2007-08-07 23:46:09 +00:00

755 lines
34 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-08 01:37+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: data/multiplayer/_main.cfg:5
msgid "User Map"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/eras.cfg:5
msgid "Random"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/eras.cfg:12
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/eras.cfg:25
msgid "Age of Heroes"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/eras.cfg:38
msgid "Great War"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/factions/alliance_of_darkness.cfg:4
msgid "Alliance of Darkness"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/factions/alliance_of_light.cfg:4
msgid "Alliance of Light"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/factions/drakes-default.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/factions/drakes-aoh.cfg:4
msgid "Drakes"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/factions/knalgans-default.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/factions/knalgans-aoh.cfg:4
msgid "Knalgan Alliance"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/factions/loyalists-default.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/factions/loyalists-aoh.cfg:4
msgid "Loyalists"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/factions/northerners-aoh.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/factions/northerners-default.cfg:4
msgid "Northerners"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/factions/rebels-aoh.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/factions/rebels-default.cfg:4
msgid "Rebels"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/factions/undead-default.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/factions/undead-aoh.cfg:4
msgid "Undead"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Blitz.cfg:8
msgid "2p - Blitz"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Charge.cfg:10 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Blitz.cfg:10
msgid "A duel map for super fast play."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Blue_Water_Province.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Loris_River.cfg:8 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sablestone_Delta.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Clash.cfg:6 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Hamlets.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:6 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Morituri.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Charge.cfg:10 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Blitz.cfg:10 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Den_of_Onis.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Triple_Blitz.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Island_of_the_Horatii.cfg:7 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hornshark_Island.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Morituri.cfg:6 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Silverhead_Crossing.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Castle_Hopping_Isle.cfg:8 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:34 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hamlets.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:6 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Meteor_Lake.cfg:5
msgid " Recommended setting of 2 gold per village."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sablestone_Delta.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:47 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Hamlets.cfg:20 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Hamlets.cfg:53 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Morituri.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Waterloo_Sunset.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Waterloo_Sunset.cfg:41 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Waterloo_Sunset.cfg:74 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Charge.cfg:23 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Blitz.cfg:23 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Cynsaun_Battlefield.cfg:23 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Den_of_Onis.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Triple_Blitz.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Island_of_the_Horatii.cfg:21 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hornshark_Island.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Morituri.cfg:17 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Morituri.cfg:47 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:61 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hamlets.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Forest_of_Fear.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:25 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:65 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:105 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Xanthe_Chaos.cfg:29 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Xanthe_Chaos.cfg:39
msgid "teamname^North"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sablestone_Delta.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:59 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Hamlets.cfg:31 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Hamlets.cfg:42 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Waterloo_Sunset.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Waterloo_Sunset.cfg:52 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Waterloo_Sunset.cfg:63 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Charge.cfg:34 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Blitz.cfg:34 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Cynsaun_Battlefield.cfg:35 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Den_of_Onis.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hornshark_Island.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Morituri.cfg:27 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Morituri.cfg:37 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:49 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hamlets.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Forest_of_Fear.cfg:59 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Xanthe_Chaos.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Xanthe_Chaos.cfg:49
