich-mages sent forth gryphons to scout out the number, formation and "
"deployment of the orcish forces, and to seek allies as well."
msgstr ""
"Griffioenen werden direct uitgezonden om uit te zoeken hoeveel Ork troepen "
"met welke formatie en bezetting er zijn en om alles in de gaten te houden "
"wat maar van belang kan zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:27
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"One day a gryphon came screeching into the caves with the news that a large "
"elvish force approached from the east. Messages were quickly dispatched to "
"the elves asking their purpose. The haughty reply was that their purpose was "
"none of any dwarf's or human's business, and that all would be well-advised "
"to stay in their holes when the elves passed near."
msgstr ""
"Op een dag kwam een Griffioen schreeuwend de grotten binnen met het nieuws "
"dat een groot Elfs leger vanuit het oosten in deze richting kwam. Vlug werd "
"een bericht richting de Elven gestuurd wat hun bedoelingen waren. Het bitse "
"antwoord was dat het niet netjes was zich met andermans zaken te bemoeien en "
"dat het beter was uit de buurt te blijven."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:32
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Before the humans and dwarves could respond to this message, another gryphon "
"arrived with the news that the orcs were holding an elvish sorceress "
"prisoner in the castle of Bitterhold, less than a day's march distant to the "
"northwest. The castle had attracted notice because it had been recently "
"rebuilt and manned by a unit known to include some of the hardiest and "
"toughest of veteran orcs."
msgstr ""
"Voordat de Mensen en Dwergen konden antwoorden, kwam een andere Griffioen "
"het nieuws brengen dat de Orks een Elventovenares gevangen houden. Ondanks "
"dat dit op zich ze niet verraste, moest wel opgemerkt worden dat ze gevangen "
"zat in een bijna ondoordringbaar fort met als bewaking enkel de sterkste "
"Orkse veteranen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:37
msgid ""
"Gryphons and a picked force of human woodsmen were sent out that very night, "
"and less than two days later managed to ambush an orcish messenger on the "
"road out of Bitterhold. The messenger was carrying a ransom demand to the "
"elves - for the sorceress was, in fact, a princess of the highest rank."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:42
msgid "The leaders met in council, considering what to do..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:47
msgid ""
"This kidnapped princess explains a great deal. It is not easy to draw the "
"elves out of their forests."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:52
msgid ""
"Aye, lad. Her kin will have come either to do battle or pay ransom. By the "
"looks of things, they've busked themselves for either."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:57
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Pahhh, who cares. Let the elves and orcs chop each other into mincemeat. It "
"will just make things easier for us."
msgstr ""
"Puhh, wat maakt het uit. Laat de Elven en de Orks elkaar afslachten. Dat "
"maakt alles voor ons makkelijker."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:62
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Hah! I ken yer brain has rotted awa' entire. Think on it, skull-head, what "
"would happen if the elves dinna fight and pay the ransom instead?"
msgstr ""
"Hah! Ik zie dat je hersens volledige zijn verkalkt. Denk eens wat er gebeurt "
"als ze niet vechten en de borgsom betalen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:67
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you want to die, dwarf?"
msgstr "Wil je dood Dwerg?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:72
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Peace, peace! If you two want to kill something, there are plenty of orcs "
msgstr ""
"Vrede, vrede! Als jullie iets willen doden, er zijn nog genoeg Orks over."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:77
msgid ""
"But you do have a point, Stalrag, That ransom will buy more troops and "
"weapons for the orcs, worse news for us."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:82
msgid "I think we have a chance to make new some allies here..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:87
msgid ""
"Allies? I take it we're to go to them and ask them to join us in return for "
"our help in rescuing their Princess? You heard their message - those elves "
"have got their noses so high in the air they canna see over them. They "
"wouldna ally themsel' with the likes o' us."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:92
msgid "The dwarf has a point, there."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:97
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shut up, lich!"
msgstr "Mond dicht Lich!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:102
msgid ""
"Of course we won't do that. As a matter of fact I think it's best that we "
"don't say anything to the elves at all."
msgstr ""
"Natuurlijk doen we dat niet. Om eerlijk te zijn denk ik dat we helemaal "
"niets tegen de Elven gaan zeggen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "Why d'ye say that?"
msgstr "Waarom niet?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:112
msgid ""
"Well, suppose we do join up with the elves - assuming they will let us - and "
"we make a combined raid on the fortress, what will the orcs most likely do "
"when the ransom slips from their grasp?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:117
msgid ""
"Kenning the way of orcs, belike they'd kill the princess, especially if it "
"seems the rescue ha' any chance of succeeding."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:122
msgid ""
"Exactly. On the other hand, if we raided the fortress while the orcs were "
"talking ransom with the elves, the orcs might hesitate just long enough."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:127
msgid ""
"Hmmm...I think you've the right of it, lad. Most orcs being thicker than a "
"wood-knot, I'd lay odds on Rakshas giving strict orders that she not be "
"touched without his direct word on the matter."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:132
msgid ""
"But it would be unwise to trust that the orcs will stay stupid forever. If "
"we do go ahead with this raid, we are going to have to be in and out like "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:137
msgid ""
"My Shinsplitters will be invaluable for a job like this. They are fierce and "
"never give ground and will not stop attacking until either they or their "
"opponent lies dead. No fortress can stand long against them."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:142
msgid ""
"Ha ha, I like this plan. Once we get our hands on this little sorceress the "
"elves will be forced to do whatever we want them to."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:147
msgid ""
"Remember, Ro'Arthian, we need willing allies rather than resentful lackeys "
"that would turn on us at the first reverse. If we rescue their princess, the "
"elves may yet choose not to help us, but that is a risk we'll have to take."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:152
msgid ""
"Elves are deeply honor-bound, especially in matters that touch their kin. If "
"we rescue the princess, I am certain the deed will not go without reward."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:157
msgid ""
"And at the very least, the orcs will not be able to raise troops with ransom "
"money they don't have."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:162
msgid "Pah...weak, soft humans. Have it your way if you must."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:167
msgid ""
"So it shall be, Tallin, I'll hold the caves here while you and Stalrag's "
"Shinsplitters fare to Bitterhold. The orcs still haven't given up their "
"attack on our southern tunnels."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:172
msgid "Then to arms, men! For Knalga and the princess!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:213
msgid "Rescue the Princess"
msgstr "Red de prinses"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:490
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:512
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1017
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1043
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1069
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:221
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:444
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:787
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1328
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1503
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1596
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:792
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:818
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:844
msgid "Death of Ro'Arthian"
msgstr "Dood van Ro'Arthian"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:494
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:516
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1021
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1047
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1073
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:225
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:448
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:791
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1332
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1507
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1600
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:796
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:822
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:848
msgid "Death of Ro'Sothian"
msgstr "Dood van Ro'Sothian"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:392
msgid ""
"Upon emerging from the mouth of a hidden tunnel near the fortress, Tallin "
"and his men surveyed the scene before them."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:397
msgid ""
"There's the fortress of Bitterhold. A grim and impressive pile indeed..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:402
msgid "They have dammed the river to make a moat for their castle."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:408
msgid ""
"Are we here to sight-see or to rescue this blasted sorceress? And if you "
"really want to sight-see, then check out that orcish encampment south of us."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:413
msgid ""
"Just our luck to be here when they're mustering a field force - probably to "
"attack the caves. Avoid them if you can, kill them if you can't."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:418
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:449
msgid ""
"I am free! Thank you, my saviors. Who has come to rescue me from vile "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:454
msgid ""
"Later, princess, first let's get outta -- uh, let us take our leave of this "
"place as swiftly as may be!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:459
msgid "Lead; I will follow."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:477
msgid ""
"Hey, those intruders are going to free the elf! We can't let that happen! "
"Kill her! Kill the elf!"
msgstr ""
"Hey, die indringers proberen de elf te bevrijden! Dat kunnen we niet laten "
"gebeuren! Dood haar! Dood de elf!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:483
msgid "Darn it! We wern't fast enough."
msgstr "Verdorie! We waren niet snel genoeg."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:4
msgid "Ray of Hope"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:12
msgid ""
"With Malifor's death, the magical controls over Tallin's will vanished. "
"Being suddenly confronted with the reality of his actions was too much for "
"him, and so he fled. As he did so, visions of his dying friends - friends "
"that he had slain - flashed before his eyes, while their voices chided him "
"from the darkness. Frantically he tried to escape their condemnation, but it "
"seemed that at every successive turn their numbers grew greater and greater, "
"and their words cut more and more deeper into his ravaged soul. In screaming "
"desperation, he called upon his arts to banish them forever into the lands "
"of the dead, but they just seemed to laugh at his attempts and rebuke him "
"even more forcibly for his betrayal."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:17
msgid ""
"His thoughts soon turned to death as the only way to escape his punishment, "
"and he immediately drew his dagger and plunged it into his heart. However, "
"as he stabbed himself again and again, he found that his feeble body failed "
"to collapse, and his life force continued to dwell within his bones. "
"Desperate, Tallin cast about for other ways of self-destruction. He soon "
"detected the presence of a large body of water nearby, and some great "
"monster living within its depths, and he stumbled blindy towards the "
"oblivion offered by both."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:21
msgid ""
"As he approached the dark and menacing depths, however, he was accosted by "
"the ghost of yet another creature."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:25
msgid ""
"Halt right there, oh vile minion of Malifor! Your attempts to enslave me yet "
"again will fail. All you shall find here will be your own destruction!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:30
msgid ""
"By the gods of darkness, what harm have I done to you? You have not been "
"slain by me, nor by my minions. And Malifor is dead, and by the Gods I will "
"never serve any of his likes ever again! Now get out of my way!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:35
msgid ""
"Hold! Malifor has been slain? Then why am I not yet free of this ethereal "
"body? Am I doomed to an eternity of unlife?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:40
msgid "Your troubles are none of my concerns. Begone!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:45
msgid ""
"Now wait! Who are you, and what are you doing coming in this direction? I "
"sense you are well versed in the dark arts; can you rid me of this body?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:50
msgid ""
"I am Tallin. I was once a free man leading my people in a revolution against "
"their orcish overlords, but I was tricked and enslaved by Malifor. While "
"under his control, I have done unthinkable deeds - I have studied the most "
"forbidden of arts, I have robbed the dead of their rest, and I have "
"mercilessly butchered my friends like some sort of mindless abomination. Now "
"I am haunted by all the evil I have done, and I see no way of escaping this "
"torment other then self destruction."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:55
msgid ""
"I don't think death will help you, my boy. As I am sure you have already "
"experienced, death itself will have nothing to do with you. Even if your "
"body is destroyed, your life force will still roam this world in torment. "
"Such is the fate for the likes of us."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:60
msgid ""
"Then what shall we do? The dying shrieks of my friends haunt me endlessly. "
"It was because of me that they rose up against the orcs in the first place! "
"They trusted me to always be there with them, guiding and leading them, and "
"putting myself in the forefront of every battle. If I were not there they "
"never would have risked their lives - nay, if I were not there they wouldn't "
"be dead right now! And I betrayed them! Those who trusted me most I slew "
"with my own hands!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:65
msgid ""
"Be at peace, Tallin. I know of the trials that you have gone through, for I "
"have faced them myself, and having faced those same trials I can say that "
"you are not at fault. It was Malifor who had bound you to his will, and thus "
"the blame of all your crimes falls on him. Now that he is dead, you are "
"free, both of his will, and of the crimes he has committed through you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:70
msgid ""
"Nevertheless, it was my hands which wielded the staff that shattered the "
"skulls of my friends. It was my lips which spoke the incantations to blast "
"them with spells, or beset them with nightmares from another world. It was I "
"who was not strong enough to resist his will. Your words, although kind, are "
"not enough to relieve me of my guilt."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:75
msgid ""
"Wither or not you are at fault is often impossible for men like us to judge. "
"Sometimes you think you are at fault while you actually are not, and at "
"other times, you sometimes think you have committed no crime while you "
"actually have. But there is one way in which this matter cam be settled "
"beyond the shadow of a doubt."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:80
#, fuzzy
msgid "How is that?"
