2008-03-15 22:38:27 +00:00

1053 lines
47 KiB

This is meant to be a concise list of player-visible changes (very minor
changes may be omitted). For a complete list of changes, see the main
changelog: http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/*checkout*/wesnoth/trunk/changelog
Version 1.5.0-svn:
* Language and translations:
* new translation: Croatian.
* updated translations: Chiense, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Galician,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish,
Swedish, Turkish.
* Map editor:
* Fixed not working "Update transition" and make "Delay transition update"
directly trigger an update when toggled off.
* Multiplayer:
* Removed 'Wesbowl'
Version 1.4:
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto,
Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian,
Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Valencian.
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Cynsaun Battlefield.
* The random map generator now tries harder to get the wanted number of
players and shows no map if it fails.
* When generating a random map two teams could get the same starting
position, this has been fixed.
* Sound and music:
* New music track, "Nunc Dimittis" by Jeremy Nicoll.
* New music track, "The City Falls" by Doug Kaufman.
* New music track, "Knalgan Theme" by Ryan Reilly.
* New music track, "The King is Dead" by Mattias Westlund.
* Updated music track, "Traveling Minstrels" by Mattias Westlund.
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes
* Some addons failed to load, this has been fixed.
* Fixed UI sound toggle crash on windows.
* Some filenames with international characters could be truncated wrongly,
this has been fixed.
Version 1.3.19:
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Filipino, French, Hungarian,
Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Turkish.
* Map Editor:
* Activate border transitions in the editor using more translucent images
than used ingame.
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes
* Idle, standing and selection animations are not accelerated anymore.
Version 1.3.18:
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: German, Italian.
Version 1.3.17:
* Campaigns
* Liberty
* Made the guards in Hide and Seek behave more intelligently.
* The South Guard
* Completely redesigned the internal workings of 6b The Long March.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Catalan, Chinese, Esperanto, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Slovak, Spanish, Valencian.
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Caves of the Basilisk, Sablestone Delta, Silverhead
* With "quick replay" checked the game no longer scrolls to each leader.
* Tutorial
* Decorated the map of scenario 2 with some new elven terrain.
* User Interface
* Fixed many glitches with tinygui.
* Fixed displaying units with many attacks in resolutions smaller than
* Added the option to use a resolution of 800x480 when using
--enable-small-gui at configure time. This is especially usefull for
devices like the eeePC or other handheld devices.
* Improved editor theme so that it works as intended in 800x600.
* Increase available space for the terrain list in the map editor by
rearanging items.
* Various tunings about the transparency of hp/xp bars.
Version 1.3.16:
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Filipino, Finnish, German,
Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish.
* Replaced the font used for the chinese translation (gkai00mp.ttf) with a
subset of WQY (just the gb2312 part is included) as requested by the
chinese maintainer.
* Map editor
* The editor handles errors with the old unsupported map format more
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: The Freelands.
* Reloaded games are displayed in yellow (instead of green) in the game
list as they are also a kind of already running games.
* When loading a savegame don't offer to take the non-player sides.
* Unit changes and balancing
* Decreased the village defense of Bats from 60% to 40%.
* Decreased the forest defense of the Ranger from 70% to 60%.
* Decreased the forest movement cost of the Ranger from 2 to 1.
* Decreased the shallow water, mountain, swamp and snow movement cost of
the Ranger from 3 to 2.
* User interface
* During dialogs the speaker is shown in the sidebar and highlighted.
* Show unit standing animations and idle animations are now separate options
* Removed broken "Host network game" option from multiplayer menu
* HP bar's scaling is slightly changed (now the cap is ~80hp instead of 70)
* New red footprints images for move cost > 3
* Graphics
* New terrains: stone bridge over chasm and lava
Version 1.3.15:
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French,
German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish.
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Cynsaun Battlefield.
* User interface
* Made ESC clear hotkey when changing hotkeys.
* Made quick replay skip messages.
* Linger mode overlay is also drawn over fog and shroud.
* Units are deselected before they move.
* The next move can be prepared before the current attack/move
animation finishes (bug #7132).
* If a move is interrupted, footsteps are drawn again.
* Added a more graceful handling of maps without a header.
Version 1.3.14:
* Campaigns
* Under the Burning Suns
* Completely rewritten 'Stirring in the Night'
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Chinese, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Italian,
Lithuanian, Slovak.
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Den of Onis, Weldyn Channel.
* MP campaign gold carry over works properly now.
* MP campaign start of scenario saves can be loaded again.
* If a MP side has no colour defined fall back to the default side colour.
* User interface
* The apple key works as shortcut modifier again.
* Made "Show lobby joins of friends only" the default preference.
* New menu option added to save replays manually.
* Opening the action menu in linger mode no longer crashes the game.
* Unit changes and balancing
* Increased the XP requirement of the Vampire Bat from 14 to 22.
* Decreased the HP of the Vampire Bat from 17 to 16.
* Sound and music
* The timer bell in MP starts when there are 20 seconds left and fades in
gradually for 10 seconds.
* Fixed OOS on unit advancement if WML had battle/die events.
