Eric S. Raymond a33933f2de Address bug #11034.
This looks safe to me, and now that we're early
in 1.5 we'll have time to notice and fix any problems it creates.
2008-03-04 18:14:20 +00:00

51 lines
1.4 KiB

import re, os, safe
whitelisted = ["wesnoth", "heapq", "random", "math", "string", "re", "threading"]
rex = re.compile(r"^import\s+(.*)", re.M)
modules = {}
def include(matchob):
Regular expression callback. Handles a single import statement, returning
the included code.
names = [x.strip() for x in matchob.group(1).split(",")]
r = ""
for name in names:
if name in whitelisted:
modules[name] = __import__(name)
for path in pathes:
includefile = os.path.join(path, name)
code = parse_file(includefile + ".py")
except IOError:
raise safe.SafeException("Could not include %s." % name)
return None
r += code
return r
def parse_file(name):
Simple pre-parsing of scripts, all it does is allow importing other scripts.
abspath = os.path.abspath(name)
if abspath in already: return ""
already[abspath] = 1
code = file(abspath).read().replace(chr(13), "")
code = rex.sub(include, code)
return code
# If you want to disable safe python, use this instead:
# def parse(name): return open(name).read(), {}
def parse(name):
global already, modules
already = {}
modules = {}
return parse_file(name), modules