msgstr "Wat voor werk is dat dan?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:85
msgid "You must find the Rod of Justice."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:90
msgid "The Rod of Justice? I have never head of it."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:95
msgid ""
"You haven't? It was an ancient artifact even when I was young. They say it "
"was crafted by the Great Gods themselves, and given to the first true Ruler "
"of Men to ensure peace, harmony and above all - justice. For four hundreds "
"of years now, it passed from king to successor. Ever since it has been "
"wielded by men, the ruling class never became corrupt, the people never "
"lacked justice and neither evil nor wars ever troubled the land."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:100
msgid ""
"Well, that certainly isn't the state of affairs now. Knalga lies in ruins, "
"orcs ravish the surface, and dark and evil creatures haunt the underground "
"passages. In the meantime, Wesnoth is said to be ruled by the wicked and "
"cruel queen Ashevire, while the rightful heir must have long since perished "
"in his vain quest for the Scepter of Fire."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:105
msgid ""
"I had assumed things would be in such a state, as I can faintly sense the "
"presence of the Rod of Justice nearby. I thought that if I could somehow "
"reach the Rod, I would be able to destroy Malifor and be free of this state. "
"Alas, it seems to be in vain now..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:110
msgid "But you said that this Rod may be able to help me?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:115
msgid ""
"Yes my boy. When I was king, I wielded the Rod of Justice. It contains such "
"power that no creature that I have ever encountered can dare stand before "
"it. However, if a person who grasps the staff is a criminal, or has a heart "
"full of dark and evil, then the staff will smite them down as surely as you "
"are standing there."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:120
msgid ""
"So you suggest that I grasp this Rod of Justice, as if it were to judge me?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:125
msgid ""
"That is exactly what I suggest my boy. When you grasp it, if you are "
"destroyed, then that is an end to your torment. If you are not, then you "
"know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Great Gods do not hold you "
"responsible for the acts Malifor has committed through you. Either way, it "
"will be an end to your suffering."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:130
msgid "Then we must find this rod. Lead the way, my friend."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:303
msgid "Find the Rod of Justice"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:311
#, fuzzy
msgid "Death of Abhai"
msgstr "Dood van Anita"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:460
msgid ""
"Tallin, accompanied by the ghost of the king - whose name he soon discovered "
"to be Abhai - set off down the tunnels in search of the Rod of Justice. "
"However, their way was soon blocked by the body of water that Tallin had "
"sensed, as well as the monster that dwelt in it's depths."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:465
msgid ""
"I have tried to pass by this body of water many times, but each time the "
"creature that dwells in the depths blocks me. I have cut off many of it's "
"arms and yet they still keep growing back. However, without entering the "
"depths of these waters we can't destroy the creature."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:471
msgid ""
"Then we shall have to pass it by. If we quickly cut off it's arms we may be "
"able to make a safe crossing."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:476
msgid ""
"To do this Tallin, you must call upon your art, for simply the both of us "
"together will not be sufficient to cut off it's arms fast enough."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:482
msgid "Never! I refuse utter those cursed words!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:487
msgid ""
"No art in itself is ever evil my boy, it is the use to which you put it to. "
"But now is not the time to argue, just see how the arms of this creature "
"reach for us! Quickly, we must defeat this creature!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:493
msgid "Very well, if there is no other way..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:542
#, fuzzy
msgid "Who is that!?"
msgstr "Wat voor werk is dat dan?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:548
msgid "These are my minions, Halreed."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:553
msgid ""
"Pew, thank the Lords of Darkness. I am trapped here and the dwarves and "
"humans are hot on my trial. Help me kill them and together we shall rule "
"these caves!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:559
msgid ""
"I have had enough of killing my own people. Since Malifor has been "
"destroyed, we are no longer slaves to his will. You may join me and I will "
"help you escape to the surface but I will never again raise my hand on my "
"own brothers."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:564
msgid ""
"Tallin! What is this weakness! Now that Malifor is dead it is time for us, "
"his successors to rule the world!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:570
msgid ""
"I have had enough of this madness. Now get yourself and your minions out of "
"my way, I have a quest to fulfill."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:575
msgid ""
"If your minions come any closer I will strike them down. If you won't join "
"me to rule the world, at least don't be an obstacle."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:581
msgid ""
"You are crazy! All those twisted chants must have gone to your brain. If I "
"destroy you it would be doing the world a favor"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:599
msgid ""
"I don't know what it is, but I can sense some sort of energy radiating from "
"yonder passage. Could this possibly be the Rod of Justice, Abhai?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:604
msgid ""
"I don't think so, my boy. I sense the Rod's power coming from another "
"direction. However, one can never be too sure in matters such as these. It "
"would be wise to investigate."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:618
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:619
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:620
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:621
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:622
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:623
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:624
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:625
msgid "Giant Spider"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:629
msgid "HISSSSSS"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:650
msgid ""
"Showing signs of ancient elvish manufacture, this amulet grants whomever is "
"wearing it increased strength, stamina and protection against fire and holy "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:677
msgid ""
"The Amulet of Strength, how fascinating. However - though it may be a useful "
"trinket, it is hardly the Rod of Justice. Let us proceed in our mission."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:712
msgid "Bah! More undead. Alert chief!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:804
msgid "Sound the alert boys, a group of undead approach."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:810
msgid ""
"Peace, peace! We do not wish to fight. Let us pass and we shall do you no "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:815
msgid ""
"Ha! You hear that brother! This scum says he means us no harm, and simply "
"wishes to pass!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:820
msgid "Haha! As if he can just 'pass through' a Drake nesting cave."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:826
msgid ""
"We have no business with these creatures you speak of. We simply seek the "
"Rod of Justice."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:831
msgid ""
"Ah ha! That's what he is after. I bet he is having delusions of using it to "
"conquer the world or something."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:836
msgid "Haha!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:841
msgid ""
"Well, tell you what buddy, I just ate so I am not really in the mood for a "
"fight right now. Let me just give you the facts and then you can turn around "
"and leave."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:847
msgid "What facts?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:852
msgid ""
"First of all, most people can't hold the Rod of Justice for more then a few "
"seconds without it burning their hand. For you, it would probably burn you "
"up alive in seconds. Secondly, it has been in the possession of an extremely "
"powerful and ancient dragon for centuries now. Not only will the dragon "
"roast you alive, but he has a whole nest of drakes at his beck and call to "
"join in the fun."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:857
msgid ""
"A dragon. Hmmm, creatures such as these are often fascinated by magical "
"objects. However, the Rod of Justice is far too important to be simply the "
"plaything of a dragon. Tallin, we must retrieve it and bring peace to this "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:863
msgid ""
"Now hold on, here, what is this talk of me saving the world all the sudden. "
"Just take a look at who you are talking to here..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:868
msgid ""
"I guess now is not the right time to bring up this topic. However, the fact "
"remains, we much reach the Rod of Justice."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:874
msgid ""
"Agreed, but I do not wish to stain my hands with the blood of these "
"creatures as well."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:879
msgid ""
"We also would much rather take a nap, but if you don't hurry up and move it "
"we will shoot you down."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:885
msgid "You leave us with no choice."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:907
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pew, it's hot down here!"
msgstr "Hey, wat is is hier gaande?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:913
msgid ""
"I have a feeling that this is the lair of that dragon those chaps were "
"talking about a while back."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:918
msgid ""
"You must be right, the I feel that the Rod of Justice is extremely close "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:934
msgid ""
"We have broken into the drake nest. Although we must fight our way through, "
"let us avoid the side passages where I am sure the hatchlings are raised. "
"Destroying them would simply be needless killing."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:949
msgid ""
"Wow, that's a long ways up! This must be the place where drakes leave their "
"nest when they grow wings."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:964
msgid ""
"I can see a tiny speck of light in the distance. We must be miles from the "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:979
msgid ""
"I found a way to the surface - that is if you feel like climbing straight up "
"for miles on end..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:994
msgid "Wow, a tiny patch of sunlight all the way down here."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1009
msgid ""
"Don't bother heading down this passage further Tallin, I am sure that The "
"Rod is not in this direction."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1024
msgid ""
"I can faintly feel a breeze of fresh air. Perhaps this passage leads to the "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1029
msgid ""
"We do not seek the surface Tallin, we seek the Rod of Justice. I see no gain "
"from exploring this passage further."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1043
msgid ""
"You fools! Have the land of the dead refused you entry that you have dared "
"come here!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1049
msgid ""
"We do not wish to fight you Great One, we simply seek the Rod of Justice - "
"which we believe is in your possession."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1054
msgid ""
"The Rod of Justice is not the plaything of a demented Sorcerer such as you. "
"It is perhaps the most powerful artifact that I have ever encountered."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1060
msgid ""
"We need that Rod of Justice dragon. If you don't hand it over to us "
"peacefully, then we will have to take it by force."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1065
msgid "I tire of your insolence! Prepare to die!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1078
msgid ""
"How shameful! I have lived for over fifty thousand years, I have crushed "
"countless foes and raised countless generations of drakes - and now I am "
"defeated by a mere Sorcerer!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1083
msgid ""
"Well done Tallin. The Rod of Justice is ours now. Now go forth, grasp the "
"Rod of Justice and put all your fears and nightmares to rest."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08b_Ray_of_Hope.cfg:1115
msgid "I really should slay the dragon before I touch this..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:4
msgid "Introductions"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:137
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"After rescuing the princess, Tallin and his allies quickly withdrew into the "
msgstr "Na het redden van de prinses keerde de groep snel terug de grotten in."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:142
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Now that we are well shut of that dunfeon, do you mind telling me who you "
msgstr ""
"Wew! Nu we eindelijk daar weg zijn wil ik wel eens weten wie jullie zijn."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:169
msgid "Sister! Don't you recognize me?"
msgstr "Zus! Herken je me niet?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:174
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Gods of Light! Elenia! It's you! It has been years! What in the world "
"happened to you? We all had thought you dead!"
msgstr ""
"Mijn hemel! Elenia! Ben jij het! Dat is jaren geleden! Wat is er in "
"hemelsnaam met jou gebeurt? We dachten allemaal dat je dood was!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:179
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Yes, I thought you would think that. What actually happened was that I was "
"captured by that disgusting old bone-bag of a lich."
msgstr ""
"Ja, ik dacht al dat jullie dat dachten. Wat er werkelijk is gebeurt, is dat "
"ik door een oud lelijk skelet gevangen ben gehouden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:184
msgid "You mean Malifor?"
msgstr "Bedoel je Malifor?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:189
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"None other. I was his prisoner for many years until these brave people "
"rescued me. It being far too dangerous to travel back to the elvish forests "
"by myself with all these orcs about, and in consideration of the debt I owe "
"to them, I have been with them ever since."
msgstr ""
"Yeah. Ik was vele jaren zijn gevangene totdat deze dappere mensen me redden. "
"Het was veel te gevaarlijk om alleen terug te reizen naar het Elfse bos met "
"al die Orks en aangezien ik bij hen in het krijt sta ben ik sindsdien bij "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:194
msgid "Really, and who are these people?"
msgstr "Werkelijk en wie zijn deze mensen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:199
#, fuzzy
msgid "Here we have our leader and hero, Tallin."
msgstr "Wel, hier hebben onze leider en held, Tallin."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:209
msgid ""
"He is the one who lead his people in revolt against the orcs armed with "
"nothing but pitchforks."
msgstr ""
"Hij is degene die de opstand van zijn volk leidde tegen de Orks, enkel "
"gewapend met rieken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:219
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Then they scrounged up bows and a cudgels from the dead orcs, and marched "
"into the caves and broke the Dwarves out from their encirclement by the "
"undead and trolls."
msgstr ""
"Ze hebben wat bogen van de dode Orks genomen en wat grote planken en toen de "
"grotten in gegaan. Daar de Dwergen bevrijd van de Ondoden en Trollen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:224
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Then Tallin and his ragtag band hunted down Malifor and reduced him to dust. "
"Now Tallin is building an alliance of humans, dwarves, dead mages and "
"whatever critters he can find to crush the orcs."
msgstr ""
"Toen heeft hij met zijn bende Malifor gevonden en hem tot stof gemalen. Nu "
"is hij een alliantie van Mensen, Dwergen, dode Magiërs en wat hij ook maar "
"mee kan krijgen om de Orks te verpulveren."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:229
#, fuzzy
msgid " *eyes shining* You're right, Elenia, Tallin is truly a hero."
msgstr "Je hebt gelijk Elenia, Tallin is een echte held."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:234
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Not at all, Princess. I am no more than a humble peasant trying to free my "
"people from enslavement."
msgstr ""
"Helemaal niet prinses. Ik ben een eenvoudige boerenpummel die zijn volk wil "
"bevrijden van het slavenbestaan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:239
msgid "And a modest one too!"
msgstr "En bescheiden ook nog!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:249
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Tallin, not only have you freed me and my sister from captivity, but you "
"have defeated Malifor, who has long been a scourge to my people. By "
"defeating him, you have aided the Northern Elves more then you can imagine."
msgstr ""
"Tallin, niet alleen heb je mij en mijn zus bevrijd, maar je hebt Malifor "
"verslagen, die een plaaggeest voor mijn volk was. Met zijn neergang heb je "
"de noordelijke Elven meer geholpen dan je kunt inbeelden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:254
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ahh, it was nothing, princess."
msgstr "Ahh, het was niets prinses."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:259
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"No, it was far from nothing, Tallin. The Northern Elves will always be in "
"your debt. Tell me, what can we do to repay you?"
msgstr ""
"Nee, het was niet niets Tallin. De noordelijke Elven zullen voor eeuwig bij "
"je in het krijt staan. Vertel me hoe kunnen je terug betalen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:264
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Princess, as Elenia has said, we are currently locked in a death-struggle "
"with the orcs led by a warloard named Rakshas. You could help us most by "
"joining us in our quest to crush this menace once and for all."