msgid "teamname^South"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:31
msgid "2p - Caves of the Basilisk"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:33
msgid "Players must maneuver their units through the divisive terrain of this long-feared region, once the home of a legendary Elder Basilisk. The road to victory is punctuated by the petrified forms of some of Wesnoth's greatest heroes."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:93
msgid ""
"The winds of the dark sky blew so cold,\n"
"The moon was high, the night was old,\n"
"Brave was the drake that dared forsake\n"
"His home to steal the Basilisk's gold.\n"
"On that dark night, the skies so churned,\n"
"He disregarded what he had learned,\n"
"Foolish but brave, to the Basilisk's cave,\n"
"He flew, and the fire within him burned.\n"
"Alas, that fire burns no more,\n"
"For the Basilisk, with one mighty roar,\n"
"Chilled him to the bone, and he turned to stone,\n"
"And so he stays forevermore.\n"
"The winds of the sky blow so cold,\n"
"The years pass by, the days are old,\n"
"Here stands that drake, who dared forsake\n"
"His home to steal the Basilisk's gold.\n"
"(inscribed by Flametrooper)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:106
msgid ""
"Slim of Stature, dexterous Hands\n"
"- - Seven Stones and Eleven\n"
"Left his Foes so slim a Chance\n"
"- - Seven Stones and Eleven\n"
"Marksman known as Dragonbane\n"
"'mongst the Statues here was slain\n"
"- - Seven Stones - and the Elven\n"
"(inscribed by Gauteamus)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:115
msgid ""
"Blum Duk was renowned among his goblin clan for having tamed one of the Dire Wolves of the mountains, and he had the courage to match. His leadership and skills alone were what kept the area's goblins alive despite human and elvish menaces. Rumor had it that his wolf had slain fifty men and a hundred Elves.\n"
"Thus, when he heard of the awful monster that was inhabiting the area, it was only natural that he ride out alone to face it. All the other goblins expected him to slay the creature easily and drag back its carcass to feast on.\n"
"He was in for quite a shock. As soon as he saw the Basilisk, Blum Duk cowered in fright. He tried to wheel his wolf around to run away, but it wouldn't move. As the creature stalked towards him, he screamed his last words: Good Gog, dog, are yer legs made of stone?!?\n"
"(inscribed by Elvish Pillager)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:122
msgid ""
"He had lived there for ages upon ages, in the depths of the water, preying upon the various fish and frogs and merfolk that entered his domain. It was his lake, no other's, and though it was not large, he was its master. Then, the Basilisk came, and looked into the Serpent's eyes. And the Serpent had not died, but it was no longer alive. Thus the new lord of the lake had arrived.\n"
"(inscribed by Turin)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:129
msgid ""
"A brave hero of Wesnoth's Golden Age, this great rider and commander of men came to this evil place while on a raid against the orcs. Caught unaware by the foul creatures, many of his fellows were killed, but he fought valiantly, slaying many a foe. But alas! The foul Basilisk turned him to stone even as he slew the last orc. Now all that is left is a stark reminder of his once great bearing and strength.\n"
"(inscribed by Fynmiir)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:138
msgid ""
"Bramwythl the Wose was always considered a slow, taciturn fellow, even by other Woses. More than any other Wose, he enjoyed simply standing alone in the sun, arms upraised, admiring the beauty of the empty sky. Once, even, he confided in a fellow that his greatest wish was to be able to bask forever in the sun's glory.\n"
"However, not long after, the local wose community heard of the approach of a horrible monster, powerful enough to easily destroy the few woses that lived in the area. They quickly moved off (quickly for Woses, anyway), but Bramwythl was left behind - in their haste, no one had remembered to find him and tell him of the danger.\n"
"He was taken quite unawares by the Basilisk, and turned to stone before he even recognized the beast. His petrified form still stands there today, warmed by the sun's rays, under an open sky. His greatest wish has been granted.\n"
"(inscribed by Elvish Pillager)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:145
msgid ""
"This brave warrior, known as Rilhon among the Naga, heard tell of a fabulous treasure that had been lost in these watery caves- a spear whose head was said to have been fashioned from the tooth of Chak'kso Ney'yks, an Elder Basilisk slain long ago by the Elvish hero, Eloralduil. According to the legend, the weapon rested somewhere on the bottom of this very lake (Ruaskkolin Lake, named for a well-known Sea Serpent who made it his home). Having prepared himself for battle with the Serpent, Rilhon met with two rather large surprises. The first was the petrified form of Ruaskkolin the Serpent. The second was the very-much-alive Chak'kso Ney'yks, who was, oddly enough, in possession of all of his teeth.\n"
"(inscribed by Paterson)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:165
msgid ""
"Through waves and rocky channels\n"
"blue and white\n"
"she pulled and pushed the tides\n"
"and taught the fishes how to speak to planets\n"
"silver green\n"
"with magic\n"
"running from her spirit into skins of kelp and shells of snails\n"
"a twisting of her tail and hands\n"
"she sent her songs to run on pin-tipped legs about the sands\n"
"and now\n"
"and now the strangest pause\n"
"for centuries\n"
"she hasn't moved her eyes\n"
"(inscribed by MJQ)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Charge.cfg:8
msgid "2p - Charge"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Cynsaun_Battlefield.cfg:8
msgid "2p - Cynsaun Battlefield"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Cynsaun_Battlefield.cfg:10
msgid " Recommended settings of 150 gold and 1 gold per village."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Cynsaun_Battlefield.cfg:10
