2007-05-20 00:24:13 +00:00

372 lines
16 KiB

wmltools.py -- Python routines for working with a Battle For Wesnoth WMl tree
import sys, os, re, sre_constants, md5, glob
resource_extensions = ("png", "jpg", "ogg", "wav", "map")
class Forest:
"Return an iterable directory forest object."
def __init__(self, dirpath, exclude=None):
"Get the names of all files under dirpath, ignoring .svn directories."
self.forest = []
self.dirpath = dirpath
for dir in dirpath:
subtree = []
if os.path.isdir(dir): # So we skip .cfgs in a UMC mirror
lambda arg, dir, names: subtree.extend(map(lambda x: os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir, x)), names)),
for i in range(len(self.forest)):
self.forest[i] = filter(lambda x: ".svn" not in x, self.forest[i])
self.forest[i] = filter(lambda x: not os.path.isdir(x), self.forest[i])
if exclude:
self.forest[i] = filter(lambda x: not re.search(exclude, x), self.forest[i])
self.forest[i] = filter(lambda x: not x.endswith("-bak"), self.forest[i])
# Compute cliques (will be used later for visibility checks)
self.clique = {}
counter = 0
for tree in self.forest:
for filename in tree:
self.clique[filename] = counter
counter += 1
def parent(self, filename):
"Return the directory root that caused this path to be included."
return self.dirpath[self.clique[filename]]
def neighbors(self, fn1, fn2):
"Are two files from the same tree?"
return self.clique[fn1] == self.clique[fn2]
def flatten(self):
"Return a flattened list of all files in the forest."
allfiles = []
for tree in self.forest:
allfiles += tree
return allfiles
def generator(self):
"Return a generator that walks through all files."
for tree in self.forest:
for filename in tree:
yield filename
def iswml(filename):
"Is the specified filename WML?"
return filename.endswith(".cfg")
def isresource(filename):
"Is the specifired name a resource?"
(root, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
return ext and ext[1:] in resource_extensions
class Reference:
"Describes a location by file and line."
def __init__(self, filename, lineno=None, docstring=None):
self.filename = filename
self.lineno = lineno
self.references = {}
self.docstring = docstring
self.undef = None
def append(self, fn, n):
if fn not in self.references:
self.references[fn] = []
def dump_references(self):
for (file, linenumbers) in self.references.items():
print " %s: %s" % (file, `linenumbers`[1:-1])
def __cmp__(self, other):
"Compare two documentation objects for place in the sort order."
# Major sort by file, minor by line number. This presumes that the
# files correspond to coherent topics and gives us control of the
# sequence.
byfile = cmp(self.filename, other.filename)
if byfile:
return byfile
return cmp(self.lineno, other.lineno)
def __str__(self):
if self.lineno:
return '"%s", line %d' % (self.filename, self.lineno)
return self.filename
__repr__ = __str__
class CrossRef:
macro_reference = re.compile(r"\{([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_:]*[A-Za-z0-9_])\b")
file_reference = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z0-9{}.][A-Za-z0-9_/+{}.-]*\.(" + "|".join(resource_extensions) + ")")
def mark_matching_resources(self, pattern, fn, n):
"Mark all definitions matching a specified pattern with a reference."
pattern = pattern.replace("+", r"\+")
pattern = re.compile(os.sep + pattern + "$")
except sre_constants.error:
print >>sys.stderr, "macroscope: confused by %s" % pattern
return None
key = None
for trial in self.fileref:
if pattern.search(trial) and self.visible_from(trial, fn, n):
key = trial
self.fileref[key].append(fn, n)
return key
def visible_from(self, defn, fn, n):
"Is specified definition visible from the specified file and line?"
if type(defn) == type(""):
defn = self.fileref[defn]
if defn.undef != None:
# Local macros are only visible in the file where they were defined
return defn.filename == fn and n >= defn.lineno and n <= defn.undef
elif defn.filename in self.filelist.forest[0]:
# Macros and resources in the first subtree are visible everywhere.
return True
elif not self.filelist.neighbors(defn.filename, fn):
# Otherwise, must be in the same subtree.
return False
# If the two files are in the same subtree, assume visibility.
# This doesn't match the actual preprocessor semantics.
# It means any macro without an undef is visible anywhere in the
# same argument directory.
# We can't do better than this without a lot of hairy graph-
# coloring logic to simulate include path interpretation.
# If that logic ever gets built, it will go here.
return True
def __init__(self, dirpath=[], exclude="", warnlevel=0):
"Build cross-reference object from the specified filelist."
self.dirpath = dirpath
self.filelist = Forest(dirpath, exclude)
self.xref = {}
self.fileref = {}
self.noxref = False
for filename in self.filelist.generator():
if warnlevel > 1:
print filename + ":"
if isresource(filename):
self.fileref[filename] = Reference(filename)
elif iswml(filename):
# It's a WML file, scan for macro defitions
dfp = open(filename)
state = "outside"
for (n, line) in enumerate(dfp):
if warnlevel > 1:
print `line`[1:-1]
if line.strip().startswith("#define"):
tokens = line.split()
name = tokens[1]
here = Reference(filename, n+1, line)
here.hash = md5.new()
here.docstring = line.lstrip()[8:] # Strip off #define_
state = "macro_header"
elif state != 'outside' and line.strip().endswith("#enddef"):
here.hash = here.hash.digest()
if name in self.xref:
for defn in self.xref[name]:
if not self.visible_from(defn, filename, n+1):
elif defn.hash != here.hash:
print >>sys.stderr, \
"%s: overrides different %s definition at %s" \
% (here, name, defn)
elif warnlevel > 0:
print >>sys.stderr, \
"%s: duplicates %s definition at %s" \
% (here, name, defn)
if name not in self.xref:
self.xref[name] = []
state = "outside"
elif state == "macro_header" and line and line[0] != "#":
state = "macro_body"
if state == "macro_header":
here.docstring += line[1:]
if state in ("macro_header", "macro_body"):
elif line.strip().startswith("#undef"):
tokens = line.split()
name = tokens[1]
if name in self.xref and self.xref[name]:
self.xref[name][-1].undef = n+1
print "%s: unbalanced #undef on %s" \
% (Reference(filename, n+1), name)
elif filename.endswith(".def"):
# It's a list of names to be considered defined
self.noxref = True
dfp = open(filename)
for line in dfp:
self.xref[line.strip()] = True
# Next, decorate definitions with all references from the filelist.
self.unresolved = []
self.missing = []
formals = []
for fn in self.filelist.generator():
if iswml(fn):
rfp = open(fn)
for (n, line) in enumerate(rfp):
if line.startswith("#define"):
formals = line.split()[2:]
elif line.startswith("#enddef"):
formals = []
if '#' in line:
line = line.split('#')[0]
if not line:
# Find references to macros
for match in re.finditer(CrossRef.macro_reference, line):
name = match.group(1)
candidates = 0
if name in formals:
elif name in self.xref:
for defn in self.xref[name]:
if self.visible_from(defn, fn, n+1):
candidates += 1
defn.append(fn, n+1)
if candidates > 1:
print "%s: more than one definition of %s is visible here." % (Reference(fn, n), name)
if candidates == 0:
self.unresolved.append((name, Reference(fn,n+1)))
# Find references to resource files
for match in re.finditer(CrossRef.file_reference, line):
name = match.group(0)
# Catches maps that look like macro names.
if name.endswith(".map") and name[0] == '{':
name = name[1:]
key = None
# If name is already in our resource list, it's easy.
if name in self.fileref and self.visible_from(name, fn, n):
self.fileref[trial].append(fn, n+1)
# If the name contains subtitutable parts, count
# it as a reference to everything the substitutions
# could potentially match.
elif '{' in name:
pattern = re.sub(r"\{[^}]*\}", '.*', name)
key = self.mark_matching_resources(pattern, fn,n+1)
if key:
self.fileref[key].append(fn, n+1)
candidates = []
for trial in self.fileref:
if trial.endswith(os.sep + name) and self.visible_from(trial, fn, n):
key = trial
self.fileref[trial].append(fn, n+1)
if len(candidates) > 1:
print "%s: more than one definition of %s is visible here (%s)." % (Reference(fn, n), name, ", ".join(candidates))
if not key:
self.missing.append((name, Reference(fn,n+1)))
def subtract(self, filelist):
"Transplant file references in files from filelist to a new CrossRef."
smallref = CrossRef()
for filename in self.fileref:
for (referrer, referlines) in self.fileref[filename].references.items():
if referrer in filelist:
if filename not in smallref.fileref:
smallref.fileref[filename] = Reference(filename)
smallref.fileref[filename].references[referrer] = referlines
del self.fileref[filename].references[referrer]
return smallref
def refcount(self, name):
"Return a reference count for the specified resource."
return len(self.fileref[name].references.keys())
except KeyError:
return 0
## Namespace management
# This is the only part of the code that actually knows about the
# shape of the data tree.
def scopelist():
"Return a list of (separate) package scopes, core first."
return ["data/core"] + glob.glob("data/campaigns/*")
def is_namespace(name):
"Is the name either a valid campaign name or core?"
return name in map(os.path.basename, scopelist())
def namespace_directory(name):
"Go from namespace to directory."
if name == "core":
return "data/core/"
return "data/campaigns/" + name + "/"
def directory_namespace(path):
"Go from directory to namespace."
if path.startswith("data/core/"):
return "core"
elif path.startswith("data/campaigns/"):
return path.split("/")[2]
return None
def namespace_member(path, namespace):
"Is a path in a specified namespace?"
ns = directory_namespace(path)
return ns != None and ns == namespace
def resolve_unit_cfg(namespace, resource):
"Get the location of a specified unit in a specified scope."
loc = namespace_directory(namespace) + "units/" + resource
if not loc.endswith(".cfg"):
loc += ".cfg"
return loc
def resolve_unit_image(namespace, subdir, resource):
"Construct a plausible location for given resource in specified namespace."
return os.path.join(namespace_directory(namespace), "images/units", subdir, resource)
## Version-control hooks begin here.
# Change these if we move away from Subversion
vcdir = ".svn"
def vcmove(src, dst):
"Move a file under version control. Only applied to unmodified files."
(dir, base) = os.path.split(src)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, ".svn")):
return "svn mv %s %s" % (src, dst)
return "mv %s %s" % (src, dst)
def vcunmove(src, dst):
"Revert the result of a previous move (before commit)."
(dir, base) = os.path.split(src)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, ".svn")):
return "svn revert %s" % dst # Revert the add at the destination
return "rm %s" % dst # Remove the moved copy
return "svn revert %s" % src # Revert the deletion
return "mv %s %s" % (dst, src)
def vcdelete(src):
"Delete a file under version control."
(dir, base) = os.path.split(src)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, ".svn")):
return "svn rm %s" % src
return "rm %s" % src
def vcundelete(src):
"Revert the result of a previous delete (before commit)."
(dir, base) = os.path.split(src)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, ".svn")):
return "svn revert %s" % src # Revert the deletion
return "echo 'can't undelete %s, not under version control'" % src
## Version-control hooks end here
# wmltools.py ends here