msgstr ""
"Wel prinses, zoals Elenia zei, we zijn op het moment in een felle strijd "
"gewikkeld met de Orks, geleid door ene Rakshas. Je zou ons kunnen helpen "
"door ons bij te staan om de Orks voor eens en voor altijd te vernietigen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:269
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"That could hardly count as replayment of our debt to you, Tallin. This "
"Rakshas fellow is an enemy to every Northern Elf as well. Why, it can't have "
"been more then a few months ago that the orcs attacked our forests and took "
"me prisoner. Helping you defeat them would be serving our own interests as "
"much as yours."
msgstr ""
"Dat zou nauwelijks terugbetalen zijn Tallin. Deze Rakshas is ook van de "
"noordelijke Elven een vijand. Waarom? Een paar maanden geleden de Orks "
"vielen ons bos binnen en namen mij gevangen. Met hun te verslaan dienen we "
"net zoveel ons eigen belang als dat van jou."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:274
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Princess, we are not seeking to do business here: 'I do this for you and you "
"do this for me.' No, we seek to build everlasting friendships which will "
"forever ensure the peace and prosperity of these northlands. Therefore, let "
"there be no talk of debts and repayments between us."
msgstr ""
"Prinses, we doen geen zaken: 'Ik doe dit voor jou en jij doet dit voor mij.' "
"Nee we zoeken duurzame vriendschappen, die de vrede en weelde van deze "
"noordelijke streek bewerkstelligen. Laten we het daarom niet over terug "
"betalen hebben."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:279
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Well and nobly spoken, Tallin. Very well, I shall join you in your quest to "
"crush this orcish menace. Let gryphons immediately be sent to our people; I "
"shall use all the influence I have, or can induce our father to use, to "
"raise elvish troops for the battles ahead."
msgstr ""
"Goed en erg nobel gezegd Tallin. Ik zal me bij jullie voegen in jullie "
"strijd tegen de Orks. Laat de Griffioenen onmiddellijk naar onze vader gaan "
"en ik weet zeker dat hij een groot Elfs leger ter beschikking stelt."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:284
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Er, Anita...there is a large elvish force moving this direction. By now they "
"can be more then two days' march from here. It seems that our father sent "
"them to either free you or bargain for your release."
msgstr ""
"Oh, Anita, we waren vergeten te zeggen dat een groot Elfs leger deze kant op "
"komt. Ze zullen binnen een paar dagen hier zijn. Het lijkt dat je vader je "
"wil bevrijden of je borgsom voor je betalen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:289
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Why did you not soeak of this before? Let us immediately send out them "
"gryphon with my personal seal telling them that I shall be taking command of "
"the force. Tell them to come straight to Knalga and meet me there."
msgstr ""
"Waarom vertel je me dat niet eerder? Nou, goed, laat een Griffioen met mijn "
"persoonlijke zegel hun vertellen dat ik straks het commando of dat leger "
"heb. Vertel ze om direct naar Knalga te komen en me daar te ontmoeten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sounds good...I mean, let it be so."
msgstr "Klinkt goed. Kom op, we gaan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:310
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Not at all. I am Tallin, from the human town of Dwarven Doors. Together with "
"the Dwarvish Lord Hamel and the mage Ro'Arthian and his brother, we are "
"attempting to restore peace and freedom to Knalga.."
msgstr ""
"Helemaal niet. Ik ben Tallin van de gemeenschap Dwergenpoort. Samen met de "
"Dwergenheer Hamel en de Magiërs Ro'Arthian en zijn broer proberen we Knalga "
"uit de put te trekken waar het nu in zit."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:315
msgid "Uh huh. Good for you."
msgstr "Leuk voor je."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:320
msgid ""
"The only problem - or the major one, anyway - is these blasted orcs. They "
"all have united under the leadership of this guy called Rakshas and are "
"determined to make Knalga into an orcish stronghold - enslaving or killing "
"any humans, dwarves or anything else along the way."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:325
msgid "So what does this have to do with me?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:330
msgid ""
"There is a large elvish force not far from here who - we believe anyway - "
"has been sent to free you. We were hoping if we could secure your release "
"you guys would help us crush the orcish host."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:335
msgid "Pff, foolish human. What in the world gave you that idea."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:340
msgid "Ungrateful minx! I'm sorely tempted to break your neck!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:345
msgid ""
"Make one move towards me, lich, and you'll find yourself dangling off the "
"end of a vine."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:350
msgid ""
"Leave her alone, lich! Rescuing her was a fool's quest to begin with and "
"attacking her won't make the situation better. Especially an attack from an "
"incompetent like you!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:355
msgid "Peace! Peace!"
msgstr "Vrede! Vrede!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:360
msgid ""
"Well, what about the orcs then, princess? Don't you wish to be rid of them?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:365
msgid "How we deal with the orcs is none of your concern!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:375
msgid "What a little priss. She makes me want to fry her!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:380
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mind your betters, mage!"
msgstr "Let op je manieren magiër!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:385
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mind your tongue, elf!"
msgstr "Let op je woorden Elf!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:392
msgid ""
"Frankly, princess, I am disappointed. I was always under the impression that "
"elves were an honorable lot who took their debts seriously."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:397
msgid ""
"Who said that I wasn't going to repay you? When I get back to the elves, we "
"will give you five thousand gold for your trouble."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:402
msgid "We already have a hoard of gold! We don't need more!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:407
msgid "That is your concern, not mine, human."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:412
msgid " *sigh* Oh well. It isn't as if we weren't expecting this."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:417
msgid "See, I told you so!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:422
msgid ""
"I know, you were right. I am sorry, Ro'Arthian. I should have listened to "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:427
msgid "Well, it's pointless to linger here. Let's get back to Knalga."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:436
msgid "Move Tallin to the Signpost in the north"
msgstr "Breng Tallin naar de wegwijzer in het noorden"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:474
msgid "OK, I can see the dwarvish defenses just ahead. Lets go!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:531
msgid "Hey look, it's a troll!"
msgstr "Hey kijk, het is een Trol!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:535
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A troll? What in the world are trolls doing this close to Knalga? Something "
"is up, men, let's hurry up and get back."
msgstr ""
"Een Trol? Wat doen Trollen zo dicht bij Knalga? Er zit iets niet goed heren, "
"we moeten opschieten en terugkeren."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:21
msgid "Which one of you rabble is Tallin?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:32
msgid ""
"Princess Anita sends you this gold along with the order to stay clear of any "
"Northern Elf if you know what's good for you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:37
msgid "Why? What did I ever do to the Northern Elves?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:42
msgid ""
"The ill treatment that she received while in your care is an insult to every "
"Northern Elf. Consequently if you, or any of your henchmen show your face "
"around us ever again, you will be shot on sight."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:53
msgid ""
"Tell the princess to get of her high horse and stop acting like such a priss!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:58
msgid "You dare insult our princess!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:64
msgid "You better get lost, elf, before we kill you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:69
msgid ""
"This insult will forever be remembered by the Northern Elves! The day will "
"soon come when your race shall regret your folly!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pff, elves. What a bunch of stuck-up snots!"
msgstr "Pff, Elven. Wat een stel eikels!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:92
msgid "Stolen Gold"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:99
msgid ""
"Though puzzled by the presence of trolls so close to the dwarvish defenses, "
"the party quickly made their way back to Knalga."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:104
msgid ""
"However, upon arriving there something seemed to be wrong. Instead of being "
"hailed boisterously by the Dwarves as they usually were, they were met by "
"silent guards with downcast eyes."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:108
msgid ""
"Fearing the worst, Tallin rushed to find Hamel who also couldn't bear to "
"meet his eyes."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:113
msgid "Hamel, what is wrong!? Why is everyone acting so strangely?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:119
msgid ""
"We are deeply ashamed of ourselves, Tallin. We ha' failed the trust that ye "
"gave us."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:124
msgid "What do you mean?"
msgstr "Wat bedoel je?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:129
msgid "Yer gold, Tallin, we ha' failed to protect it."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:134
msgid "My gold!? Why what happened? Start from the beginning. "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:139
msgid ""
"No sooner had ye left then the orcs once again launched a massive assault."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:144
msgid ""
"Such a massive and fierce assault it was that we had to call upon all our "
"reserves. When that proved insufficient, we had nae other choice then to "
"call some men off the other defenses."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:149
msgid ""
"It was a ploy. Nae sooner ha' we thinned the ranks of the northern defenders "
"then a small, hardened group of trolls smashed through the defenses and made "
"their way straight for your gold."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:154
msgid ""
"We beat them back, but not before they made off with your entire stock of "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:159
msgid ""
"I am sorry, Tallin, we did all that we could. I would we could ha' done more."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:164
msgid "Oh no! Rakshas will raise many troops with that gold!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:169
msgid "Aye. Well I ken it, Tallin."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:182
msgid "Were you able to pursue them?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:187
msgid ""
"Och, we tried Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern defenses "
"and other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply ha' "
"not the manpower."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:192
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:302
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:402
msgid "How long ago did the trolls make off with the gold?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:197
msgid "It couldna' been more then a day now."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:202
msgid ""
"Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don't catch them, we might be able to "
"hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to good use."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:207
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:317
msgid ""
"Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to mount an all-out offensive against "
"the orcs. It's time to give them some of their own."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:212
msgid ""
"We will follow the trail of the trolls; it should lead us back to Rakshas."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:217
msgid "Anita, what news of the elves?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:222
msgid ""
"Our gryphons have reached them. They are no more then a few days march from "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:227
msgid ""
"I will send another message to them asking them to send out scouts to locate "
"the trolls who took your gold. Mayhap the elves will be able to get between "
"the trolls and their allies."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:232
msgid ""
"So it shall be. Hamel, when I make contact with the orcs I'll send you a "
"message. When you get it, come at all speed. It is near time for the battle "
"that will decide all."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:237
msgid "The axes and hammers o' every dwarf thirst for the blood of the orcs!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:242
msgid "Alright, let's move out, people!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:247
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:338
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:438
msgid "Thus the party set off to the northern tunnels to pursue the trolls."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:252
msgid ""
"They met but light resistance all along the trail of the trolls, which they "
"quickly overcame."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:257
msgid ""
"Soon, the trail began to lead east, and then south. A few hours later the "
"party emerged from the tunnels into dawn's early light."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:273
msgid ""
"This isn't looking good. Not only do we fail to get the princess but now we "
"lost all of our gold! Seriously Hamel, I don't know if we're gonna make it."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:278
msgid ""
"Don't give in to despair, Tallin. At least you prevented the orcs from "
"getting the ransom money."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:282
msgid "Yeah, they ran off with all the rest of our gold instead."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:287
msgid ""
"Snap out of it Tallin! We are not in control of fate. We will do all we can "
"to the best of our ability and leave the results to the gods."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:292
msgid "You're right, Hamel, sorry. Were you able to pursue the trolls?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:297
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:397
msgid ""
"We tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern defenses and "
"other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply didna "
"ha' the manpower."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:307
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:407
msgid "It couldna ha' been more then a day now."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:312
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:412
msgid ""
"Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don't catch them then we might be able "
"to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to good use."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:322
msgid "We will follow the trail of the trolls; that should lead us to Rakshas."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:327
msgid "It is well thought. May the Mountain Gods be with you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:333
msgid "May the Lords of Light guide your path. Alright people, let's move out!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:343
msgid ""
"They met light resistance along the trail of the trolls, which they quickly "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:348
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:448
msgid ""
"Soon, the trail began to lead east, and then south. A few hours latter the "
"party emerged from the tunnels into dawn's early light."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:357
msgid ""
"See, you wretched human! At least now you will appreciate the generosity of "
"the elves."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:362
msgid ""
"Shut up you little snot! If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have lost our gold "
"in the first place!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:367
msgid "I wasn't talking to you lich! Learn to keep your mouth shut."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:372
#, fuzzy
msgid "Who is this annoying chit?"
msgstr "Wie is Tallin?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:377
msgid ""
"This is the famous and benevolent princess Anita, in whose rescue we "
"sacrificed many lives and MUCH gold."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:382
msgid ""
"That's it! I have had enough from you worthless rabble. I will soon send a "
"rider with the promised gold, and in the meantime, I'm leaving!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:387
msgid "Begone and good riddance, brat!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:392
msgid ""
"Back to the issue of the stolen gold, were you able to pursue the trolls?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:417
msgid ""
"Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to make an all-out offensive against "
"the orcs. It's time to give them some of their own."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:422
msgid ""
"We will follow the trial of the trolls, which, lead us back to Rakshas..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:428
msgid ""
"It is well thought. The axes and hammers of every dwarf thirst for the blood "
"of the orcs!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:433
msgid "Alright, let's move out people!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:443
msgid ""
"They met light resistance all along the trail of the trolls, which they "
"quickly overcame."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:722
msgid ""
"However, upon emerging from the tunnels, the party found themselves "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:727
msgid "Haha, suckers! We got you now!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:732
msgid "Hahaha! They walked right into our trap."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:737
msgid "And we have already sent the gold ahead to the Master!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:742
msgid "Now let's make mush out of these puny creatures!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:747
msgid "Oh no, we are surrounded!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:753
msgid "Heart shall be the harder as our strength lessens. Kill them all!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:758
msgid "Yeeeahhhh! I like it!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:763
msgid "Haha! Arn't you glad we came along brother?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:768
msgid "Haha! This is gonna be fun!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:774
msgid "Defeat the enemy leaders or"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:778
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1319
msgid "Resist as long as you can"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:829
msgid "Pew, they are defeated at last."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:834
msgid "Hidel, let me introduce to you my saviour: Tallin."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:839
msgid "It is an honor to meet you Tallin."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:844
msgid "The honor is mine, sir."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:849
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:996
msgid ""
"We have heard much of your intelligence and courage. The number of humans "
"over the centuries who have earned the respect and admiration of the "
"Northern Elves extremely few, but you are one of them."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:854
msgid ""
"I am honored sir, and I hope that I will live up to the trust that the "
"Northern Elves have bestowed upon me."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:859
msgid ""
"I am sure you will Tallin. The trust of the elves is seldom misplaced. Also "
"know that the Northern Enclaves will always be open to you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:864
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1011
msgid "Thank you, sir."