* Fixed timer bell not always playing.
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes
* The "max-saves" slider is now used as a slider to determin the maximum
number of auto-saves to keep. The default value is 10, so the 11th oldest
and all older auto-saves will be deleted.
Version 1.3.13:
* Campaigns
* A Tale of Two Brothers:
* What the correct passwords for 'Guarded Castle' are is now randomized in
the previous scenario.
* Liberty
* 'Hide and Seek' mostly rewritten and it now has a bigger map with
randomly placed guards.
* The South Guard
* Now the player has to kill the fake M'Brin in 'Choice in the Fog'
instead of just attacking once.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, German,
Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil),
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Hamlets
* Recruitment OOS is fatal now.
* The next scenario now properly loads the recall list.
* Sound and music
* New or improved sounds: ogre hit and die, multiplayer chat.
* Unit changes and balancing
* All lvl 2 outlaw units can now advance to lvl 3 in all campaigns and
* The default AMLA for all max-level units is now +3 max HP, +20% max XP and
healing to full.
* The standard AMLA XP limit upped from 100 to 150.
* Replaced the fullheal AMLA of the Necrophage with a feeding ability,
giving it +1 max HP for every living enemy killed.
* User interface
* Display the race in the unit preview panel.
* Allow to use team labels also for 1-player-teams (bug #9747).
* Show 'back to round xxx' also in 800 x 600 resolution.
* The "1 turn to reach" of the movement hint is now used only for
multi-turns move, instead icons show ZoC and village capture ending the
* Turn to reach numbers also works when bigger than 9 and without
* Display an icon into the movement hint where the unit can be invisible and
the sidebar icon is now about the current status of the unit.
* Middle mouse button now do a progressive scrolling when kept pressed,
speed and direction depend of the the position of the mouse relatively to
the center of the view.
* In help, sections are now opened by clicking on the book icon or
double-clicking on its title.
* Each section has now an associated page with general info and links to its
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes
* Replaced the 'Binary Saves' option with 'Compressed Saves' and now
writes gzip files.
* Fixed an undo related bug causing OOS in multiplayer.
* Load the recall list with a start of scenario save.
Version 1.3.12:
* campaigns
* The Rise of Wesnoth
* 'A New Land' can now be won by waiting till turns run out.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, Italian, Polish,
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Caves of the Basilisk, Cynsaun Battlefield, Den of Onis,
Fallenstar Lake, Hamlets, Hornshark Island, Sablestone Delta, Silverhead
Crossing, Sulla's Ruins, The Freelands, Weldyn Channel, Alirok Marsh,
Island of the Horatii, 3p Morituri, Blue Water Province, Castle Hopping
Isle, Clash, King of the Hill, Lagoon, Loris River, 4p Morituri, Paths of
Daggers, Siege Castles, The Wilderlands, Xanthe Chaos, Forest of Fear,
Amohsad Caldera, Hexcake, Waterloo Sunset, 8p Morituri, Merkwuerdigliebe.
* Unit changes and balancing
* Increased the HP of the White Mage from 32 to 35.
* Decreased the ranged attack of the White Mage from 7-4 to 9-3.
* Increased the melee attack of the White Mage from 6-1 to 6-2.
* Increased the HP of the Mage of Light from 42 to 47.
* Changed the ranged attack of the Mage of Light from 9-4 to 12-3.
* Decreased the melee attack of the Royal Guard from 12-4 to 11-4.
* Decreased the melee attack of the Merman Warrior from 8-4 to 10-3.
* Decreased the pierce melee attack of the Merman Triton from 11-4 to 14-3.
* Decreased the blade melee attack of the Merman Triton from 11-4 to 19-2.
* Decreased the melee attack of the Naga Myrmidon from 8-6 to 9-5.
* Increased the melee attack of the Lich from 5-3 to 8-3.
* Increased the melee attack of the Ancient Lich from 6-4 to 8-4.
* Increased the defence of the Bat line on all terrains from 50% to 60%.
* User interface
* Changed the default setting for the turn bell to on.
* The numbers keys also change the reachability in N turns for selected
enemy (works with simple mouseover too)
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes
* Optimization of the loading of units data.
Version 1.3.11:
* Campaigns
* Fix the recall list duplication bug.
* Eastern Invasion
* In 'The Drowned Plains', undead no longer spawn near you randomly but
instead they are placed on the map at the beginning of the scenario and
remain immobile and hidden until the player steps next to them.
* Sceptre of Fire
* In 'The Dragon', the player now gets a starting castle where to recruit
and recall normally.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Galician,
German, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish.
* Multiplayer
* Fixed a crash when loading multiplayer games from save-files.
* Unit changes and balancing
* Increased the melee attack of the Saurian Oracle from 5-2 to 4-3.
* User interface
* The attack dialog displays the range between weapon's info.
* The footsteps of a teleporting unit shows haloes on teleport points.
* Tips of the day have attributions, a "Previous" button and a fixed size.
* Savegames now have a prefix indicating the campaign they are from if
the campaign WML declared an abbrev= tag.
* When the game enters linger mode the map shows a visual hint.