msgid "There is much to explore in this vast battlefront, designed for players who favor epic, large-scale duel matches."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Den_of_Onis.cfg:4
msgid "2p - Den of Onis"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Den_of_Onis.cfg:5
msgid "Danger lurks around every corner in this underground battlefield, a duel map where force and subterfuge meet."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hamlets.cfg:4
msgid "2p - Hamlets"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Hamlets.cfg:5 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hamlets.cfg:5
msgid "Warfare transforms the simple farms and villages of a peaceful region into a subtly parceled battlefield."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hornshark_Island.cfg:4
msgid "2p - Hornshark Island"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Hornshark_Island.cfg:5
msgid "Players must navigate the dispersive terrain of this small but topographically dense island."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Meteor_Lake.cfg:4
msgid "2p - Meteor Lake"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Meteor_Lake.cfg:5
msgid "Long ago, a great meteor fell from the heavens, leaving its mark on this coniferous region."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Clash.cfg:17 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Clash.cfg:37 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_The_Manzivan_Traps.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_The_Manzivan_Traps.cfg:41 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_The_Manzivan_Traps.cfg:74 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Paths_of_Daggers.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Paths_of_Daggers.cfg:49 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Morituri.cfg:39 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Triple_Blitz.cfg:39 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Island_of_the_Horatii.cfg:41 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:21 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Silverhead_Crossing.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Castle_Hopping_Isle.cfg:31 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Castle_Hopping_Isle.cfg:41 data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Forest_of_Fear.cfg:29 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Meteor_Lake.cfg:19
msgid "teamname^West"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Clash.cfg:27 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Clash.cfg:47 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_The_Manzivan_Traps.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_The_Manzivan_Traps.cfg:52 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_The_Manzivan_Traps.cfg:63 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Paths_of_Daggers.cfg:29 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Paths_of_Daggers.cfg:39 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Morituri.cfg:29 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Triple_Blitz.cfg:29 data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Island_of_the_Horatii.cfg:31 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:28 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Silverhead_Crossing.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Castle_Hopping_Isle.cfg:21 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Castle_Hopping_Isle.cfg:51 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Meteor_Lake.cfg:30
msgid "teamname^East"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sablestone_Delta.cfg:4
msgid "2p - Sablestone Delta"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sablestone_Delta.cfg:5
msgid "Two armies collide on this disjointed coastal landscape of hidden caves and jagged rivers."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Silverhead_Crossing.cfg:4
msgid "2p - Silverhead Crossing"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Silverhead_Crossing.cfg:5
msgid "Players must traverse all manner of terrain in pursuit of victory on this multi-fronted duel map."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:18
msgid "statue"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:19
msgid "This is a sculpture made of stone."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:33
msgid "2p - Sullas Ruins"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:34
msgid "Flooded by the seas and battered by the winter elements, only ruins, water and ice now remain in the shadow of this once mighty empire."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:74
msgid "Statue of Sulla"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:76
msgid "A stone-carved likeness of Sulla the Great, also known as Sulla the Just, Sulla the Tyrant, Empress of the Sinking Tower, Scion of the Crushing Gales, Lady of the Walking Glacier, Keeper of the Burning Wave, Queen of the Leveling Flame, Sulla the Incinerator, Sulla the Proud and Sulla the Righteous."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:79
msgid "Statue of Lhun-dup"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:80
msgid "A stone-carved likeness of Lhun-dup, Servant of Sulla."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:83
msgid "Statue of Ri-nzen"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:84
msgid "A stone-carved likeness of Ri-nzen, Servant of Sulla."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:87
msgid "Statue of Ten-zin"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:88
msgid "A stone-carved likeness of Ten-zin, Servant of Sulla."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:91
msgid "Statue of Lo-bsang"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Sullas_Ruins.cfg:92
msgid "A stone-carved likeness of Lo-bsang, Servant of Sulla."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:4
msgid "2p - Wesbowl"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:6
msgid "In Wesbowl, a player has to get any of the balls to the other player's end zone as often as possible. However, the other player can attack your units. Wesbowl is played with blunt weapons, and healers are on hand, so when units are killed, they return to that player's end zone with an injury."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:11
msgid ""