msgstr "Dank u Heer."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:869
msgid "If you guys are quite finished exchanging pleasantries..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:879
msgid ""
"...the road ahead is clear and I am eager to blast some more orcs. Shall we "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:884
msgid "Oh, right. Onward men!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:976
msgid ""
"Princess! We have finally found you! Thank god you are free! Your father had "
"originally sent us to rescue you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:981
msgid ""
"Yes, or so I have heard. You honor me, but this brave man reached the mark "
"before you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:986
msgid "You must be the famous Tallin."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:991
msgid "At your service."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1001
msgid ""
"I am honored, sir, and I hope that I will live up to the trust that the "
"Northern Elves have bestowed upon me."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1006
msgid ""
"I am sure you will, Tallin. The trust of the elves is seldom misplaced. Also "
"know that the Northern Enclaves will always be open to you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1016
msgid "What is the status of our troops, Hidel?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1021
msgid ""
"They are all here, princess! Hand picked by your father - the finest and "
"bravest elvish troops in the entire Northlands. We are willing to follow you "
"to the end of the world if need be."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1026
msgid ""
"Excellent! We shall assist Tallin to the fullest in crushing the orcish "
"host. Not only are we in debt to him but by doing so we will be serving our "
"cause as well as we serve his."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1031
msgid "As you wish, princess."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1036
msgid "Very well, people. The road ahead is clear, onward to victory!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1101
msgid " *sniff sniff*"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1106
msgid "What's up big guy?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1111
msgid " *flap flap flap*"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1148
msgid "Hey! Where is he going?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1154
msgid "Krash man, you are gonna miss all the fun!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1159
msgid "I think he has decided that it is time for him to part ways with us."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1164
msgid "Such a fierce yet gentle creature. He will be sorely missed."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1169
msgid "Farewell, Krash, may the lords of light guide your path."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1239
msgid "Hey! Look who's back!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1246
msgid "And look, he brought his friends too!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1253
msgid "GRRRRRRR!"
msgstr "GRRRRRRR!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1258
msgid "ROOOAAARRRR!!!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1264
msgid "Hurry, friends, lets set up camp!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1270
msgid "Yeah, man! I knew we could count on you!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1275
msgid ""
"Hmmm, he must have smelled the scent of other drakes and gone to them to "
"convince them to help us."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1280
msgid "Awww, what a darling!"
msgstr "Ohwww, wat een schatje!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1285
msgid "Tell that to the trolls."
msgstr "Vertel dat aan de Trollen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1292
msgid "What! Drakes! Fire! Ahhhhhh!"
msgstr "Wat! Draken! Vuur! Ahhhhhh!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1297
msgid "Shut your mouth, you coward!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1315
msgid "Help Tallin defeat the enemy leaders or"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1431
msgid "Princess! We have finally found you!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1436
msgid "Good work, Hidel! How do your forces march?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1441
msgid ""
"They are all here, princess! Hand picked by your father - the finest and "
"bravest elvish troops in the entire Northlands. We will follow you to the "
"end of the world if need be."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1446
msgid ""
"Very good. Or first task is to give brave Tallin here full support in "
"defeating these trolls."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1451
msgid "With pleasure, Princess! Quickly men, set up a base!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1469
msgid ""
"Oh no! Those blasted elves have just joined forces with the humans! This is "
"hopeless! Flee! Flee!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1475
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1568
msgid "Hmmm, should we let the trolls run away or should we finish them now?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1478
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1571
msgid "Hey! Stand your ground, you cowards!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1484
msgid "You are a fool, human! We shall crush and destroy you!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1493
msgid "Help Tallin defeat the enemy leaders"
msgstr "Help Tallin de vijandelijke leiders te verslaan"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1522
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1615
msgid "Haha! Look at them run!"
msgstr "Haha! Kijk ze rennen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1562
msgid ""
"Oh no! The elves have just given the humans a hoard of gold! This is "
"hopeless! Flee! Flee!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1577
msgid "You are a fool, human! Watch how we will crush and destroy you!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:481
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:503
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1008
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1034
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1060
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1586
msgid "Defeat the enemy leaders"
msgstr "Versla de vijandelijke leiders"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:4
msgid "The Eastern Flank"
msgstr "De oosterse flank"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:9
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"After breaking out of their encirclement, the party continued in pursuit of "
"the trolls."
msgstr ""
"Nadat de groep door de omsingeling was gebroken ging men verder met de "
"achtervolging van de Trollen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:14
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"They soon lost all hope of recovering their gold, hoping only to reach "
"Rakshas before he could use it to raise more troops."
msgstr ""
"Echter was men wel alle hoop verloren dat ze hun goud terug zouden krijgen "
"en hoopten nu dat ze Rakshas eerder konden bereiken dan dat hij er gebruik "
"van kon maken."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:19
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Following the bank of a river, they soon entered a valley. At the mouth of "
"the valley there loomed the massive orcish fortress of Angthurim."
msgstr ""
"De rivierbedding volgend kwamen ze in een vallei waar een gigantisch Orks "
"Fort stond."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:249
msgid ""
"Gods of Light! Look at that fortress. The castle Angthurim is even grimmer "
"than its reputation."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:261
msgid ""
"I was not idle in my captivity; I watched, and listened, and learned. The "
"hints I got from my guards' boastings and foul jests have been confirmed by "
"our scouts; Angthurim is the linchpin of their entire eastern flank. If we "
"could reduce it, their defense would be near to collapse."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:270
msgid ""
"Fitting. My gryphons tell me Angthurim is the keystone of their entire "
"eastern flank. If we can reduce it their defense will be near to collapse."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:280
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hey, look who is here!"
msgstr "Hey kijk wie we hier hebben!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:285
msgid "Where is my gold!"
msgstr "Waar is mijn goud?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:290
msgid "It's Rakshas!"
msgstr "Het is Rakshas!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right here, Master."
msgstr "Hier meerster."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:300
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Ahhhhh, very good, my loyal servant. You will be richly rewarded for this! "
"Tell me, what news do you have on that human vermin that has so persistently "
"evaded my clutches?"
msgstr ""
"Ahhhhh, erg goed mijn loyale diener. Je zult goed beloond worden. Vertel me, "
"heb je nieuws over dat Mensenschepsel?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:305
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"We trapped him and his pitiful band of followers. By now they will have been "
"mashed to paste and fed to the whelps."
msgstr ""
"We hebben hem in een val gelokt en ik weet zeker dat hij nu in mootjes "
"gehakt is en aan de welpen gevoed."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:310
msgid "Hahahaha! Very g..."
msgstr "Hahahaha! Erg g..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:315
msgid "RAKSHAS!!!"
msgstr "RAKSHAS!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:320
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:325
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Foul one, the only one who will be dying here is you and anyone who comes "
"between us. Stand and fight!"
msgstr ""
"Sorry vriend, maar de enige die hier zal sterven ben jij en iedereen die "
"tussenons in komt te staan."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:330
msgid ""
"Pah! I have better things to do then stamp out your insignificant life. "
"Generals, kill him and bring me his head!"
msgstr ""
"Pff! Ik heb betere dingen te doen dan jouw het leven zuur te maken. "
"Generaals, dood hem en breng mij zijn hoofd!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:373
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Blast it. The coward has fled. Anita, your elves are good at moving quickly "
"through the forests. Do you think they can overtake that coward and cut him "
msgstr ""
"Anita, jullie Elfen kunnen snel door het bos bewegen. Denk je dat jullie die "
"lafaard de pas af kunnen snijden en overvallen?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:378
msgid "Hidel?"
msgstr "Hidel?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:383
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Easily, princess. We shall move unseen through the trees, overtake him, and "
"pin him down."
msgstr ""
"Makkelijk prinses. We zullen ongezien door het bos gaan en hem overvallen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:388
msgid ""
"Then do it. I shall stay with Tallin and... um... because he could use my "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:393
msgid " *blushes slightly*"
msgstr "*bloost licht*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:398
msgid " *wink wink*"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:403
#, fuzzy
msgid " *raises eyebrow* Very well, princess."
msgstr "*fronst wenkbrouw* Erg goed prinses."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:413
msgid ""
"Blast it. The coward has fled. Quickly men, we must storm this fortress "
"before he can spend that gold."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:418
msgid "Aye! Down wi' the orcs!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:428
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ro'Arthian, send a message to Hamel. Tell him it's time."
msgstr "Ro'Arthian, stuur een bericht naar Hammel. Vertel hem dat het tijd is."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:443
msgid "It's done."
msgstr "Het is gebeurd."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:448
msgid "Forward! Victory or death!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:475
msgid "Come on boys, let's give it to 'em!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:540
msgid ""
"We have torn the heart from their eastern defenses. Now to settle scores "
"with Rakshas once and for all!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:558
msgid ""
"We have torn the heart from their eastern defenses. Now let us make haste to "
"rescue Hidel. I am uneasy for him; some of those bodyguards Rakshas keeps "
"are fell fighters."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:571
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move, you stupid orcs! I am trying to recruit here!"
msgstr "Donder op stomme Orks! Ik probeer hier te rekruteren!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Suit yourself, you dumb troll!"
msgstr "Zoek het lekker uit domme Trol!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_Eastern_Flank.cfg:581
msgid ""
"Awww, aren't they the most loving, sharing bunch of orcs you have ever seen?"
