Eric S. Raymond fe1af9a393 Remove obsolete {{Home}}, template,
...add new category 'Generated' to mark that this should not be
2008-03-08 09:38:51 +00:00

106 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
# This must be run from the directory which has Wesnoth's "data" folder in it.
import sys, re, glob
import wesnoth.wmldata as wmldata
def output(text):
if __name__ == "__main__":
import optparse, subprocess
try: import psyco
except ImportError: pass
else: psyco.full()
optionparser = optparse.OptionParser()
options, args = optionparser.parse_args()
files = ["data/core/about.cfg"]
# Parse WML.
class Section: pass
class Entry: pass
chapters = []
for arg in files:
sections = []
wml = wmldata.read_file(arg)
if not wml.get_first("about"):
wml = wml.get_first("campaign")
if not wml.get_first("about"):
sys.stderr.write("No about section found in %s\n" % arg)
for about in wml.get_all("about"):
section = Section()
section.title = about.get_text_val("title")
section.lines = []
for entry in about.get_all("entry"):
name = entry.get_text_val("name")
comment = entry.get_text_val("comment", "")
wikiuser = entry.get_text_val("wikiuser", "")
email = entry.get_text_val("email", "")
section.lines.append((name, comment, wikiuser, email))
if section.title: sections.append(section)
chapters.append((arg, sections))
# Output.
{| style="float:right"
In July 2003, '''David White''' released the first version of Wesnoth. Since
then, many people have joined the project, contributing in very different ways.
To make any changes to this list, please modify about.cfg in SVN or ask any
developer to do it for you.
for path, sections in chapters:
if path == "data/core/about.cfg":
output("== Contributors ==\n")
slash1 = path.rfind("/")
slash2 = path.rfind("/", 0, slash1)
beautified = path[slash2 + 1:slash1]
beautified = beautified.replace("_", " ")
beautified = beautified[0].upper() + beautified[1:]
output("== " + beautified + " ==\n")
for section in sections:
output("=== %s ===\n" % section.title)
for name, comment, wikiuser, email in section.lines:
if name == "*":
if comment: comment = " - " + comment
if wikiuser:
# If a wiki user is given, the nickname is turned into a
# wiki link, or else the whole name.
if "(" in name:
name = re.sub(r"\((.*)\)", "([[User:%s|\\1]])" % wikiuser, name)
# The whole name is turned into a link, but also an
# email is given - in this case add an extra link.
if email:
name += " ([[User:%s|%s]])" % (wikiuser, wikiuser)
name = "[[User:%s|%s]]" % (wikiuser, name)
if email:
if "(" in name:
name, nick = name.split("(", 1)
name = name.strip()
name = "[mailto:" + email + " " + name + "]"
name += " (" + nick
name = "[mailto:" + email + " " + name + "]"
output("* %s%s\n" % (name, comment))