"@Move either ball to your opponent's end zone more times than they move a ball to yours.\n"
"#Opponent moves the balls to your end zone more times than you move them to the opponent's end zone"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:178 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:424
msgid "Red scores! Current score is $redscore-$bluescore"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:221 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:467
msgid "Blue scores! Current score is $redscore-$bluescore"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:304 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:550
msgid "Should I pass the ball to $passto.type ($xloc,$yloc)?"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:306 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:552
msgid "Yes!"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:328 data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:574
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:597
msgid "Blue team wins! Final score: $redscore-$bluescore"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:610
msgid "Red team wins! Final score: $redscore-$bluescore"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Wesbowl.cfg:623
msgid "Draw! Final score: $redscore-$bluescore"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Island_of_the_Horatii.cfg:6
msgid "3p - Island of the Horatii"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Island_of_the_Horatii.cfg:7
msgid "Controlling the central island is often the key to victory in this 21x21hex 3 player free for all map."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Morituri.cfg:4
msgid "3p - Morituri"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Morituri.cfg:5
msgid "Only one faction will emerge victorious from this tightly bordered three-player map."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Triple_Blitz.cfg:4
msgid "3p - Triple Blitz"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/3p_Triple_Blitz.cfg:5
msgid "Three players come head to head on this water-cut battlefield."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Blue_Water_Province.cfg:4
msgid "4p - Blue Water Province"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Blue_Water_Province.cfg:5
msgid "It has been said that Bluewater Province has been destroyed and rebuilt some twenty times. Now, as armies once again converge on the rocky streams and snowcapped mountains of this small province, its villagers hardly seem to take notice."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Blue_Water_Province.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Blue_Water_Province.cfg:49 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:16 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:36 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:56 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:17 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:57 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:67 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:77 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:17 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:37 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:57
msgid "teamname^Team 1"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Blue_Water_Province.cfg:29 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Blue_Water_Province.cfg:39 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:26 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:46 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:66 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:27 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:37 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:47 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:87 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:27 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:47 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:67
msgid "teamname^Team 2"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Castle_Hopping_Isle.cfg:6
msgid "4p - Castle Hopping Isle"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Castle_Hopping_Isle.cfg:8
msgid "Hop from castle to castle while fighting over a central isle."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Clash.cfg:4
msgid "4p - Clash"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Clash.cfg:6
msgid "Small map for 2 vs. 2."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Hamlets.cfg:4
msgid "4p - Hamlets"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Isars_Cross.cfg:6
msgid "4p - Isar's Cross"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Isars_Cross.cfg:8
msgid "A very small 2 vs. 2 map. Close quarters fighting means the successful rotation of units and planning of moves is important. Teams set for players 1&4 vs. 2&3 (northeast vs. southwest). Designed for 75 starting gold, 20 villages."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Hexcake.cfg:27 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Hexcake.cfg:37 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Hexcake.cfg:67 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_King_of_the_Hill.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Siege_Castles.cfg:54 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Isars_Cross.cfg:19 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Isars_Cross.cfg:52 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:45 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:55 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:95
msgid "teamname^South-West"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Hexcake.cfg:17 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Hexcake.cfg:47 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Hexcake.cfg:57 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_King_of_the_Hill.cfg:41 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Siege_Castles.cfg:32 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Isars_Cross.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Isars_Cross.cfg:41 data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Forest_of_Fear.cfg:49
msgid "teamname^North-East"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_King_of_the_Hill.cfg:6