msgstr ""
"Oowww, zijn ze niet het meest vertederend stel Orks dat je ooit hebt gezien?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:4
msgid "Get the Gold"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:10
msgid ""
"After reducing Castle Angthurim, the party set off after Rakshas, hoping "
"that Hidel's elves had been able to hold him."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:15
msgid ""
"Orcs are heavy-footed creatures; Rakshas's trail was readily followed. But "
"an ominous silence, broken only by the cawing of ravens, brooded over the "
"road he had taken."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:20
msgid ""
"Soon they encountered the wrack of a great battle. Bodies of elves and orcs "
"lay everywhere. Broken weapons and smashed armor were strewn about in "
"profusion. Elvish arrows and orcish crossbow bolts bristled from the nearby "
"trees. The ground was splotched red with blood."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:25
msgid ""
"They paused for scant minutes to bind the wounds of a few surving elves and "
"leave them a small guard. Then they pressed onward to rescue Hidel - and "
"they found him."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:30
msgid ""
"Scattered around Hidel were the bodies of at least three orcish warlords, "
"and nearly a score of grunts, warriors and crossbowmen. His weapons were "
"notched and broken; his armor dented and smashed. It was clear to all that "
"his fall had been an epic of valor and glory, worthy to be remembered in the "
"songs of all the kindred races until the end of days."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:34
msgid ""
"With tears streaming down her face, Anita approached the fallen hero and "
"cradled his head in her lap. As she stroked his face, his eyes fluttered "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:39
msgid ""
"I am sorry, princess... We held him for... as long as we could... but his "
"bodyguards... were... just too many and powerful... And then... the "
"orcish... reinforcements arrived...."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:44
msgid ""
"Her face streaked with tears, Anita gazed imploringly at Father Marcus and "
"Sister Theta. They simply sighed and shook their heads. It was too late to "
"save Hidel. In a broken voice Anita addressed him:"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:49
msgid "Hidel, I am sorry. I have sent you to your death, and I grieve."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:55
msgid ""
"...Don't tax yourself... princess.... I have died.... a warrior's death.... "
"you should be proud...."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:60
msgid ""
"...But.... there is.... one thing.... we.... could do. We .... managed "
"to.... recover the gold....Sisal... took it and.... retreated south...."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:65
msgid ""
"I held out as.... long as.... I could.... but they..... defeated us.... "
"Rakshas went.... east and the.... rest.... went.... after.... Sisal..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:70
msgid ""
"Now... uphold the honour... of the Northern... Elves.... recover.... the "
"gold.... slay this monster.... and bring peace and... prosperity.... back to "
"the... Northlands... Tallin?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:75
msgid ""
"At Hidel's call Tallin approached and kelt beside Hidel, bowing his head in "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:80
msgid "At your service, sir."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:85
msgid ""
"Anita has been... my charge ever... since she was born.... I now return... "
"to the earth... from which.... I sprang... Please take care... of her."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:90
msgid ""
"Rest assured sir, I will place myself between Anita and any ill that "
"strength or love may counter."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:95
msgid ""
"Thank you... Tallin.... Now I may rest... in... peace.... May you.... be "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:100
msgid ""
"With these words Hidel closed his eyes and breathed his last. As Anita wept "
"with Hidel's head in her lap, Tallin approached her, hesitating, and then "
"wrapped her gently in his arms."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:105
msgid ""
"Sobbing against Tallin's chest, Anita told him of the many ways Hidel had "
"cherished and warded her since the hour of her birth. How he had comforted "
"her childhood hurts; how in later years, he had guided her in the green "
"paths of the forest, and taught her the deep mysteries of Elven-kind."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:109
msgid ""
"A torrent of childhood memories and the depth of her grief left her unable "
"to speak. She and Tallin sat together silently holding each-other for some "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:113
msgid ""
"As Tallin comforted Anita, the rest of the party spread out and rallied the "
"scattered elves, and tending to the wounded. This being done, they once "
"again came before Tallin and Anita."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:117
msgid ""
"Princess...it is a hard thing, I know, but you must put your grief behind "
"you. Or at least, put it aside for a little while. We must go quickly to "
"the aid of Sisal and recover our gold."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:122
msgid ""
"Forge your sorrow into rage, girl, and visit it on the slayers of your "
"kinsmen. Teach them what happens to those who make an enemy of an elf."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:127
msgid ""
"At these words, Anita arose and wiped away her tears. She took command of "
"the surviving elvish forces, for all knew she was a princess of high rank "
"and looked to Hidel's ward as their leader by right. Scarcely a face among "
"them was less grim than her own as they took arms and started down Rakshas's "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:131
msgid ""
"Moments later a gryphon swooped down from overhead and reported battle in a "
"forest just a few leagues south of their position. The remainder of the "
"elvish forces had been espied fighting a desperate battle with the orcs."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:135
msgid ""
"It seemed to the gryphon that the elves were sore beset. The party quickly "
"turned south and plunged into the forest."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:727
msgid ""
"After making haste through the forest for most of a watch, the party arrived "
"at the battle scene."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:732
msgid "Sisal, how do you fare?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:737
msgid "Princess! You are here! How fares Hidel?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:742
msgid " *sheds a tear*"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:747
msgid "Hidel...died a hero's death, one worthy to be sung forever."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:752
msgid ""
"The dung-spawned bastards! Verily, Tallin, had it not been for Hidel we "
"would all be dead and Rakshas would be gleefully counting his gold."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:757
msgid ""
"Hidel and a handful of elves held off the orcs for more then an hour. That "
"was enough time for us to make off with the gold and rally here at these "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:762
msgid "So you have the gold?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:767
msgid ""
"We have the gold, and now we shall have the blood of these orcs! IN HIDEL'S "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:772
msgid ""
"Grrr, Ha'Tuil has never failed in his mission. I will soon lay your severed "
"heads at the feet of the Master!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:777
msgid ""
"You will eat cold steel and whimper your way to hell, foul wretch of an orc!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:783
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:809
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "Defeat the orcs"
msgstr "Versla de vijandelijke leiders"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:873
#, fuzzy
msgid "Argh! I have failed!"
msgstr "Nee! Ik heb gefaald in mijn missie!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:878
msgid ""
"Cheer up -- you won't have to live with your failure for long...*snicker*"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ahhhh! Farewell, friends. I now go to join Hidel."
msgstr "Vaarwel vrienden. Ik zal me bij mijn gevallen broeders voegen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:901
msgid "Sisal! Noooo!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:906
#, fuzzy
msgid "Haha! We got the gold now!"
msgstr "Haha! Kijk ze rennen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:911
msgid ""
"Hahaha! Mission accomplished, men! Now let's crush the rest of this scum and "
"report back to the Master."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:916
msgid ""
"I don't think so, you bastard orcs! That gold belongs to us. Besides, we now "
"have a few scores to settle with you. Take them, troops - I want no orc left "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:930
msgid ""
"Thanks to Hidel and the elves, we have recovered our gold. Now let's run "
"down Rakshas and settle up with him once and for all."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:4
msgid "Showdown"
msgstr "De Krachtmeting"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:12
msgid ""
"The party once again took up Raksha's trail. They soon received a report "
"from a scouting gryphon that in an enormous fortress a few leagues west from "
"them, Rakshas was assembling a massive orcish force, clearly intended to "
"crush their revolt once and for all."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:17
msgid ""
"The gryphon further reported that a few more leagues west was a large force "
"of dwarvish veterans, advancing steadily on the orcish fortress."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:22
msgid ""
"Battle plans were quickly made; the party split into three groups. Two of "
"the groups immediately set off northwest and southwest respectively while "
"the third group rested for an hour and then set off directly west."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:27
msgid ""
"The idea was to completely surround Rakshas on all sides, cutting off any "
"chance of escape or reinforcements."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:615
msgid ""
"The group that went to the north was led by Ro'Arthian and was composed of "
"trolls, orges and some selected mages."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:624
msgid ""
"The group that went to the north was led by Krash and his drake friends."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:641
msgid ""
"Anita and the remaining elves, eager to avenge Hidel, went south, while "
"Tallin himself let the western group."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:651
msgid ""
"Ro'Arthian's brother, Ro'Sothian went south with another crew of trolls, "
"ogres and mages. Tallin himself led the western group."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:661
msgid "A few short hours later all the groups converged on the fortress."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:824
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:829
#, fuzzy
msgid "What the...? How did he get here?"
msgstr "Wel alle! Waar is hij gebleven?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:841
msgid ""
"We have crushed and scattered your entire eastern flank, and now it's your "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:846
msgid ""
"You slimy little elf! So you have joined hands with these humans, have you? "
"Very well, both of you shall soon be dead!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:851
msgid ""
"Good luck, you monster. You are cut off and surrounded. We shall kill you "
"and feed your carcass to the vultures and wild beasts."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:856
msgid ""
"Hahahahah! You fools, do you not see that you are right in the heart of "
"orcish territory, surrounded yourselves! Why, at this very moment my entire "
"western army is marching this way. They will soon be here and will scatter "
"your forces like straw!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:865
msgid ""
"We have crushed and scattered your entire eastern flank, buddy, and now it's "
"your turn!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:870
msgid ""
"Argh, you frustrating little vermin! I am going to pluck your eyeballs out "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:875
msgid "We don't have any eyeballs, you idiot!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:880
msgid ""
"PAH! You fools, know that you shall soon be outnumbered and surrounded. At "
"this very moment my entire western army is marching this way. They will soon "
"be here and will scatter your puny forces like straw!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:951
msgid "Will they, now?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:956
msgid "WHAT!?!?!"
msgstr "WAT!?!?!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:961
msgid ""
"Your western army has been slaughtered, Rakshas, and YOU will soon join them!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:966
msgid "But... but... how can this be?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:971
msgid "It's called 'The End', foul orc. Forward! FOR KNALGA!!!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:976
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:981
msgid "FOR PEACE!!!"
msgstr "VOOR VREDE!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:986
msgid "FOR FUN!"
msgstr "VOOR PLEZIER!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:991
msgid "FOR HIDEL!!!"
msgstr "VOOR HIDEL!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:997
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1002
#, fuzzy
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1094
msgid ""
"At last! Rakshas has been slain, and the orcish host has been crushed. Peace "
"and prosperity will come to the Northlands once again!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1099
msgid ""
"At these words all the allied forces gave out a combined and thunderous "
"cheer. Their long ordeal was finally over."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1104
msgid " *small voice lost in the uproar* Awww, is it over already?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1120
msgid ""
"Die, you murderous beast! No longer shall you terrorize the people of the "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1125
msgid "Learn the fate of one who offends the Dwarves of Knalga."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1130
msgid "Or the elves of the Northern Forests."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1141
msgid "Or the humans of Dwarven Doors."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1146
msgid ""
" *gurggle* No!... this.... cannot.... be... happening.... to.... me....."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1151
msgid "Such were the last words of of Rakshas the great!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:670
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:707
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:791
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1171
msgid "Argh!"
msgstr "Argh!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1176
msgid ""
"Hamel! Blast it, without the dwarves to hold the western flank we are as "
"good as defeated."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1186
msgid "Sweet gods, look at all those orcs pouring out of that fortress."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1191
msgid "Aye, and not just any orcs either, those are all hardened veterans!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1196
msgid ""
"Yeah. Obviously this is going to take some time. If necessary we can sit "
"tight in our fortifications and siege them until they starve!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1215
msgid "Ahhhh! Farewell friends. I now go to join Hidel."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1220
msgid "Sisal! Noooo! Not you too!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:4
msgid "Epilogue"
msgstr "Epiloog"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:8
msgid ""
"The dead and wounded being cared for, and after the party had wound down, "
"everyone gathered in the conquered castle to decide on their course of "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:262
msgid ""
"So, Rakshas has been defeated and all the armies that he had gathered have "
"been crushed. This relieves a blight on our land - but if we do not address "
"the causes of the blight, we could be in for trouble later."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:268
#, fuzzy
msgid "How is that, Tallin?"
msgstr "Wie is Tallin?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:273
msgid ""
"Rakshas was but a symptom. The ill is the nature of the orcs themselves."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:278
msgid ""
"The orcs are exceedingly numerous and warlike. While they squabble among "
"themselves, their warlike nature turns upon itself and they are no threat; "
"but when a strong warlord like Rakshas arises among them, their battle-lust "
"becomes a plague upon their neighbors."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:291
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:301
msgid ""
"Our challenge is to ensure that the orcs do not unite under one strong, "
"warlike leader in the future."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exactly."
msgstr "Precies."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:315
msgid ""
"Aye. And we dinna just want to keep the orcs from ruling the Northlands; we "
"want to make the Northlands a safe place for all the kindred races to trade, "
"travel and live in peace. We must also ensure that no isolated bands of "
"orcs, trolls, ogres or any other creatures will be roving around praying on "
"innocent people."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:320
msgid "A worthy and difficult task. Does anybody have any ideas?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:325
msgid "I do have a suggestion."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:330
msgid ""
"The orcs are too hardy and fast-breeding to be exterminated, even if we "
"could bring ourselves to stomach an attempt at slaughtering them all. "
"Therefore, we must find a way to make them part of our solution."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:335
msgid ""
"I propose is the creation of a neutral council of warders, composed of "
"humans, dwarves, elves, drakes, trolls or anyone else who wishes to join, no "
"mater what race they come from - even orcs."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:340
msgid ""
"This body would not claim sovereignty over any peoples or lands, but exist "
"only to suppress warfare and raiding in the lands south and east of the "
"Great Ocean, north of Wesnoth and west of the Elvish Forests."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:345
msgid ""
"The first task of the warders would be to go to go to each orcish tribe and "
"make a treaty with them that they will not be attacked if they refrain from "
"attacking others."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:350
msgid ""
"The orcs have just experienced a crushing defeat; it shouldn't be too hard "
"to get them to agree. In the future, if they should renege on their "
"treaties, and threaten the peace and prosperity of the North, then the army "
"maintained by the warders would crush them."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:355
msgid ""
"That is the basic outline of my proposal. Shall the Council of Warders "
"declare itself?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:360
msgid ""
"Hearing the words of the wise mage, the whole assembly erupted with cries of "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:365
msgid "Fitting!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:371
msgid "Great!"
msgstr "Gaaf!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:376
msgid "Smart!"
msgstr "Briljant!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:381
msgid "Sounds like fun."
msgstr "Klinkt erg goed."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:386
msgid ""
"Rising to his feet, Hamel raised his hands and waited for the clamor to die "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:391
msgid ""
"Over time, Tallin has proved himself to be a wise, courageous and capable "
"leader. He is respected by humans, elves and dwarves alike. I therefore "
"propose that Tallin be made the first head of the Council of Warders."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:396
msgid ""
"Once again, all assembled erupted into thunderous approval. The tumult "
"lasted for some time and at long last Tallin rose to his feet and held up "
"his hands for quiet."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:401
msgid ""
"I thank everyone for the love and honor bestowed upon me. In honor of that "
"love I accept this responsibility."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:406
msgid ""
"No one leader will make the Warders a success; we will need the help of all "
"of you."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:411
msgid ""
"Father Marcus, this whole plan is your idea. Would you and your wife be "
"willing to stand by my side and support me?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:416
msgid ""
"Gladly, Tallin. We will stand with the Warders till the end of days if need "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:429
msgid "Stalrag?"
msgstr "Stalrag?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:435
#, fuzzy
msgid "I am yours to command, my lord Tallin."
msgstr "Ik sta onder uw bevel heer."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:440
msgid " 'Lord' Oh no!"
msgstr "'Heer'? Oh nee!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:445
#, fuzzy
msgid "*giggle* Better get used to it."
msgstr "Hehe, begin er maar aan te wennen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:450
msgid ""
"You have led myself and the Shinsplitters wisely. We will uphold the "
"Council of Warders."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:466
msgid "Camerin?"