Version 1.3.10:
* Campaigns
* Eastern Invasion
* Fixed Holy Amulet's description to read 'arcane' damage type
instead of 'holy'.
* Liberty
* In 'The Raid', the accompanying peasants are no longer loyal. Also, the
scenario now gives an early finish bonus.
* Turn limits of 'A Strategy of Hope' lowered, to prevent massive amounts
of carryover gold.
* Northern Rebirth
* Disabled undead branch (unfinished, not ready for next release).
* Balancing polishing and bug fixing.
* Made auto-recalled units loyal.
* Sceptre of Fire
* 'Gathering Materials' now has more varied terrain, an early finish
bonus, and the gold and coal piles now behave better: each pile only
gives one load, miners carrying a load have an icon on them and when
dying they drop their load, so another miner can pick it up.
* In 'Outriding the Outriders', villages (except the first one) now give
you two units instead of one.
* Khrakrahs is no longer allied with the hostile elves and dwarves.
* Under the Burning Suns
* Cleaning-up of filenames and scenario id's - breaks compatibility
with older save games.
* Kaleh now uses an RPG-style custom advancement tree.
* New title image and some initial story images.
* Redesigned and less powerful Dust Devil unit.
* Made Elyssa move across sand with 1 MP.
* Fixed AI recruitment in 'Across the Harsh Sands', made Lost Souls
easier to beat back on MEDIUM and HARD, and fixed the bug with
Holy Water (bug #10254).
* Bugfix for a blocker bug in 'In the Tunnels of the Trolls'.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, Galician,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish,
Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Valencian.
* Map editor
* Fixed a bug, when two dimensions of a map were modified, the editor
could crash.
* Fixed a bug when shifting the map, the starting positions weren't
updated correctly.
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Cynsaun Battlefield, Den of Onis, Hamlets, Silverhead
Crossing, Sulla's Ruins, Weldyn Channel, Blue Water Province.
* New multiplayer scenario added: Dark Forecast, a random survival
for up to two players.
* Added the possibility to choose the leader's gender for a multiplayer
side, both for the game host and the clients.
* Unit changes and balancing:
* Necromancer can now be female when advanced from Dark Sorceress.
* Increased the movement points over tundra (snow) and deep water
from 1 to 2 for all flying drakes.
* Added the 'fearless' trait to the Ghoul line.
* User interface
* Your own units, when selected, are now animated with a brief flash
and a sound.
* You can now also select enemy units and see their possible path,
terrain defense and turn to reach.
* Other various fixed inconsistencies about the unit seletion.
* Changed the mute hotkey from ctrl-m to ctrl-alt-m.
* On victory, all old saves for the scenario except the start one
are now deleted (rather than just autosaves as formerly). This
is done before replay saving, if that is enabled. The preference
name has changed from delete_autosaves to delete_saves.
* Double-click in dialog now triggers a "press button" sound.
* Fix the wrong "(1) turn to reach" on already captured village.
Version 1.3.9:
* Campaigns
* Descent into Darkness
* In 'Peaceful Valley', goblins may no longer spawn
when you recapture a village you had lost.
* Heir to the Throne
* New graphics for the Battle Princess.
* In 'Crossroads', the orc ambushers now behave as if they had the ambush
ability: they are placed on the map at the beginning of the scenario and
remain immobile and hidden until the player steps next to them.
* Liberty
* New story images.
* Now uses a proper map of Wesnoth in story screens.
* Northern Rebirth
* Fixed bug where Father Marcus regenerates in the wrong place
in one of the death events.
* Rescaled Rakshas' portrait to the proper size.
* Balancing of opening event in 'Settling Disputes'
* Various minor bug-fixes.
* Extensive polishing, balancing and bug fixing in undead branch.
* Son of the Black Eye
* Fixed bug in 'The Coward' where an enemy unit speaks
as if he is on your side.
* A bit of dialogue polishing in 'The Coward'.
* In 'The Siege of Barag Gor', Jetto now joins you
even if you don't release him during the scenario.
* An Orcish Incursion
* Campaign heavily revised and added to the distribution
* Graphics
* New animations: Rogue death, Orcish Leader line leadership.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Swedish.
* Map editor
* A right click in floodfill mode now performs a flood fill.
* A new village and castle icon has been made.
* New rotate function : copy&rotate selected area using mouse cursor
as center (or "center of mass" if the cursor is not on map).
* Optimization of the builder engine (which recalculate transitions
after a map change).
* Fix several bugs with the "delay transition update" option.
* Restore the random map generator.
* Multiplayer
* Renamed maps
* Blitz to Weldyn Channel
* Charge to The Freelands
* Meteor Lake to Fallenstar Lake
* Triple Blitz to Alirok Marsh
* Revised maps: Caves of the Basilisk, Weldyn Channel.
* Minimum number of turns reduced to 1.
* Fixed a crash if the client receives invalid utf-8.
* Display the era id for not installed eras in the lobby.
* Display the scenario id for unknown scenarios in the lobby.
* Unit changes and balancing
* Created undead variations for the 'bat' and 'gryphon' race.