msgid "4p - King of the Hill"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_King_of_the_Hill.cfg:8
msgid "Controlling the area around the central keep is very lucrative in this 36X36 4 player FFA map. Works fine 2 vs. 2 as well. There are 36 villages."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_King_of_the_Hill.cfg:8 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Siege_Castles.cfg:8
msgid " Recommended setting of 2 gold per village and 150 starting gold."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Loris_River.cfg:35 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Loris_River.cfg:45 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_King_of_the_Hill.cfg:30 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Siege_Castles.cfg:43 data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Forest_of_Fear.cfg:39 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:35 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:75 data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:85
msgid "teamname^South-East"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Loris_River.cfg:25 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Loris_River.cfg:55 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_King_of_the_Hill.cfg:52 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Siege_Castles.cfg:21
msgid "teamname^North-West"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Lagoon.cfg:4
msgid "4p - Lagoon"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_The_Wilderlands.cfg:24 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:6 data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Lagoon.cfg:5
msgid " Recommended setting of 1 gold per village."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Lagoon.cfg:5
msgid "Four factions contend for dominance over this watery settlement."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Loris_River.cfg:6
msgid "4p - Loris River"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Loris_River.cfg:8
msgid "A 25x25 2 vs. 2 map centered around a river with keeps in opposite corners. Designed for players 1&4 vs. 2&3. There are 28 villages."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Morituri.cfg:4
msgid "4p - Morituri"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Morituri.cfg:6
msgid "Who will emerge from the confines of this perilous battlefield?"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Paths_of_Daggers.cfg:6
msgid "4p - Paths of Daggers"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Paths_of_Daggers.cfg:8
msgid " Recommended setting of 2 gold per village, 28 villages."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Paths_of_Daggers.cfg:8
msgid "A 35X27 2 vs. 2 map with 5 separate paths of engagement. Balanced to be played east vs. west (1&4 vs. 2&3), but works well with any teams or FFA."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Siege_Castles.cfg:6
msgid "4p - Siege Castles"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Siege_Castles.cfg:8
msgid "40X30 4 player map where 4 mighty castles face off at the convergence of two rivers. Works well as 2 vs. 2 or FFA. There are approximately 45 villages."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_The_Wilderlands.cfg:23
msgid "4p - The Wilderlands"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_The_Wilderlands.cfg:24
msgid "A vast region of wild, untamed wilderness, its terrain dotted with forests, caves, rivers, and the ruins of ancient fortresses."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_The_Wilderlands.cfg:69
msgid "Monsters"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Xanthe_Chaos.cfg:6
msgid "4p - Xanthe Chaos"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/4p_Xanthe_Chaos.cfg:8
msgid "A 24X28 2 vs. 2 map with auxiliary keeps, and a large messy battle in the center common."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Auction-X.cfg:4
msgid "5p - Auction-X"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Auction-X.cfg:6
msgid "4 players surround a central keep, play vs the AI survival style, or as a FFA or 4 vs. 1. The center player will need more gold in a 4 vs. 1 or FFA, and the best way to determine how much is an auction, LOWEST bid wins. It is a very small map so 75 gold is recommended for the other players."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Auction-X.cfg:20
msgid "teamname^Northeast"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Auction-X.cfg:31
msgid "teamname^Southeast"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Auction-X.cfg:42
msgid "teamname^Southwest"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Auction-X.cfg:53
msgid "teamname^Northwest"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Auction-X.cfg:64
msgid "teamname^Center"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Forest_of_Fear.cfg:4
msgid "5p - Forest of Fear"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/5p_Forest_of_Fear.cfg:6
msgid "In this mixed landscape, five armies battle for supremacy."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:4
msgid "6p - Amohsad Caldera"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Amohsad_Caldera.cfg:5
msgid "Only a true tactician will survive in this deadly and confining battlefield, where six boxed-in armies come to a head."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:4
msgid "6p - Crusaders' Field"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Crusaders_Field.cfg:6
msgid "The rallying cries of battle can once again be heard on this time-worn field of war, where the ghosts of thousands of brave warriors float invisibly through the mountains, trees and rivers."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Hexcake.cfg:4
msgid "6p - Hexcake"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Hexcake.cfg:6
msgid "2 vs. 2 or 3 vs. 3 team game."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:166
msgid "Turn 2: Loyalists"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:167
msgid "Turn 5: Knalgans"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:168
msgid "Turn 8: Rebels"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:169
msgid "Turn 11: Northerners"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:170
msgid "Turn 14: Drakes"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:171