msgstr "Camerin?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:471
msgid ""
"Heck yeah! It has been a total blast being with you. I wouldn't even think "
"of leaving now!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:490
msgid "Elenia?"
msgstr "Elenia?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:495
msgid ""
"Tallin, as you know, I have been separated from my race and kinsmen - well, "
"except Anita - for many years now. I wish to go back to the elvish forests "
"and live among my kinsmen again. Perhaps I will return someday."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:507
msgid ""
"Knowing you and your spirit of adventure, Elenia, I am certain that you are "
"gonna be back sooner or later."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:512
msgid " *smiles* It is not unlikely..."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:521
msgid ""
"You have been a valuable ally and a great friend, Elenia. Go with our "
"blessing, and convey to the Elves our intentions and the hope of peace."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:526
msgid "Thank you Tallin."
msgstr "Dank je Tallin."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:545
msgid "Krash?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:550
msgid ""
"I am sorry, Tallin but me and my friends had better be getting back to our "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:555
msgid ""
"No need to apologize, Krash, for you and the valiant drakes of your band "
"have been of invaluable help to us. The entire Northlands are in your debt."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:560
msgid ""
"As you said once before Tallin, let not talk of debts come between us. I "
"will spread the word among my people and if anyone wishes to join your "
"Council they will be free to. In addition to gaining the respect of the "
"elves and the dwarves you have also earned the respect of the drakes. I am "
"sure many will come to join your cause."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:565
msgid ""
"If you are ever in desperate need of help then come to us. The gryphons will "
"show you the way."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:570
#, fuzzy
msgid "Thanks, friend."
msgstr "Bedankt vriend."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:587
msgid "Alfred, your assistance has also been a great help to us."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:592
msgid ""
"Pah, think nothing of it. It will sure make an interesting story to tell the "
"folks back home."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:597
msgid "So you would like to return to your home?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:602
msgid ""
"Yes. The dead should stay in the land of the dead. It is against the laws of "
"nature for it to be otherwise. There is just one problem; Malifor forced me "
"into this body and I don't know how to get out of it."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:607
msgid ""
"I believe Theta and I can help you with that, Alfred. Have no worries, you "
"shall soon be home."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:612
msgid ""
"Thank you father, and thank you again, Tallin for all that you have done, "
"both for the world of the living and the dead."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:617
msgid "My thanks to you as well, Alfred. May you rest in peace."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:626
msgid ""
"Ro'Arthian and Ro'Sothian, you two have also been of staunch allies. As per "
"our agreement, you may return to Highbrook Pass, and I will see to it that "
"guards are posted at both ends barring any who seek to enter without your "
"leave, on pain of death."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:631
msgid ""
"Thank you, Tallin. Our old bones are weary of being animated long past their "
"time. Now we will finally be able to rest in peace. However, as we have "
"fought hard for this respite, we shall not allow our effort go to waste. "
"When the Northlands are in direst need of us, we shall rise once again."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:645
msgid ""
"Stalrag, for years now we have fought each other, but recent events have "
"made us allies. I go now to eternal sleep; may we part as friends."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:650
msgid "May your rest be peaceful and undisturbed, Ro'Arthian."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:667
msgid ""
"And Anita... I may be rash and bold to ask this but... *goes to his knees in "
"front of Anita and takes her hand* Will you marry me?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:672
msgid " *struck speechless*"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:677
msgid ""
"Tallin, are you sure? Elves have a very long lifespan compared to humans. "
"She will live for at least another thousand years while you have hardly "
"seventy years ahead of you... at most."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:682
msgid ""
" *eyes on Anita* I know, Hamel. Then may the coming seventy years be the "
"most happiest and fulfilling years in our lives. Should we deny ourselves "
"happiness out of the fear of loss?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:687
msgid "Well spoken!"
msgstr "Goed gesproken!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:692
msgid "I may be foolish to say this, Tallin, but... yes."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:697
msgid ""
"The joy of the multitude could not be contained, and the ensuing celebration "
"lasted for a full five days. At that time Tallin and Anita were duly married "
"by Father Marcus and Sister Theta."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:702
msgid ""
"After the wedding, Tallin and Anita went back to Dwarven Doors where they "
"founded the Couuncil of Warders of the Northern Alliance, a body dedicated "
"to ensuring peace and justice in the Northlands. It was soon settled that "
"the main headquarters of the Northern Alliance would be the new city of "
"Dwarven Doors."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:707
msgid ""
"On Father Marcus's advice, the Council approached all the different orcish "
"tribes and made treaties with them. If a chieftain refused to cooperate with "
"the Alliance, he was forcibly removed from his post and another more "
"favorably disposed put in his place."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:712
msgid ""
"Although Tallin faced many challenges as the head of the Northern Alliance, "
"his marriage with Anita was serene and filled with happiness. Together they "
"had one son, about whom were written many legends."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:721
msgid ""
"Once again I thank all of you. For those of you who are leaving, may the "
"Lords of Light - or Darkness - guide you on your path. For those of you who "
"are staying - come, we have much to do."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:727
msgid ""
"Thus, Tallin and his friends went back to Dwarven Doors where they founded "
"the Council of Warders of the Northern Alliance, a body dedicated to "
"ensuring peace and justice in the Northlands. It was soon settled that the "
"main headquarters of the Northern Alliance would be the new city of Dwarven "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:732
msgid ""
"On Father Marcus's advice, the Council approached all the different orcish "
"tribes and made treaties with them. If a chieftain refused to cooperate with "
"the Allience, he was be forcibly removed from his post and another more "
"favorably disposed put in his place."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:741
msgid ""
"In time, Knalga's caverns were refurbished, becoming a busy and prosperous "
"home to many dwarves. Under the protection of the Northern Alliance, people "
"of all races began coming, as they did before, from all corners of the known "
"- and unknown - world to trade with the Dwarves of Knalga."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:747
msgid ""
"Thus, from a small, enslaved community, the people of Dwarven Doors - by "
"their fortitude, valor, and wisdom - brought the Northlands out of the "
"darkness and restored them to their former glory."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:22
msgid " *roars in pain*"
msgstr "*schreewt van pijn*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "Krash!"
msgstr "Krash!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "It's no good, Tallin, he is gone."
msgstr "Dat is niet goed Tallin, hij is er geweest."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:37
msgid "You wretched monsters! You are going to pay for this!"
msgstr "Jullie verschrikkelijke monsters! Jullie gaan hier voor boeten!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:42
msgid "Awww, I liked that guy!"
msgstr "Aaahh, Ik mocht dat jong!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:61
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:89
msgid "I have had enough! Come on brother, let's get outta here."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:68
msgid ""
"Dang it! They're gone, and the creatures they control are leaving too. "
"Without them, this is hopeless."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:96
msgid ""
"Dang it! They're gone, and the creatures they control are leaving too. "
"Without them this is hopeless."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:118
#, fuzzy
msgid "Farewell, my friends. I now go to join my fallen brothers."
msgstr "Vaarwel vrienden. Ik zal me bij mijn gevallen broeders voegen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:132
msgid "No, Stalrag! Without you what will become of the Shinsplitters?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:137
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Shinsplitters... join Tallin.... He is your new.... leader.... trust..... "
"and..... serve..... him.... as.... you...... have.....served....me."
msgstr ""
"Help Tallin.... Hij is jullie nieuwe... leider... Verraad... hem... "
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:142
msgid "Your death shall not go unavenged, brave Stalrag. DEATH TO THE ORCS!!!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:147
#, fuzzy
msgid "DIE, YOU FOUL SCUM!!!"
msgstr "STERF TUIG!!!!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:165
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Argh! I am finished, but our campaign must... not end... crush..... our..... "
"enemies ..... and ..... save..... our...... people......."
msgstr ""
"Argh! Het is met mij gedaan, maar onze opdracht mag... niet eindigen... "
"bevrijd... de mijnen... en red... ons... volk....."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:170
#, fuzzy
msgid "No, Tallin, we can't do it without you!"
msgstr "Nee Tallin, ik kan het niet zonder jou!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:192
msgid "Alas, you must continue your mission without me!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:217
msgid "Anita, no! Please don't die!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:222
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I am sorry, Elenia, we tried our best. *sigh* I will never forget you, Anita."
msgstr ""
"Het spijt me Elenia, we hebben ons best gedaan. Ik denk dat we het zonder de "
"Elven moeten doen. Voorwaarts mannen."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "You wretches are going to pay for this! FORWARD, MEN!"
msgstr "Ik zal jullie verschrikkelijke monsters dit betaald zetten!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ahhhh! Save me, my husband!"
msgstr "Ahhhh! Red mijn man!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:277
msgid " *rolls eyes* Dramatic as always."
msgstr "*draait de ogen* Dramatisch als altijd.."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:295
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Theta, when this is all over, you should paint your face and join a theater."
msgstr "Theta als alles klaar is zou je het theater in moeten."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:301
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hey, don't you always say that life is nothing but a drama?"
msgstr "Hey, zeggen ze niet dat het leven niets anders dan een soap is?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:306
#, fuzzy
msgid "Yes, it may be a drama, but that's no excuse for overacting!"
msgstr ""
"Ja het mag misschien een soap zijn, maar moet het daarom zo overgeacteerd?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:311
msgid "*giggle* Who needs an excuse for overacting?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:327
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:378
msgid "Ahhhhhhh!"
msgstr "Ahhhhhhh!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:332
msgid "You monsters think you are so tough don't you? Well check this out."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:349
msgid "Woha! That trick is a bit hard on the constitution."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:353
msgid "Well, be grateful that you are alive."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:357
#, fuzzy
msgid "*giggle* Thank you honey."
msgstr "Hehehehe, bedankt schat."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:362
msgid "Thank the lords of light, not me!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:383
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:675
msgid "You incompetent fools, you think you can kill us? Good luck!"
msgstr "Jullie sukkels, dachten jullie ons te kunnen doden? Succes!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:400
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ouch! That hurt. Let's try not to do that again, OK?"
msgstr "Auw! Dat deed pijn. Laten we dat niet opnieuw proberen, ok?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:417
msgid "Ack! Stupid slobbering beast!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:422
msgid "Your efforts to destroy us are in vain, you foul creature."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:441
#, fuzzy
msgid "There we go, payback time!"
msgstr "Daar gaat hij! Snel, grijp hem!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:459
#, fuzzy
msgid "Oh no, Marcus! We have failed in our mission to help Tallin!"
msgstr "Oh nee Marcus! We hebben gefaald om de prinses te redden!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:464
msgid "Failed? Never! The word failure is not in our dictionary."
msgstr "Gefaald? Nooit! Het woord falen staat niet in mijn woordenboek."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:483
msgid "There we go, let's give this one more shot!"
msgstr "Hier gaan we weer, laten we het nog eens proberen!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:487
msgid "Just try not to kill yourself again."
msgstr "Probeer gewoon jezelf niet weer te doden."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:504
msgid ""
"Alas! I am dying! Marcus darling, I wish you were beside me so that I may "
"die in your arms! So that I may feel the kiss of your lips on mine one last "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:509
#, fuzzy
msgid " *rolls eyes* Theta, do you always have to be so dramatic?"
msgstr ""
"Ja het mag misschien een soap zijn, maar moet het daarom zo overgeacteerd?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:519
msgid "Um..... Father? You wife just got killed..."
msgstr "Um..... Vader? Je vrouw is net gedood..."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:524
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:541
msgid ""
"Theta, you should know by now that it is very unclerical to make such a "
"spectacle of yourself."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:545
msgid "Come on, honey! Those were my dying words, after all!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:549
#, fuzzy
msgid " *rolls eyes* Women!"
msgstr "*rolt ogen*"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:566
msgid ""
"You cruel creature! How dare you use your brute strength against such a "
"frail creature as me."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:571
msgid ""
"Don't worry Theta, you will have plenty of opportunities to set him strait."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:590
msgid "That's darned right!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:595
msgid ""
"Theta! Language like that coming from you! You should really stop hanging "
"around the dwarves so much."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "*giggle* Sorry."
msgstr "*giegel* Sorry."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:628
msgid "Alas! So.... close."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:633
msgid ""
"Hey, that's not right. The good guys aren't supposed to die. Oh well, I'll "
"fix that."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:654
msgid "Ahh yes, that's better."
msgstr "Ahhh ja, dat is beter."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:691
msgid "Ouch! That hurt. Let's try not to do that again ok?"
msgstr "Auw! Dat deed pijn. Laten we dat niet opnieuw proberen, ok?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:712
msgid ""
"Oh dear. Did you just go and get yourself killed again, Marcus? Well, I'll "
"fix that."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:728
msgid "Marcus! You bad boy, always getting into trouble."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:732
msgid "Sorry, won't do it again. Promise!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:749
msgid "The forces of good can never be defeated by the likes of you!"
msgstr ""
"De goede krachten zullen nooit verslagen kunnen worden door jullie soort!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:754
msgid ""
"Yeah, try taking a bath and you MIGHT be able to kill him for good *wink "
"wink*. But for the time being, abracadabra!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:770
#, fuzzy
msgid "I heard that, Theta."
