2013-08-09 00:13:46 +02:00

499 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# wmlscope -- generate reports on WML macro and resource usage
# By Eric S. Raymond, April 2007.
# This tool cross-references macro definitions with macro calls, and
# resource (sound or image) files with uses of the resources in WML.
# and generates various useful reports from such cross-references.
# It also checks actual macro arguments against types implied by the formals
# (Most of the work is done by a cross-referencer class that is also
# used elsewhere, e.g. by wmlmove.)
# It takes a list of directories as arguments; if none is given, it
# behaves as though the current directory had been specified as a
# single argument. Each directory is treated as a separate domain for
# macro and resource visibility purposes.
# There are two kinds of namespace, exporting and non-exporting.
# Exporting namespaces make all their resources and macro names
# globally visible. You can make a namespace exporting by embedding
# a comment like this in it:
# # wmlscope: export=yes
# Wesnoth core data is an exporting namespace. Campaigns are non-exporting;
# they should contain the declaration
# # wmlscope: export=no
# somewhere. wmlscope will complain when it sees a namespace with no export
# property, then treat it as non-exporting.
# You can tell wmlscope to ignore stretches of config files
# with the following magic comments:
# # wmlscope: start ignoring
# # wmlscope: stop ignoring
# Similarly, you can tell wmlscope to ignore multiple or duplicate macro
# definitions in a range of lines with the following magic comments:
# # wmlscope: start conditionals
# # wmlscope: stop conditionals
# The following magic comment:
# # prune FOOBAR
# will cause wmlscope to forget about all but one of the definitions of FOOBAR
# it has seen. This will be useful mainly for symbols that have different
# definitions enabled by an #ifdef.
# This tool does catch one kind of implicit reference: if an attack name
# is specified but no icon is given, the attack icon will default to
# a name generated from the attack name. This behavior can be suppressed
# by adding a magic comment containing the string "no-icon" to the name= line.
# The checking done by this tool has a couple of flaws:
# (1) It doesn't actually evaluate file inclusions. Instead, any
# macro definition satisfies any macro call made under the same
# directory. Exception: when an #undef is detected, the macro is
# tagged local and not visible outside the span of lines where it's
# defined.
# (2) It doesn't read [binary_path] tags, as this would require
# implementing a WML parser. Instead, it assumes that a resource-file
# reference can be satisfied by any matching image file from anywhere
# in the same directory it came from. The resources under the *first*
# directory argument (only) are visible everywhere.
# (3) A reference with embedded {}s in a macro will have the macro's
# formal args substituted in at WML evaluation time. Instead, this
# tool treats each {} as a .* wildcard and considers the reference to
# match *every* resource filename that matches that pattern. Under
# appropriate circumstances this might report a resource filename
# statically matching the pattern as having been referenced even
# though none of the actual macro calls would actually generate it.
# Problems (1) and (2) imply that this tool might conceivably report
# that a reference has been satisfied when under actual
# WML-interpreter rules it has not.
# The reporting format is compatible with GNU Emacs compile mode.
# For debugging purposes, an in-line comment of the form
# # wmlscope: warnlevel NNN
# sets the warning level.
import sys, os, time, re, getopt, hashlib
from wesnoth.wmltools import *
def interpret(lines, css):
"Interpret the ! convention for .cfg comments."
inlisting = False
outstr = '<p class="%s">' % css
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if inlisting:
if line and line[0] != '!':
outstr += "</pre>\n<p>"
inlisting = False
if not line:
outstr += "</p><p>"
if line[0] == '!':
outstr += "</p>\n<pre class='listing'>"
inlisting = True
bracketdepth = curlydepth = 0
line = line.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;").replace("&", "&amp;")
if inlisting:
outstr += line[1:] + "\n"
outstr += line + "\n"
if not inlisting:
outstr += "</p>\n"
outstr += "</pre>\n"
outstr = outstr.replace("<p></p>", "")
outstr = outstr.replace("\n\n</pre>", "\n</pre>")
return outstr
class CrossRefLister(CrossRef):
"Cross-reference generator with reporting functions"
def xrefdump(self, pred=None):
"Report resolved macro references."
sorted = self.xref.keys()
for name in sorted:
for defn in self.xref[name]:
if pred and not pred(name, defn):
if defn.undef:
type = "local"
type = "global"
nrefs = len(defn.references)
if nrefs == 0:
print "%s: %s macro %s is unused" % (defn, type, name)
print "%s: %s macro %s is used in %d files:" % (defn, type, name, nrefs)
sorted = self.fileref.keys()
for name in sorted:
defloc = self.fileref[name]
if pred and not pred(name, defloc):
nrefs = len(defloc.references)
if nrefs == 0:
print "Resource %s is unused" % defloc
print "Resource %s is used in %d files:" % (defloc, nrefs)
def unresdump(self):
"Report unresolved references, arity mismatches, duplicate unit IDs."