* User interface:
* Preserve aspect ratio of the minimap.
* The "Create unit" dialog has now two columns (race and type)
* Miscellaneous and bug fixes
* Map label length is properly calculated and
has been reduced to 32 characters.
* Optimize the random map generator (especially for high village density)
Version 1.3.8:
* Campaigns
* Descent into Darkness
* Fixed a bug causing the growth ability of Ghast to not always work.
* Fixed a bug in 'A Small Favor - Part 2' preventing one random passage
from opening up.
* Eastern Invasion
* New portrait for Konrad II.
* Liberty
* Fixed the undead transformations not working in 'Unlawful Orders'.
* Clarified the objectives in 'The Gray Woods'.
* Northern Rebirth
* Colored portraits for Sisal and Rakshas.
* Sceptre of Fire
* Fixed lava expansion in 'Caverns of Flame' not working.
* Son of the Black Eye
* Fixed bug in 'Saving Inarix', the bridge is now properly blown up.
* The South Guard
* Many small polishing tweaks and improvements in various places.
* Deoran now has a lvl 3 advancement, and no special AMLA options.
* New graphics for Sir Gerrick.
* Map for 'A Choice In The Fog' modified so mermen are actually useful.
* Fixed all bugs with units sometimes not starting with max HP and
movement at the beginning of some scenarios.
* In 'Tidings Good And Ill', you can now recruit and recall the elf
escorts of your choosing instead of having them automatically picked
from those you had in the previous scenario.
* In 'Tidings Good And Ill', defeating the naga queen is now mandatory.
* 'Into The Depths' has been completely rewritten.
* There is a new scenario, 'Return To Kerlath', between 'Into The Depths'
and 'Vengeance' in the elf branch.
* Under the Burning Suns
* Fixed dialogue events in 'The Morning After'.
* All outlying tent villages can now spawn hiding elves, and there
are more of them in total now in 'The Morning After'.
* 'Across the Harsh Sands' - Dehydration was completely rewritten,
also the appearance of the Lost Souls.
* Fixed the dialogue for the outlaw patrol in 'Across the Harsh Sands',
and adjusted the appearance of the patrol.
* 'A Stirring in the Night' - village events work correctly now
(bugs #9947 and #9915). Added impassable, animated campfire terrain.
* Graphics
* New graphics for Highwayman.
* Nicer image for the illuminates aura.
* New button and slider in preferences to switch unit idle animations
on and off and set their frequency.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German,
Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian,
Swedish, Valencian.
* New translation: Serbian (Latin version).
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Charge, Den of Onis, Meteor Lake, Silverhead Crossing,
Triple Blitz, Clash.
* Linger mode now allows chatting.
* Switch to observer viewpoint in linger mode in multiplayer. (bug #4072)
* Unit changes and balancing
* Gave the Fugitive the concealment ability. (village hiding)
* Increase the XP requirement to advance to the Fugitive from 77 to 120.
* Decreased the melee attack of the Fugitive from 12-2 to 11-2.
* Decreased the ranged attack of the Fugitive from 8-4 to 7-4.
* Changed the race of the Vampire Bat line from 'undead' to 'bats'.
* Changed the movement type of the Vampire Bat line from 'undeadfly'
to 'fly' (with adjustments).
* Added a magical ranged 7-2 arcane attack to the Dark Adept.
* Added a magical ranged 9-2 arcane attack to the Dark Sorcerer.
* Added a magical ranged 12-2 arcane attack to the Necromancer.
* Added a magical ranged 9-3 arcane attack to the Lich.
* Added a magical ranged 9-5 arcane attack to the Ancient Lich.
* Increased the arcane resistance of the Ghoul line from -40% to 20%.
* Increased the arcane resistance of the Ghost line from -30 to -10%.
* User interface
* OK in the status menu replaced with more informative "Scroll To".
* Add an "Animate Map" option in advanced preferences, to switch flag
and terrain animation off.
* Various improvements of the help system (race subsections,
list of units having an ability, loading speed...)
* Miscellaneous and bugfixes
* Small optimizations of fog or shroud and delay between AI turns.
Version 1.3.7:
* Campaigns
* Son of the Black Eye
* Fixed bug in 'Saving Inarix' where no user_description
is generated for Inarix
* Northern Rebirth
* Colored portraits for Sister Theta and Ro'Arthian
* Fixed bug in Anita's death event where Tallin speaks instead of her.
* Fixed bug in 'Old Friend' where Rakshas' portrait doesn't appear.
* Balancing and text changes in 'Old Friend'
* Sceptre of Fire
* Fixed a crash in the final scenario.
* Under the Burning Suns
* Fixed invalid side bugs in 'Hunting Trolls'.
* Fixed an invalid terrain bug in 'A Long Night'.
* Fixed the dehydration in 'Across the Harsh Sands'.
* Graphics
* Improve footsteps : better beginning, angles and end, fix incorrect
left-right sequences and clean some images.
* Various small improvements of the rendering of fog and "black stripes".
* Remove the bars, orb and ellipse of dying animations.
* Editor
* The resize option can now use the current tiles to expand the map
instead of the background tile.
