Thibault Févry dee75eeef0 Fix indent.
2013-08-24 18:47:00 +02:00

246 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
wmlmove -- generate commands to move a unit in the Wesnoth tree
usage: wmlmove --help
wmlmove [--revert] {src...} {dst}
wmlmove --delete src
This script facilitates moving or deleting units (referenced by their
.cfg file) along with all of their associated resources (images and
sounds). It may be run from the Wesnoth top-level directory or
anywhere beneath.
For purposes of this command, a "namespace identifier" is either the
basename of a campaign subdirectory or the special name "core",
indicating the units, images and sounds directories in data/core.
A source must be a namespace identifier, followed by "::", followed by
the name of a unit (the basename of its path without the .cfg
extension). A destination must be a namespace identifier, optionally
followed by :: and a unit class.
The script generates a sequence of shell commands. These commands
will move the unit and all its resources to appropriate places under
the target campaign or core directories. Appropriate VCS move commands
will be used on version-controlled files.
A resource is considered to belong to a unit (and moves with it) if the
resource is included in the unit .cfg and lives near the unit .cfg.
"Near" for a unit in the core data means anywhere in the core data,
but not in a campaign directory. "Near" for a unit under a
data/campaign directory means anywhere in that same campaign
directory, but not in core data or any other campaign directory.
The --revert option generates commands used to revert the result of a
specified move, undoing version-control operations as needed.
The --delete option removes a unit and its associated resources.
The --listspaces option lists all namespace identifiers.
The --imageclass option may be used to insert a directory path segment
into each destination filename just before the basename. Normally you
will not need to do this, as the image class will be deduced from the
second argument.
Note: After performing a move generated with this command, use
wmlscope to check that you have not left any references to the moved
units dangling.
Also be aware that this tool does nothing to update the unit
translation files.
Here is an example:
wmlmove Heir_To_The_Throne::Elvish_Lord Heir_To_The_Throne::Elvish_High_Lord Heir_To_The_Throne::Elvish_Lady core::elves
import sys, os, time, re, getopt, sre_constants
from wesnoth.wmltools import *
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Process options.
(options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dhi:lLr", ['delete', 'help', 'imageclass=', 'list', 'listspaces', 'revert'])
listem = False
listspaces = False
iclass = None
delete = False
revert = False
for (switch, val) in options:
if switch in ('-h', '--help'):
elif switch in ('-d', '--delete'):
delete = True
elif switch in ('-i', '--imageclass'):
iclass = val
elif switch in ('-l', '--list'):
listem = True
elif switch in ('-L', '--listspaces'):
listspaces = True
elif switch in ('-r', '--revert'):
listem = True
if not listspaces:
if len(arguments) == 0:
sys.stderr.write("wmlmove: at least one path to a unit is required.\n")
if not delete:
if len(arguments) == 1:
sys.stderr.write("wmlmove: a campaign name or 'core' is required.\n")
dst = arguments.pop()
if listspaces:
print "\n".join(map(os.path.basename, scopelist()))
# Locate the unit .cfgs to be moved.
srclist = []
for src in arguments:
(namespace, resource) = src.split("::")
except ValueError:
"wmlmove: source name %s not in the form namespace::resource.\n" % src)
if not is_namespace(namespace):
sys.stderr.write("wmlmove: no such scope as %s.\n" % namespace)
src = resolve_unit_cfg(namespace, resource)
if not os.path.exists(src):
sys.stderr.write("wmlmove: can't find %s to move it.\n" % src)
# Validate the destination.
if not delete:
uclass = None
if "::" in dst:
(dst, uclass) = dst.split("::")
elif dst == "core":
sys.stderr.write("wmlmove: moves to core require a unit subclass.\n")
dstdir = namespace_directory(dst)
if dstdir == None:
sys.stderr.write("wmlmove: invalid namespace %s\n" % dstdir)
# Cross-reference all files.
cref = CrossRef(scopelist())
# Filter reference information on all files referenced in the source .cfgs
srcrefs = cref.subtract(srclist)
# List all relevant resources and their other references.
if listem:
for (name, defloc) in srcrefs.fileref.items():
print "Resource %s is used in %d files:" % \
(defloc, len(defloc.references))
# Generate the actual move commands
print "# Generated script from", " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
if not delete and not revert:
print '''
# Replace a specified string with another in any number of files
left="$1"; right="$2"; shift; shift;
for file in $*
if grep "$left" $file >/dev/null 2>&1
overwrite $file sed "s@$left@$right@g" $file
# Replace a file with itself filtered by a command
file=$1; shift
new=/tmp/over$$; old=/tmp/under$$
trap \'rm -f $new $old ; exit 1\' 1 2 15
if PATH=$opath "$@" >$new
cp $file $old # save the old file
trap "" 1 2 15 # We are committed; ignore signals
cp $new $file
echo "overwrite: $1 failed, $file unchanged" 1 >&2
exit 1
rm -f $new $old
print "chdir", os.getcwd()
if delete:
print "# Image deletions:"
for (name, defloc) in srcrefs.fileref.items():
for namespace in map(directory_namespace, srclist):
if namespace_member(name, namespace) and cref.refcount(name) == 0:
if revert:
print vcundelete(name)
print vcdelete(name)
print ""
print "# .cfg deletions"
for filename in srclist:
if revert:
print vcundelete(filename)
print vcdelete(filename)
if iclass == None:
if not iclass:
if uclass:
iclass = uclass
iclass = 'monsters'
print "# Defaulting image subclass to '%s', use -i to set it." % iclass
print "# Image moves:"
for (name, defloc) in srcrefs.fileref.items():
source = directory_namespace(name)
target = resolve_unit_image(dst, iclass, os.path.basename(name))
if revert:
if not namespace_member(name, source):
print vcunmove(name, target)
if not namespace_member(name, dst):
print vcmove(name, target)
print ""
print "# .cfg moves and transformations"
for filename in srclist:
source = directory_namespace(filename)
target = resolve_unit_cfg(dst, uclass, os.path.basename(filename))
if revert:
if not namespace_member(filename, source):
print vcunmove(filename, target)
if not namespace_member(filename, dst):
print vcmove(filename, target)
if iclass:
print "replace 'units/' 'units/%s/' %s" % (iclass, target)
if dst == "core":
print "replace '#textdomain wesnoth.*' '#textdomain wesnoth' %s" % target
print "echo 'Warning: text domain will require manual change.'"
# wmlmove ends here