# First the unresolved references
if len(self.unresolved) == 0 and len(self.missing) == 0:
print "# No unresolved references"
#print self.fileref.keys()
for (name, reference) in self.unresolved + self.missing:
print "%s: Unresolved reference -> %s" % (reference, name)
mismatched = []
sorted = self.xref.keys()
for name in sorted:
for defn in self.xref[name]:
m = defn.mismatches()
if m.references:
mismatched.append((name, m))
# Then the type mismatches
if mismatched:
print "# Mismatched references:"
for (n, m) in mismatched:
print "%s: macro %s(%s) has mismatches:" % (m, n, ", ".join(["{}={}".format(x, formaltype(x)) for x in m.args]))
for (file, refs) in m.references.items():
for (ln, args) in refs:
print '"%s", line %d: %s(%s) with signature (%s)' % (file, ln, n, ", ".join(args), ", ".join(["{}={}".format(f, actualtype(a)) for f,a in zip(m.args, args)]))
def undersized(self):
"Report undersized images that cannot be safely overlaid on a hex."
from PIL import Image
for (namespace, filename) in xref.filelist.generator():
if filename.endswith(".png"):
im = Image.open(filename)
(x, y) = im.size
if x <= 60 or y <= 60:
print "%s: %d by %d" % (filename, x, y)
except IOError:
sys.stderr.write("%s: PIL internal error\n" % filename)
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("Install Python Imaging Library to enable size check.\n")
def duplicates(self, exportonly):
"Dump duplicate unit IDs."
duplicate_latch = False
for (key, value) in self.unit_ids.items():
if len(value) > 1:
if exportonly and not [x for x in value if self.exports(x.namespace)]:
if not duplicate_latch:
print "# Duplicate IDs"
duplicate_latch = True
print "%s: occurs %d times as unit ID" % (key, len(value))
for ref in value:
print "%s: exported=%s" % (ref, self.exports(ref.namespace))
def typelist(self, branch):
"Dump actual and formal arguments for macros in specified file"
already_seen = []
sorted = self.xref.keys()
for name in sorted:
for defn in self.xref[name]:
for (filename, refs) in defn.references.items():
if filename.endswith(branch):
if name not in already_seen:
print "%s: macro %s(%s):" % (defn, name, ", ".join(["{}={}".format(x, formaltype(x)) for x in defn.args]))
for (ln, args) in refs:
print '"%s", line %d: %s(%s) with signature (%s)' % (filename, ln, name, ", ".join(args), ", ".join(["{}={}".format(f, actualtype(a)) for f,a in zip(defn.args, args)]))
def deflist(self, pred=None):
"List all resource definitions."
sorted = self.xref.keys()
for name in sorted:
for defn in self.xref[name]:
if not pred or pred(name, defn):
print "macro", name, " ".join(["{}={}".format(x, formaltype(x)) for x in defn.args])
sorted = self.fileref.keys()
for name in sorted:
defloc = self.fileref[name]
if not pred or pred(name, defloc):
print "resource", name
sorted = self.unit_ids.keys()
for uid in sorted:
print "unit", uid
def unchecked(self, fp):
"List all macro definitions with untyped formals."
unchecked = []
defcount = 0
callcount = 0
unresolvedcount = 0
for name in self.xref.keys():
for defn in self.xref[name]:
defcount += 1
callcount += len(defn.references)
if None in map(formaltype, defn.args):
for (i, d) in enumerate(defn.args):
if formaltype(d) is None:
defn.args[i] += "?"
unchecked.append((name, defn))
unresolvedcount += len(defn.references)
if unchecked:
print "# %d of %d (%d%%) macro definitions and %d of %d calls (%d%%) have untyped formals:" \
% (len(unchecked),
int((100 * len(unchecked)) / defcount),
int((100 * unresolvedcount) / callcount))
unchecked.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]))
for (name, defn) in unchecked:
print "%s: %s(%s)" % (defn, name, ", ".join(defn.args))
def extracthelp(self, pref, fp):
"Deliver all macro help comments in HTML form."