msgstr "Ik hoorde dat Theta."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:774
msgid "Hey, just trying to give him an incentive to drown himself."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:796
msgid ""
"Stupid troll, maybe next time you should try killing someone who can be "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:825
msgid "Argh! I'll just come back and finish you in my next life."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:830
msgid "Which might be sooner then you think."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:846
#, fuzzy
msgid "See?"
msgstr "Kijk!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:850
#, fuzzy
msgid "Now where did he go!?"
msgstr "Wel alle! Waar is hij gebleven?"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:867
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ack! I have been brained!"
msgstr "Ahhh! Ik ben verraden!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:872
msgid "Eeeeww! Gross! Ahh never mind, I'll get you cleaned up good."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:888
msgid "Ahhh, Theta, you would make such a good housewife!"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:893
msgid "Yes, if you would ever buy me a house! *pouty face*"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:898
msgid ""
"Geez Theta, don't you think that this isn't really a good time to talk about "
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:903
#, fuzzy
msgid "*giggle* Sorry!"
msgstr "*giegel* Sorry."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:930
msgid " Alas! My wanderings have come to an end."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:935
msgid "Blast it, we have lost a valuable ally."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:940
msgid "Farewell Elenia. May you find peace in your final journey."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:958
msgid " Wha... how can this happen?"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/herodeaths.cfg:963
msgid "He was stark raving mad, but I am sure going to miss him."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/utils.cfg:193
msgid ""
"You invaded my kingdom, drove me from my mines, raided my dungeon, and "
"plundered my treasury Your audacity ends here!"
msgstr ""
"Jij viel mijn koninkrijk binnen, verdreef me naar mijn mijnen, brak mijn "
"kerker open en plunderde mijn schatkamer. Je opmars houdt hier op!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/utils.cfg:198
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You are wrong, Malifor, for you shall be the one who is destroyed. You are "
"cruel, merciless and a terror to all that lives. The world will be a better "
"place with you gone!"
msgstr ""
"Je zit er naast Malifor, jij zult degene zijn die verslagen wordt. Je bent "
"wreed en meedogenloos tegen alles wat leeft. De wereld ziet er zonder jou "
"beter uit!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/utils.cfg:203
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"To feed your greed and hunger you have terrorized all that is good. You have "
"disturbed the rest of the brave defenders of Knalga. Now, your evil reign "
"shall be brought to an end."
msgstr ""
"Voor je zelfzuchtige doelen heb je al het goede geterroriseerd. Je hebt de "
"rust van de dappere verdedigers van Knalga verstoord, nu, is je kwade regime "
"ten einde."
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/utils.cfg:208
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Fools! Don't think it's so easy to kill me. Your corpses shall all soon be "
"serving me. Fall on them, my hordes!"
msgstr ""
"Sukkels! Denk niet dat het eenvoudig is mij te doden. Jullie lijken dienen "
"mij binnenkort. Val ze aan!"
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/utils.cfg:303
msgid "Amulet of Strength"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/utils/utils.cfg:305
msgid ""
"Amulet of Strength:\n"
"Showing signs of ancient elvish manufacture, whomever wears this amulet on "
"their person will gain increased strength and stamina and quickly be cured "
"of any poison or wounds."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:4
msgid "Fire Dragon"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:21
msgid ""
"A fire dragon is an ancient and horrifying being that normally lives only in "
"hushed rumor and fantastic stories. It is normal for centuries to pass "
"without a dragon being seen in Wesnoth, and usually it is only as a shadowy "
"form flying in the distance. Legends are very specific about the ravages of "
"fire dragons: hideously swift in flight, leathery wings spread over one "
"hundred feet in width, they swoop in and blast their prey with inferno jets "
"of flame. Anything escaping the dragon's fire breath must beware its "
"ferocious bite and crushing tail. Fire dragons are cunning and cruel and "
"often take underlings whom they lead to victory."
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:24
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:25
msgid "bite"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:27
msgid "blade"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:73
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:74
msgid "tail"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:77
msgid "impact"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:113
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:114
msgid "fire breath"
msgstr ""
#: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Fire_Dragon.cfg:116
msgid "fire"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "(Newbie)"
#~ msgstr "(Nieuweling)"
#~ msgid "(Easy)"
#~ msgstr "(Makkelijk)"
#~ msgid "(Hard)"
#~ msgstr "(Moeilijk)"
#~ msgid " *SMASH*."
#~ msgstr "*SMAK*"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " Version 1.18.5 Last updated 4/18/07."
#~ msgstr "Versie 1.18 Laatste update 1/1/11."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Uh oh! That orc has gone to tell his leader that we are now free. Soon "
#~ "they will be here in hordes to enslave us again... or worse..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Oh oh! Die Ork is zijn leider gan vertellen dat we nu vrij zijn. "
#~ "Binnenkort zullen ze hier weer zijn om ons weer als slaaf te maken... of "
#~ "erger..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Don't worry, I think I have a way out of that."
#~ msgstr "Wees niet ongerust, er is een weg hieruit."
#~ msgid "Eh?"
#~ msgstr "Eh?"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Let's make our way into the caves and find out if there are any dwarves "
#~ "still living in there. Perhaps they'll be able to make us some weapons "
#~ "and armor that are better than this orcish crap. And then, when the orcs "
#~ "come back, we'll show 'em!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Laten we richting de grotten gaan en uitzoeken of er nog Dwergen in leven "
#~ "zijn. Misschien zijn zij in staat om ons fatsoenlijke wapen en pantser te "
#~ "maken. En dan, als de Orks terug komen, pakken we ze!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Go into the caves! Find the dwarves! Are you out of your *mind*, Tallin? "
#~ "Those caves are lousy with trolls and orcs. It's said the dwarves who "
#~ "died defending Knalga are rising again and destroying anyone they can "
#~ "reach. And we can't fight in caves! We can hardly even *walk* in caves "
#~ "without tripping and killing ourselves, let alone fight!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "De grotten binnengaan? De Dwergen zoeken? Ben je gek geworden? De grotten "
#~ "zitten vol Trollen en Dwergen. Er zijn zelfs geruchten dat de Dwergen die "
#~ "stierfen om Knalga te verdedigen opstonden en alles wat ze tegen komen "
#~ "vernietigen. En we kunnen niet vechten in grotten! We kunnen nauwelijks "
#~ "lopen in de grotten zonder te struikelen en onszelf uit te schakelen, "
#~ "laat staan vechten!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Not so. All you night-crawlers and hunters get yourselves the bows from "
#~ "the dead orcs or whatever else you can find. With you guys in the "
#~ "forefront I am sure we'll be able to manage. I know, it'll be tough and "
#~ "dangerous, but the orcs will roast us over slow fires if they catch us "
#~ "now."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Niet zo. Alle nachtkijkers en jagers pak de bogen van de dode Orks of wat "
#~ "je maar kunt vinden. Met jullie als voorhoede ben ik er zeker van dat we "
#~ "het aan kunnen. Ik weet dat het lastig en gevaarlijk zal zijn, maar ik "
#~ "zie geen andere weg."
#~ msgid "You can now recruit Thugs and Poachers"
#~ msgstr "Je kunt nu Vrijbuiters en Stropers rekruteren"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Those among them most at home by their nature in the darkness armed "
#~ "themselves with whatever weapons they could salvage from the dead orcs. "
#~ "When their supply of those was exhausted they took up great baulks and "
#~ "cudgels of wood."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Degenen onder hen die van nature bang in het donker zijn hadden zich "
#~ "bewapend met alles wat ze konden vinden op de dode Orks en toen daarvan "
#~ "niets meer te vinden was, met dikke planken hout."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Thus armed, the mob began its descent."
#~ msgstr "Bewapend de groep daalde af in de duisternis van de grotten."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Before we begin I would just like to express my thanks to the following "
#~ "people for the generous use of their artwork: Jonathon Earl Bowser (www."
#~ "jonathonart.com), Jim (www.sporeboy.com) and Mark Zug (http://www.markzug."
#~ "com). I especially would like to thank Xandar86, Jetryl and Battlesquid "
#~ "for doing specific portraits for this campaign. For the translations, I "
#~ "would like to thank torangan, and scott for helping me set them up, "
#~ "Placid for the British-English, Belchion for the German, and Luciano for "
#~ "the Italian translations. My thanks also go to West for the music he has "
#~ "composed for this campaign. Special thanks also to Eric S. Raymond (ESR) "
#~ "for prose-doctoring the story-line and dialogue (version 1.17 and onward) "
#~ "and the otherwise tremendous amount of help and inspiration he has given "
#~ "me. Thank you also to all the members of the Wesnoth community who have "
#~ "given valuable feedback or helped whenever I got stuck with the code."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Voordat we beginnen wil ik mijn dank uitspreken naar de volgende mensen "
#~ "voor hun grafische bijdragen: Jonathon Earl Bowser (www.jonathonart.com), "
#~ "Jim (www.sporeboy.com) en Mark Zug (http://www.markzug.com). Speciale "
#~ "dank tevens voor iedereen die hun waardevolle feedback gegeven hebben of "
#~ "holpen toen ik vast zat met de code."
#~ msgid "Awesome!"
#~ msgstr "Geweldig!"
#~ msgid "Hehe, probably!"
#~ msgstr "Hehe, waarschijnlijk!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "After breaking out of their encirclement the party continued their "
#~ "pursuit of the trolls."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nadat de groep door de omsingeling was gebroken ging men verder met de "
#~ "achtervolging van de Trollen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "By now however they had lost all hope of recovering their gold and "
#~ "instead just hoped they could reach Rakshas before he could make good use "
#~ "of it."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Echter was men wel alle hoop verloren dat ze hun goud terug zouden "
#~ "krijgen en hoopten nu dat ze Rakshas eerder konden bereiken dan dat hij "
#~ "er gebruik van kon maken."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Following the bank of a river they soon entered a valley, at the mouth of "
#~ "wich stood a massive orcish fortress."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "De rivierbedding volgend kwamen ze in een vallei waar een gigantisch Orks "
#~ "Fort stond."
#~ msgid "Woha! Look at that fortress."
#~ msgstr "Wow! Kijk een naar dat fort."
#~ msgid "Hey look who is here!"
#~ msgstr "Hey kijk wie we hier hebben!"
#~ msgid "Right here master."
#~ msgstr "Hier meerster."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Ahhhhh, very good my loyal servant. You will be greatly rewarded for "
#~ "this! Tell me, what news do you have on that human vermin that keeps "
#~ "evading my clutches?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ahhhhh, erg goed mijn loyale diener. Je zult goed beloond worden. Vertel "
#~ "me, heb je nieuws over dat Mensenschepsel?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "We trapped him and by now I am sure they all have been mashed to paste "
#~ "and fed to the whelps."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "We hebben hem in een val gelokt en ik weet zeker dat hij nu in mootjes "
#~ "gehakt is en aan de welpen gevoed."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "DIE!?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sorry pal, but the only one who will be dying here is you and anyone who "
#~ "comes between us. Stand and fight!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sorry vriend, maar de enige die hier zal sterven ben jij en iedereen die "
#~ "tussenons in komt te staan."
#~ msgid "Ro'Arthian, send a message to Hammel. Tell him it's time."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ro'Arthian, stuur een bericht naar Hammel. Vertel hem dat het tijd is."
#~ msgid "Of course I do!"
#~ msgstr "Natuurlijk!"
#~ msgid "Move you stupid orcs! I am trying to recruit here!"
#~ msgstr "Donder op stomme Orks! Ik probeer hier te rekruteren!"
#~ msgid "Suit yourself you dumb troll!"
#~ msgstr "Zoek het lekker uit domme Trol!"
#~ msgid "FOR THE NORTH! CHARGE!!!"
#~ msgid "Nooooooooooo!"
#~ msgstr "Neeeeeeeeee!"
#~ msgid "I know Tallin."
#~ msgstr "Ik ken Tallin."
#~ msgid "Kill the enemy leaders"
#~ msgstr "Dood de vijandelijke leiders"
#~ msgid "Hehe, sorry!"