* When resizing the map, the origin can also be modified.
* Tiles can now have their image independant from the minimap image.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Danish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Japanese,
Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Serbian, Spanish,
* Multiplayer
* New map: Mokena Prairie.
* Revised maps: Hamlets, Meteor Lake, 4p Hamlets, Paths of Daggers,
Loris River.
* Fixed a OOS message when recruiting which happened if the players
use different languages.
* Show the (possibly bogus) gold per village and fog settings of games
with "Use map settings" on in a darker font. (patch #771 by uso)
* The random starting time of day setting is will now be remembered if
"Use map settings" is used.
* The "Soul Shooter" is now renamed to "Banebow".
* The players in the selected game in the server lobby are highlighted now.
* Observers can now chat as a "team" (without disturbing the players).
* When use 'map settings' is selected, map settings can no longer be
changed, if not defined in the map the general default is chosen.
* When cancelling the MP create the changed preferences are no longer
* When the MP create is accepted with 'use map settings' the map setting
parameters are no longer stored as the new preference.
* The recommended settings are added to all standard multiplayer maps
so that you get these values if you activate 'Use map settings'.
* Sounds and music
* New or improved sounds: bat hit.
* User interface
* Enable "Save Game" and "View Chat Log" menu entries in replay mode.
* Add an additional line below the minimap in the "Multiplayer->Create game"
screen that displays the size of the selected map. (patch #776 by uso)
* End-of-scenario no longer takes you immediately to the
next scenario or the lobby. Instead, you linger in browse mode --
menu commands for chat, saving games, etc. are available.
Clicking end-of-turn ends the linger and takes you out.
* The 'more' and 'help' button in the title screen now have a tooltip.
* Added a hotkey for clearing the chat messages.
* Fixed the black corners on some maps.
* There's a new "Game Settings" window which shows the basic game settings
(accessible through the "More" button in the "Status Table").
* The sidebar HP tooltip now show resistances of the current unit
* In help, the links to unencountered units now works but have a "(?)"
and point to an "Unknown Unit" page explaining why.
* The default zoom key now toggles between default and last used zoom.
The switch is also faster (cached).
* Various improvement of the attack direction indicator and
the "attack from the last highlighted hex" system.
* The unit list now colors the stats of units.
* In tiny-gui, now the movement hint also displays the terrain defense.
* Miscellaneous and bugfixes
* Isle of Anduin renamed to Isle of Alduin to avoid copyright problems.
* The assertion 'str.size() <= 4' no longer happens instead the terrain
is read as 'void' and an ingame message is shown.
* Fixed bug #9646: ToD changes not applied to mainmap in replay mode.
* Fixed incorrect displayed reachable zone when moving next to an enemy
in special ZoC cases (skirmish or lvl0)
* Fixed a bug-cheat allowing super-ranged attack in some special cases.
Version 1.3.6:
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Finnish, French, German.
* Multiplayer
* The random starting time of day setting is will now be remembered.
* Fixed a bug which could lead to the map in the lobby to become invisible.
* Fixed an OOS which happened when a unit was recruited.
* Fixed an OOS which was caused by different traits. This only happened
if the players use different languages. A related problem which causes
the names to differ and also cause OOS errors hasn't been fixed yet.
Version 1.3.5:
* Campaigns
* Northern Rebirth
* New scenario - Judgement.
* Balancing for scenarios: Infested Caves, To the Mines,
Clearing the Mines.
* Heir to the Throne
* The Elvish Lord's and Elvish High Lord's faerie fire attacks have been
changed from cold to arcane and reduced from 8-3 and 8-5 to 7-3 and 7-5
* Graphics
* New animations: elvish scout idle.
* Fixed bug #9398 (attacking units always drawn on top of defending units).
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, Galician, German,
Greek, Indonesian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish.
* Map editor
* New checkbox for the "delay transition updates" option.
* Multiplayer
* Revised maps: Blitz, Cynsaun Battlefield, Hamlets, Sablestone Delta,
Silverhead Crossing, Sulla's Ruins, Blue Water Province, Clash.
* Fix renames causing OOS when made after moves or recruits.
* Unit changes and balancing
* Changed the 'resilient' trait from +3HP +10% to +4HP + 1HP * unit level.
* Decreased the HP reduction of the 'quick' trait from 10% to 5%.
* Decreased the HP addition of the 'healthy' trait from +3HP to +2HP.
* Added the 'quick' trait back to the Clasher line.
* Decreased the blade and impact resistance of saurians from 0% to -10%.
* Decreased the fire resistance of saurians from -10% to -20%.
* Increased the pierce resistance of saurians from 10% to 20%.
* Increased the HP of saurians by 4HP.
* Increased the XP requirement of the Saurian Skirmisher and Augur by 2.
* Increased the melee attack of the Ruffian from 4-2 to 5-2.
* User interface
* Bug in delete_autosave preference fixed
(thank you to jimm for spotting this).
* The frequency of unit idle animations has been halved.
* Help now has an "advance from" entry for units.
* Added experimental new transition between map and background.
The scrolling speed penalty introduced in 1.3.4 is gone.