msgid "Turn 17: Undead"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:172
msgid "Tower of Doom"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:303
msgid "6p - Team Survival"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:306
msgid "Scenario where the objective is to survive for as long as possible."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:313
msgid "Survive for 32 turns."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:313
msgid "Hint: Learning the enemy spawnpoints and types helps alot."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:314
msgid "Survive all enemy attacks."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:315
msgid "Death of your team leaders."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:337
msgid "Congratulations for surviving the map that so many people claim is impossible. Frankly, I haven't got a clue as to how you did it, so send me the replay by mail to: roze@roze.mine.nu. Thank You!"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:340
msgid "You have lost this game, but fear not. You can always try again. And again. And again. *Muahahaha*"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:346
msgid "Attacker"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:350 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:351 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:352 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:353 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:354 data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Team_Survival.cfg:355
msgid "Defender"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_The_Manzivan_Traps.cfg:6
msgid "6p - The Manzivan Traps"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_The_Manzivan_Traps.cfg:8
msgid "A 40X20 3 vs. 3 map. The Manzivan Traps are widely known as a difficult and confusing area of terrain where it is easy to end up out of position or over extended. Teams set for players 145 vs. 236 (east vs west). Designed for 100 starting gold, has 33 villages."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Waterloo_Sunset.cfg:6
msgid "6p - Waterloo Sunset"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/6p_Waterloo_Sunset.cfg:8
msgid "A 40X30 3 vs. 3 map. Flexible coordination of your alliance is required to avoid being outnumbered. Teams set for players 145 vs. 236 (north vs. south), but having players 146 or 136 as a team is also interesting. Designed for 150 starting gold, has 44 villages."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:4
msgid "8p_Mokena_Prairie"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:6
msgid "Inspired from Morituri, this 8 player map creates an epic battle scene that requires two teams to coordinate on both offense and defense."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:17 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:37 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:57 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:87
msgid "teamname^east"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:27 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:47 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:67 data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Mokena_Prairie.cfg:77
msgid "teamname^west"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:4
msgid "8p - Morituri"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/8p_Morituri.cfg:6
msgid "Teamwork and tactics are key to victory in this unusual battlefield, where eight armies fight to the finish."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:6
msgid "9p - Merkwuerdigliebe"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:8
msgid "A very small 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 map. A 60sec timer is recommended due to the large number of players. The teams are players 159 vs. 267 vs. 348 (north vs. southeast vs. southwest). There are very few villages per player, so 3 gold per villages is recommended."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario.cfg:9
msgid "Random map"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario.cfg:5
msgid "Randomly generated map. Note: random maps are often unbalanced, but if you have time, you can regenerate them until you get a good one."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Desert.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Desert.cfg:10
msgid "Random map (Desert)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Desert.cfg:5
msgid "A random map with sand as the primary terrain. Note: random maps are often unbalanced, but if you have time, you can regenerate them until you get a good one."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Marsh.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Marsh.cfg:9
msgid "Random map (Marsh)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Marsh.cfg:5
msgid "A random map with swamp as the primary terrain. Note: random maps are often unbalanced, but if you have time, you can regenerate them until you get a good one."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Winter.cfg:4 data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Winter.cfg:9
msgid "Random map (Winter)"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Random_Scenario_Winter.cfg:5
msgid "A random map set in the break between spring and winter, mainly with snowy terrains. Note: random maps are often unbalanced, but if you have time, you can regenerate them until you get a good one."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Wesbench_AI.cfg:7
msgid "Wesnoth Benchmark: AI"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Wesbench_AI.cfg:8
msgid "A wesnoth benchmark, use --nogui --no-delay --multiplayer --scenario=wesbench_ai --exit-at-end."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Wesbench_Scroll.cfg:7
msgid "Wesnoth Benchmark: Scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Wesbench_Scroll.cfg:8
msgid "A wesnoth benchmark, use --no-delay --multiplayer --scenario=wesbench_scroll --exit-at-end."
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Wesbench_Shroud_Walk.cfg:7
msgid "Wesnoth Benchmark: Walking through Shroud"
msgstr ""
#: data/multiplayer/scenarios/Wesbench_Shroud_Walk.cfg:8
msgid "A wesnoth benchmark, use --no-delay --multiplayer --scenario=wesbench_shroud_walk --exit-at-end."
msgstr ""