#~ msgstr "Hehe, sorry!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Since Dwarven Doors lay directly in the path of enemies seeking to invade "
#~ "Knalga, the dwarves agreed to take responsibility for the the defense of "
#~ "the community. In order to achieve that end they built many towers and "
#~ "fortifications in and around the community."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Omdat de Dwergenpoort op het pad lag voor vijanden van Knalga, de Dwergen "
#~ "namen verantwoordelijkheid voor de verdediging van de gemeenschap. Om dat "
#~ "te bewerkstelligen bouwden ze vele toren en forten in en rond de "
#~ "gemeenschap."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "In a fierce battle that raged for one whole year, the orcs finally "
#~ "overpowered the combined defenses of the humans and dwarves."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "In een stevige strijd die een heel jaar woedde de Orks overwonnen "
#~ "uiteindelijk de verdedigingscombinatie en Mensen en Dwergen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The dwarves were pushed back into the caves where the battle raged on for "
#~ "many more years, while the people of Dwarven Doors were enslaved by the "
#~ "orcs."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "De Dwergen werden terug in hun grotten gedwongen waar de strijd nog jaren "
#~ "door zou gaan, terwijl het Dwergenpoort-volk tot slaven werden gemaakt "
#~ "van de Orks."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Many more years passed but the peasants never gave up their hope. Rather, "
#~ "as time went on it became stronger and stronger. Finally, one day their "
#~ "chance came."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vele jaren zouden nog voorbijgaan, maar de boeren gaven hun hoop nooit "
#~ "op. Sterker nog, terwijl de tijd verstreek werd het sterker en sterker. "
#~ "Uiteindelijk op een dag hun kans kwam."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Al'tar, their 'master' was attacked by a neighboring tribe of orcs. "
#~ "Taking this opportunity, Tallin, a young, brave and intelligent peasant "
#~ "somehow managed to steal a considerable amount of his "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Al'tar, hun 'meester' werd aangevallen door een naastgelegen stam orks. "
#~ "Tallin, een jonge, dappere en inteligente boer nam deze kans en stal een "
#~ "grote hoeveelheid goud."
#~ msgid "Then to arms!"
#~ msgstr "Ten aanval dan!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "*Shakes head* You are sick and twisted you bag of bones. Attack men! I "
#~ "want him crushed and powdered!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "*Schud hoofd* Je bent ziek en verdraaid, jij stel botten. Val aan mannen! "
#~ "Ik wil hem vernietigd en verpoederd!"
#~ msgid "Not to speak of getting rid of the source of all those skeletons."
#~ msgstr "Om niet te spreken van de bron van al die Skeletten."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Right. But on the other hand, we really need those weapons as soon as "
#~ "possible..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zeker, maar aan de andere kant, we hebben die wapen zo snel mogelijk "
#~ "nodig..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Well how about this: I stay here with the rest of us dwarves and start "
#~ "working on the weapons, while you go after him. By the time you have "
#~ "destroyed him we probably would have had enough time to set up defenses "
#~ "and get the mines and forges running again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Wat dachten jullie hier van: Ik blijf hier met de rest van de Dwergen en "
#~ "begin met het werken aan de wapens, terwijl jullie achter hem aan gaan. "
#~ "Tegen de tijd dat jullie hem vernietigd hebben, hebben wij waarschijnlijk "
#~ "genoeg tijd gehad om onze verdediging op te zetten en deze mijnen weer "
#~ "actief te hebben."
#~ msgid "Sounds good to me."
#~ msgstr "Lijkt goed volgens mij."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Very well. All of you dwarves who have fought under Tallin may accompany "
#~ "him if they so desire."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dat is goed. Alle Dwergen die onder hem gediend hebben mogen hem "
#~ "vergezellen als hij dat wenst."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Yes, I have learned in my captivity, and my scouts have conformed, that "
#~ "is a very strategically important fortress for the orcs. As a matter of "
#~ "fact it is the anchor for their entire eastern flank."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ja, ik heb tijdens mijn gevangenschap geleerd dat dit een strategisch erg "
#~ "belangrijk fort is voor de Orks. Om precies te zijn is dit hun baken voor "
#~ "de hele oosterse flank."
#~ msgid "Blast it. The coward has fled."
#~ msgstr "De lafaard is gevlucht."
#~ msgid "And Ro'Arthian, send a message to Hamel. Tell him it's time."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "En Ro'Arthian, stuur een bericht naar Hamel. Vertel hem dat het tijd is."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Hamel was very surprised to see that Tallin had managed to convince both "
#~ "the Liches and Stalrag to join their cause. They soon got down to "
#~ "business, planning and readying themselves for the final confrontation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hamel was er verrast om te zien dat Tallin beide Lichs en Stalrag had "
#~ "overtuigd zich bij hun te voegen. Ze kwamen snel ter zake;plannen en zich "
#~ "voorbereiden op de uiteindelijke confrontatie."
#~ msgid "A council was quickly held..."
#~ msgstr "Een vergadering was snel belegd..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "So, this sorceress is some very important princess among the elves. That "
#~ "probably explains what the elves are doing so far away from their forests."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dus, deze tovenares is een erg belangrijke prinses bij de Elven. Dat "
#~ "verklaart wat de Elfen zo ver van hun bos af brengt."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Yeah, they are probably either going to pay the ransom, or they will "
#~ "fight for her. From the reports it seems like they are prepared to do "
#~ "both."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ja, ze gaan ofwel de borgsom betalen ofwel voor haar vechten. Uit de "
#~ "bericht lijkt het dat ze bereid zijn beide te doen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "But you do have a point Stalrag, and I am sure that is exactly what the "
#~ "orcs want too. If the elves pay the ransom then things would probably get "
#~ "pretty sticky for us."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maar je hebt een punt Stalrag en ik weet zeker dat de Orks precies dat "
#~ "willen. Als de Elven de borgsom betalen zal het er voor ons niet "
#~ "makkelijker op maken."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Hmmm. What I see here is a perfect opportunity to get some more allies."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hmmm. Wat ik zie is een perfecte kans om meer bondgenoten te krijgen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "How is that Hamel? Judging from the reply those elves gave us before I "
#~ "don't think we can just go up to them and say, 'Hey, we'll help you get "
#~ "your princess back if you'll join us."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hoe is dat Hamel? Oordelend op het antwoord van de Elven kunnen we niet "
#~ "naar ze toe gaan en zeggen: 'Hey, we helpen jullie met het redden van de "
#~ "prinses als jullie je bij ons voegen.'"
#~ msgid "Dito!"
#~ msgstr "Dito!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Argh! I am finished, but our campaign must... not end... free... the.... "
#~ "princess.... and ..... save..... our...... people......."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Argh! Ik ben er geweest, maar onze opdracht mag hier... niet eindigen... "
#~ "Bevrijd de... prinses..... en red..... ons..... volk....."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "I am free! Thank you my saviors. But if you don't mind me asking, who in "
#~ "the world are you?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ik ben vrij! Dank jullie wel redders! Maar als ik zo vrij mag zijn, wie "
#~ "zijn jullie?"
#~ msgid "Later princess, first let's get outta here!"
#~ msgstr "Later prinses, eerst gaan we hier weg!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The dwarves of Knalga are themselves in desperate need off help. Come to "
#~ "our keep talk to our leader, Lord Hamel. I am sure we can work out a way "
#~ "to help each other."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "De Dwergen van Knalga hebben zelf ook dringend hulp nodig. Kom mee naar "
#~ "onze vestiging om met onze leider, Heer Hamel, te praten. Ik weet zeker "
#~ "dat we een manier kunnen vinden om elkaar te helpen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Greetings Tallin. My men informed me that you would be coming. Come on "
#~ "inside the keep."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Gegroet Tallin. Mijn mannen informeerden mij dat je zou komen. Kom binnen "
#~ "in onze vestiging."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Argh! I am finished, but our campaign must... not end... $name."
#~ "user_description ... find... the.... dwarves.... and ..... save..... "
#~ "our...... people......."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Argh! Ik ben verslagen, maar onze opdracht mag... niet eindigen... $name."
#~ "user_description ... vind... de... Dwergen... en... red... ons... "
#~ "volk....."
#~ msgid "Hehehe."
#~ msgstr "Hehehe."
#~ msgid "Ack! Stupid Troll!"
#~ msgstr "Stomme Trol!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "All the woman and children had been brought from the original dwarvish "
#~ "keep. While there was much grieving over the men who had died, they were "
#~ "all overjoyed to be together again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Alle vrouwen en kinderen waren overgebracht vanuit de oude Dwergse "
#~ "vesting. Ondanks de rouw over de gestorvenen overheerste de blijheid van "
#~ "het samenzijn."
#~ msgid "Well Hamel, you guyz seem to be doing ok."
#~ msgstr "Wel Hamel, jullie "
#~ msgid "Indeed. Thanks to you Tallin Knalga is rising again!"
#~ msgstr "Inderdaad. Dankzij jou Tallin is Knalga weer in opmars!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "And I am sure you will need all the gold you can get in the coming months "
#~ "to rebuild your own community."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "En ik weet zeker dat je al het goud nodig zult hebben de komende maanden "
#~ "om je gemeenschap weer op te bouwen."
#~ msgid "Thank's Hamel."
#~ msgstr "Bedankt Hamel."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "But anyhow, what I am saying is that you should learn these skills from "
#~ "me."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maar hoe dan ook, wat ik wil zeggen is dat ik jou die vaardigheden zou "
#~ "moeten leren."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "And now that we have some time while your men get equipped and trained, "
#~ "it is the perfect opportunity for you to learn."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "En nu hebben we daarvoor wat tijd, terwijl je mannen gewapend en getraind "
#~ "worden."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "After a quick council of war it was decided that the dwarves would "
#~ "reinforce the the inner defenses while Tallin and the humans sallied out "
#~ "and met them. If the humans couldn't stop them then they could always "
#~ "retreat into the caves."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Na snel oorlogsberaad werd besloten dat de Dwergen de verdediging in "
#~ "stelling brachten terwijl Tallin en zijn mensen eropuit gingen om ze te "
#~ "ontmoeten. Als de Mensen ze niet konden stoppen konden ze terugtrekken in "
#~ "de grotten."
#~ msgid "So how did it go?"
#~ msgstr "En hoe ging het?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It's true. However without crushing the orcish host we will never be "
#~ "able to reach any long term solution."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dat is waar. Zonder de Orkse bezetter te vernietigen zullen we nooit in "
#~ "staat zijn om een langdurige oplossing te bereiken."
#~ msgid "Yes........?"
#~ msgstr "Ja........?"
#~ msgid "Hehehehehe"
#~ msgstr "Hehehehehe"
#~ msgid "And that's why they look so young too - all this regenerating stuff."
#~ msgstr "En daarom lijken ze zo jong..."
#~ msgid "You want to attack me you fiend? Pfff, idiot."
#~ msgstr "Jullie willen mij aanvallen? Pfff, idioot."
#~ msgid "Wow, cool! Being able to do that must come in handy."
#~ msgstr "Wow, cool! Dat te kunnen moet erg handig zijn."
#~ msgid "It sure does."
#~ msgstr "Dat is het zeker."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Arrrrgh! I have done my best..... but I can go no further.... But all of "
#~ "you .... must continue.... our..... quest...."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Arrrgh! Ik heb mijn best gedaan... maar kan niet verder... Maar jullie... "
#~ "moeten onze... strijd... volhouden...."
#~ msgid "Alright, here we go."
#~ msgstr "Goed, we gaan."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Yes, it's true but the fact is that we are also extremely low on weapons "
#~ "and armor ourselves. We are just a small band of dwarves that managed to "
#~ "hold our position in this little keep while the rest of Knalga was "
#~ "overrun by the orcs. Perhaps there are other small pockets like us but I "
#~ "don't know."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ja, dat is waar, maar het feit is dat we zelf ook erg weinig wapens en "
#~ "pantsers hebben. We zijn slechts en kleine groep Dwergen die stand hebben "
#~ "gehouden in deze vestiging terwijl de rest van Knalga door Orks onder "
#~ "voet is gelopen. Misschien zijn er andere gemeenschappen als de onze, "
#~ "maar dat weet ik niet."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Anyhow fortunately we managed to assassinate the orcish leader and as a "
#~ "result the orcish unity disintegrated and they started fighting among "
#~ "themselves. That is the only reason why Knalga is in the state that is "
#~ "now in, rather then being an orcish stronghold."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hoe dan ook gelukkig het is ons gelukt om de Orkse leider te vermoorden "
#~ "en dat resulteerde dat de eenheid weg was bij de Orks en ze met elkaar op "
#~ "de vuist gingen. Dat is de enige reden waarom Knalga in deze staat is, in "
#~ "plaats van een Orks nederzetting."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "But to the point, we have been stranded in these tunnels for years now, "
#~ "almost completely cut off from all sources of food, metals, and in short, "
#~ "any type of resources."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maar we behelpen ons al jaren in deze tunnels, bijna volledig afgesloten "
#~ "van bronnen, zoals voedsel, metalen, om kort te gaan elke grondstof."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "So basically, we need resources right? Is there any source for them "
#~ "nearby?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dus kort gezegt hebben we grondstoffen nodig, toch? Zijn die dichtbij te "
#~ "vinden?"
#~ msgid "TALLIN!"
#~ msgstr "TALLIN!"
#~ msgid "Die you foul traitor!"
#~ msgstr "Sterf jij vuile verrader!"
#~ msgid "Ahhhh! What.... happened....?....What.....have.....I.....done?"
#~ msgstr "Ahhhh! Wat.... gebeurde er....?....Wat.....heb.....ik.....gedaan?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You stupid wizard, you just killed one of my most promising generals!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jij stomme tovenaar, je hebt net mijn meest veelbelovende generaal "
#~ "vermoord!"
#~ msgid "And you are next you bag of bones! Come on men! Attack!"
#~ msgstr "En jij bent de volgende! Kom op mannen! Aanvallen!"