* Added colors to the statistics of units in help (Hajo's patch #764).
Version 1.3.4:
* Campaigns
* Two Brothers
* Modified guards events to delay the 2nd event
if the player ends in a fight in the first one.
* Added one row of terrain in the 3rd and 4th scenario
to make it look better with the new map border style.
* Heir to the Throne
* The maps of the following scenarios have been edited: "The Elves
Besieged", "Blackwater Port", "Bay of Pearls", "Crossroads", "The Siege
of Elensefar", "Dwarven Doors", "The Lost General", "Elven Council".
* In "Dwarven Doors", one of the Orcish Warlords has been changed into
a Sovereign and another one into a Slurbow for variety .
* In "The Lost General", fixed the bug that made the undead leader unable
to recruit.
* The Rise of Wesnoth
* The outlaws in the campaign (not elsewhere in the game)
can now level up to level 3.
* Added 2 extra turns to finish "Temple of the Deep" on all difficulties.
* Eastern Invasion
* The difficulty of "Northern Outpost" has been reduced by making the
villages spawn less outlaws.
* Changed the way Owaec joins the protagonist in "Two Paths".
Now he keeps all the XP he might get in "Northern Outpost".
* Descent into Darkness
* The unknown unit type (Royal Swordsman) bug in "Forever and ever, amen",
the bug that made the Foolish Heroes all have 30 hitpoints and a broken
dialog in the same scenario have all been fixed.
* Graphics
* Changed how the edges of the map are drawn, making small maps display
better on large resolutions. Not fully completed, so it doesn't look
perfect yet.
* Added a blur effect to most ingame dialogs.
* New animations: troll whelp idle, young ogre idle, elvish fighter idle,
skeleton idle, general idle, master at armscrossbow & defend,
pikeman idle.
* Small improvements of footsteps: no time-of-the-day coloring
and better scaling.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Czech, Danish, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Swedish.
* New translations: Lithuanian.
* Map editor
* Minimum map size reduced to 1 hex.
* Fixed the random map generator.
* User interface
* Most popup windows are now buttonless with 'click anywhere to continue'
behavior; to indicate this, such windows are translucent.
* Maps smaller than the screen are now shown centered on the screen.
* The two annoying end-of-scenario popups asking whether to save a
replay and whether to delete autosaves have been replaced by user
preference bits (in the "General" panel).
* Allow to choose the direction to attack from if the unit can attack the
target from multiple directions; the last highlighted adjacent hex now
marks the direction to move to and attack from.
* The third annoying end-of-scenario prompt, asking if you want to save
an image of a new scenario immediately before entering it, is now only
presented if the game was built with TINY_GUI. Non-tiny systems do this
automatically without asking.
* Added a new experimental way of drawing map edges, this is under evaluation
but causes a rather severe performance penalty especially while scrolling.
This will be fixed once the decision of the final version has been made.
* The movement hint on the pointed hex displays terrain defense and
turns to reach better and in colors.
* The movement hint now display "(1)" turns to reach
when the unit has no moves left.
* Improve the behavior of the units list dialog.
* Right-click outside of a cancelable dialog closes it
(useful with the attack dialog).
* Allow to select an item in a context menu with right-clicking.
* Restore search of no-team-only map labels.
* Unit changes and balancing
* Units with the 'healthy' trait now rest even when they move (but
not attack/be attacked) instead of having a double resting bonus.
* Increased the HP of the Skeleton Archer from 30 to 31.
* Miscellaneous and bugfixes
* Fixed a lag in the path rendering when there is a lot of units (bug #9268).
* Fixed a bug causing instantaneous move of unit when using acceleration.
* Reduced memory usage for the default zoom level.
Version 1.3.3:
* Campaigns
* New mainline campaigns: Northern Rebirth, Sceptre of Fire,
Son of the Black Eye, Descent into Darkness.
* Under the Burning Suns
* Rewrite of the campaign started and in progress, which means
the campaign might be broken or unplayable in some parts.
* Graphics
* Fixed a graphical glitch with the leader crown and HP/XP bars.
* Fixed graphical glitches some terrains had in the topmost row of the map.
* Made the village flags taller, so they don't get hidden behind units
so easily.
* Sound and music
* New or revised sounds: troll hit & die.
* Added a sound when a unit becomes slowed.
* Made the poison sound be played also when a unit gets poisoned in combat.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, French, German,
Italian,Polish, Spanish, Swedish.
* Fixed word wrapping in tooltips for Asian languages.
* User interface:
* Restore a lost feature: if accelerated mode is on, holding shift changes
to normal unaccelerated speed.
* Restored the hitpoint and experience bars to be visible during combat.
* Allow middle-click on a scrollbar to jump to the clicked position.
* Unit changes and balancing:
* Changed the cold melee attack of the Lich and Ancient Lich to arcane.
* Decreased the melee attack of the Wraith from 7-4 to 6-4.
* Removed the 'fearless' trait from humans, orcs and mermen.
* Added the 'firstrike' weapon special to the pierce attack
of the Drake Clasher.