# Bug: finds only the first definition of each macro in scope.
doclist = self.xref.keys()
doclist = [x for x in doclist if self.xref[x][0].docstring.count("\n") > 1]
doclist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(self.xref[x][0], self.xref[y][0]))
outstr = ""
filename = None
filenamelist = []
counted = 0
for name in doclist:
entry = self.xref[name][0]
if entry.filename != filename:
if counted:
outstr += "</dl>\n"
counted += 1
filename = entry.filename
if filename.startswith(pref):
displayname = filename[len(pref):]
displayname = filename
outstr += "<p class='toplink'>(<a href='#global'>top</a>)</p>\n"
outstr += "<h1 id='file:" + displayname + "' class='file_header'>From file: " + displayname + "</h1>\n"
hdr = []
dfp = open(filename)
for line in dfp:
line = line.lstrip()
if line and line.startswith("#textdomain"):
if line and line[0] == '#':
if hdr:
outstr += interpret(hdr, "file_explanation")
outstr += "<dl>\n"
if entry.docstring:
lines = entry.docstring.split("\n")
header = lines.pop(0).split()
if lines and not lines[-1]: # Ignore trailing blank lines
if not lines: # Ignore definitions without a docstring
outstr += "\n<dt id='" + header[0] + "'>\n"
outstr += "<em class='macro_name'>" + header[0] + "</em>"
if header[1:]:
outstr += " <em class='macro_formals'>"+" ".join(header[1:])+"</em>"
outstr += "\n</dt>\n"
outstr += "<dd>\n"
outstr += interpret(lines, "macro_explanation")
outstr += "</dd>\n"
outstr += "</dl>\n"
outstr += "<p class='toplink'>(<a href='#global'>top</a>)</p>\n"
linkheaderstr = "<p class='filelist'>Covered macro files:"
for filename in filenamelist:
linkheaderstr += " <a href='#file:" + filename + "'>"
linkheaderstr += filename + "</a>"
linkheaderstr += "</p>\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
def help():
Usage: macroscope [options] dirpath
Options may be any of these:
-h, --help Emit this help message and quit
-c, --crossreference Report resolved macro references (implies -w 1)
-C, --collisions Report duplicate resource files
-d, --deflist Make definition list
-e regexp, --exclude regexp Ignore files matching the specified regular expression
-f regexp, --from regexp Report only on things defined in files matching regexp
-l, --listfiles List files that will be processed
-r ddd, --refcount=ddd Report only on macros w/references in ddd files
-t fname, --typecheck fname List actual & formal argtypes for calls in fname
-u, --unresolved Report unresolved macro references
-w, --warnlevel Set to 1 to warn of duplicate macro definitions
--forced-used regexp Ignore refcount 0 on names matching regexp
--extracthelp Extract help from macro definition comments.
--unchecked Report all macros with untyped formals.
Options may be followed by any number of directiories to check. If no
directories are given, all files under the current directory are checked.
# Process options
(options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "cCdhe:f:lpr:t:uw:",
crossreference = definitions = listfiles = unresolved = extracthelp = False
from_restrict = None
refcount_restrict = None
forceused = []
exclude = []
warnlevel = 0
collisions = False
typelist = None
unchecked = False
progress = False
for (switch, val) in options:
if switch in ('-h', '--help'):
if switch in ('-f', '--from'):
from_restrict = val
elif switch in ('-c', '--crossreference'):
crossreference = True
warnlevel = 1
elif switch in ('-C', '--collisions'):
collisions = True
elif switch in ('-d', '--definitions'):
definitions = True
elif switch in ('-e', '--exclude'):
elif switch == '--extracthelp':
extracthelp = True
elif switch == '--force-used':
elif switch in ('-l', '--listfiles'):
listfiles = True
elif switch in ('-d', '--progress'):
progress = True
elif switch in ('-r', '--refcount'):
refcount_restrict = int(val)
elif switch == '--unchecked':
unchecked = True
elif switch in ('-t', '--typelist'):
typelist = val
elif switch in ('-u', '--unresolved'):
unresolved = True
elif switch in ('-w', '--warnlevel'):
warnlevel = int(val)
# in certain situations, Windows' command prompt appends a double quote
# to the command line parameters. This block takes care of this issue.
for i,arg in enumerate(arguments):
if arg.endswith('"'):
arguments[i] = arg[:-1]
forceused = "|".join(forceused)
if len(arguments):
dirpath = arguments
dirpath = ['.']
if not extracthelp:
print "# Wmlscope reporting on %s" % time.ctime()
print "# Invocation: %s" % " ".join(sys.argv)
print "# Working directory: %s" % os.getcwd()
starttime = time.time()
xref = CrossRefLister(dirpath, "|".join(exclude), warnlevel, progress)
if not extracthelp:
print "#Cross-reference time: %d seconds" % (time.time()-starttime)
if extracthelp:
xref.extracthelp(dirpath[0], sys.stdout)
elif unchecked:
elif listfiles:
for (namespace, filename) in xref.filelist.generator():
print filename
if collisions:
collisions = []
for (namespace, filename) in xref.filelist.generator():
ifp = open(filename)
collisions = zip(xref.filelist.flatten(), collisions)
hashcounts = {}
for (n, h) in collisions:
hashcounts[h] = hashcounts.get(h, 0) + 1
collisions = [(n,h) for (n,h) in collisions if hashcounts[h] > 1]
collisions.sort(lambda (n1, h1), (n2, h2): cmp(h1, h2))
lasthash = None
for (n, h) in collisions:
if h != lasthash:
print "%%"
lasthash = h
print n
elif typelist:
elif crossreference or definitions or listfiles or unresolved:
def predicate(name, defloc):
if from_restrict and not re.search(from_restrict, defloc.filename):
return False
if refcount_restrict!=None \
and len(defloc.references) != refcount_restrict \
or (refcount_restrict == 0 and forceused and re.search(forceused, name)):
return False
return True
if crossreference:
if xref.noxref:
print >>sys.stderr, "macroscope: can't make cross-reference, input included a definitions file."
if definitions:
if unresolved:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print >>sys.stderr, "wmlscope: aborted."
# wmlscope ends here