* Decreased the arcane ranged attack of the White Mage from 8-4 to 7-4.
* Decreased the arcane ranged attack of the Mage of Light from 10-4 to 9-4.
* Multiplayer:
* New maps: Xanthe Chaos, Auction-X.
* Revised maps: Den of Onis, Hamlets, Meteor Lake, Sablestone Delta,
Silverhead Crossing, Blue Water Province, Castle Hopping Isle,
Loris River, Crusaders Fields, The Manzivan Traps.
* The teams are now set correctly in Team Survival.
* Miscellaneous and bugfixes
* Savegames from Wesnoth 1.2.x are no longer compatible
and thus cannot be loaded.
* Fixed a crash when an invalid scenario was loaded (bug #9049).
* Fixed a bug which allowed undo after a recruit of a traitless unit
revealed fogged or shrouded map areas.
Version 1.3.2:
* Campaigns
* Heir to the Throne
* In 'Home of the North Elves', Eonihar the rider will join you
permanently and all the other riders that find you will be
* Updated images for Delfador.
* Added defense and melee attack animations for the Dark Queen.
* Made the narrator talk about gryphons at the end of Northern Winter
only if the player has actually gotten the eggs.
* The Rise of Wesnoth
* 'Temple in the Deep' often crashed when the Lich killed a unit.
* Added a hint about how to unstone the lich in 'Fallen Lich Point'.
* The South Guard
* Fixed a bug that caused some dialogue spoken by Mal M'Brin not appear.
* Changed the placement and duration of story images.
* Some graphical enhancements including a new portrait for Ethiliel.
* Fixed Ethiliel not showing up in 'Vengeance'.
* Tutorial
* Updated all unit images that are used in the tutorial
to fit the originals used in HttT.
* Increased number of turns from 20 to 26 in the 2nd scenario.
* Made some bogus units, such as invisible helper units and duplicates
of the desert elves, not appear in the unit help anymore.
* Graphics
* Added the --max-fps command line switch.
* Improved the look of the main menu and tips of the day boxes
in the title screen.
* Added some more speed optimizations.
* Units and movement text are scaled properly when zooming,
also with tiny gui.
* Haloes in tiny gui are now scaled (before unscaled,
thus a factor 2 bigger as intended).
* Fixed some glitches when scrolling or zooming the map.
* Flying units are no longer buried in a castle.
* Fixed the position of some halos when a unit was in a keep or castle.
* Submerged units are no longer drowned when zooming.
* Fixed problems with colour cursor in fullscreen.
* Automatic scrolling now starts and stops smoothly.
* Sound
* New or revised sound effects: hatchet.
* Interface actions such as pressing a button, toggling a checkbox or
opening a menu (among others) will now emit small sounds.
* Experimental ambient sounds for when night falls and morning arrives.
* Units changes and balancing:
* Converted the cold resistance of the Elvish Sorceress line
to a holy resistance.
* Decreased the holy resistance of the Orcish Assassin line from 20% to 0%.
* Decreased the holy resistance of the Sky Drake from 20% to -30%.
* Decreased the holy resistance of the Hurricane Drake from 20% to -30%.
* Decreased the holy resistance of the Mermaid Priestess from 40% to 20%.
* Decreased the holy resistance of the Mermaid Diviner from 60% to 40%.
* Decreased the holy resistance of dwarves from 20% to 10%.
* Increased the holy resistance of the Ghost line from -60% to -30%.
* Enabled the Lich and Ancient Lich to move and submerge in in deep water.
* User interface:
* Interface actions such as pressing a button, toggling a checkbox or
opening a menu (among others) will now emit small sounds.
* If deprecated WML is being encountered an error message will be shown,
this way creators of WML code can be easily informed about the problems.
* Made the total amount of visible villages be shown in the villages panel.
* The numeric pad Enter key should now behave exactly like Return.
* Enabled drag & drop to be used for moving units.
* Mousewheel now by default scrolls vertically,
and horizontally if alt is pressed.
* Added support for horizontal mousewheel.
* Language and translations
* Renamed the damage type holy to arcane.
* Updated translations: Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish,
Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Swedish.
* New translations: Indonesian
* Observers can again save a replay of the observed game.
* Map editor
* Added an option to delay the complete redraw of the map on command.
* Multiplayer:
* Maps
* Revised maps: Castle Hopping Isle
* The countdown timer is now coloured properly when
the remaining time is less than 2 minutes.
* Miscellaneous bugfixes
* Fixed a bug that caused the killing unit's death sound to play instead of
the death sound of the killed unit.
* Fixed a bug that prevented dead units from fading out at the end of their
death animation.
* The first turns starts with the proper time of day again.
* Fixed a bug that caused units to slide past their opponent on (melee)
finishing blows.
* Fixed crashes which could occur when attacking with a unit with drain attack,
this would happen if the unit could win the fight with more than it's
maximum amount of HP.
* Fixed autosaves not getting deleted for last campaign scenario
and multiplayer.
* Fixed beginning-of-scenario saves containing scenario WML.
Version 1.3.1:
* Campaigns
* Eastern Invasion:
* Drowned Plains: the dragon now starts on grassland.
* The Crossing: fixed a bug which prevented the undead leader spawned
at turn 8 from having a keep.
* The Duel: the keep is now replaced by a castle tile
instead of grassland.
* Heir to the Throne
* Battle for Wesnoth: allowed Asheviere to recruit non-scout units.
* Elven Council: the leaders are no longer standing in keeps,
but on normal castle tiles.
* Two Brothers
* Updated the portrait of Bjarn to match the new mage colors.
* Under the Burning Suns
* Some unit types don't appear multiple times in the unit help anymore.
* Graphics
* New unit graphics: the entire Mage line.
* Added a recruit animation for Skeleton.
* Added death animations for Orcish Assassin, Orcish Grunt, Ghoul,
Ancient and Elder Wose, Thief.
* Other new animations: improved Elvish Hero melee attack,
magic shield for Elvish Sorceress line.
* New attack icons: undead axe, undead crossbow, pick axe, glaive,
elven staff, mace-and-chain.
* Fixed misaligned animations of gryphon units.
* Fixed some female versions of units using male images in some animations.
* Item graphic improvements including an animatable campfire.
* Added visible peaks to the impassable mountains.
* Improved the hex grid.
* Crown icons for heroes and expendable allied leaders.
* New terrains: farmland, Elvish castle, bridges crossing swamp and
deep water.
* Updated terrain: added peaks to the impassable mountains.
* Items with a halo have their halo hidden when under a shroud.
* Units with a hide ability now properly show where they're hidden
and the mouseover also gives the right indication.
* Sound
* New or revised sound effects: morning star, holy magic.
* Added an advanced sound tab to preferences, allowing one
to specify the values used for sample rate and buffer size.
* Language and translations
* Updated translations: British English, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
Estonian, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbian,
Slovak, Swedish.
* Fixed spelling mistakes in the default en_US language.
* Switched to mainly using single space.
* Map editor
* Maps can now be opened directly from a scenario file and saved back to it.
* Upon entering a new starting position the underlaying terrain
remains unchanged (starting positions no longer need to be keeps).
* When overwriting a starting position and undo that action
only the terrain was undone, not the starting position that's fixed.
* Flipping a map over the Y axis no longer resizes the map.
* Flipping a map over the X axis uses slightly different filler rules.
* Added the paste option to the edit menu.
* The terrains are now split in groups to the list of terrains per group
is a more friendly list.
* When not in drawing mode, the brush setting is ignored
and drawn with the size of one tile.
* Added the an alpha blended preview of the selected terrains
upon drawing.
* Multiplayer
* Maps
* New maps: The Manzivan Traps, 4p Hamlets.
* Revised maps: Blitz, Den of Onis, Sablestone Delta, Sulla's Ruins, Wesbowl.
* Added an option for choosing a random starting time of day.
* Lowered the multiplayer lobby lag.
* Wesbowl: the respawned units are fully healed again.
* Terrain system
* The entire underlaying system has been converted to a new system
(this might render some user-made content broken, read this forum thread
for more details: http://www.wesnoth.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14910).
* Unit changes and balancing
* New traits: healthy (+3 HP, +4 rest healing),
fearless (ignore unfavourable time of day).
* Dark Adepts no longer get the 'strong' trait.
* Added the 'skirmisher' ability to the Shadow line.
* Increased the HP of the Longbowman from 45 to 51.
* Decreased the XP requirement of the Longbowman from 80 to 68.
* Increased the HP of the Master Bowman from 58 to 67.
* decreased the HP of the Arch Mage from 57 to 54.
* Increased the melee attack of the Elvish Shyde from 4-2 to 6-2.
* Increased the ranged slow attack of the Elvish Shyde from 7-2 to 6-3.
* Increased the ranged magical attack of the Elvish Shyde from 7-3 to 8-3.
* Increased the melee attack of the Elvish Enchantress from 5-2 to 6-2.
* Increased the melee attack of the Elvish Sylph from 5-3 to 6-3.
* Increased the ranged slow attack of the Elvish Sylph from 6-4 to 6-5.
* Increased the HP of the Elvish Sylph from 58 to 60.
* Increased the XP requirement of the Guardsman from 42 to 47.
* Increased the HP of the Stalwart from 48 to 54.
* Increased the XP requirement of the Stalwart from 65 to 85.
* Increased the HP of the Sentinel from 56 to 68.
* Decreased the cost of the Mudcrawler from 9 to 5.
* Decreased the HP of the Shadow from 26 to 24.
* Increased the HP of the Goblin Rouser from 26 to 31.
* Increased the melee attack of the Goblin Rouser from 5-3 to 6-3.
* Fixed a bug which prevented a Mermaid Siren picking up a storm trident.
* Fixed a bug which caused the slow effect being applied twice.
* If a unit gains enough XP to gain 2 levels this will be done directly.
* User interface
* Users in the MP lobby can be marked as friends, and notifications received
when friends join the lobby.
* Added a sub tab of multiplayer to the preferences menu to view and edit
your friends and ignores list.
* Many performance improvements making the game run faster now.
* Made some tooltips visible again.